The world's richest man starts from signing in 1 million every day

Three hundred eighty-four, every city must have the card of Qingyun Technology

Two days later, Yao Xiaoyun, who finished, taking Wang Yifei, Wang Yi, took the flight from Jinmen to Jiangcheng.

Waiting for her will be another new life journey ...

Su Yili came to the Haicheng Qingyun Investment Company next morning, and it is also a branch of Qingyun Technology in Haicheng.

Zhou Yuanyuan has made a short introduction to Su Yili's situation in the last two months.

Actually, it is not good to say.

Qingyun Real Estate Company has been registered.

The ten sites on the hand have been all in development.

Many projects with Yida Real Estate, Mingze Real Estate, Dadi Real Estate, and Imperial Foreign Trade Departments have been found.

It is currently in a stressful development phase.

In the next year, the main task of Qingyun Real Estate is to test the progress and construction quality of these real estate projects.

If there is a newly created item, you have to perform the next step.

This piece of work, telling the truth, Su Ye, doesn't understand.

At that time, he was purely in order to spend money, accumulating the system points as soon as possible.

Now, the points within the system have more than 30 points.

Every time I see these points, Su Ye has an impulse that will integrate light.

After all, the system upgrade is three months.

Su Ye also purchased once.

That is the mechanical keyboard and the optical mouse, and then she has been suffering from the desire to take care of the hand, and it is a bit of a little bit.

But at present, there is no big project to go online.

The Qingyun Mall spent tens of millions, barely pivoting a score.

As for the wind, it is tears.

Sui Yixin's hard work, new logistics warehouse in various places.

It can be seen for the current situation, and the points brought to him will barely 3 points.

Moreover, these also belong to non-renewable points.

Because most cities completed the construction of the initial logistics warehouse, it was only a spending fee for a long time.

Compared to the cost of buying, then the cost of operating costs can only be considered a drop in the bucket. is even disappointed with Su Ye.

Now he takes Li Wei and the West Run, Li Wei doesn't have much busy work.

After returning to Jiangcheng this time.

Su Ye decided to put the focus on the research center.

After all, technology is the field of truly burning money.

Other projects are all comparable.

Liu Cangming has used the Spring Festival holiday, and some of the equipment required by the research center is finished.

It is just the first investment, including equipment, raw materials, and research and development costs, and need 20 billion.

If Su Ye is now in a half-stop state, it will be a big white.

And this is just in the early days, only the funds needed to develop in small part of the project.

After waiting for the personnel, all kinds of supporting items have been on the horse, and the funds taken are called a big.

What chip project is a hundred billionary investment.

What screen, what camera, what software program research and development ...

This series of R & D expenses, SU Ye, a number of 200 billion numbers.

This is still a conservative estimate.

If you are going to count, it is 500 billion.

Sure enough, technology is the first productivity.

At that time, use these points, Suiye can purchase black technology given in some systems.

Engine technology, new materials, new energy, new technologies.

There is a R & D center, which is really a blessing of Su Ye.

So, now I must have to hold back, I will hold back, I am responsive.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

Now I have a researcher, and the research center will go to the right track, you can come once.

Su Ye is not here to listen to the performance report of real estate company, and there is an idea to come out.

It is now due to the starting stage of Longhan Expressway.

Most people have not realized what the future of Longhan is what is like.

Even if those (true) experts who have developed plans, they cannot think that the development speed of Longhan will be much higher than everyone's expectations.

It is necessary to buy a batch of land more than this opportunity.

The priests of the past life are hate to those real estate companies.

House prices have risen one day.

Just optimistic about an average price of 8,000 houses, go back and consider it.

The second week price rose to 10,000.

Then there was no a few days to be 10,000, 10,000, 20,000 this rose.

I don't know if real estate companies have increased according to what principles.

Is it possible to see the price increases as long as someone is purchased.

Especially some school districts, the small cities said.

The good school district of the big city is five or six million, and even more than ten million are not.

Su Ye is skeptical, so high housing is sold.

But it is, it is really someone.

Not least bought.

A lot of real estate, villas, communities, and even a case where you need to share the number.

Even in the purchase of houses, it is like a house.

When you ask you, you don't buy a sentence.

Don't buy it, immediately give the next buyer.

There is an opportunity to have the ability, and Su Ye said he wants to be a good person.

Be a conscience realtor in the group of friends.

"Sister Sister, you will wait."


Zhou Yuan stunned, I don't know what moth.

At this time, real estate company's performance and work report have arrived at the end.

"In this way, I am still very optimistic about the real estate industry in our country."

