The World of Naruto in the Eyes of Reincarnation

The World of Naruto in the Eyes of Reincarnation Chapter 727

Undoubtedly, in order to stabilize the Uchiha clan and gain more time to deal with a possible rebellion, the village used some small means in the canvassing of votes, which blinded the Uchiha clan’s judgment and made Fuyue believe that the vote of confidence is a safe bet. .

This is the only way to explain why Fu Yue has changed from what he was just now to the hysterical appearance.

As for the means used by the village, it was nothing more than asking some ninjas to say ambiguous words to Fuyue, making Fuyue mistakenly believe that he was supported, and then put more energy into canvassing votes.

"Hey, what a stupid thing!"

After vaguely guessing the cause and effect, Hyuga Kyoka secretly slandered.

With the pride of Uchiha's clan, being played like a monkey by the village, even with Fudake's indecision, I'm afraid it has to be the opposite.

In other words, the village did this by voluntarily giving up the negotiation, directly acquiescing that Uchiha would rebel, and started deployment ahead of time, taking Uchiha as the target of the attack.

In Hyuga Kyou's view, the village is not without a better way.

When Uchiha Tomitake proposed to restart the campaign for the Five Dynasties of Hokage, the village should put aside its prejudices, make a decisive judgment, and then fully support the level of the water stop in favor of the Hokage series. After all, the key to the village’s fear of water stop is that water stop can be permanent. The kaleidoscope of changing the will of others, the pupil technique of writing round eyes,'Farewell God', and if Shishui himself became Hokage, this fear would not exist.

But the prejudice accumulated over the past few decades and the misunderstanding that night of the'Nine Tails Rebellion' are not so easy to eliminate.

This also led to the loss of the only Naruto candidate that can be accepted by both parties.

In addition, Kakashi lost a crucial battle that he could not defeat, and he pushed Naruto into the corner step by step, and had to do something stupid in the eyes of an outsider, Hyuga Kami.

At this time, the Uchiha clan at the ticket gate bravely came to Uchiha Tomitake and asked, "My patriarch, what should we do now?"

Knowing that he was trapped in the conspiracy from beginning to end, Fu Yue just turned his head and looked at the people on the Hokage Building coldly, and then said in an extremely cold tone: "Let's go!"

After all, Uchiha Fudake didn't even say hello, and led the Uchiha tribesmen away.

Looking at Fuyue who was going away, Hyuga Kyou was also a little speechless, and said: "Such an obvious trap will be fooled. Don't cheat you!"

Hyuga mirror really can’t understand why Fuyue feels so good that he feels that all ethnic groups in the village will support him. Such a misjudgment is simply fatal for a decision maker. From this point of view, the Hokage series He didn't make concessions and let him be the fifth generation, but it was not entirely wrong.

Yuan Shikong was the same. After his son slaughtered the whole clan and raised a knife at himself, he discovered that his son was a spy in the village. After this, he realized that there was no one left.

Just when Hyuga Koji was feeling a little bit emotional, the bell on the side weeped with joy, and said excitedly: "Kira, have become Hokage! You really become Hokage!"

At this time, the third generation walked in front of Hyuga Kyou, took off the Hokage hat from his head, and handed it to Hyuga Kyou: "Hyuga Kyou, from this moment on, you are the fifth generation Hokage of Kinabaura!"

In an instant, applause and cheers rang out.

Hearing the applause and cheers in his ears after receiving the Hokage Hat, Hyuga Kyoka was a little stunned.

He didn't plan to be Hokage at all, but he didn't expect to take over the Hokage hats handed over by three generations in this most orthodox and impeccable way to the cheers of the villagers and take over as Hokage.

"Hey, how come I, the spy of Dashewan who stayed in the village, became Hokage!"

At this time, there was a thought suddenly occurred in Hyuga Kyou's mind, that is, Oshemaru, who had lost the confidence vote. If he knew that his disciple had become the five generations of Hokage through the confidence vote, what would he look like...


The second is more!Yesterday, I had a bad stomach. I had a diarrhea for a whole day. I was dizzy. I was planning to ask for more tickets, but I had no choice but to give up. However, during the eleventh period, the monthly ticket will be doubled. Thanks!

Chapter 812 The Ceiling Named'Destiny' (seeking a monthly pass!)



