There used to be Uchiha

#275-Chapter 275

You can search for "Once upon a time there was a Uchiha search novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Heitong used the eight rooms to manipulate the skeleton towards the porcupine. Although it was only the skeleton, it still possessed the power not inferior to the heyday.

Boom boom boom...

The dragon-shaped skeletons fought with the porcupines, and after the battle, a series of deafening noises were produced, echoing in the dense forests, splashing rocks and dust and smoke everywhere!

Every time the dragon-shaped skeleton and the dangerous porcupine species fight, a huge shock wave is formed on the ground, causing the entire land to tremble.

Iyeas and Shayou are moving away from the two behemoths. Neither of them has experience in fighting super dangerous species. They don't know what to do in this situation.

The black pupil on the back of the skeleton was also uncomfortable. With the violent shaking of the skeleton, it was difficult for her to stand firm, so she could only hug on a skeleton and direct the actions of the former.

Soon the fighting between the two sides came to a halt temporarily, because they both found it difficult to do anything about the other side. If this goes on, it is likely that both sides will suffer.

Fear grew in the heart of the super dangerous species, and after a howl declared its sovereignty, it was ready to retreat.

In the wilderness, it is a foolish act to lose both sides. No one knows whether there is a third party waiting to reap the benefits.

The super dangerous species wanted to retreat, but Iyeas and Shayou did not let go of its thoughts, and rushed to the side of the porcupine and continued to attack.

Black pupil also manipulated the bones to run on the ground...

On the mountain in the distance, Uchiha Lihuo has been paying attention to the battle, and from the battle, he has a glimpse of the strength of the black eyes and Iyeas.

In the battle against the super dangerous species, their weaknesses in the battle soon became apparent.

Black pupil manipulated the deceased to march, and her own combat effectiveness was also very strong, but due to the distraction to control the corpse, she had no time to take care of herself, so that once she was approached, she was easily subdued.

As for Iyeas and Shayo, their performance was their lack of combat experience. Although they were born on the border and knew about hunting, they lacked a lot of skills and experience compared to professional fighters.

Simply relying on the demonized body to resist, but it is enough. With the demonized body characteristics, they can gradually grow and become stronger in the long battle.

The fighting in the forest continues.

Iyeas and Shayou blocked the porcupine's retreat, and the black pupils are also coming at an extremely fast speed, forming a force of flanking one after another.

The porcupine looked at Iyeas in front of him, and then reincarnated to look at the skeleton manipulated by the black pupil, humming its nose, looking very impatient.

Whether it is a skeleton or a small human with a long sword, it feels tricky. They are unkillable existences. Although they cause too much damage to themselves, as time goes on, it gradually gets scarred. .


The porcupine once again released the spikes on its back. These spikes can even pierce through rocks and carry certain toxins that can paralyze their prey.

However, it has no effect on the enemies in front of them. No matter whether they are resisting or evading, they have not suffered much damage.

"I want to attack its eyes." Iyeas stared at the weakness of the dangerous species. Except for the eyes, the opponent's body was covered with thick fur, which was as tough as wire.

As he said, Iyeas started to move, jumped directly to the back of the dangerous species, and ran towards the beast head among a bunch of spikes.

Hei Tong and Sha You looked at each other and decided to assist Iyeas' attack.

Realizing the danger, the porcupine shook quickly trying to throw Iyeas off his back, but his bones and Xiaobi were tightly controlled and could not move.520 novel

Seeing the human in front of him gradually approaching him, the porcupine was shocked and frightened, pouring out the spikes on his back without reservation.

However, neither Xiaobi nor Skeleton was afraid of its attack, and still controlled it firmly.

In the end with a deafening roar, the porcupine was pierced by a long sword in its eyeballs, destroyed and its brain died.

The huge body fell on the ground to produce smoke and dust.

The dangerous species in the nearby mountains and forests are also aware of the death of the regional overlord, the birth of a new overlord, that group of dangerous humans.

Following the death of the porcupine, Uchiha Lihuo appeared in front of the corpse, and Iyeas and Shayo were processing the material on the porcupine.

These materials must be removed when the corpse is not yet rigid, otherwise it will lose its activity and reduce its effectiveness.

As a super dangerous species, the most useful porcupine is undoubtedly the sharp spikes on the back and the pair of hard fangs, both of which can be used to make court equipment.

The only pity is that this super-dangerous species does not show any special abilities. It is just a pity that it is huge and can release powerful spikes.

As for hunting down other super dangerous species, even though Uchiha Lihuo wanted to do that, he used his blood clone to search for half a month in the wild, and there was only this one.

Maybe there will be a large number of super dangerous species in the ocean not far away, but he can't reach it now.

Compared to land, the deep sea is too dangerous, and at present, the material on this super dangerous species is sufficient.

After processing the material, Uchiha Lihuo waved his hand, collected the material into Infinite City, and said to the black pupil, "Black pupil, manipulate the dead body of the dangerous species."

Black pupil nodded, this super dangerous species can significantly improve her combat effectiveness, so naturally he will not refuse.

This is also the reason why the last blow was delivered to her attack.

Under the influence of the dead's march, the porcupine lying on the ground came back to life. Although it was a bit stiffer than when it was alive, its strength will be weakened to a certain extent, but it has no weaknesses and cancels each other out.

Uchiha Lihuo carefully observed the movements and expressions of the black pupil when he shot, and wanted to understand how the black pupil got the approval of the eight houses.

But the gain is not great, and we need to continue to observe.

But at this time, Uchiha Lihuo's heart suddenly came up with an idea, can his own kaleidoscope kaleidoscope write round eyes control these corpses?

Why not give it a try.

Mobilizing his pupil power, Uchiha Lihuo's eyes appeared with a sword-blade cross pattern, and he began to launch illusions toward the dangerous corpse.

One second, two seconds, after a few seconds.

Under the action of the illusion, the super dangerous species was not controlled like Uchiha Lihuo imagined, but fell on the ground and turned into a dead body again.

It seems that although his pupil technique cannot control the corpse, it can cut off the control of the eight chambers on the corpse.

With this thought in his heart, Uchiha Lihuo closed the writing wheel eyes, and the fallen corpse returned to the control of the eight rooms.

Black pupil was surprised to look at Uchiha Lihuo, just now she discovered that the super dangerous species was temporarily out of the control of the eight rooms, what was going on.

Where is the sacred young man who captured himself?