This is definitely not Dragon Ball

This Is Definitely Not Dragon Ball Chapter 94

Ye Chen's goal has never been a small earth, his ambition is the entire galaxy and the entire universe, and in order to realize this ambition, he must not only make himself strong, but also make the earth strong together.

So he asked Bulma and Taisi to create the Dragon Ball Company for him, and even in order to improve the overall level of mankind, he also released many precious extraterrestrial technologies for free, all for the purpose of making the earth humans stronger as soon as possible. Prepare for his future plans.

But it’s not enough to make the earth strong. If it can’t be used for him, it might turn the cart before the horse. So Ye Chen still needs to make all the humans on the earth recognize him, respect him, believe in him, and obey him. Only in this way the whole earth Only his resources and strength can really be used by him!

Although Ye Chen's current power can achieve these by force, it is only a low-level method that brutal people choose. Even if the human beings on earth are forced to submit to him, they will hate him and even think of resisting him all the time. Chen didn't do that stupid thing, he chose a smarter approach.

Use Piccolo to push the world into the darkness, and then he will appear as a god to defeat Piccolo and become the hero and savior of mankind. Let the humans on earth recognize him and admire him from the heart!

Everything is as Ye Chen planned, and the effect is even better than he expected!

Before as the president of the Dragon Ball Company, Shi Yechen left a good impression on people. Now, as the god who saved the world, Yechen's reputation has been pushed to the extreme.

It is no exaggeration to say that now only a word from Ye Chen is needed, and countless people who believe in him and worship him will die for him without hesitation!

Everything is proceeding perfectly. With these details and foundations, it is easy for Ye Chen to make the earth the base camp for him to enter the universe.

Of course, Ye Chen's effort to win people's hearts is not only for these purposes, but also an important reason for [Vitality Bomb].

[Vital Energy Bomb] is a very powerful martial art, in Ye Chen's view, even if it is compared to the so-called [Freedom of Extreme Yi Gong], it is not weaker!

According to the characteristics of [Vital Energy Bomb], it allows the user to gather the Qi in the mountains, rivers, earth, ocean, and even all living organisms into one body, thereby creating a powerful energy bomb.

As long as the user's own strength is sufficient, it is no problem to gather the Qi of the entire universe together!

Just kidding, who else in the world can match that level?

Just one earth’s Qi can destroy the Demon Buu, and the Qi of the whole universe is really gathered together, even the so-called Destroyer God can only be crushed!

However, it is not so easy to display the [Vitality Bomb]. First of all, it takes a lot of time to gather the energy. This is also helpless. After all, it is not the user's own power to use it at any time.

And secondly, the user can only gather the qi that is free in nature. If you want to gather the qi of other creatures with wisdom and consciousness, you must obtain the consent of the other party, even if the user's own power is strong, it cannot be forcibly captured.

Just like the Monkey King in the original [Dragon Ball], every time he casts the [Vitality Bomb], he must shout something "Everyone, please lend me your vitality."

This is also a place where [Vitality Bullet] is very limited, even if it is Monkey King, the protagonist of the original book, apart from Kelin and Yamucha and their comrades, who would lend him his vitality so generously?

Just like in the battle against the Demon Buu, Monkey King, Vegeta and others fought desperately for humans, and at a critical moment, when Sun Wukong wanted to use the [Vitality Bullet] to destroy the Devil Buu, he joined Vegeta. I beg my father to tell my mother that the humans on the earth will lend their qi to them, but the people on the earth just treat them as a liar and ignore them. I really don’t know if it is ridiculous or sad. In the end, they still rely on Mr The big liar Satan finally solved the problem.

Ye Chen didn't want the same thing to happen to him, so he took so much trouble to obtain the awe and approval of the earth humans.

With Ye Chen's current prestige, as long as he raises his arms in the future when he needs it in battle, the human beings on earth will almost lend him his qi.

It can be said that from now on the whole earth will become Yechen's backup energy bank!

To be continued...

Chapter 152 The King's Visit

"Master, there has just been news that Piccolo Demon Boy was found in a mountain village in the south, but he had already escaped when our people rushed over."

After reporting to Ye Chen, Princess Snake Ji passed some photos to Ye Chen.

Several photos were taken by the private satellite of the Dragon Ball Company. Only a young child exuding an evil aura was standing in front of a destroyed and burning village.

