The World of Naruto in the Eyes of Reincarnation

The World of Naruto in the Eyes of Reincarnation Chapter 1160

When they saw that there was only one Uchiha Madara waiting for them, they realized that something was wrong.

It's just that they didn't expect Akatsuki's movements to be so violent. They had just encountered Uchiha Madara, and Akatsuki had already launched an attack on Konoha.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying said: "You can't waste time here!"


Both the fourth generation Shuiying and the fourth generation Fengying nodded. The Xiao organization made it clear that they were adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, so only by returning to help as soon as possible can all crises be resolved.

Three generations of Tukage shook his head, looking up and down in the distance, Uchiha Madara like a killing machine said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Recalling the battle of Endgame with Uchiha Madara back then, the three generations of Hokage nodded in agreement.

Unlike the younger generation of movies, the third generation of Hokage and the third generation of Tukage know what the name Uchiha Madara means.

The fourth generation of Raikage still didn't care, and told the ninja of the communication class: "Tell the headquarters, let them stick to it, and we will return immediately!"


The ninja of the communication class immediately responded, and then bowed back.

The fourth generation Raikage looked at the distant battlefield at this time and snorted coldly: "Hmph, I've heard of Uchiha Madara's reputation, but so what? Could he alone stop us Five Shadows plus 40,000 ninjas? Allied forces!"

The fourth generation of Fukage was a little annoyed: "The Akatsuki organization tried to get a Uchiha Madara to hold us. This is too much of us!"

The fourth generation of Shui Ying, who also watched the battlefield in the distance, said: "The opponent seems to be just a'filthy soil body'.

The fourth generation of Raikage moved his neck: "Solve the battle within ten minutes!"


The second is more, please referral ticket, monthly ticket!In addition, thanks to the students who gave a reward today, thank you everyone!

Chapter 1279 The Blooming Blood Flower (Seeking a monthly pass!)


The wailing sound seemed to form a line on the battlefield, converging into the trajectory of Uchiha Madara's action.

Madara in the ninja army is like a dancer, with a unique rhythm, performing indifferent and efficient killing, wherever it goes, it is covered with blood blooming flowers.

Ordinary Zhong Ren can't resist even a single move, and even Shang Ren, most of them are collapsed.

Scarlet eyes moved quickly up and down in his eye sockets, no matter where the offensive was in that direction, the enemy hiding somewhere could not escape his insight.

Ever since, the entire battlefield has become a stage for him to interpret and write round eyes and physical skills.


At this time, a kunai screaming with a breaking wind attacked Uchiha Madara from the blind spot behind him.

Uchiha Madara's expression remained unchanged, and he snatched the long sword in the hands of Yunin Shinnin in front of him. Then he turned around and slashed without looking at him, cutting the kunai that hit him in two neatly and neatly. half.

Kunai, who was cut in half from the middle, unbiasedly hit the two ninjas in the ninja alliance on both sides, and instantly completed a double kill!

This whole set of actions is like flowing water, as if they have experienced rehearsal, no difference!

And Yunyin Shangren, who was robbed of the long sword in his hand, subconsciously wanted to use Jieyin to perform ninjutsu, but before he finished Jieyin, he found that the long sword that had been taken away had stabbed him at some point. Chest.


With a strong fishy smell, blood spurted out from the wound on his chest, dyeing the clothes red!

As his consciousness gradually blurred, Yunin Kamininho's vision was only the indifferent leaving figure of Uchiha Madara.

"Damn it, don't I deserve to let him take a look?"

With a deep unwillingness, Yun Yin Shangren fell to the ground and lost his breath.

Uchiha Madara's killing continued, and the gorgeous flowers blooming with blood followed him wherever he passed.

Unlike Hyuga Kagami's extremely concise physique style, Uchiha Madara's physique style is equally fierce, but every move has Uchiha's unique fancy.

The dazzling skills seem to have been carved into the bones of every Uchiha, and even Uchiha Madara!


After crushing the neck of a misty ninja again, Uchiha Madara jumped up without warning, and blocked the misty ninja's body as a shield in front of him.

Almost at the same time, a burst of golden sand burst out of the ground and slammed into Uchiha Madara!


Jinsha hit the corpse of the misty ninja and made a muffled noise, and with the reaction force, Uchiha Madara put aside the corpse of the misty ninja in his hand, while tossing in the air for a while, and then fell steadily. On the ground, the fourth generation Fengying's sneak attack was solved in an understatement.

Hh hh...

At this time, with the sound of breaking the wind, Five Shadows appeared on the battlefield.

The fourth generation of Raikage waved his hand, and the sound of the urn shouted: "Everything is scattered, we will deal with this guy!"

Four generations of Fengying shouted: "Uchiha Madara, with our five shadows, how can you be so rampant!"

After dusting the dust off his armor, Uchiha Madara's gaze swept across Gokage one by one, and said coldly, "It seems that Uchiha is not very good now, so you guys can even despise us Uchiha. Power! Hey, when did you have the illusion that the Five Shadows can match Uchiha?"

Three generations of Tuying said: "Your time is long gone, lie back in the coffin obediently!"

Uchiha Madara smiled and said, "Ohnoki? Heh, are you little devils old enough to be this way?"

The third generation of Hokage said at this time: "Uchiha Madara, no matter what plot you have, we will stop you!"

"Stop me?" Uchiha Madara slowly raised his arms, showing contempt, "Then try it out!"

After that, he made a seal with both hands: "Fire escape, extinguish the fire!"

In an instant, Uchiha Madara’s mouth burst into a sea of ​​fire, and a B-class fire escape, like a mountain fire erupting, illuminating the entire sky red!


Seeing the flames filled with vision and the blazing heat that hits, the ninjas on the side of the ninja coalition were all startled.

Everyone has seen a lot of fire escape ninjutsu, but it was the first time they encountered this kind of fire escape that seemed like a natural disaster, and the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

The four generations of Shuiying, Tachibana Yakura, who had been on alert, did not hesitate, and immediately broke out the tail beast Chakra with all his strength, Jieyin shouted: "Shui Dun, Water Front!"


With the blessing of the tail beast Chakra, waves of water spurted out from the ground, forming a huge wave of ten meters high, facing the sea of ​​fire!