There used to be Uchiha

Chapter 491 41. Independent in the endurance

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Juveniles who are looking for a giant sickle, the unique bodies and oletes in front of you should be the flying segment in the two groups.

The strength of flying sections in the impression is not strong, only one of the body has reached the level.

But its unsatisfactory body and unique spells make his dangerous jumpets reached the level of elite.

However, if it is really unsatisfactory, it is really unknown.

At least the dust of the big wild wood should be able to kill the flying segment. After all, I have a similar body, I have lost a loss in the hands of the wild.

From a certain extent, the dust of Dano is the most powerful conventional means of today.

Perhaps just blocked the corpse of the wooden leaves.

"Hey, do you want to join the evil spirits?" The young bideway reclaimed.

I didn't pay attention to flying, and the day opened the white eye, looking to the flying segment in front of you, and immediately frown wrinkled.

"Leading from the fire, the other party seems to have no harm, and Chakra is also very strange in the body."

The water is also opened, and the view is observed, and the situation of the flying segment is not hidden.

Get eyed to be looked at the white eyes, flying paragraphs is very unsatisfactory, and the heart is suddenly turned, he is a firm violebit, and most annoying is peace, and I am bored to Tang Yin Village.

However, recently he joined the evil spirits, and the teachings of evil spirits were very in line with his heart.

Seeing the intended intersection, the flying segment is aligned with the fire, then dive over.

"He should be the murderer in Tang Yin Village ..."

There is no action from the fire station in the same place, but gives the sun to Tibetan and stop the water.


On the day, the trigger was buckled, and the bullet hit the head of the flying section and passed straight.

"This ..." The day is a bit horrified, and the flying segment of the head is still in the event, and the pace of movement is not blocked.

After aware that the enemy is strange, the Japanese Tibet is opened, and the eyes of the water will become a state of three hooks, they have to be serious.

In an instant, the forest was controlled by a sharp silk thread, and the flying segment runs at high speed, but hit the silk and moving.

The silk is gradually gathered, the muscles of the flying segment are pulled by the bleeding, fixed on the big tree, and the bullet cannot be moved.

Nowadays, the flying sections are not in the future, but it is just a neuropathy that gains unsatisfied body.

"It seems that he is suffering from fatal injuries." Japan to check it over and over again, some doubts: "But how is his strength, how is Tang Yin Village?"

"No matter what, we still give the murderer to Tang Yin." Water is recommended.

"No, he is not dead, Tang Yin Village can't."

The fire is covered with the chin, walk to the side of the flying segment, look at the eyes of the flying section.

It seems to be relying on his unsatheed body, the flying segment is not friendly, there is no consciousness of the prisoner of prisoners.

"Don't die, how should we dispose of him?"

Stop the water, according to the reason, the Ninja will not deal with things outside the task, but letting this kind of person will continue to get happy, sooner or later will threaten the leaves.

"I will place him, but before this, I want to know what the evil spirits are."

Solving the flying segment is not a difficult thing for the fire, the flying segment does not want to automatically heaner like Pakistan, just need to get big off eight pieces to enter the sea, it is also very simple.

Ability to make interest from fire, only evil spirits, the evil god that can give flying segments will make yourself gain something.

Without more than delay, the kaleidoscope was lit out from the fire, and the illusion easily controlled the gods of the flying segment.

"The sanctuary of the evil spirits is ..."

The controlled flying segment will soon ship the stronghold of the evil spirits, fortunately, the strong evil spirits are in the country of Sichuan.

The country of Sichuan is not big, and the trek is experienced for several days, and the three people who have appeared in the evil spirits.

The evil spirits are located in a canyon in the mountains. Just enter the stronghold, the fire frowned from the fire.

The people of evil spirits are mostly ordinary people, a few have several Chekra, should be high-level, but that kind of Chakra, the maximum is released.

It is frowning from the fire because the blood sacrifice for these contexts.

It is clear that there is no such thing, and what is done.

The day of the day is also a look like an indignation, and it is clear that such a scene cannot be accepted.

They have seen more cruel battlefields, but they can't accept the blood sacrifice for civilians.

In the eyes, the Three Team decided to clean this evil spirits, so afraid that there is no remuneration.

No longer concealment, three people appeared in the evil spirits, a murderous look.

"Who?" The evil god of the gods did not finish finish, and he had a knife.

Next to the speakers, the Rapida responded and issued alert in the base.

The news that the enemy is coming through the camp, and the people swarmed, and they are not afraid of death to the three people.

For the sake of evil spirits, they have already gained physical and mental.

However, there is no effect, the gap in strength is incomparable, and the evil spirits have been able to deal with ordinary people, dealing with the fire, and the water is so embarrassed to treat stone.

The peripheral high-level personnel of the camp, seeing the fire and others, two words do not say straight to the head.

They will have some big roads, and they have aware of the strength of the Ninja, they know the three people in the camp, and the general probability is the elite Ninja from the five major countries.

But their escape did not work, and they were stood in the day of the high place to hide one by one.

The muzzle has blows tones, and the sun touches the fire tube. He is familiar with this tolerance.

What is the melee, long-distance and firepower, which has white eyes, is the truth on the battlefield.

Soon, the team three people cleaned the camp, which was unexpected, they did not gain too much.

They did not see the so-called evil spirits at all, and these evil spirits were also the extent of roughness.

So why do you have a special existence of flying sections?

At this time, staying from the fire in a tow, the pottery can look flat, but feel the cold breath from the fire, and a little evil.

It seems that it is the sacrament of the evil spirits, and the pottery can be colored from the fire.

As for the flying segment, he was also taken away by him, so until the object of research, it is a pity.

Some people who are somewhat suspected of being sourced from the endurance itself, but not the god tree.

Although most of the ability of the endarability comes from the god tree, there are still some exceptions, such as the dragon veins of the landland, and the three holy land.

They are all other powers that are independent of the gods.