There is a Wall Behind the Shadow

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Six

When the snow fell and winter really came, Song Shiyue and the others had made various efforts to survive the winter safely, and finally it was time to test the results.

Several bedrooms are covered with kangs, and all the houses are covered with stone walls and thick mud mixed with hay, even the houses for geese and sheep outside the camp.

I stopped fishing until the snow fell. After a heavy rain, the stone road paved at the beginning of the camp’s renovation showed its benefits. It was in sharp contrast with the unpaved muddy ground next to it.Even though the distance between the houses is quite close, it is a bit troublesome to have to hold an umbrella back and forth.After the rain stopped, Song Shiyue, who chopped wood and grass during the day, stayed for two nights, inserted wooden pillars on both sides of the stone road, followed the direction of the stone road, and made a chevron top on the top of the stone road to connect The stone road in the camp has been upgraded to a long corridor that is not afraid of rain and snow when walking around.

When it’s clear, it doesn’t show much. When it comes to snow, whether it’s a light snow drifting or a heavy snowfall, people come and go around the camp to eat and bathe, and it’s as convenient as on a sunny day. The benefits of Song Shiyue did not go to waste of the hard work that Song Shiyue did before the snowy sky.

In addition to the promenade, Song Shiyue added a simple firewood house on the corner of the camp before the winter. The firewood and forage that were collected and dried in batches were cut down one month before the beginning of the year. When it snows, the pile is full.A lot of firewood that had no place to put was stuffed into the kitchen and bathroom to boil water.

Except for the surrounding wood when they first came to the camp, later Song Shiyue and the others consciously went to collect them far away from the camp.The reserves at this time are supposed to be enough for the winter, but if the winter of Wilderness Star is particularly long, the remaining resources around the camp will be enough for them to support them for a while, without having to travel far.

At the beginning, there was a litter of gray hares near the team camp. The little rabbits grew into big rabbits, and more than half of the female rabbits had their cubs.The white rabbits caught in the back, the female rabbits that originally had babies, had already given birth to two litters by the winter.The most powerful ones are the geese, with a large number of them. Although the eggs that were originally brooding in the wild have not been recognized, the ones that came to give birth have hatched more than 20 goslings.Although counting the number of eggs that have been hatched, the proportion of hatched gooses is still a bit small, but the number has exceeded those big geese brought back by Song Shiyue.On the one hand, there are too many goose eggs to eat, and on the other hand, the goose meat that can be obtained by breaking some eggs, which is quite cost-effective.There is no expectation for chickens with only hens, duck eggs with brooding but not hatched, I don’t know if the male duck is not good.Sheep can't reproduce faster than rabbits and poultry, but they still add a member before the winter, which is one of the few goats.Counting the others, it is very likely that they will also be born in winter.

Because of the birth of these little cubs, Song Shiyue specially reinforced several houses for raising poultry and livestock. The houses were padded with grass fodder to make nests, and the mud mixed with hay outside the house was thickened.Look at the back, if it doesn't work, it's not bad to build a house and a kang for the boys.

The fish raised in the small pond of the duck house were picked up long before the river water froze. They were placed in a few newly made large stone tanks and kept in the kitchen that burned every day until it became colder. , Just move to each bedroom to occupy a corner.

The dried vegetables and dried fruits that should be dried have been dried and sealed, and with enough salt, salted fish and salted goose eggs have also been pickled.Fortunately, the potatoes in the field were picked up two days before the snow fell.There is not enough time to grow up. The potatoes are a little small, most of them are as big as Song Shiyue's fist, and some of them grow well, but only the size of a punch.

The eight packs of long-sprouting potatoes that Song Shiyue moved back from the castle, just in case, only six packs were planted.The small potatoes dug back now are a little too small, but there are always about twelve-three packs in total, which is a double achievement.

A camp is full of people with no serious planting experience. It is already a success to grow uneatable germinated potatoes into edible ordinary potatoes, and there is no need for a good harvest.The doubled potatoes now can be regarded as a surprise.

All the potatoes in the field were also confiscated. Song Shiyue was ruthless and confiscated the two or three potatoes left. He planned to observe and observe in the winter to see what would happen if he stayed over the winter.Will it rot, or stop growing, or will it grow slowly but survive the winter successfully.This year is the first time to plant. There is not much food in the camp. It is better to harvest it first.However, with observational data, we can consider more rationally and comprehensively in the next winter.

Although Song Shiyue took the lead in the construction of the camp, the matter was discussed. It was the decision of everyone to leave these potatoes.

The few people on Wilderness Star are still planning and working hard for the next winter, and even don't know how many winters in the future, but the spectators outside who knew the return date were grateful and embarrassed.

From urging the Mingtan main star government every day to determine the duration of the surging power of the wilderness star, to this moment, they feel a little sad and disappointed because their future efforts will eventually fail. How did this change happen... ...

The industrious and fortunate people prepared the grain early, burned the kang and stewed the meat when the cold came, and began to nest in the winter warmly.

