First day of Golden Week. Shota-kun, Lam Hua-chan, Ig, Me, and Tsuki-san's heavenly photography members came to the Principality of Marineland. The place to stay is the Duke of Takigi residence. Taki-san's villa boasts a large number of rooms and space for parties, so it's nothing like staying for a few people.

On the first day, the group of students went down and fell asleep due to plane fatigue and jet lag, and on the second day, the group of students crumbled because they concentrated on cleaning up their homework during the holidays at once under the supervision of Mr. Tsuki. Shota-kun and Langhua are in the specialty class. I have a lot of homework to do. I can't say "I didn't do my homework because I was exploring ancient ruins in search of artifacts to seal the darkness of the world". There's no reason to say.

And on the third day, he came to the tourist destination because of it, so he decided to play on a private beach owned by Mr. Kiki. The Duke of Tachigi's mansion can exit the sandy beach right from the back entrance.

The ancient ruins of Marineland have been sleeping quietly ever since. Leaving it behind is not a good idea, but it is not something that needs to be resolved in a great hurry. There is no problem if the attack is delayed for about a day.

There is also the need to delay the Heavenly Lighting team's attack by one day to match the fact that the plane that is supposed to see Mountain and Chris coming will stop due to the lack of sailing due to bad weather, and the arrival will be delayed by one day. More than the subject of this event being "The Artifact Competition at Ancient Sites," Heavenly Lighting and Moon and Night Views must be allowed to enter ancient sites at about the same time. The advantages of the day are too big. Time regulation is essential.

"Oh? There it is. Hey. Marineland is north of Hokkaido, isn't it? May, now."

Clear today. The sun shines brightly in the blue skies that fall out. It is a perfect sea bath day. With one pair of surf pants, he held the beach ball aside, leaving the back door of the Duke's mansion and descending on the beach, Shoutaku said unexpectedly with a sea breeze all over his body. Red short hair all back kime, sunglasses equipped. Of course the surf pants are flaming.

I also take on the surfboard after Shota-kun and go out the back door. When you become a bread chef, you know very well, but Shoutaku is working out. Good muscle.

Right, I guess I'm already in high school. Gatai gets better too. Looks like he's also fighting under Mr. Bear's guidance, and if he doesn't have the mind to do an arm wrestle or something, he might lose already. Can I work out a little harder too?

"Marineland says it has high temperatures for its latitudes due to the effects of biwesterly winds and warm currents. Even in May, it's about July in Tokyo."

It was the Idol of the Special Services Department, Langhua, who came out a little while behind me. He wears a blue bikini swimsuit with exposed shoulders and a flickering one on his chest, holding a large Buddha patterned seat and sun oil.

When you become a bikini and look at it, you know very well, but Langhua is also a small but grown-up figure. It would also be an Idol for the Department of Special Services.

Seems like Takigi has been instructed in beauty and weight management and nutritional management, and I'm worried that my uncle will be vulnerable to being attacked by strange people. There's nothing for Langhua to do with strange people, but if she accidentally flames when repelling, it matters. Accidentally flaming...

... That's right. Lantern Hua, you're a fireman, aren't you?

You're a beautiful girl in a big, small blue bikini, but you're using flames.

So, Shota-kun, who is dyeing her hair red and wearing flaming surf pants, looks defective, uses ice.

I've been thinking about this for a long time, but you guys are absolutely against your abilities. Whatever you think, Lantern Hua used ice and Shota-kun used fire. It's a scam. That doesn't necessarily match his personality and abilities.

"Ig's asleep, so I left him."

Saying so, the last time he left the back door and locked it was Mr. Tsuki. Long, glossy black hair is put together upwards and the green paleo is paired with a white bikini with a large cloth area.

Paleo swinging in the sea breeze, its cool side like a goddess lit by the summer sun, its soft smile that meets my eyes and smiles.

"Ugh... Guh... Huh!

I held down my chest, which was causing cardiac arrest due to the high intake of ingredients.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is too cute. I don't always see much skin. Mr. Tsuki is wearing a bathing suit and a bikini.


I'm glad you're alive.

I'm dying.

As I put my weight on the surfboard I stabbed on the beach and exhaled in a rough breath, waiting to recover from the shock, I somehow noticed that Lantern Hua was looking at Mojimoji and Shoutaku as she pulled the edge of her swimsuit. Shota-kun, however, has concentrated on collecting sand from the beach at the tip of his leg to make mountains, which he has not noticed.

Langhua was lost for a few seconds, but said it backwards.


"Am I?"

"……… Do you have anything to say to me?


Shota-kun raised his face and looked at Mojimoji softening lamp Hua from top to bottom... Mojimoji looked to his chest without going from top to bottom and said.

"... Oh, no, I wanted to ask you something. What's your chest size? You're getting bigger again. D, E, you say?

"What? Burn out?

Shoutaku! That's not true! Why did you just ask? No, not whenever you ask!

The gangster talking fight begins with Langhua's absolute zero gaze on the skin.

Looking at it as a youth, he was put on his back. Looking back, Mr. Tsuki is looking at me and nicking.



"I, Sasuke, want you to praise me."

"That swimsuit looks great on you. Not too radical, not too protective. Mr. Tsuki is the most beautiful person in the world. I like it. It's brighter than the sun. Goddess. The Beauty of God."

"Thank you. Sasuke looks great too."

I can see it. Seems like it's gotten really good when Mr. Tsuki tells me. Around not telling the lie that "the best in the world" is just right, I can see that Mr. Tsuki is serious about it. Hehe.