It was the Piccolo Demon Boy who was left by the Great Demon King Piccolo before his death!

"Master, that Piccolo Demon Boy is an unstable factor. Do we need to continue pursuing it?"

Princess Snake Ji asked, but she randomly threw a few photos into the trash can next to her not overnight:

"No, the existence of Dragon Ball still needs him to maintain, as long as it doesn't cause some big troubles, let him go."

With the resources and power that Ye Chen currently controls, even if Piccolo Demon Boy hides in the corners of the world, he can find it, and it is easy to kill him.

However, as Ye Chen said, the existence of the Dragon Ball still needs the maintenance of Piccolo Demon Boy. Although he does not want to rely too much on the Dragon Ball, Ye Chen also knows that he still needs the power of the Dragon Ball, so it is not the time to erase the opponent.

And ah, the Demon King Piccolo or the Piccolo Demon Boy really didn't look at Ye Chen, as long as Ye Chen wanted him to clean up the opponent at any time.

On the contrary, Ye Chen, who has always been invincible on the earth, is also a bit boring, just keep the Piccolo Demon Boy and see if he can bring himself some unexpected fun in the future.

"Understood, I will immediately notify the red silk war girls who are pursuing them to withdraw."

Naturally, she would not have any doubts about her master's decision. Princess Snake Ji nodded and contacted several red silk warriors who were chasing Piccolo Demon Boy.

At this moment, Xiao Wu in a military uniform also walked in from outside.

The ordinary red silk warriors are all wearing uniform fiery red war skirts, but Xiao Wu, Hao Siqi and Violet Jinu can also change to their favorite attire in addition to the red silk warriors’ standard uniforms. They are the captains of this little girl. Small privileges are still available, and Xiao Wu is wearing a heroic and capable military uniform.

One is from my previous habits, and the other is to cater to some special hobbies of her abnormal master...

"Master, King Keslukin came to visit and expressed his desire to present the peace medal that saved the world to the master."

Xiang Yechen saluted, Xiao Wu said.

Ye Chen hasn't said anything yet, but Bulma next to him first made a disdainful laugh.

"Bad Ye Chen is the god of the earth. What qualifications does his little king have to award Ye Chen a medal."

Although Bulma's words may sound wild, they are true.

The difference between a mortal and a god is not as simple as talking about it!


"Bulma, don't say that. At any rate, people are also kind, let's go take a look."

Caressing Bulma's face, Ye Chen gave a gentle smile.

His Majesty the King came at the right time, and it just so happened that he also had something to discuss with the other party...


"Sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time, Your Majesty the King."

Ye Chen and the Bulma women walked into the reception room and greeted His Majesty the King who was sitting inside.

"No no, it's our honor to see Lord Celestial."

The king and a group of uniformed officers stood up quickly and said modestly.

Although they are all figures standing at the pinnacle of power among human beings, they have nothing to be proud of in the face of the powerful and invincible gods who have saved the world.

"Your Majesty, I don't know why you came to me?"

Several red silk warriors presented hot tea, Ye Chen also entertained the king and a group of officers to sit down, and then asked.

"My Lord, we are here on behalf of all humans on the earth to thank you for saving our earth by destroying the Demon King Piccolo, and also using your omnipotent power to bring the unfortunate victims back to life, so we hope to help you A medal that symbolizes peace is awarded."

Observing Ye Chen's reaction, the king said cautiously.

In fact, the king and a group of military officers were also a little nervous. As mortals, they came to award medals to a god. They always felt that they had committed the following crimes, but the other party saved the world and contributed too much to mankind. In order to respond to the voices of the people, they had to Do something.

Fortunately, the things they were worried about did not happen—

"This is my honour, Your Majesty."

With a slight smile, Ye Chen said, and the king and all the officers secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Lord Tianshen was willing to accept their medals, which was really the best ending.

There was also some joy in his heart. The king asked the cameramen who had been waiting a long time ago to open the live broadcast, and then awarded Ye Chen medals under the watchful eyes of people all over the world.

After the medal is awarded, there will naturally be a speech. Why thank God Lord for saving our world? Don’t be discouraged. We will definitely restore our beautiful home as soon as possible. Anyway, these kings are very good at it, and Ye Chen, as a god, Naturally also said a few words on TV.

The contemporary king can also be regarded as a wise monarch, with a high reputation on the earth, but compared with today's Ye Chen, it is a bit inferior, and this is also understandable.

