"What's wrong with militants!!

At the pub at the end of the day, Maurice was frustrated.

I volunteered for the Knights to defeat the Demon King, but my magic test failed me.

Maurice is aware that she has no wizard talent.

Because he is aware, Maurice did not attend the School of Magic.

From the time I was five years old, I worked out my body in a madness of death, and now I'm twenty years old, I've grown up to be able to defeat demons with one fist.

If it's simple combat power, it shouldn't even take a pull on the Knights.

Even so, for the sole reason that 'magic is too low', Maurice was not even able to take a practical exam, as opposed to being part of the Knights.

"Is magic so important! You look so weak militants! How hard do you think I tried?

If you lack strength, you can be convinced.

But Maurice, who failed the magic test, couldn't even show her strength.

I couldn't prove my strength.

Maurice had been drinking in the tavern since daylight to exude such impenetrable anger.

"That's just too much to drink. Oh, you're a militant, so you have to take care of your body more than anyone else..."

The saloon owner cares about Maurice's body as she lingers.

I can't read the expression because of my long forehead, but I told him that he was genuinely worried about Maurice.

"Sorry...... But give me a drink today or so.... Well, if it's gonna get in the way of business, I'll go home."

"Well, I don't have any other guests anyway... and I'm going to ask as much about the stupidity of a familiar guest"

Maurice has been on a martial arts training journey since she was twelve years old to become the world's most powerful militant.

It was only when I was fifteen that I flowed into this town.

Five older women shopkeepers gave Maurice a meal she had trouble eating because she didn't have much work to do.

Then five years later, Maurice keeps going to this tavern.

"I knew you were here."

A musculoskeletal man came to the liquor store where he was reluctant.

When the mountain cage was attacked by demons inside, it was a young man who accidentally stayed close to each other, and by fighting together, he recognized each other's strengths and began to interact with each other frequently.

"Who do you think it is, Philip? You've come to make me listen to you brag?

Philip is royal.

It has even more all-powerful magic and is full of wizard talent.

He had been solicited by many knights for that reason, but he can't decide where to belong.

There's as much difference between heaven and earth as Maurice, who can't even let me take a practical exam.

Nevertheless, Maurice likes it about Philip.

Because Philip is the kind of man who strengthens his body by caging his mountains so that he can fight even if his magic wand (Withers Rod) is destroyed.

Maurice had a crush on Philip, who risked his life despite his magical talent.

"Same booze as Maurice."

Philip sat down at Maurice's as he ordered the liquor.

"You said you failed the exam again? How many times have you seen this?

"Ugh! It's time for you to take it!

"I think the results are the same, even more than the magic is too low."

"Magic manages with temper! I can take down demons with one fist! Even magic, if you work hard, you should get it!

"I don't care about magic. You're already strong."

"You can't help it because you can't join the Knights without magic!

That said, Maurice drinks a lot.

"... my story is good. What about you? Have you decided where to join the group yet?

"That's it. I decided not to belong to the Knights."

Maurice gets pompous.

"Hey, why?

"If you join the Knights, you'll be fighting the Demon King's Army, won't you? I'm not gonna leave my back to someone I don't trust."

"I don't like it. A wizard like you might be able to defeat the Dark Lord."

"Exactly. I can't do it alone. … but if you and I join hands, we may be able to beat the Demon King"

Maurice, who was in a good mood, looked seriously at the words.

"Are we going to deal with the Demon King's Army?

"Oh, we will defeat the Demon King with our hands and give back to those who called you incompetent."

"... am I good? Joining the Knights is far less likely to die, huh?

"I told you. I'm not gonna leave my back to someone I don't trust."

"... you're not drunk, are you?

"I haven't had a sip yet."

Maurice nodded to Philip as he turned a serious eye.

"That invitation, I'm on it! But there's one big problem."

"What's the problem?

"I don't like traveling alone with you at all."

Philip laughs.

"I agree with you about that. There's so much pain in traveling with you."

"Right? Right there. I'd like to invite a woman."

"I was just about to solicit one, too."

Maurice and Philip said so, staring at the woman shopkeeper.

"I know it's an important store left by your parents... but it would be a shame to end your talent here."

"Let's give you a flag with us! Hey, Cologne!

Cologne, the woman shopkeeper, nodded forcefully as if waiting for the invitation.

"Well, if we run out of two regular customers... anyway, the store will crumble.... so I'm coming with you."

No one knows yet that the party formed at the pub at the end of the day will later become a star of hope for the people as a line of brave men.