The world's richest man starts from signing in 1 million every day

One hundred and forty-nine. No, Mr. Su found out that we worked overtime.

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Su Ye pondered all night before thinking of a way.

How to give Li Qianqian's father a gift.

Isn't he a small staff member of the Cultural Affairs Bureau? Isn't he just asking himself how to solve the employment problem of laid-off workers?

Su Ye guessed that Li Qianqian's father should be a person who is incapable but a bit of an official fan.

That being the case, it is very simple to prescribe the right medicine.

The solution for laid-off workers is already in his mind. When Dad Li Qianqian asks, he can tell the truth.

But this can only solve a small problem.

After all, the employment of laid-off workers is not something he, a small staff member of the Cultural Bureau, should worry about.

After handing in this plan, at best, it won the favor of a certain leader.

Over time, this favor will slowly dissipate.

Therefore, Su Ye thought about it all night and came up with something that had something to do with the Cultural Affairs Bureau.

In this case, Li Qianqian's father will definitely be able to strike while the iron is hot.

After handing in the first plan and leaving a deep impression on the leader, he can do his job again.

Give credit and you will definitely get a promotion.

After promotion, I must be in a good mood.

If you are in a good mood, you will remember that Su Ye gave him this plan.

When you think of Su Ye, you think this is a nice young man.

Since Su Ye is good, then I would be very relieved to give Li Qianqian to him.

As long as Li Qianqian's father agrees with Su Ye, then Li Qianqian's mother will definitely not make any comments.

Have you never heard the old saying that mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more you look at it, the more satisfied it becomes?

Su Ye sorted out this idea, and personally felt that there was no problem at all.

The suit Chen Junzhu bought with him last time on the boat, he ran to the company early in the morning by himself.

Today is the weekend, because my rule is that overtime is forbidden on weekends.

He is not good to let Hu Yidao get up and send him.

The morning sun is shining.

The air is fresh in the morning.

The temperature in the early morning, shit, a bit cold.

Su Ye subconsciously tightened his collar, bought a luxurious breakfast at the steamed bun shop on the street and walked to the company.

Not to mention, I don't know if it was exercise or the breakfast provided calories. Su Ye didn't feel cold, and even felt warm.

Putting the plastic bag into the trash can next to the company, Su Ye was stunned.

"Why is this company open."

"Who was the last to leave last night, I must report criticism when Monday comes."

Su Ye swiped the door with her ID card, feeling a little unhappy.

Although the company now has access control, the administrative department has long made a requirement that the door must be locked with a U-shaped lock after get off work.

Unexpectedly, there are still people who dare not follow the rules.

It seems that it is not enough to be kind to just one person. As the boss of the company, one must be majestic.

Su Ye reflected on herself in her heart, pushed the door open, and turned on the light next to her.

"Oh, let me go."

"What kind of smell is this."

Su Ye quickly blocked the glass door that was about to close automatically and took a step back.

As soon as he entered, he smelled a mixture of smelly feet, sweat, instant noodles, potato chips, ham, and braised eggs.

If it hadn't been known that this was the Qingyun Technology Company's office, Su Ye almost thought it was a position that had just been attacked by biological and chemical weapons.

After opening both doors, Su Ye was able to enter the company after a while.

The first time he rushed to the window, opened the curtains, and opened the window.

The autumn breeze in Jiangcheng at the end of October has the effect of removing odors, and soon the smell of the office has disappeared.

Su Ye was walking in the office, wanting to see where the smell was coming from.


He saw an amazing scene.

On the sofa in the staff rest area not far from the administration department, several people lay all over the place.

The small coffee table next to it, on the table, is filled with various snacks, drinks, instant noodles and other items.

"Wang Yifei?"

"Chen Nanfeng?"

"Sun Xiaolei?"


"Zhuang Yiming?"

"Why are these guys here."

Su Ye is secretly speculating whether these executives have formed a small secret group in his company.

Then we gathered here all night last night.

As for the nature of this small group, Su Ye said it cannot be said or said.

"Manager Su?"

"How did you come."

Because of his wife's pregnancy, Chen Nanfeng has been sleeping relatively lightly for most of the past six months. He felt that someone was approaching him with a cool breeze and opened half his eyes to look at Su Ye in a daze.

"Manager Su?"

Immediately, he did not wait for Su Ye to reply.


This is absolutely over.

Yesterday, a few of them had been looking at the growing sales and didn't want to go home. They couldn't hold back their troubles and went to the rest area to sleep until after 3 o'clock in the morning when the growth rate of various data slowed down.

But when I came together this morning, I saw Su Ye.

Is this okay?

Company executives, except for Li Qianqian, who is a woman, did not show up.

No one else left, they were all here.

It's over, this time I will be served by President Su in a pot.

"Why do you guys sleep here, aren't you afraid of catching a cold?"

Chen Nanfeng thought about one hundred kinds of Su Ye.

The only thing that didn’t expect Su Ye to ask him about this. Originally, he thought that Su Ye would definitely be furious and reprimand them for working overtime privately, or praising them kindly for their dedication to the company, or...

"No, it's okay."

"We closed the windows just after 10 o'clock yesterday, it was not cold at all."

Chen Nanfeng replied in a low voice, now his eyes have been completely opened, and the whole person is no longer sleepy.

Even, he quietly used the right hand that Su Ye couldn't see, gently pulling Wang Yifei's sleeve next to him.

"Don't make trouble."

"Let me sleep again."

"Sister Yihan, you are so beautiful, hehehe..."

