This is definitely not Dragon Ball

This Is Definitely Not Dragon Ball Chapter 40

According to Dragon Ball Radar, the sixth dragon ball is on Frying Pan Mountain. At the speed of Black Bucket Cloud and Somersault Cloud, it won't take long for a few people to reach the area of ​​Frying Pan Mountain.

"Ah, there is a burning mountain there!"

"Will it be Frying Pan Mountain? It's so hot."

Wu Kong pointed at a great mountain burning with majestic fire in the distance, Bulma couldn't help wiping the fine sweat from his forehead.

"I have seen some reports about Frying Pan Mountain in the newspaper before. It is said that this place was called Liangjingshan before, but the essence of fire fell from the sky 10 years ago, and then it became what it is now. I thought it was true."

Looking at the Frying Pan Mountain in the distance, Taisi also looked surprised.

However, instead of calling it the Frying Pan Mountain, it may be more appropriate to call it the Flame Mountain. The whole mountain is burning with unquenchable flames, and you can feel the hot feeling even if you are far away...

"If there is Frying Pan Mountain, how are we going to find Dragon Ball?"

"The simple thing is to blow out the flame with a banana fan."

Bulma had a troubled expression on his face, but he said casually overnight.

A mountain of flames couldn't help him. Even if the banana fan didn't work, he would just have another Qigong bomb.

Just as a few people were about to fly directly to Jianpan Mountain, there was a sudden call for help from below:


"Help! Help!"

"Don't come! Don't come!"

Below a few people a dinosaur was hunting a girl about the size of Wukong. The girl screamed while running in front.

"That little girl is in danger!"

"Ye Chen, please help her!"

Bulma and Taisi both showed shock, and quickly said to Ye Chen.

He was about to take a shot, but when he saw the girl who was shouting and running below, Ye Chen was a little happy.

"No, she can do it herself."

Bulma, Taisi and even Wu Kong were a little puzzled, but they would understand in the next moment.

I saw the running girl suddenly turned around and threw a flying blade on her helmet. The flying blade spun in the air at 3.0 speed and cut off the dinosaur's neck with a chuckle.


"It's scary! It's scary!"

The flying blade turned around and inserted it back into the girl's helmet, but the girl was still yelling, and then pressed her forehead with her hands, only to see another beam of light shot out of the helmet, banging the dinosaur's body with a bang It was blown to pieces.

Wukong and Yechen were okay, but Bulma and Taisi jumped at the corner of their eyes.

Obviously yelling terrible, don’t look scared, but I didn’t expect this little girl to act so cruelly, she is really not good-looking!

"Let's go, let's go down and take a look."

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Ye Chen let Hei Douyun land.

I didn't expect to be able to meet this person here, so naturally I would go down to get to know each other...

To be continued...

Chapter 63 Bull Demon King Father and Daughter

"Yo, little sister."

Hei Douyun landed on the ground, Ye Chen raised his hand and greeted the girl.

"Are you here to catch me too? Don't come over!"

After seeing the Ye Chens, the girl had a frightened expression. She pressed her forehead with her hands, and suddenly another light blasted from the helmet to the Ye Chens.

Bulma and Taisi were taken aback, but before the end of the night, they calmly hugged the two women with a slightly tilted head before avoiding the attack of the light.

"You bad guy, why are you attacking Yechen and Bulma?!"

Seeing that the other party attacked Ye Chen and the others, Wu Kong on the somersault cloud became angry, raising his wishful stick and preparing to hit the girl.

"Wu Kong, stop, she is not a bad person."

If Wu Kong really smashed his opponent with a stick, his head would bloom, and Ye Chen quickly stopped Wu Kong.

Although I don't know why Ye Chen said that the other party was not a bad person, Wu Kong never questioned Ye Chen's order, and stopped immediately after hearing Ye Chen's voice.

"Little girl, we are not here to catch you. Don't attack us again, otherwise Wu Kong will break your beautiful little head, so don't cry."

Jumping off the black Douyun, Ye Chen knocked the girl's head and said.


"You are not here to catch me?"

"Of course not, your name is Qiqi, right?"

"My name is Qiqi, how do you know my name?"

When Ye Chen called out her name, the girl Jiqi looked surprised.

"You look so cute, who else can you be besides Kiki?"

After stroking Fu Qiqi's cute little helmet, Ye Chen said with a smile.

Bulma and Taysi on the Black Douyun fainted, Ye Chen, the bad guy, would you like to tease others like this, but what is shocking is that the girl named Qiqi actually believed it to be true——

"Yes, cute?"

"Woo...I'm so shy, besides my father, this is the first time a boy praises me for being cute."

Holding her face, Kiki looked shy but happy.

Ye Chen couldn't help being funny secretly, saying that she was a pure girl.