"In the next few times, the Dragon Han Empire will certainly enter a high-speed development period."

"Now, most people still can't see this trend. If we take this opportunity to buy a batch of land, it will definitely earn a full-length potted."

Su Ye, certainly can't say that I do this is to give benefits to the people of the country.

The world is brought, all of them.

The world is bustling, all are the benefits.

If Su Ye makes some real estate, it is certainly necessary to maintain the corresponding profits.

Otherwise, he has a system, don't care about these money.

But the employee under the bottom.

Everyone comes out to make money to make a family.

If you are making a bad way, Su Ye is absolutely not dry.

Up to yourself plus profit, then private subsidies, let employees can eat enough.

There is enough interest driver, plus Qingyun Technology's corporate culture.

Su Ye believes that future Qingyun Real Estate will also become a domestic powerful real estate company.

"Daxie acquired the land?"

"How much is the acquisition?"

Zhou Yuan asked.

She came to the Haicheng to say that the truth was to help Yang Zhiyuan solved the acquisition of the Equipment Institute.

The result later was forced to have an acquisition of the land.

Later, Su Ye was another action, directly put her out.

Her occupation is still a business investment, and the result is now a real estate business.

Every day, it is some real estate businessmen, and Zhou Yuanyuan is also helpless.

The key is that now the sea city real estate circle knows that she is drinking, even a wine friend is not, it is true that Zhou Yuan is helpless.

Now Su Li actually let her acquire the land.


This is to catch me a sheep.

"Soviet, how many plains are acquired."

"Where to buy."

"What did you have to acquire."

Zhou Yuanyuan issued a soul.

Now the people of Qingyun Technology are not afraid that Su will go out to waves, and they are afraid that Su will always go out.

"Each city, at least, the acquisition of a residential land that can develop 30 buildings, there is also a commercial real estate that is not less than five building."

"Is it solved to your problem?"

Su Ye is laughing and laughing.

"This, there must be a residential and a commercial real estate?"

Zhouyuan has grown up.

Li Wei is unbelievable.

Even the deputy generals of the real estate company that are reporting to work, I can't help but take the files in the hands, slaughtering it on the table and the ground.

This is a sound, and the thoughts of everyone will pull back.

"Su, Soviet, you said true."

Real estate company deputy is unbelievable.

His eyes are flashing and exciting.

"Of course, Qingyun Real Estate, in the future, the leading company in the industry, requires enough land and projects to let our reputation fermentation."

"Every city, county town and township is not counted, there must be a project of Qingyun Real Estate."

"Too good, Summer, Qingyun Real Estate to ensure the task."

The vice of the real estate is always excited, and the chest is taken with the Su Ye.

"Old Wu, Lao Wu, you will wait."

Zhou Yuanyuan also returned to God.

She took the excitement, she couldn't immediately put the team to buy the land from all over the world.

"There is always a bit of grass."

"Such a big thing, we must not open an internal executive meeting."

Real estate deputy chief look, slowly sitting down.

Zhouyuan said in the reason.

He can also look out, Sog Ye is only suddenly some of the idea when he just listened to real estate companies.

Moreover, with the scale of the people of Qingyun Real Estate, it is not possible to do this.

The selection of personnel, the choice of the land, and the approach to the official government, and the choice of construction contractors need to make these works.

And in the real estate industry touched the old Wu known for many years.

If you want to do these things, you can definitely be reached.

Moreover, this is still some of the issues facing the implementation phase of the project.

Prior to this, the company also needs to give you a special investigation, and then find a special investigation company for market investigation.

Before you have a message, you can start implementation.

Think twice, the ancients have inherited the millennium.

Soviet, this should make a decision, how to see it is a bit unreliable.

"Don't negotiate, this matter, I have prepared."

Su Ye said, picking up a A4 paper from the portable briefcase.

Zhou Yuanyuan and Lao Wu saw a string of handwritten words and numbers without a horrible color.

Especially the round circle.

The understanding of Sui Ye is not a long day.

Su Ye is the most good at making a decision on a head, and the definition of these decisions is still correct.

However, Su Ye prepared this is the first time.

Li Wei saw this paper is also thought.

After coming from Jiangcheng, Su Ye often writes painting on this child.

Last night, she didn't know what Su Ye did in the room, led to the morning when they got up.

Now I see this paper, Li Wei has guess.

"This is some of the data I queried in this time."

"You can look at it."

Su Ye took the A4 paper in his hand to hand it to Zhouyuanyuan.

After all, there should be a big response in Zhouyuanyuan.

Li Wei is his own girlfriend.

Anything of Suiye, she will silently support, even if there is a problem, it is also privately advised.