Listening to the faint sound of the salute coming from the village of Konoha in the distance, and the cheers of the crowds humming over the village, standing on a high cliff outside Konoha Village, wearing a whirlpool mask with dirt on her head will understand Konoha's five generations of Hokage have been produced.

At this moment, there is still a person standing quietly beside the soil.

This person is Hyuga Aoki who has hurriedly defected from Konoha not long ago, but judging from the posture that he can stand calmly without the help of any foreign objects, it may not be his long-handed deity who appeared here. , But a puppet that is almost exactly the same as his deity, and looks like a living person.

Obviously, after cooperating with Akatsuki, Hyuga Aoki has received technical support from Akatsuki, and has obtained a powerful puppet far beyond the past.

Opening the white eyes in his eye sockets, Hyuga Aoki remotely observed for a while, and then smiled: "It seems that the candidates for the five generations have been announced!"

The white eyes in the puppet’s eyes are undoubtedly the high-purity white eyes that Hiuka Aoki had acquired from the clan elder who was guarding the secret vault.

It's just that because the distance is too far, even if the purity of these white eyes is high, it is impossible to see who won the fifth generation of Hokage. Only from the movement in the village, the candidate for the fifth generation of Hokage has been revealed.

Daido glanced at Hyuga Aoki next to him, "Who do you think it will be?"

"It should be you Uchiha!" After a pause, Hyuga Aoki joked, "Anyway, in Hokage's position, the village will never let a Morito dog whose life is in the hands of other people sit. There is no doubt about this!"

Although the tone was joking, Hyuga Aoki's expression was extremely determined.

As a member of the Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Aoki is very clear about the political status of the Hyuga Clan in the family and the village. To put it bluntly, it is inferior, and in some cases even not as good as a civilian ninja, so he is very determined that Hyuga is determined. It is impossible to defeat Uchiha Tomitake and become the highest leader in the village.

"Well, it makes sense."

Thinking of his past in the ninja school, Oeitu also felt that Hyuga Kage had little chance of winning, or that he was unwilling to accept the fact that Hyuga Kage could become Naruto.

Because this is ridiculous to him.

After a while, Jue reached out half of his body from the ground and said, "Konoha's five generations of Hokage have been selected!"

Seeing Taito and Hyuga Aoki, he didn't seem to be curious at all. He was taken aback and asked: "Why, do you already know who the Five Dynasties Hokage is?"

"The Uchiha clan inserted Shinichi into our organization, and successfully retrieved Shinichi, and obtained a large amount of information in our organization, forcing us to change the base again, and Uchiha Tomitake revealed the kaleidoscope again. Lunyan, there are three pairs of kaleidoscope writing Lunyan in the Uchiha clan at the same time. With such credit and power, the three generations have to compromise!"

Speaking slowly with soil.

He felt that Hyuga Kagami could not be Hokage. In addition to the mutual contempt of the same crane tail, there was also his judgment of the current power of the Uchiha clan.

Jue shrugged and joked: "The Uchiha clan seems to be the same as you think, but it's a pity that this time it is Hyuga Kyoka who won, and he is Konoha's fifth Naruto!"


Under the whirlpool mask, he was shocked.

Before bringing the soil to question, Hyuga Aoki on the side shouted with a ferocious expression: "No, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible, why did Hyuga Kagami become Hokage!"

For a long time, Hyuga Aoki has believed that his miserable life was caused by the "cage bird" on his forehead, and by the clan who was above the branch.

It was the "cage bird" and the Zong family that covered an invisible but tangible ceiling over the head of the branch. No matter how excellent the members of the branch were, and how hard they worked, they couldn't get rid of the destiny. 'The ceiling.

But Hyuga Kagami, who is also a member of the family, has become the five generations of Hokage in the village in the vote of all Shangren in the most impeccable way. This reality has undoubtedly subverted his inherent ideas.

It seems to tell him that as long as he is good enough, the ceiling of the so-called "destiny" can also be broken, and the Hyuga mirror that became the fifth generation of Hokage is an example in front of him.

"No, he is just a Morito dog willing to obey the orders of the clan. How could he be better than me? Better than Aoba? No, I will never admit it! I am the one who breaks fate!"

Hyuga Aoki roared hysterically, this kind of self-determined thing, the feeling of being easily denied, made him extremely painful.

"The tail of the crane in the mirror actually defeated Shishui, defeated Kakashi, defeated Fuyue, and became Hokage. How is this possible? Something must be wrong, even Kakashi!"