The world's richest man starts from signing in 1 million every day

Is there a way to send two hundred and seventy-three Ivan?

"The world's richest richest is signed in 1 million every day!" Find the latest chapter!

"Everyone pays attention to it."

"At this time, the hacker mastener that is expected to be observed."

"And what I need to do is to detonate my brown bear."

Ivanov's face reveals a shore of exciting look.

It has been too long, and he has no chance to show this trick.

When you discuss with those friends who have organized, you will not be able to do it.

Really a long time.

For a long time, even in the goose federation, no one still remembers the name of ourselves.

"Brown Bear Emperor."

I finally waited for you, my opponent.

Excited is not only Ivanov alone, but a group of small friends who are with him is very excited.

But they don't have a person who dares to talk at this time.

Everyone is full of condensation.

The eyes flashed with excitement and known light.

This time the battle can make them see the hands between the world's top hackers.

At the same time, you can also see, um, once again see the legendary technology of the whole goose federation - "Blood Big Bear".

One of them didn't care about coughing, they were standing by the companion.

It can only be taken by a person.

"Is it coming?"

Su Ye sensitive awareness of the differential data stream on the computer.

It is like a novel, and those who are about to be self-explosive.

The program that is trapped by himself, is absorbing countless data, expanding the volume of the entire program.


Up to 5 seconds.

Sui estimates that the other party's program will be self-explosive and completely destroy their own defense wall.

So what are you waiting for?

Su Ye was started to start the ring that he had already prepared it, and the other's computer was invaded.

Just in an instant.

It is far from the exclusive game room of Ivanov in the Goose Federation. Everyone has heard a strange and beautiful song.

Is a woman's solo.

No accompaniment.

But in every syllable from the women's mouth, everyone can feel the rhythm.

It seems that it seems to be next second.

When accompaniment strikes, everyone feels that their ears have to fry.

"Ivan, this will not be a female singer who is booked to come to us."

"But can't she come to a goose song first?"

"This rhythm, actually let me want to sway with the drum."

"I also feel this."

"Hey, I am also."

"What are you waiting for."

"Let us sway together."

Several geese federations, paren up in the nearby computer desk, have already prepared to celebrate the volt add, taking a cup, then blowing the bottle.

Ivanov also thought that his card was just right.

Seeing the partners around you have an urgent to celebrate, he mouse left.

"Come on, let's detonate the audience together."

"Bloody big bear, reproduce the rivers and lakes."

"Come on, Ivan, we have together."

Everyone saw Ivan got up, I couldn't help but invite him to drink a cup.

By the way, you can dance.

"Singing, moving moving times!"

Just when a group of letters have been in the upstairs, Su Ye has found a camera that is networked through the other network.

Although I don't know why these hackers will also install a camera for their work, now it is obvious that it is not curious.

He connects the camera ...

The camera is successful ...

I didn't think of such a smooth Suiyu that the things can progress, and when the picture on the camera is transferred to my computer screen, Su Ye hangs without a white water.

This, this is also too spicy to this.

A group of big men, holding a wine glass, wine bottle, is hugging together, do not know why dancing in a narrow room.

Looking at the student in the room, several computer screens are on.

But now the pixel of this camera, let Su Ye can't zoom in to the contents of the other computer.

Male plus male, strong man locks male, left and right is difficult, full of big men ...

Countless adjective connotations are reflected back and forth in the brain of Sui.

This is the perfect interpretation of this scene in front.

Is this a hacker with the burner with yourself?

It turns out that the other party is actually a group of people, not a person who is imagined.

Lying in the trough? !

Su Ye suddenly thought of a possibility ...

It is not a video file that I will send it to the other party, turning an audio file.

The network speed of this era is deeply understood.

You can see the GIF map, you have shown that the computer's network speed is enough.

As for watching the video online, the picture of the frame one card will definitely make you feel desperate to life.

So most people, I want to watch movie TV dramas or animation on my computer, I can only go to the place where I want to see it, and can play it in the computer.

And the other party is now in the state.

