There used to be Uchiha

Chapter 206 23. Routine (recommendation, monthly pass)

You can search for "Once upon a time there was a Uchiha search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Looking at the cold corpse in front of him, Uchiha Lihuo frowned and sighed, "It seems that you don't have the right to enjoy eternal life."

There is no doubt that Kuo Yin Shang Ren's demonization failed. Whether it was due to a different world or the result of the conflict between Chakra and Demonized Cells, Kuo Yin Shang Ren's transformation failed and he lost his life.

Under the guidance of Uchiha's Lihuo, the bright red blood was stripped from the upper end and returned to the body of the blood clone.

Looking around, hearing the gradually clear sound of footsteps, Uchiha Lihuo gave up the idea of ​​demonizing other Kushinin Shinobu Murakami, followed the window and left the area of ​​Kushininu Village.

It is undoubtedly a cruel act to go against the wishes of others and turn a living person into a dependent of one's own.

The biggest reason why Uchiha Lihuo tried to endure the name Kusage was because the other party had supported the remarks of alliance with Iwaguru at the meeting.

This makes sense. Uchiha Lihuo originally intended to control it and convince him to persuade the leader of Kushinin Village to provide convenience for Konoha in secret, but it clearly failed.

It was unrealistic to continue to control other Cao Yin Shang Ren, and had to give up this plan and leave from Cao Yin Shang Ren.

After Uchiha left the fire, the young Kushinin knocked on the door of the room and walked in with a pile of documents.

When I saw the corpse in the room, something incredible appeared in my eyes first, and then tears came out of my eyes, shouting: "Teacher."

"Teacher, who killed you?" After crying bitterly, Cao Ren's eyes were red, looking at Shang Ren's corpse. There were obvious knife marks on the corpse's arms and small red spots appeared on the surface of the body.

"What's the matter? Taro." The crying caught the attention of other Kushinhin. When they saw Shangnin's body, they were all shocked and secretly afraid.

"Go and inform the leader." Someone suggested, after all, it was Kushininaka who died, and the few of them should notify the leader of Kushinin as soon as possible.

Weeping Cao Ren nodded and said, "The corpse is still cold, and the murderer must not have gone far."

"Yes, go and inform the leader." Kushinin agreed, but they didn't have much expectation of arresting the murderer. The deceased was a ninja who could assassinate him at home. How powerful.

Soon, the leader of Kushinin came over and looked at his former friend. While surprised at his death, the leader of Kushinin quickly realized the strength of the attacker.

Shaking his head and rejecting the friend's disciple's suggestion to arrest the murderer, he said to the surrounding Kushinin, "No one is allowed to say anything about today."

After dismissing Cao Ren, the leader of Cao Ren inspected his friend's body and found that the other party was almost defeated within a few breaths.

Such a method can't even be done by an elite elite like Ninja. It can only be a shadow-like figure, and shadow-level powerhouses are very rare in the Ninja world. Only the five major nations have the ability to send shadow-level powerhouses to assassinate.

So, is it Yanyin, Yunyin or Konoha?

After figuring out everything, the leader of Caonin Village was puzzled, and at the same time he secretly sighed, worried about the future of Caonin Village.

Being in the cracks of a big country is an opportunity for Cao Ren Village, but also a kind of misfortune.

After the sadness, the leader of Cao Ren Village returned to the building, and then went to complete official duties. The huge Cao Ren Village still needs his support.


Uchiha Lihuo, who had left Kushinin Village, took time to visit the residence of the daimyo of Kusino Country.

As a daimyo, the mansion is naturally guarded by Shinobu, but this can't prevent Uchiha from leaving the fire.

After sneaking into the daimyo's mansion, he passed by the vulgar daimyo, and Lihuo entered the daimyo's private treasury, plundering the money.Xinfeng Literature Network

Uchiha Lihuo intends to use this money to purchase experimental equipment. Due to lack of funds, many of his experiments cannot be carried out.

Before leaving the daimyo's mansion, Uchiha Lihuo had the idea of ​​controlling the daimyo, but after thinking about the body of the daimyo, he dispelled this idea.

At any rate, the daimyo is the leader of various countries in name, stabilizing the situation of various countries, or don't act casually, so as not to become a public enemy of the Ninja world.

Looking at the money in Infinite City, Uchiha had a sense of inexplicable steadfastness from the fire, perhaps because of poverty.

After looting the daimyo mansion, Uchiha Lihuo reappeared to walk on the road of the country of grass, recording more nodes.

His Infinite City must be buried in various places to open the door, which is similar to the mark of Flying Thunder God.

For convenience in the future, Uchiha Lihuo began to tirelessly arrange blood cores.

Suddenly, there was a sound of fighting in the distance, attracting Uchiha's attention.

Walking quickly to the place of the incident, standing on the big tree, Uchiha Lihuo stared at the two sides facing each other on the road.

On one side is a traveling merchant carrying goods, by the way, also taking passengers, doing the work of reselling special products, and the other is the common wandering ninjas at the borders of various countries. Although these wandering ninjas are not strong, they are easy to deal with ordinary people.

After throwing kunai at will and killing the guard with a short sword, the wandering ninja dragged the caravan boss out of the carriage, and his eyes were full of light looking at the goods.

"This is a big deal." The wandering ninja said to his surrounding companions.

The companion nodded and looked at the others in the convoy, as if looking at a group of fat sheep, "Yes, yeah, the rich sell for ransom, but if there is no money, sell them as slaves. Some people want slaves in the black market."

"It turned out to be an ordinary robbery."

Witnessing what happened, Uchiha Lihuo was a little disappointed, but he knew something about the black market slaves described by the wandering ninja.

Those are poor people who have been resold for various reasons, and the end result is very likely to be forced to become experimental subjects voluntarily, and their buyers are the "darkness" in the major Shinobu villages.

After stopping for a while, Uchiha Lihuo planned to deal with it all after the wandering ninjas gathered.

However, a group of ninjas suddenly appeared on the other side of the road, looking at the costumes and headgear, the style of Kusanobu Village, which Uchiha Lihuo had just visited.

When the wandering ninja saw Kushinin appear again, he threatened the caravan boss and left with a small part of the living creatures.

"Thank you, ninja adults, thank you." The caravan boss looked at Kushinin gratefully. It was because of Kushinin that he could keep the goods he spent most of his life on.

"Expelling the wandering ninjas is what we should do." Kushinin gave a hearty smile, followed by a worried look, and said, "Boss, there are wandering ninjas on the way. For your safety, it's best to hire a few As a ninja as a guard, the reward for the B-level mission is very cheap."

The caravan boss nodded gratefully to Dade, but Kushinori grinned at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the direction where the wandering ninja was running away.


With a soft sigh, Uchiha Lihuo planned to leave, without the idea of ​​participating in the Kushinin routine.

Compared to Konoha, Cao Ren's routine is weaker.

However, before leaving, Uchiha Lihuo dispelled the idea by looking at a figure on and off the carriage.