There used to be Uchiha

Chapter 500 50. Tongli VS Black

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The roof of the street jumps, the scene in front of the scene is like a recording.

Found that the fire was surprised, his speed became more rapid, which means that he and the thunder fruit integrate almost an end.

If it is able to completely fusion, maybe he has no power in front of the whole body.

The dark side of the street along the way also noted that from the fire, just a glimpse, it took the initiative to make the position.

Different from the rigs, the red beans are different, except for the identity of the brothers, there is enough to be recognized from the fire.

In the mind of the wood rubber, Yu Zhihe, who defeated eight tail column, has become a yellow flash, three tolerance.

Even if there is no high-level position, it is still respected.

Not long, there is a fire near the fire building.

Just look forward to the periphery, the fire is noticeed from the guard's face.

Falling on the air, ignoring the surrounding guards, walking towards the fire building.

Push the door to the office, the two convenience of confrontation appears in front of the fire.

Whether it is the three generations, or the big snake pills, put their eyes on the fire.

The emergence of fire is enough to break the deadlock under the eyes, whether it is joining that party, will be a victory.

Although from the perspective of it, the strength of the three generations and one party is slightly better than the big snake pill.

But the big snake pill is currently a shadow, accounting for the advantage of the jurisprudence, and there is also the power to mobilize other ninjas in the village.

"Four generations of adults, I am coming." Said about the fire to the big snake pill.

"You are finally here." The big snake pills showed a relaxed smile, and the emergence of fire is undoubtedly a strong intensive agent for him.

The group also puts out the deputy and reluctant smile, laughing with fire.

On the contrary, the three generations are deeply seen in the eyes, swallow the mouth, if they really join the big snake pill, even if they eventually defeated the big snake pill, the leaves will also split.

The mouth is also tapped, and the fire will not be added to the big snake pill.

Today ...

However, go to the fire in front of the big snake pill, but smiled at the big snake pill.

"Sorry, Yishibo will not participate in anything between the high-level ..."

Said, walking from the fire towards the direction of the door, he originally thought that the group and the big snake pills finally had to start with him, and there is a little small expectation in my heart.

Unexpectedly, just a high-level confrontation, power struggle.

Sorry, there is no interest in His Zhiso from the fire for high-level struggles.

At this time, the three generations and our hearts also breathed tones, as long as they did not stand to the big snake pills, they can press the big snake pills to move the village to the correct track.

The water gates looked at Unexpea from fire. Some of the attitude from fire, only from the attitude, the other party did not pay attention to the village, or at the price.

The colored face is sinking, and the behavior of fire is undoubtedly in the teasing him and the big snake pill.

But now, he really doesn't dare to get guilty, otherwise they will be more dangerous after joining the heat.

At this time, the lips of the big snake pill were peristalized and said: "From the fire, the old man wants to destroy the woods that we have studied."

Foots from the fire, turn back, the big snake pill is obviously going to pull yourself.

I have indeed participated in the study of the wood, and the human experiment is carried out, but it is aiming to the enemy's prisoner, regarding the scope of the malt, far from the point of trouble.

I suddenly said, said from the fire: "Murani is not necessary to study, and the wooden leaves are enough, and I will not experiment with the village ninja."

The three generations of dark roads have begun, and the things from the fire is nothing to know, and even participate in the study.

But I don't have to start with the village ninja, and there is room for turning.

If he also participates in the inner ninja in the village, the situation may be reversed, moving towards the direction he doesn't like.

"From the fire, you are too narrow." The big snake pill is so evaluated, as for the narrowness of him, it is written in the eyes, or the experiment of the village ninja, it is unknown.

"Four generations of adults, still think about yourself."

It did not refute from the fire, and he used to use the big snake pill and then continued to go in the direction of the left.

Before leaving, the wooden leaf high-behind, faintly said: "Please move the small point, don't shoot to the villagers of the wooden leaves, the inside of the woody village can not support the battle."

The three generations and Big Snake pills were in silence, and the fire behavior was completely not intended to stop the station, and also representing Yisi Bo won't participate in this power struggle.

Not enough Unechebra is correct from the fire, they can't be on the Woody Village.

If the leaves are spread by their fight, they will regret it.

So, it is time to completely solve this kind of thing.


After leaving the Huangju Building, returned to the training ground from the fire.

Water and Japan are still in training, and after seeing the fire.

"What did you? Why is the village martial law?"

"There are some disputes in the high-rise of the village." Donned, went to the eyes of the water to stop the water, said: "After today, the teacher of the big snake pill is likely not to take."

In this case, the water and the day will not be surprised.

They can guess from the martial law of the village, the village is changing, but but did not expect that even the fire can be stepped down.

It is to know that the big snake pills have passed the voting, got a big name recognition.

Is it necessary to have a variety of coups?

Experience the village turmoil from the fire squad, there is no many training, return to their respective students.


Unexpected House.

Yue Zhibo Fu Yue Tea Taiwan, listening to the information of the water report, looking to the direction of the fire building.

He is thinking about Yischo can get how much benefits in this matter.

But it has been made from the fire, and his name is not too much in this nominality.

I have to respect the choice of fire, maybe the next family is long, and then it is falling from the fire.

The Suzhi House on the side is still in the throwing practice, and a simple reason in the Ninja School has not satisfied his needs.

He fell into the school, and he made a particularly practice.

In fact, if it is not from the fire, he is as long as he will graduate from the fire.

The reason why no child does not require a child as a ninja as a ninja.

Of course, he can also graduate, and the consequence is not teaching him domineering practice.

For the agenrature with the smell, illusion, he still has a very interesting.