Su Ye is seriously suspicious, because of the reason of the network speed, the other party only heard the dance music of the steel stick, but did not see the picture.

However, what should I do now.

Su Ye thought that I finally thought of a good idea after 1 second.

He put a beautiful and unusual crimist on the other party's computer screen and added a sentence:

I am far away, although I will be far away.

At the same time, in turn, all the computers are locked for 72 hours.

Only boot, this time will be reduced.

This time, it's famous for Chen Yi's girl.

The frame of the goose federation, Su Ye can see in real time, but in hardness, he is nothing to do if he is happening there.

Just when Metrin was still preparing to give him a beloved Sprina, he suddenly found that the picture had disappeared.

Who is this, even in such a short period of time, I broke my own defense and change the picture back.

Is it a hacker expert in the Longhan Empire?

He asked in a few groups, and he learned that it is the hand of the Longhan four white.

Even the Longhan four white did not shoot.

Who is, in such a short period of time, I will crack my own means.

If you can't show your own determination to Sprina today, then your goddess is likely to run with the mulberry.

Today, we must put your confession declaration, put them on the webpage of Longhan Large Internet Company.

The dead Dragon Han people, you are helping to be abuse ~!

Metro said with a hate of the rear groove.



At this moment, a hurd knockout sounded.

The Darkman Madlin is unhappy, damn, who is this time to bother yourself.

It's really no eye.

Metro decided not to take care of each other and see how long the other side can knock.

It is now a top priority, or you should first make your confession declaration.

"Open the door, open the door!"

"Metro opens the door."

The knockout outside the door stopped, and Metro heard her neighbor Barry uncle.

"What is it, Barry Uncle."

Madlin helplessly walked to the door, left hand on the door lock.

"Nothing, it is to check the water gauge."

Uncle Barry said loudly outside the door, try to make a look at a natural look.

But I don't know, his voice has been trembling as if it is taking a shower in a hundred and thirty-degree bath.

After all, no matter who, it will make such a reaction in the forehead when having dinner.

"Well, the water meter is really diligent."

Madlin's mutter, opened the door.

As a result, he did not wait for him to react to see the uncle of the opposite Barry, the door hit a few men in black clothes.

At a moment of seeing Medell, the black man headed directly in the hand in the forehead of the hand.

"You special ... big, big brother, who are you."

Metro double knees a soft directly on the ground.

The cold touch from the places of the burner is told Medlin, telling Metro, this is a true guy.

"Are you calling Metrin?"

"Yes, it is."



Metrinary also wants to explain what, but by a person who followed the house, he is on his face.

"Take 522 this year, you are not subject to 50 million rupees."


Metro is aware of why the other party is looking for him.

50 million rupees, that is the largest single child he has received since he became a hacker.

He is excited for this for this.

After the mission is completed, he directly packaged a presidential suite, with Sprina, there are two days in the dream.

"Yes or no."

"is not it."

When he had just answered, he saw a smile on the face of his question.

"It doesn't matter, or it is not there."

"take away!"

The other party turned, no longer watching Metrin, obviously, the other party has no use in his eyes.

Without anyone, it can still be safe after the sin of the Waccara.

He guarantees.

On the other hand, there is also a group of women, buy tickets to find the mulberry supervisor of the back letter.

The time is slowly passed.

No one cares, there is a person in hardness is being taken away.

No one knows that in the goose federation, there is a group of big men who are hugging and dancing.

"You are too noisy!"

"Can you dot."

I just greeted the middle-aged female waiter of the guests in the bar, I watched Ivanov and other people, I couldn't help but screamed.

However, no one is willing to pay attention to her atmosphere.

"The bored man, I forget that two bottles of wine."

"However, this music is very exciting."

The waitress got a few steps to walk back in the stairs.


She saw the computer screen at a glance, the one-running steel bar dance girl.

Compese this explosive music.


She ran and ran downstairs.

Always think that Ivanov is a good man, she is preparing to give him a woman who will give him a woman.

As a result, I didn't think it was.

I really know that people know.