Instead of directly refuting under the majestic public.

As for the old Wu of the real estate company ...

That's more, don't worry.

Didn't see that Su Ye has just put forward his own ideas, the other party has taken a chest to say that the task is completed.

"This is impossible."

Zhouyuan wrinkled, watching the data recorded on paper on the paper obviously did not believe it.

"Soviet, you said that the steel used by the building has risen to the current 900 yuan per ton of 3 years ago."

"Also, the price of cement has risen by 40%."

"The relevant materials of hydroelectric electricity rose by 50%, the highest actually reached 80%."

"Is this true?"

Zhouyuan refers to the numbers on the A4 paper.

As an expert in an investment industry.

This simple price has brought the meaning behind him, she can't be unclear.

Even the trend of this price increase, give now some questions to see some questions.

There is more important significance in addition to the simplest price rising.

That is……

"Week, let me see."

Lao Wu next to him also took the data of Suiye recorded.

Just a minute, less than a minute, Lao Wu couldn't help but nodded.

It is the clearest material price compared to the prices of these buildings than those of the Zhouyuan circle.

Even if there is nothing to record what is the price of what material.

But as long as you look at this data of Su Ye, you know that this figure is no problem.

Even now, the price is not so much not to record so much.

"Supreme, weekly, this price of various materials is already the price half a year ago."

"Now the price of steel has been broken."

"Really, old Wu?"

Zhou Yuanyuan is unbelievable.

Old Wu point.

He as a real estate industry experience, he does not realize the problem behind this price if there is no such contrast data.

It can be used as a few years of data in this year, and there is still no big gap.

Even how the old Wu is re-responding slowly.

The price of material rises, and it is bound to change the relationship between supply and demand.

There is still not much used before it needs, the price is naturally falling.

And now the amount of usage needs a significant increase, the price is also rising accordingly.

Now the price of steel materials has been broken.

In the previous company, Lao Wu often complained that several material prices rose.

But after seeing the report of Su Ye, it took a cold sweat.

The Dragon Han domestic construction industry is about to begin.

Do not.

It has already begun.

It's like warm water, such changes are very slow.

The average person is noticeable.

Old Wu shocked the Suiye in front of him.

The rumors say that how powerful of the Su Qingyun Technology, the eyes are more cattle, how big is the discouragement.

I didn't believe it before, everyone is not two shoulders, a head.

How is your Sui Ye smart, but it is a little luck.

Anyone does that, the achievements of development will not be much worse than you.

But now, old Wu is.

The gap between genius and ordinary people is huge.

He thought of a sentence to see the novel before.

Sometimes the difference in people and people, thanks to people and dogs.

He used to treat this as a joke.

However, now, old Wu found that this is not a joke.

Li Yu has also got a piece of paper from the time of the sluggish old Wu.

I saw the price of each building for two years ago in the paper, and the current price of the current queries in the online query.

Just Old Wu also explained that now the price of steel has been broken, and the increase has exceeded 60%.

Other cement yellow sand, various pipes, wires, and different amplitude rises.

The highest price is doubled, and there is a minimum of 30%.

In addition to the influence of currency preparation, inflation, etc., the most important thing is to change the relationship between supply and demand.

Li Wei is also an economic class.

She looked at the Sui, the color of her eyes.

This man is really ahead of the super-world.

It is worthy of her man in Li Wei.

At this moment, Li Wei was proud of Su Ye.

There were no problems found in the industry, and they were discovered by him.

This is more cattle to do it.

"Well, Soviet, I agree with you."


After seeing this data, Zhou Yuanyuan did not obstruct the idea.

Although she is not a professional talent, she can make money for the company. She will not resist.

"However, Soviet, what is going to do, there should be a lot of preparation in the previous period."

"Where should we start."

"This is very simple."

Su Ye made a fortune, saying that this is not something.

"Wu is not a deputy, from the deputy company of the real estate company, and it has been in the company.

Su Ye said, the old Wu, I couldn't stand it.

He has a predict.

The biggest good thing in this life is coming.

"Our Qingyun Real Estate is split, and the old Wu goes to the emperor to open the company, and the current Qingyun real estate is the center of Haicheng, covering the three land of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and the other vice president of real estate company is the existing arrival City open branch. "

"Let's expand, first from the large-scale city, a little extension site, and can also expand and temper the team."

"Sister Sister, you are responsible for sitting on the town of the sea."

"Professional people, doing professional things, not to establish the card of our Qingyun Technology in every city."

"I believe you must be."

Su Ye said, a deep hand of the trekkeeper.

He didn't find the corner of the face of the round face ...