There is a Wall Behind the Shadow

Chapter Eighty Eight

Song Shiyue watched Yu Nianbing climb the rotating ladder next to the tree, and then zipline, speed skating, and fell in front of her again.

"Just try it for the last time." Before Nianbing started to climb, Song Shiyue stepped forward and took her hand and reiterated.

Yu Nianbing lowered his head to look at his wrists that were surrounded by Song Shiyue.Song Shiyue's hand didn't close tightly, as if she could get rid of it with a casual struggle.But Yu Nianbing knew that it was all an illusion. This is a power that would be imprisoned again without nodding!

"The last time." Yu Nianbing nodded in response.

Besides succumbing to the law of the jungle again, what other choice did Yu Nianbing have.But it was really not early now, and it was impossible for Yu Nianbing to let everyone wait for her to try again and again.

Song Shiyue let go and couldn't help but muttered a few words about safety first.

Yu Nianbing started her second tree-climbing challenge in such familiar babbling.

Fortunately, with the experience of the last time, Yu Nianbing climbed boldly and carefully this time. Although it took a long time, he finally stood on the platform peacefully.

Song Shiyue finally let out a long sigh of relief until Yu Nianbing quickly dropped back to the ground holding the small ball with the shack written on it.God knows that watching others climbing a tree can still be so fearful, but it is really many times more tiring than Song Shiyue climbing by himself.

When Nianbing stood firm, she turned around to see that Song Shiyue had relaxed, but she missed Song Shiyue's tense eyes that dared not blink.

"What did Teacher Yu touch?" Ning Chuyang leaned forward curiously.

"Shack." Yu Nianbing replied.

Ning Chuyang: "..." When Nianbing came down, he looked happy, thinking that he had touched something else, but it turned out to be a shack.I feel so happy to touch a shack, Yu Nianbing is really a Buddhist.

At this moment, Yu Nianbing can't control what others think. She is very happy to keep Song Shiyue's tent.

After all...this time, it was a return to Song Shiyue.

Since entering the wilderness star, Yu Nianbing has received a lot of care from Song Shiyue.Even if it was Song Shiyue's life-saving grace, Yu Nianbing realized that the King Cobra had paid it off.Yu Nianbing owed the rest.

The more you get along, the less Yu Nianbing doesn't want to owe Song Shiyue unilaterally.

No, or it should be said that in Nianbing's subconscious mind, he didn't want him and Song Shiyue to be in a unilateral and endless relationship of repaying grace.

Of course, the subtlety of this is Yu Nianbing, who is working hard to change, yet has not seen clearly.

Regardless of the subtleties and changes, after a long delay in the challenge of climbing the tree, the guests finally got their night accommodation and can move on.

Walking up the revolving ladder again, the hearts of the guests were much more relaxed than when they came up for the safety rope just now.

On this platform, there are two ziplines, one is to go to the next platform where the welfare ball was placed before, and the other is to go to the next platform further ahead.

Guan Yongyi glanced in the distance and shook his head: "The zipline is really an endless zipline."

This zipline, of course, is not endless, but now that the distance is nearly halfway, the sky is much darker.

If calculated based on the time they used to pass through those platforms, it is absolutely impossible to complete fifty platforms before dark.Even as Zhao Da said later, there is only the last place where you can get benefits, it is too late to finish.

"I really suspect that the program crew has already calculated the time. We can't finish the fifty platforms on time, so we put all the welfare challenges to the front." Ning Chuyang is much more tired today than yesterday. I couldn't control my temper, and said, "Those welfare challenges must also deliberately stop us and delay us, just to make us walk on the platform."

Although Ning Chuyang's words are not good, everyone actually thinks so.

This is the bad thing about the program group.

In the first three roads, it seems that the zipline doesn't have to go a lot and you don't need to build your own residence. It's very cost-effective, but in fact, when you walk all the way, you find that they are all holes.

If it weren't for Song Shiyue, they would probably fall into the predicament of having to walk and build their own house, which is simply the combination of the other two options.

It was because they had already thanked Song Shiyue all the way, and thinking of this now, they couldn't help but praise Song Shiyue.I even felt grateful to the belly of Yao Mingzhu who was absent. That baby, it's really time to come.

After leaving the tree-climbing challenge, the team went through three short ziplines again. If according to the previous experience, two more short ziplines and one long zipline, they should be able to see the last welfare challenge.

Of course, the premise is that these ziplines and benefits are arranged in a regular manner.

Song Shiyue stood on the platform, took Yu Nianbing and Ning Chuyang in turn, then stood on the edge of the platform and looked into the distance.

Yu Nianbing followed, followed Song Shiyue's gaze for a while, then looked up left and right, and said softly: "It's almost here, right? If you go down, it's the most cost-effective."

"You can see it too?" Song Shiyue turned her head to look at Yu Nianbing with some surprise.