On the other hand, the day is also returned to the day to go home, and the situation will be informed to the uncle, indirectly.

Different from Yuxi Bojia, the day, the day, is really do not want to participate in the inside of the fire.

As long as you abide by neutral, no matter who become nig, you will pull the day.

As for the day, Tibetan is a rigging disciple, and the day will not think that he has a possible possibility.

Perhaps, if there is a campaign in the day, they will feel a headache.

On the day, I will become a rigid shadow, and may change directly to the system of birds in the cage.

Recalling in the inside of the guests, only the old, old, showing a deep expression.

He himself is true, but there is no child, and the only brother's future generation, but also because of a special identity, it is unable to become a member of the guest.

On the shadow, one person from the fire has appeared here, overlooking the entire wooden village.

Punch the line of sight in the Huangju Building, which is expected to look forward to the next step of the top of the village.

At the same time, he also caught pensive, do not change, the situation in the woods and the endurance.


A strong organization's stronghold.

Experienced a negotiation, the Nishikin Station is located in the firm, and the departure of black.

Have to say, the conditions provided by night tissue are very heartbreaking.

As long as you accept the subordinate organization of Night Tissue, night tissue will not only provide a lot of funds, but also help the organization to subvert the political power of the rain, and the Niko will become a new leader.

For this proposal, the long gates and Xiaonan have some heart, they have long thought to lead the country to peace in their own way.

Yoshi is rejected after thinking about it, and of course, it is an excuse to consider a few days.

There is no idiot lunch in the world, and the night tissue cannot help the help of no reason.

Whether it is power or financial, well-being is far from tissue.

But the problem is coming, the only thing that the organization can enter the eye to tent into the eyes, it has been taken away, what is the night tissue?

Therefore, Yoshi did not completely refuse, so as not to attract the other party's unhappiness.

Walkland Lin, who is in the mud, is also shocking for the conversation, as well as a lot of time, and only keeps silence and mystery.

For an ordinary wooden leaves, or the medicality of medical types.

For another tissue to subvert the rainy village regime, she didn't want to think about it.

During the endurance, he will clearly know the big name of the rain in Yuyin Village, which is a half-God of the three tolerance, standing on the peak of the endurance.

In the past, in the past, she had a new understanding of her strength.

It has such a rainy village that exists, can her leader can you subvert?

After the end of the conversation, Wenyuan Lin's strength has a new understanding.

It is in the war, and the wildlife does not agree with the leader of the leader, but she is still subject to people.

According to the organization leader, her body is unable to withstand the tail. Once the organization will lose control, there is no difference attack around the people or affairs.

Recovered the divergent thoughts, Yeyuan Lin continued in the rain, she needs to arrive at the designated location and wait for the leadership.

As far as she knows, the leader of the leader has mastered the spatial stem of space and exceeds the waterpare teacher in carrying capacity.

Also which time space is to be rescued.

But for my inexplicably, she hasn't figured out now.

She once believes that the fog is closely used to attack the wooden leaves, but it is obvious that in addition to her more choice.

She only knows that she has fallen into a huge vortex, and she cannot break free.

Put the mask on the face, and the wilderness wiped the rain, improving, and continued to implement the missions of the leader, perhaps she can touch the mood.

However, at this time, the same surface of the mask, appeared in front of Yushan.

Nangyuanlin quickly found out the figure, looking at the leopard mask, taking a bitter.

"Who are you? The member of the organization, or the dark part of the rain?"

The eyes under the mask are staring at the black man in front of you, silent, wanting to look through the thin mask.

He is with soil, and it has been waiting for the black people who have been in the organization.

Before Unexpell spread, he was able to take the time from the night to take the next time, but he could implement the plan of the month, but he didn't know anything about the night organization.

The black man in the eyes seems to be associated with the mysterious nightization.

"Who are you?" With the tangible gas, the right hand is pressed on the lock chain.

The next moment I launched an attack. He didn't think that the black man tissue in the suspected night will tell him all the information.


The sickle flew in the air and trails the mask on the face of the wild.

This hit almost uses full power and there is no whit reservation.


More than ten meters of high-tech dragons pounce towards the soil and wrapped in a huge amount of water.

Wenyuan Lin originally has a slightly involved in the water, but with a rings and three-tailed amplitude, her water, but not inferior to the foggy elite.

Such size, so that they are somewhat surprised, and the night tissue members are willing.

However, Nangyuanlin did not stop the release of water, in just a short bit, she took several A-level water.

After the release is completed, even her own is shocked. When she has become so horrible, she is so horrible, and the endurance and three tails are so powerful.

If you have such a sarcker, the soil is not grasped.

His body is half a white, the restoration is powerful, but it has not reached the point of hard anti-.

Moreover, it has just shown the water, and even the nearby rock.

Starting the gods, the shape of the belt is gradually ill, disappears on the battlefield.

Wenyuan Lin came around a few laps, with a strong doubt, the other party disappeared almost exactly, and the other party also mastered the flying thunder.

Thinking of this, Yeyuanlin began to pay attention to the four weeks and heads, and the enemy's attack.

At this time, the with soil brain drilled from the dirt, extends his hand to the ankle of wildlin.

Wenyuan Lin is busy with the mask of the ground to attack the ground.

However, the mask is chemically made a phantom, through the body of the wild, re-cohesive entity before arriving in the mask of the wilderness.

Just need this to implement it, he can seriously hurt the black people in front of you, and you can also get the interest in the night tissue.

I didn't work myself, and I was panicked on the Hirahin's face. She was only a nectassy.

Never experience this level of battle.