Light Hua heated up when she saw us smiling at each other.

"Here! Here, Shota! Oh, it feels like that! Oh so it feels...... kinda embarrassing though. If a girl is fashionable, say yes!


Shota-kun looked disgusted as he mocked the beach ball with his hand.

I don't know. It's easy for me to compliment Mr. Tsuki because he would say "praise me" straight if he wanted me to compliment him, but most girls would urge him to go away, or he would smell annoyed if he didn't compliment him because he took it for granted. But if you think you're cute to that point, you really like it. See, Shota-kun (advice from an uncle with one romantic experience).

Eventually Shota-kun said fed up with the swollen lamp Hua.

"Okay, okay, Langhua is adorable, I'm serious about that. Come on, let's go to the valley, I'll stand up with you and the master, so I'm gonna put you on the net."

When I was in high school, when I saw a beautiful girl praise and flush clutteringly, I took her to the storage shed with a bastard unconsciously guilty enough to mount and octopus her with envy and anger, and put out a pole to put up a net for the valley, and the two of us took charge and went back to the beach.

I loosened the oligarchy setting on the road so I try to chat.

"Shouta likes Valley?"

"Nothing? This is the first beach volleyball of my life."

"Then why do you want to do it?"

Shota-kun laughed niggardly, pointing with his jaw at Lamp Hua and Mr. Tsuki, who were spreading the net on the sandy beach.

"No, 'cause you rock. You're gonna shake it. You want to see it."

"I know."

I nodded deeply. I know so well that I have too much empathy and answer with half a vegan.

It does rock. Beach Volleyball is a sport that moves hard and jumps repeatedly. Naturally, it rocks. I'm not saying what.

"Master is tagged with me."

"Hmm? I'm going to surf."

"If you lose your master, you'll be odd. Please, let's do it."

"…… well. One hand won't help you."

I don't have a good motor nerve. Not bad, but not as good as having a beach volleyball with one hand.

"Psychic Ariary Rule. Oh... Are you crazy about the Valley? No, time stops suck, too. Um, psychic ants, but if it's a women's team and a men's team, it's a good fight."

He set up a pole, put up the net, and the psychic beach volleyball began. Mr. Tsuki's private beach is surrounded by woods and fog is generated by his mind on the sea side. Don't worry about being witnessed by ordinary people. It's okay to use your psychic powers.


It starts with Langhua's serve, the women's team that took the lead. The ball was struck with a lovely hanging voice - the next moment the ball was stuck in our court.

I knew it! Ha! - Damn, people with the ability to stop time do this right away.

"Here, Light Hua, let's hi-touch it. No."

"Yes, no."

Shota-kun picks up a ball full of sand with his enlightened face, sidelined by a girl who is tense.

"Well I knew. Master, do it. Seriously."

Shota-kun makes a declaration of the destruction of the planet as he throws the ball and stops by. If you did it for real, the ball would fall apart at the elementary particle level.

Sort of.


Reinforce the ball with your mind to prevent it from bursting, and construct a cylindrical route with your mind from the point of launch to the point of landing so as not to interfere with Mr. Tsuki's time-stop. And when I hit the ball (with my mind) with the right hanging voice, the coat of the women's team blew away. Tons of sand can rise and craters on the court.

Do it, it wasn't barricaded on the beach.

Well, okay.

"Master, Nice Serve!

With this, Leo will be able to establish himself as the fourth faction in the current three-ways succession war.

Recover sand with your mind while hi-touching with Shota-kun. Fill it back.

Hayaki and Langhua, who had retreated far away due to a time pause, would come back and resume the game while gently pulling to the power of spare time and people dying. From there, the beach ball burned up and the sandy beach froze. The game ended around the time (physically) Hot Lantern Hua began to red-hot melt the sandy beach.

The winner is the women's team. Shota-kun's frequent eyes nailed to Langhua's swinging chest and stopped moving was the cause of his defeat. You lost and you seem satisfied, you boys in high school.

And rest your body well in the afternoon, the next day.

The first flight in the early morning confirmed the arrival of Seeyama and Chris in disguise with a passport, and we headed to the Canary Fortress where His Highness Lou awaits.

Mr. Tsuki's facepath takes him into the fortress and leads him straight to the reception room. When I knocked and went inside, His Highness, who was holding his hand with breadcrumbs raised to the bird at the window, grabbed a roll of parchment paper on the table and spread it out and coughed it up.

First, Mr. Tsuki kneels gracefully, and I'll imitate it. The group of students also kneeled down to imitate their appearance while cluttering.

His Highness Lou read parchment in a dignified, well-attended voice. There's a golden crown on top of his flax hair, and he looks like an ancient royalty himself issuing decrees on his distribution.

"Cabragicioli, sago kinemitsu, taka hashishota, hasmitka.

The four of you are hereby ordered to collect artifacts in the name of Armantrude Bates, Grand Duke of Marineland.

The responsibility for all damages incurred in such a mandate shall be vested in the State, which shall ensure that full redress is provided and that the utmost assistance is provided with regard to the secrecy of the mandate.

Expect to accomplish the task without delay.

Armantrude Bates, Grand Duke of Marineland '

"Yes, majesty"

We all lowered our heads. His Royal Highness Lou, who was uncommonly relieved and dignified, collapses, sitting on his funnya and chair and handing him parchment paper.

'Yeah. So Cabraggi, what does this mean?

'... I'll be there for you. Good luck, that means'

'Really? Then I wish I could write that. Come on, guys! Oh, you're not hungry? Want something to eat before work? There's plenty of muffins!

I ate so much muffin after this.