But thanks to Qiqi being so innocent, otherwise in the original book, the Sun Wukong who only knows how to train and find his wife, is definitely the life of a lifetime bachelor.

"My name is Yechen. They are Bulma, Taisi and Wukong."

"Kiki, where are you going?"

Ye Chen asked about his identities.

"My father wanted to extinguish the flames of Frying Pan Mountain, so I asked Teacher Wu Tian to borrow the banana fan."

Qiqi faithfully replied.

"Do you want to borrow a banana fan? Then you don't need to go to Teacher Wu Tian."

"Wu Kong and I are the disciples of Teacher Wutian, and this is the Banana Fan. We just have to go to Jian Guo Mountain, you go back with us, and then we will help you fan the flames."

He took down the banana fan behind him and showed Qiqi, Ye Chen said.

"You are the disciples of Teacher Wu Tian, ​​is this the banana fan?"

"Ha... great!"

"Thank you, Ye Chen, you are such a good person!"

Unexpectedly, I found Teacher Wu Tian's disciple and Banana Fan so soon, Qiqi suddenly looked happy.

Ye Chen was a little bit speechless, but this good guy Kafibi good guy card, so be it.

"Qiqi, you go to Wukong's somersault cloud, let's take you back to Jianpan Mountain."

"Wu Kong, take Qiqi with you."


Following Ye Chen's instructions, Wu Kong also lowered his somersault cloud a little.

"Can this cotton-like thing carry people? It's amazing!"

After touching the soft and soft somersault cloud, Qiqi had a look of surprise on her face, and then she was about to climb up the somersault cloud, but because she was still small, it was very inconvenient to get up with short arms and legs. She saw Wukong's sway After the dangling tail, Kiki grabbed it.


"Tail, tail, don't touch my tail!"

Wu Kong couldn't help screaming as if he had blown up his hair.

The tail is the weakness of Saiyans. Once caught, they will lose strength. Although Wu Kong has overcome this weakness under Ye Chen's deliberate training since childhood, the tail is still very sensitive to her, except for Ye Chen. Never let others touch.

"It's strange, why do you still have a tail?"

"Is it just a touch? It's stingy."

Climbing the somersault cloud, Qiqi said.

"You are stingy, annoying."

"You're a nuisance, Lu! Lu!"

You make faces for me, I make faces for you, looking at Wukong and Qiqi who are like a pair of small friends, Ye Chen shook his head amusedly.

"Okay, Wu Kong, we set off."


No longer staying, Ye Chen and Wukong drove Hei Douyun and Somersault Cloud into the sky, and Qiqi, who was startled, quickly grabbed Wukong's clothes.

"Okay, so fast, this thing called somersault cloud!"

"Hehe, my somersault cloud is the best!"

"Hey, Ye Chen, how do you know that girl named Qiqi?"

Wu Kong and Qiqi flew in front of somersault clouds, while Bulma next to Ye Chen asked.

"Qiqi's father Niu Demon is also a disciple of Teacher Wu Tian, ​​so I know her."

Ye Chen said vaguely, but Bulma had a clear expression on his face.

In fact, what Ye Chen didn’t explain was that he had never seen the Cow Demon King father and daughter before, and the reason why he recognized Qiqi was only because he was a traverser. Treat it as his own secret forever rotten in his heart.

Driving the black bucket cloud and somersault cloud, a group of five people quickly came to the sky above the frying pan mountain.

The entire mountain is burning with a majestic fire, and a huge castle can be seen faintly in the center of the flame.

According to Kiki's statement, that castle is their home, and it contains many treasures collected by his father, the Bull Demon King, and the sixth dragon ball displayed by the Dragon Ball Radar is also in that castle.

"Ha... my father is there!"

"Dad! Dad! I'm back!"

Seeing a big man below who was sleeping leaning against a rock, Kiki shouted happily.

Looking down in the direction that Qiqi pointed, Ye Chen could be regarded as seeing the legendary Bull Demon King, his nominal second senior brother.

Just like the rumors, the Bull Demon King is a big, fat, sturdy man, with a big, unshaven face, and a helmet with horns on his head. He looks fierce and horrible.

It felt interesting, Ye Chen and Wu Kong also let Hei Douyun and Somersault Cloud land.


"Kiki, is Kiki calling me?"

After yawning, the Bull Demon King also woke up, then slapped his lips and looked at Ye Chen and the others...

To be continued...

Chapter 64 Brother Six Dragon Balls

"Who are you guys, don't hurt Qiqi!"

Seeing that Qiqi was with other people unexpectedly, the Bull Demon King was shocked, grabbed the big axe beside him and hacked at Ye Chen and the others.

There have always been some greedy villains coveting the treasure of the Bull Demon. Some people even wanted to catch Kiki to threaten him. So the first reaction of the Bull Demon is that these people are also villains who want to snatch his treasure.