Listening to Wang Yifei's sleepy words when he was touched by himself, Chen Nanfeng couldn't help but a black line.

This sister Yihan, he heard Wang Yifei talk about it yesterday.

It was a reporter from Longhan TV station who came to the company to interview. He looks really beautiful.

Due to the confidentiality of the work of the R&D department, Li Qianqian specifically did not take reporters to them that day.

For this reason, Li Qianqian later explained to Chen Nanfeng.

But I didn't expect that the reporters came here for more than an hour in total, and Wang Yifei would never forget them, even dreaming about it.

What a shame.

But when Wang Yifei turned over while talking in a dream, his movements were too great to meet Luo Sen and Zhuang Yiming beside him.

The two opened their eyes in a daze, and they saw Su Ye who was standing not far away.

"President Su, you are here for work."

"What time is it now."

Sun Xiaolei also sleeps very soundly on the carpet. Since joining Qingyun Technology, this is the most sound and deepest he has slept in so many years.

However, feeling the cold air coming from outside the window, he felt as if he had returned to prison for a moment, and a Ji Ling woke up.

"Su, Su Ye, President Su."

Su Ye looked at the few people who were already awake before him, and then at Wang Yifei, who was sleeping soundly and drooling over there, and asked in a deep voice, "You guys, did you work overtime all night last night."



Several people lowered their heads and said embarrassedly.

Who would have thought that when other companies are encouraging employees to call on employees and even force employees to work overtime, Qingyun Technology will do the opposite.

Not only will everyone not be rewarded or praised for working overtime, they will also face Su Ye's ruthless criticism and financial punishment (compensation), and...

A few people looked at each other, and Su Ye even reported their overtime work privately to the company for criticism.

It's a good thing, it's good now, and the image in the minds of the employees is all ruined.

"Hey, let me tell you what is good."

"One by one, the bosses are big and big, and they have gathered together to blatantly confront the company's regulations, especially the heads of several of your business units, who also personally took the lead to work overtime.

"Do you know how bad this will affect the company's employees and colleagues."

"If your subordinate employees know that you like to work overtime so much, they will work overtime secretly if it works."

"Colleagues who abide by the rules and refuse to work overtime will become aliens in the eyes of others."

"There will even be the idea that if I don't work overtime, the leader will wear shoes for me, or think that I don't love work."

"Slowly, more and more people will work overtime, and the company's rules will become useless."

"Do you know why I founded Qingyun Technology?"

Su Ye said bitterly.

He finally started a company that could not work overtime, if it was ruined.

How sad he should be.

Obviously it was my personal time after get off work, but the subordinates called.

Do you say whether to process or not to process.

Deal with the violation of company rules set by yourself.

If you don't deal with it, it's not appropriate. After all, the problem is already known, and if you don't deal with it, you won't be able to let it go, right.

In this way, Qingyun Technology will become a company no different from other Internet companies in the long term.

To put it ugly, everyone is stunned.



As a result, just at the stall where Su Ye stopped talking, a loud snoring came from the empty, quiet and quiet office area.

Including Su Ye, couldn't help being amused by Wang Yifei's expressive grunt.

"Fuck, Mr. Wang's heart is really big."

"Great, I can still sleep at this time."

"Wang Yifei, get up."

Several people joked about Wang Yifei together, but they only talked about it. No one came forward to push Wang Yifei up.

"Okay, let's sit down."

"Senior Brother Sun, what time did you sleep last night."

"3 points."

"12 o'clock."

"1 o'clock."

As soon as Sun Xiaolei finished answering, Luo Sen and Zhuang Yiming next to them hurriedly followed.

Zhuang Yiming said it was 12 o'clock.

Rosen was talking about one point.

The three of them quickly said their own answers, they were worried that Su Ye knew that they slept too late and compensated them for too much overtime.

As a result, I didn't expect to bump into each other.


"Except for my Senior Brother Sun who was not damaged by you, Zhuang Yiming, just play with me as long as you have been in the company."

"And Director Luo, I didn't expect you with thick eyebrows and big eyes to betray me too, right?"

Su Ye said angrily.

Seeing all three of them standing there, looking at Su Ye smirking embarrassedly, Su Ye had nothing to do.

"Okay, okay, pick up here and go back quickly."

"This time I will give you a chance. If you only increase the overtime pay, the company will not report it."

"Next time someone is letting me find out that I dare to work overtime secretly. I will definitely not talk about feelings. Have you heard?"

"I know Mr. Su, I will definitely not next time."

"I know Mr. Su, next time we won't secretly work overtime again."


Su Ye's eyes widened, looking at Zhuang Yiming, who was playing with him, "Why, don't you work overtime secretly, do you want to work overtime with integrity?"

I really think so.

Zhuang Yiming said in his heart, he smiled, "No, no, I firmly support the company's policy and will never work overtime in the future."

"Well, it's like a little talk."

"I tell you, I will install a camera at the door of the company when I look back, to see who doesn't leave after get off work, or like you, who returns after get off work."

"Lao Luo, how many sales have you made over there."

Su Ye Huahai didn't finish, but Wang Yifei, who had been snoring, woke up.

His first sentence was to ask Rosen about his income in QQ chat.

Without realizing it, Su Ye had discovered their overtime work.

"Lao Luo, talk, you won't be asleep, right?"

Wang Yifei turned over, patted no one next to him with his hand, and opened his eyes suspiciously.

This is incredible.

He unexpectedly saw Luo Sen and Zhuang Yiming, Chen Nanfeng, and Sun Xiaolei standing in front of the sofa with their heads down, as if confessing their mistakes.

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