Yu Nianbing nodded: "Well, there was a platform with a little more space around it before, and I found it when you looked at the cable car."

So early, very keen, very powerful, Song Shiyue smiled.

Yu Nianbing was right. Song Shiyue had observed the direction of the cableway of the program group before.

In terms of the contrast between the guests killing snakes and the program group’s box lunch with meat and vegetables, this program must be used to embarrass the guests and give preferential treatment to the casual program group.

In addition, when the sheep team introduced the three options, it can be judged that the end of the cable car of the program group should be very close to the camp.

The cable car of the program group, from the top of the mountain, directly connects to a little place below the mountainside of the lower mountain in front.

But they walked all the way on the zipline and came to the platform, but they were not walking in a straight line, more like a zigzag pattern.

Because of the many platforms and the zipline, the route is more tortuous, and sometimes the height is not enough to slide down, and you have to get off the platform and re-board a higher platform to continue the zipline.

Just like the previous bridge and the later spiral ladder tree, this is the case.

If you don’t think about the fact that you have to walk down the ground after dark, it’s okay to zip all the way and take a zigzag.After all, the most important thing is the zipline that connects the two mountains behind. That is the place that saves distance and effort and time.It is also a key for people to consider choosing a zipline route.As long as you got on the zipline, when you went down visually, it was very close to the end of the cableway of the show crew.

It's a pity that they slid all the way to find that it turned out that it was impossible for them to reach the zipline connecting the two mountains before dark.

This time, the rules are in front.

When it gets dark, the sheep team will definitely drive people down the tree immediately, and it is impossible to agree to them to go to the platform and zip to the mountain in front...

In this way, it is necessary to calculate the sky and the zip line to choose the most suitable point for landing.

From Song Shiyue's point of view, the most suitable platform is under her feet.

Because of the heavens, it's really time to say it's dark.

However, it still doesn't work.

There is another welfare spot, which I haven't been to yet.

Judging from what we got before, the last benefit that can be obtained should be the quilt.

There are shelters for wind, beds and pillows, don’t you still need a quilt...

The temperature difference between day and night in the mountains is still a bit large, so if you continue to move forward, you will probably have to go back and take the quilt.

Now Song Shiyue only hopes that the welfare of this last place will also follow the rules of the zipline arrangement at the front, not far away.Otherwise, it is likely that the sky will darken before they reach the welfare point and they will have to go to the ground.

So when the sheep team once again slid to the next platform alone, Song Shiyue took advantage of this gap to tell everyone his guess.

Leaving aside Zhao Da, who was silent because of his stance, everyone else was looking forward to Song Shiyue's horse, and when he passed the zipline behind him, his movements were much cleaner than before.

Fortunately, this time God did not disappoint everyone's expectations.

After sliding two platforms forward and passing a big zipline, a single iron cable bridge appeared in front of everyone. To match it, there was also an upper iron rope that can be hung with a safety buckle and the lower iron rope bridge. Small envelopes hanging sparsely.

That's right, envelope, see envelope again.

Mu Xingzhou and Yu Nianbing, who had only touched blank envelopes on the wooden bridge before, felt a little complicated.

"Okay, now it's our new welfare challenge time." The Sheep team said, took a look at the sky before continuing, "I believe everyone has seen the welfare this time. Six envelopes, six welfare, no blanks. At two and a half minutes, it is still a timeout and the whole group has no benefits. However, this time there is no requirement for both of them to obtain benefits to be counted. However, one person can only take one envelope and must not damage the bridge."

Everyone knows now that the last supplement from the Yang team is only for Song Shiyue.

I have to say that Song Shiyue is really a person who has let the rules that are flawless on the surface leak into a sieve and continue to fill up.

It sounds like the welfare this time is a bit more humane than the one on the wooden bridge last time. At any rate, there is no blank in the envelope, which excludes luck.

But really looking at it, it's not like that at all.

That chain bridge, the chain that can be stepped on, is just as thick as your thumb, it's just such an empty one, it's not in a tight state, you can imagine how sway...

The top one is higher than the top of the human head. Even if it can be pulled to maintain balance, how can you take the benefits tied to the bottom chain...

Those envelopes were put on the rope again, and one end of the rope was tied to the iron rope... If you want to get it, you have to loose your hand holding the iron rope above and squat down...

After the sheep team finished talking about the rules, they went to the bridge to demonstrate.

As soon as this person went up, it was revealed that the chain bridge was really shaking badly.It was the sheep team, who walked cautiously step by step. Everyone counted until the end, and it took the sheep team almost two minutes to reach the opposite platform.

In other words, even if they have the level of the sheep team, they only have 30 seconds to try to get the envelope.

It's really... a bit whimsical.