After all, no matter how powerful the king is, he is still just a mortal, no one can compare to the mighty and invincible god who saved the world!

After tossing for a long time, it finally ended this so-called award ceremony.The cameramen closed the live broadcast, and Ye Chen and the king sat down again.

"Your Majesty, besides awarding me a medal, you should have other things, right?"

After a sip of fragrant black tea, Ye Chen smiled.

He didn't go to the Three Treasures Hall without incident. He didn't believe that the king brought a group of high-ranking officials to come here, really just awarding him a medal that symbolized peace.

There was obviously a hint of hesitation on his face, but the king who had pondered for a little bit finally spoke:

"Yes, Lord God, we do have some other things."

"As the leader of this country, as the king of mankind, Lord God, I want to know how you will deal with us humans in the future."

The king’s tone has never been more serious. He is not ordinary people. He only saw the powerful and invincible gods who saved the world and resurrected their friends and relatives. He is the king of this planet and an experienced politician. , He saw far more things than ordinary people.

Being able to destroy the evil Demon King Piccolo, Lord Celestial Lord undoubtedly possesses a powerful and invincible power. Although his power can be used to save and protect mankind, it can also be used to destroy mankind.

And everything depends on the opponent's will and mood!

He had already expected the other party to ask such questions, and Ye Chen was not surprised. If he were a king, he would have the same questions and worries. After all, even the so-called gods are not absolutely trustworthy.

As for the king’s question, Ye Chen was naturally prepared for it--

"Your Majesty, I think you have misunderstood one thing. The existence of gods is far longer than the history of mankind. Although you didn't know it before, gods have been silently guarding this planet."

"Originally, the gods can't interfere with the development of mankind casually, and the reason why I appeared this time is only because the Great Demon Piccolo has threatened the safety of the entire world."

Hearing Ye Chen's explanation, the king also nodded, but he still had some doubts——

"Since the gods can't interfere with the development of mankind at will, why did Lord God set up Dragon Ball Company that day? You need to know Lord God your Dragon Ball Company..."

The king said nothing, but everyone present could understand what he wanted to express.

As a giant company at the top of the earth, Dragon Ball's influence has now penetrated into every aspect of this planet, let alone interfere with human development, I am afraid it will soon dominate human development!

Lord God, didn't you say that your gods can't interfere with the development of mankind casually, so what is going on?

With a slight smile, Ye Chen had been waiting for the king to ask this question.

"Your Majesty, this is what I want to tell you next."

"Your Majesty, you don't know yet. In fact, our planet is very dangerous now!"

To be continued...

Chapter 153 The Earth Is Dangerous


"Isn't the Big Demon King Piccolo wiped out, why is our earth still very dangerous?"

With a look on his face, the king stood up immediately.

"Your Majesty, you may think that Big Demon King Piccolo is already very scary, but he is actually just a small character compared to some truly terrifying enemies."


Ye Chen said, and then snapped his fingers.

The knowing Taisi walked out, put a projector on the table, and then a lot of light and shadow pictures appeared on the projector.

"Your Majesty, I wonder if you have heard of alien civilization?"

"I heard that our scientists have indeed monitored the existence of some alien civilizations."

Ye Chen asked with a smile, but the king hesitated a little and nodded.

Although ordinary people don't know anything about alien civilization, it is impossible for the king to know nothing.

Although it is not clear what kind of race the opponent is and what kind of civilization they have, the existence of alien civilization is certain.

"Since you know your Majesty the King, it's easy to say. 060"

"As the god of the earth, I have traveled to many other civilized planets in the universe."

"Although it is a bit regretful, we are too far behind compared to them."

Sighing, Ye Chen spread out some projected images, and then continued:

"Our earth is in a remote corner of the Milky Way. Other alien civilizations have already entered the age of the universe, but our civilization is still limited to our own planet."

"And not only in terms of civilization, but also in terms of race, the human beings on our planet are also very weak."

"Many powerful alien races have the power to easily destroy the planet just as individuals. A character like the Big Demon King Piccolo can only be regarded as the last in the universe."

"In order to compete for the increasingly depleted survival resources, high-level civilizations continue to colonize low-level civilizations, and powerful races continue to plunder weaker ones."

"Our earth has escaped many cosmic disputes because of its remoteness, but it is now reaching its limit. At most 10 or 20 years, we will also welcome the invasion of cosmic enemies!"