There used to be Uchiha

Chapter 366 41. The pot is not black and bright enough

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Uchiha clan land.

Uchiha Tomitake stood in the courtyard, listening to the report of the guards.

From the guards, he learned that Lihuo defeated Elder Hyuga.

He was very happy about this matter. There was another strong elite in the family, Shang Ren, and at the age of Li Huo, it would not be impossible to awaken those eyes in the future.

"Li Huo challenged the Hyuga Zong family for the sake of Hyuga Zang?"

After listening to the report, Fu Yue's face suddenly sank.

But soon he figured out the key, and his brows gradually eased.

Extreme love produces extreme emotions. It seems that with a little guidance, Li Huo might awaken those eyes.

After Uchiha Kyō-sama died, the Uchiha clan has been missing the kaleidoscope for many years.

This is the reason why Uchiha has many elites, but he cannot enter the core decision-making level.

"Unfortunately, it's not the time yet."

Fu Yue sighed slightly, and said to the guards: "Get ready, I'm going to see Sandaime."

In any case, it is not a trivial matter for Lihuo to challenge the Hyuga Zongjia rashly.

If he does not come forward immediately, it is likely to trigger the hatred of Hyuga and the accountability of the village leaders.


Time flies, the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

Within half a month, Konoha's major ninja clan was most concerned about the battle of the ninja world, followed by the Uchiha family's victory over the Hyuga clan's elder.

In their view, Uchiha Lihuo, who can defeat the clan's elder, has reached the level of elite Shinobu.

Just one year after graduating from Ninja school, plus one of the three ninjas, Osamaru as a teacher, backed by the Uchiha clan.

There is no doubt that Lihuo is a rising star in the village, with unlimited potential.

However, as a party Li Huo did not have such awareness.

He was in the laboratory, busy studying Ye Cang cells, and wanted to re-engrave Zhuo Dun on the embryo of the court.

The result was not satisfactory and suffered a disastrous failure.

Not only the embryos are destroyed, but also the cell tissues of the Yecang are also greatly lost.

This makes Lihuo unable to help but suspect that Naruto World is simply not suitable for making imperial and court equipment.

Fortunately, the existing imperial tools and court tools were only slightly weakened, and they did not lose their effect.

After the failure of the re-engraving, Li Huo began to study the ghost cells again.

In the world of Beheading Sisters, Dr. Fashion and Dotya conducted in-depth research on ghost cells, and their success gave Lihuo a lot of inspiration.

All the imperial equipment and court equipment were transformed into ghosts, forming a ninja equipment suitable for the ninja world.

Now, Li Huo is still persistently studying ghost cells, but not to gain stronger power, but to resist the erosion of ghost cells.

With the passage of time, his demonized cell and Chakra's rejection from the beginning has a tendency to gradually merge.

This was originally a good thing, to avoid conflicts in the body and exert a stronger strength.

The keen Lihuo felt worried. While a momentary fusion could raise the upper limit of strength, it would affect the future.

As the cornerstone of the Ninja World, Chakra is undoubtedly more potential than ghost cells.

The ghost cell will be burned by fire, struck by lightning, and turned into ashes under the attack of the dust.

The body of Chakra does not.

Immortal and immortal, only the body of the sealed Chakra, the body that Uchiha dreams of leaving the fire.

In the impression, Datongmu Huiye possessed such an immortal body.

It's just that the fighting consciousness is extremely shallow, and she, who is silly and sweet, is sealed by her descendants.

Li Huo thought to himself, if he had such a powerful power, he would definitely not fall into the ridiculous sealing technique.

Suddenly, news came from the shadow clone outside Infinite City, interrupting Li Huo's imagination.

Initiating the blood ghost technique, Li Huo who left the Infinite City came outside the house.

Hongdou is standing in the yard with an anxious face, holding three-color balls in his hands.

Looking at the red beans eating balls in front of them, Li Huo expertly took a bunch, and said, "Red beans, what's important?"

Hongdou looked at Lihuo and said in a low voice, "Zang is looking for us."

Lihuo frowned. He didn't just go to the Hyuga clan half a month ago. What kind of moths are there now?

Hongdou shook her head repeatedly, indicating that she was not clear.

Lihuo let Hongdou lead the way, and the two walked towards the Hyuga clan. Because Lihuo challenged the Hyuga Zong family, they appeared outside the clan and attracted a lot of attention.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Li Huo chose to make a detour, and finally worked hard at Hyuga Zang who practiced Rouquan.

At this time Hyuga Zang just finished his soft fist, panting and sitting on the ground.

Li Huo walked forward and asked, "Is the Zong family bullying you, or is it that they don't want to hand over the endurance equipment."

These days, he has also heard rumors in the village that the reason why he protects his companions is to awaken the kaleidoscope.

Such rumors, Li Huo naturally smiled.

He did not choose to expose it, and it could be regarded as a protection for Hyuga Zang.

After all, Hyuga Zang who owns the bird curse seal in the cage, facing the clan, it is difficult to have the right to choose.

Even death cannot bring true freedom.

Hyuga Zang also watched Lihuo carefully. He also heard rumors in the village that he didn't believe the rumors that Lihuo wanted him to be a tool to open the kaleidoscope.

But people say it is terrible. Although the Zong family didn't do anything to himself, other people looked at their pitiful eyes, but it was difficult to accept.

After a pause, Hyuga Zang slowly said, "The ninjas kept by the Zong family fell into the hands of Lord Danzo."

"Danzo?!" Li Huo's face sank.

Why does Danzo have to mix everything up? Is it because his pot is not bright enough?

Adzuki glared at Lihuo and Hyugazura, and said worriedly, "Is the ninja in Danzo's hand, can I still get it back?"

There was also a worried look on Hyuga Zang's face. He lost his endurance and could only practice soft fist.

It is not difficult to practice soft boxing with his talent, but at most it is just as old as the clan.

It is impossible to chase Lihuo.

The expressions of the two subordinates looked Lihuo in his eyes. He knew the thoughts and ambitions of Adzuki and Hyuga.

Adzuki is actually reluctant to be a ninja, she just wants to stay behind, eat and sleep.

As for Hyuga Zang, since he lost to himself, he has always wanted to catch up with him.

Unfortunately, this goal is almost impossible.

Apart from other foreign objects, he is also an elite Uchiha who opens a kaleidoscope.

After pondering for a while, Li Huo said in a positive tone: "If you can get it back, we will go to Danzo when Teacher Oshemaru returns from the Kingdom of Wind."

Red beans and Hyuga Zang heard these words, and their eyes lit up.

Aside from other things, they are still leaning on Teacher Oshemaru, whose merit and prestige are still higher than Danzo.

Looking at Hyuga Zanghe Azuki with his eyes lit up, Li Huo said solemnly: "You are too slack in this matter. I decided to conduct a special training."

"What special training?" Hyuga Zang and Adzuki beans asked curiously. When they were still under Shinobi before, Li Huo often took them for special training.

Li Huo smiled inscrutablely, and slowly said: "Special training for Eight Door Dunjia."