"While standing, try to go down and hook the rope, and then it is best to hang the rope on the foot, then lift it up with one foot, and finally pull the envelope off with your hands?" Ning Chuyang sat down On the platform floor, looking at the iron cable not far away chattering, but finally sighed and said, "I don't think I can do it. Is it a quilt this time? I'm ready to cover this dress today..."

"Maybe I can ask Dr. Ni in advance about the medicine to prevent colds." Although Mu Xingzhou was still standing, he was very disappointed when he looked at the place where he dared to call the bridge with only two chains.

"What do you think of Teacher Song?" Guan Yongyi still has the heart to fight.

"The iron rope is a bit loose, and it should be swaying. It may not be good to stand on one foot. If the instep is hooked up, you can catch the rope with your hands without breaking it. Just pull the envelope up directly and pull the envelope." Song Shiyue frowned slightly and said, "I'm still afraid of shaking too much, it's hard to do. After all, two and a half minutes is not long."

"But if you squat down and take it, it's even more impossible." Zhuang Jiachuan imagined it, and felt that the difficulty was really high.

Just step on one iron rope with one foot, pull one by hand, and it would be nice to be able to pass in two minutes.Still let go, let alone let go and squat down, I'm afraid that you will have to hang up as soon as you let go.It's not a professional tightrope walker, how can it be done.

"It's not bad." Song Shiyue thought for a while, and looked at Zhao Da. "When the sheep team said the rules just now, they didn't say that only one person can go up at a time, right?"

Zhao Da: "..."

"I didn't say." Yu Nianbing replied, but frowned and looked at Song Shiyue.

Song Shiyue continued to look at Zhao Da.

"I didn't say..." Zhao Da sighed, and just said again, "but the two of them are even more shaken."

"Indeed." Song Shiyue nodded without denying.

"This time it's time-limited. If you slip your feet, you'll hang up halfway. Even if you hang up like this, even if you still struggle to step on it, I'm afraid you won't be able to pass it in two and a half minutes without taking the envelope." Mu Xingzhou was still lost. .

"Right." Song Shiyue nodded again.

Seeing that Song Shiyue didn't recruit, everyone was even more disappointed.

"Forget it, the house is all there, no quilt. Don’t you still have clothes..." Guan Yongyi rubbed his face and tried to be optimistic. It also keeps warm. Besides, I haven’t tried it yet. Maybe I’ll try it and you’ll get it.”

Yu Nianbing glanced at Song Shiyue.

To be honest, Yu Nianbing was really worried. Song Shiyue's operations on this zipline route were too frequent, showing too many differences.But, down this road, even Yu Nianbing couldn't help being somewhat dependent on Song Shiyue.Seeing Song Shiyue at this moment seems to have nothing to do, Yu Nianbing's heart is really complicated.

But for Song Shiyue, there is no way out.

But the guy from the sheep team is really a bit troublesome.

It’s like walking past, and then going back to tear off other people’s envelopes and tie them back to the place where the chain started. Song Shiyue thinks that the sheep team will definitely say "one person can only hold one envelope" The matter comes to negate.

The operation can't be too out of the ordinary, and there are too many restrictions, and the method is hard to think.

There are more solutions than problems.


Song Shiyue raised her head and looked at the sky. She was afraid that it was the weather, so she didn't give her more time to think of a more convenient and effective way.

"I have two ideas now." Song Shiyue decided to hurry up. The method is immature and it's okay. Some methods are better than no methods. "One is that after I pass, straighten the iron cable so that when you pass, It may not shake so much when you step on it. I can walk faster and take more time to take the envelope. Or, after I pass, I will come back and wait for you at the envelope. After you come, I will pick up the envelope and give it to you. In your hands, in order to save time later, you have to pass by me and go first."

"I choose two." Ning Chuyang raised his hand for the first time, and said again, "If you choose one, no matter how much time you save, I won't be able to get the envelope."

"But if you choose the second, will the two people be more swayed on the iron rope?" Mu Xingzhou hesitated.

"It's possible, I try not to move." Song Shiyue said so, without guaranteeing much.

"Two." Zhuang Jiachuan knew his own business, so he was about the same level as Ning Chuyang.

After Zhuang Jiachuan, Mu Xingzhou hesitated and chose the second.

Guan Yongyi hesitated and chose one.

"Teacher Yu?" Song Shiyue looked at Yu Nianbing.

"I'll choose two too." Yu Nianbing gave Guan Yongyi a thoughtful look, and wanted to say something, but finally turned to Song Shiyue to make a choice.

Okay, one one, four two.

"Then I'll go first, and then Teacher Guan will come. Just let them see the effect of the first method, and there will be time to change their minds later." Song Shiyue didn't dare to delay any more time, and turned around while walking towards the chain bridge. Look at Guan Yongyi and said.

"Yes." Guan Yongyi nodded.

Song Shiyue, Song Shiyue again.

The sheep team looked at the little girl who walked steadily on the chain, and felt a little uncomfortable.