The industrious but unfortunate people and the lazy and unfortunate people can only rely on eating bark, grass roots, bugs, wrapped in damp quilts and dusty tent cloths to move forward in the snow.

After it snowed, the road became more difficult to walk.Although the snow was not heavy, it still half-covered the withered weeds, and even the bugs that had been seen occasionally in the autumn almost disappeared.They returned to the route set by the program group, and so... there was nothing.

They had to stop and decide to take a risk after they had crossed the bear camp, and bet that since the snow had fallen, the bear should also hibernate.

In fact, it's not that they want to block, they have already reached the point where they will starve to death if they don't bet.

Mu Xingzhou never thought that he would return to the food reserve base of the two bears, but this was the only place they knew they could get a bite of food.

When they came back, they were dizzy with hunger, almost to the point that they couldn't afford the bedding and tent skin on their bodies.

It’s just that, whether it’s the warm bedding or the tent skin that protects the snow, as long as they are lost, they will be frozen to death before starving to death.So... it can only be supported with difficulty.

Fortunately, I found this field of voles, but the bear was not there.

Crazy... digging.

Branches, sticks, stones, hands...

The bag that originally contained the tent found in the abandoned camp before finally came into use.

Dry grass seeds, dry grass leaves, strange dry plants, and occasionally looking for a pod with dried soybeans hidden in it is a hit.

The extremely hungry Mu Xingzhou and Wang Daming stuffed their mouths while digging. There were voles running hurriedly everywhere, and they dug holes with no particles left...

At this time, they are not as good as the two bears who know that they will dig a hole and leave a little food to return.

Putting several handfuls of food mixed with soil and snow into his mouth, Wang Daming, who was chewing, pulled off the tent skin that was covering his quilt, and pounced at the field mouse that had just burst out of the hole.

Under the skin of the large tent was a writhing squeaking bulge. Wang Daming leaped on his head and shouted at Mu Xingzhou who was still digging a hole not far away: "Take a rock!"

Mu Xingzhou and Wang Daming did not dare to stay long, but they were too greedy for this land.

A looting.

The contest of survival.

As the two disappeared, most of the package of rat food and a few voles left behind was a piece of land that was dug into potholes, and it is estimated that it would no longer be a granary.

The two of them who were half full while digging and eating couldn't believe that things could be so lucky and smooth.

Mu Xingzhou felt that his choice was correct.

That's right, leaving by mistake in the first place caused myself to be punished.Now I choose to return to her no matter how difficult it is, even God is helping me.

It can only be said that fortunately, Mu Xingzhou and Wang Daming are not very good at chatting, or he will say this in his heart, afraid that the Mu family, who has fallen to the bottom, will usher in a new round of heavy losses.

Shifting the preset route of the program group, and then leaning back, is a bit difficult for the two of them in an environment where the snow has already fallen.

But fortunately, there was no threat from the bear this time. They made a lot of marks on the road. Although it took some time to go back and forth, it was always surprising and risky to bring things back to the program group's preset route.

There is meat, pot, scissors, lighter...

No matter how cold it was before, the two people who couldn't get out of the fire, in order to eat a bite of cooked meat, made their best effort since entering the wilderness star.

Scissors scraped dry wood chips from the wooden furniture in the house, and picked out smaller pieces of wood that were still dry from the collapsed and smashed furniture.

After drilling wood to make fire for most of the night, even Wang Daming did not lazily take turns taking turns with Mu Xingzhou.

Towards dawn, they finally had vole meat.

There is no seasoning, just boiled the whole vole in the melted snow water after peeling its belly, plus a handful of grass seeds that have been mixed together and dried plants or weeds, just eat it like this Stomach down.

If it hadn't been for the two of them to take two pots and divide the contents of the pot early, they would have to grab it in the first time even if the skin was burned off.

They hadn't eaten hot food for two months, and even if they blew and blew their first bite, they almost made them doubt life.

The taste is strange, but they think it is very, very delicious.

After taking a few bites, Wang Daming couldn't help but began to cry, and Mu Xingzhou couldn't help but blush.

They finally started to live like individuals, but they don't know if they can be like individuals again after today.

A large bowl of strange soup, the two separated cleanly.

The fire that finally started, the two really wanted to lift it up and take it away.


Even if they can carry a pot, carry the flame, continue to add firewood and go forward.

But what about Luoxue, what about the load...

All they can take away is some hot water poured into the kettle.

It’s just that they don’t know it. They have to be grateful that Song Shiyue brought too many things. The water bottle for everyone has already taken several people. It is really impossible to bring these smashed and collapsed ones, so that they can get some hot water. s things.

Many voles have been boiled in a pot while there is a fire, and placed in a box with a little flat and some gaps.Wang Daming changed another bedding and tore a piece of tent cloth, and the two of them went on the road again.

I just hope they can move faster. This half-pack of rat food plus a few voles can make them reach the castle...

However, the ideas are good, and there is always hope.

The reality is...