I didn't help but smile after I heard the width of the woman.

Then I went back with the eyes of her.

I saw this computer you just worked, and all the screens already became another picture.

There is no word, no instructions, no data.

A sexy blonde is dancing in a silver nour.

That action, the eyes, let people see the blood.

"Ivan big brother, it turns out that you are good."

"It's, Ivan, the last time I said to take you to see the performance, you also pushed three blocks."

"We almost believe, thinking that Ivan, you are also a rare person."

"I didn't expect you to hide such a good film."

Everyone drunk, saw Ivan turned, and he also opened to the computer.

"No, you misunderstand."

"I am not, I don't, you said."

Ivan hurriedly explained.

As a big master, you said that it is not interested in this thing, that is not realistic.

But because of his feelings and his wife, I will have been unique for many years, and there is no idea to find a woman.

Now, I have always adhered to collapse.

More importantly, it is also seen by so many people.

Ivan also wants to say something, suddenly thinking, this is not his own computer, it is nervous with a yarn.

"Wait a minute, this is not my computer, nor I put the disc."


At this time, everyone responded.

Indeed, I will run from my own position to show you the way of the legendary bloody bear.

Since it is not Ivan, that is ...

"It's you?"

"no no."

The person who just gave Ivan let the position quickly sang.

"I didn't have a CD at all today, and Scaz can prove it for me?"

Everyone turned his gaze to Skas on the side.

Scass also waved together: "I just met him halfway, as for him, I didn't know if I had a CD, hehe."

"What are you waiting for, who will get it, who can watch it for a week."

Some people advocate.

So, someone sits on the chair and pressing the ESC button to exit the playback interface.

But someone is more faster than him, and has directly pressed the button on the chassis, the disc drive slowly extended.


"Can not get it?"

Everyone is amazing.

What's happening here.

"Ivan, shouldn't you lock your computer."

"However, where is this show broadcast."

"Ivan, Ivan, what are you thinking about."

If Ivan's words, the words of the partners, his forehead suddenly sweats.

"You let go first."

"If my guess is right, this computer is attacking by hacker."

Ivan pulled the man sitting on the chair to sit up, finger turning his keyboard.

"hacker attack?"

"How can it be?"

"We are the most famous hackers in the Goose Federation."

"Just, I don't believe that someone can invade our network."

"Ivan, you shouldn't drink more."

"Check your computer!"

Ivanov dself, everyone reluctantly returned to their seat.

Although a lot of wine is dran, but for their physique that has adapted to alcohol, this wine is just a furry.

Compared to the computer in front of Ivan, there is no different computers.

The only exception is ... no matter how tap the keyboard, the computer is not reacted.

It is also the same result using the mouse.

"Do you have a hacker?"

"No way……"

The mouth is not said, but everyone's heart has already been determined.

100% of your own computer is attacked by hackers, and it is a powerful hacker.


"You see, the angle of the camera!"

Some people point to not far from the camera used to decorate.

I just drunk, I won't sneak the camera.


"It is definitely that hacker moves our camera."

"That is to say, the pictures we just have been seen by the other side."

"No! I just held it with Jeff."

"I am even more miserable, I just drank a cup of wine with the truck Skie, let my wife discovered it."

"Ivan, Ivan, what do we do."

"Yes, Ivan, there is a hacker!"

"Don't worry!"

Ivan made a lot of hands and made a calm look.

"I think again."

Ivan tried for a long time and found that he could only switch one second interface.

And a second time is too short.

He must think of a way to contact the other top hackers in the organization, let them help you crack the opponent's blockade.

Just, a second time is not enough.

Ivan has found that the other party did not do anything about his computer, it should be purely to lock it.

I thought that I didn't help but be a little embarrassed.

However, it is now necessary to think of a way to break through each other's blockade.

Otherwise, he doesn't want to have such a picture in the computer screen for a long time.

It is really embarrassing.

"Ivan, do you have a way?"

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" to record this time (Chapter 274 Ivan has a way to send it? (Ask for a ticket)) Read the record, open the bookshelf next time!

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