If you change the time and place, you can say that the Sheep Team will still praise Shiyue.But such a powerful person, appearing in the team led by him, is really a trouble for one mountain and two tigers.

Song Shiyue walked to the first envelope, did not stop, walked all the way to the middle part of the iron rope, and slowly loosened the hand holding the upper iron rope, and only pulled the safety rope that she hung down, which was a little swaying. The chain squatted down in the middle.

Kneel down, pull the rope, pull the envelope, stand up, and continue walking.

One minute and fifty seconds.

The Goats squeezed the timer in their hands.

On the two platforms currently present, only the Sheep team knows that the benefits of this level are not actually available to the guests in the program group's plan.

Not only this level, but also the previous levels. After the calculation of the program group, the guests can get very few things.A welfare challenge, if one or two guests can get something, it is already pretty good.After all, after arriving at the camp, there will be other links to supplement the items needed by the guests overnight.

This method, what is the name of the program group...

Want to promote first?

But take a look.

Look now!

The wooden bridge won four, and the rope bridge and tree climbing won the slam... Now that the chain with a preset probability of zero, Song Shiyue has achieved a zero breakthrough as soon as he came up.

The Sheep team is really upset, and some look forward to seeing Director Zhang through the camera control. What kind of depression is this moment.

It's a pity that the sheep team's wishes seem to be destined to fail and then fail.

At this moment in the camp, Director Zhang was sitting comfortably on a small mat laid by Feng Qianqian, eating snacks that Zhao Er dug out from the incubator, watching the camera control screen and seeing something interesting. From time to time, he turned his head and said to Wang Daming, who was busy setting up a tent, "Look, I said, there is Song Shiyue, where is their zipline all the way boring. It seems that the live broadcast ratings in the afternoon should be lower. It burst."

Wang Daming smiled and agreed, but in his heart he couldn't help but repeatedly complain about Zhang Dao's uncertain temperament, and his temperament with evil and joy is really hard to serve.

Song Shiyue got on the platform through the iron cable, and easily removed the envelope when the sheep team reported the time.

"It's a quilt." Song Shiyue turned and shouted to the opposite platform.

Sheep team: "..."

Song Shiyue didn't care about the serious expression of the sheep team, and was puzzled by the safety button. She squatted down on the side of the platform and grabbed the chain below with one hand.

"What are you doing? Didn't you say that you can't damage the bridge?" The sheep team felt wrong instinctively and stepped forward to stop it.

Song Shiyue raised her head, and asked with some doubts: "Is it broken? Isn't it iron? Is it the tofu residue project? I just pulled it and it broke?"

The sheep team was speechless for a while after four questions.

Guan Yongyi was about to walk on the bridge.

The sheep team also saw what Song Shiyue was doing right now, and she couldn't help saying that she was sick in her heart.

Do you really think you ate spinach?I thought you could pull the chain at this moment, you can still stretch this person up?It's really easy!

When the sheep team thought so, the disdain on his face was brought out a little.

It's just that the iron cable is just like that, it has been tight, has been tight...until Guan Yongyi stepped on the platform here, still tight.

"Two minutes and twenty-one seconds." The sheep team reported the numbers smoothly, but their heart was not as calm as he showed.

"Hey, it seems I still can't do it." Guan Yongyi came up empty-handed, a little dejected.Several times before, my foot was almost hooked to the rope below, but it was still a little worse.It was too late to try again. Guan Yongyi couldn't hurt Zhuang Jiachuan, so he could only give up the envelope and walk over.

"It's already very good, you walked very fast." Song Shiyue didn't know how to comfort him, so she could just find a little compliment.

Originally Song Shiyue couldn't guarantee the success rate of these two methods, just wanted to give them more help.

To be precise, it was because I wanted to help Yu Nianbing... so I had to help them.

As for the method and path, they are all chosen by themselves, there is nothing right or wrong. At this moment, Guan Yongyi can only digest the failure by himself.

Fortunately, it's just a quilt.

Guan Yongyi came over, and Song Shiyue got back on the iron rope after he took the safety buckle.

The sheep team took two steps forward again, just watching Song Shiyue blinking away from the back, but after all, they still didn't say anything.

What can I say, although the sheep team still can’t see what Song Shiyue is going to do at this moment, it’s just that they have not said before that they can’t go back...

Because Song Shiyue worked hard on this journey, everyone wanted to give it back, so they stopped Yu Nianbing from being the first person to try the second method.

As the big brother, Zhuang Jiachuan acted as a little white mouse. When Song Shiyue stood halfway on the iron cable, he took a deep breath and walked up.

Author: Yu donor, Pindao view you Yintang black, tomorrow is to have a single step for fear of disaster.

Yu Nianbing:...

Song Shiyue: There is a sentence...

Author: Improper speak, do not speak, I do not listen!