There used to be Uchiha

Chapter 452 02. The enemy depths in the bear

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"What kind of people are from the fire, the blood devil is?"

In the conversation, the water will mention the leader of the night tissue, and the mysterious mysterious blood magic.

The day also looked at the fire, and his eyes took some doubts.

Now they are all members of the night tissue, but they can not know anything about the night tissue leader, and in their three, it is undoubtedly the first person who first contacts the night.

These days, the three generations of fire have been convened to ask them a few times, but they can't get a satisfactory answer.

"Blood Devil ..." shook his head after a long time, he said:

"I am sorry that I know much about him, just know that the night organization is established to deal with the enemy hidden in the depths of the endurance."

"The enemy in the depths of the poor ..." Water and the day, the strength of the night, they are obvious to all, and they are not inferior to Xiaojun.

Such forces can still have the enemy that needs to be dealt.

I nodded from the fire, said in a quiet tone: "I used to listen to the blood of the magic, and the enemy of the night tissue needs to be very powerful, even the entire wooden leaves cannot be dealt."

In this case, it causes the water and the sun and the sun shock.

They can't imagine how powerful of the enemies that can be dealt with all the leaves.

You know, now the wooden leaves can still be talented, whether it is a young generation or a young generation, it is crushed any individual rim.

"Do we have to deal with the enemy in the future?" The day is slightly trembled to the water and the water.

Shake your head from the fire, he is not clear, the water behind the endurance is too deep, even if he doesn't dare to get too much.

Even if you don't mention the plan to intervene in Udi Boss, he is also thinking.

If you can persuade Yuxi Boli to change, then it is good, but you can be as Zhiwei, and understand the Yi Zhibo family.

There is no strength of the Zhizhi Boss, the other party will never listen to people.

At this moment, he felt away from the fire, he was able to feel that someone was peeking here and stopped talking.

Water and Japan also noticed hidden in the dark ninja.

It is undoubtedly an extremely difficult thing to hide the shape in front of the Triji Ninja.

After knowing that he has been discovered, the dark department also appeared in front of the fire team.

"The three generations of adults convened you." Leave this sentence, the dark department disappeared.

The team's three-person view, just returned to the wooden leaves from the fire, and the three generations should be summoned. It seems that the three generations of the three generations are still quite concerned.

I didn't have too many accidents from the fire. The behavior of my avatar blood made a great pressure of the three generations of fire, and he must care about all the strong people of the endurance.

Ten minutes later, the fire team arrived in the Huangju Building.

In the fire, the three generations scattered near the nearby dark, and the faces looked at the three people Zhongyu Zhiwei from fire.

"From the fire, where are you going?"

Take the word, repay it to the fire: "Three generations of adults, in the incident, I was seriously injured in the battle, and I was lucky enough to escape, I dared to show it for a few months."

I suddenly, I said: "I am lucky enough to return to a life, but Dai teacher sacrifice, Dai Teacher is to protect us, and opened the eight-door armor's last dead door, burned life."

I heard the words, the three generations were in silence. After ignite the pipe: "Metai is the hero of the village. He burned life is undoubtedly the reflection of the will of Fire, you don't have to blame you from fire."

I nodded from the fire, and the feelings were a little low, and this emotion was also infected with the water and the day.

Although the seniors of Martai is just to endure, they have sacrificed themselves in order to protect their companions.

Three generations of three generations look at the gods, not much, quiet waiting.

After the three people recovered, the three generations stared at the fire, directly opened the door and saw the mountain: "From the fire, you are also a member of the night tissue, or the first Ninja in the village."

To be said, the three generations paid the chin and waited for the fire to answer.

The night tissue leader has no dependence in the behavior of the wooden leaves, so that he deeply uneasy, and then thinks of other members of the night organization.

However, night tissue seems to have never concealed the identity of members, but for the leadership, the three generations have never been able to see.

I will sink, I nodded slightly, I hesitated: "Yes, the three generations of adults, I will join the night to organize some time."

"Why not report the village!" The three generations of eyes are like lightning, staring at the fire.

Naruto is a military agency. The people in the village add to other organizations, which is an extremely serious thing, almost can be said to be the behavior of treaschers.

I was silent from the fire, and I only said: "Organizing the leader as a coercion, I am ..."

"Well, I know."

The three generations heard the words, the tone was loose, and the fire was the apprentice of the big snake. His grandson is also his future communication of Unexpectedly, he doesn't want such serious.

Then, the three generations asked: "How much is you knowing from the fire?"

In the face of the same problem, the same answer to the water and day to Tibetan.

Just get the three generations of the answer remain very satisfied, still looked at Yischo from the fire.

He found that he had already seen the Yuxiano teenager before the face, but now the other party is not only a bridge of Yuxio, but also the only candidate of communication mystery.

Donned, the three generations have asked a message from the fire about the number of people on the night.

I heard a member of the description at least an elite organizational member, the three generations of face more dignified, and it is also thinking, can he be able to hire a night tissue, what is the effect of leaf?

Although the leader of the night is rejected, other organization members can also take it.

I thought here, the three generations looked at the fire and asked: "" Is there a blood demon and other organizational members? "

Shake your head and shook his head, looked at the end of the water and the day to Tibet, said: "Since the blood magic contact us, but so far, the blood magic and night organization have not allowed us to travel, just let us pay attention to the right candidate , Recruit a new organizational member.

Organizational members can get weapons that enhance their strength, but strangely, such weapons can only be used by specific ninjas. "

The three generations spit out the smoke ring, the other party's recruitment of members to issue the arms of the weapon, let him think of the hidden people.

Just compared with the seven people, the weapons issued by Night Tissues are more powerful.

At the same time, his heart is very curious, who is the enemy in the blood of the night?

From the other party's speech, the enemy of the night is not five rivals, but hidden in the depths of the endurance.