This is definitely not Dragon Ball

This Is Definitely Not Dragon Ball Chapter 160

Looking at Ye Chen’s appearance, Wu Kong, Qiqi, and Tays all looked worried, while Vegeta sarcastically satirized the shame of this Saiyan, even Bulma was completely thorough. Speechless, he twisted the soft flesh on Ye Chen's waist and warned him that he would dare to be like this again sooner or later he would die on a woman's belly.

This time it was indeed too crazy, but he can’t be blamed. Who made No. 18 and Dark No. 18 so delicious? In order to suppress each other, they both summoned all their efforts to greet Ye Chen and let Ye Chen endure. Can't help but indulge in it.

Speaking of which he is also a victim!

Well, even though it is a bit unbearable to look back, but this time it can be regarded as successfully conquering the dark 18, and it is super happy to be able to have a pair of twins 18 at the same time.

Under the wait of a group of maids Sang, Ye Chen wiped out hundreds of people's food in succession, and finally recovered some vitality and felt that he was alive.

"Bulma, what happened to the creation of New Sharu?"

After eating and drinking, 813 rested for a while, thinking of what Ye Chen asked Bulma on the side.

Before dealing with Dark 17 and Dark 18, I didn't have time to pay attention. In fact, Ye Chen was very concerned about the creation of New Sharu.

"It's already ready."

"We have decomposed enough materials from Sharu in another world. According to the information left by Dr. Groo, we can already create a new Sharu."

"However, the creation of Sharu requires the fusion of many powerful cells. Depending on the cells to be fused, the shape, ability and strength of Sharu will be different in the future. Ye Chen, whose cells do you plan to use to create a new Sharu? "

Speaking of business affairs, Bulma also looked serious.

"Just use Wukong, Kiki, Beckita, and Celiba."

"Well, just blend in the thin chests of all the red silk war girls."

The corner of his mouth raised an arc, Ye Chen replied.

This was also the idea that Ye Chen suddenly thought of. The cells fused to Sharu were all powerful female cells. After that, Bulma and the others could create a female Sharu?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but look forward to it!

"Don't you incorporate Ye Chen your own cells? Ye Chen, your cells and blood are the most perfect, right?"

Bulma was a little puzzled when he hadn't thought of someone's evil intentions.

Although the Sharu made by combining the cells of Wukong, Kiki, and Beckita must be very powerful, if Yechen's cells can also be added, it will definitely be even more powerful!

"Although it's just a weapon, I don't want to create a monster that is neither male nor female. Just using Wukong's cells is enough."

"In addition, this can be regarded as a precaution. Although theoretically manufactured Sharu will be loyal to us, no one can say that there will be other accidents."

"If the new Sharu is incorporated into my cells and it wants to betray us afterwards, it won't be easy to clean up the situation."

Ye Chen explained it, but Bulma was startled in a cold sweat.

Indeed, although they can enter Sharu orders loyal to them during manufacturing, the restrictions of such orders are not absolute for that powerful biological weapon.

If Yechen's cells are also integrated into it so that Sharu possesses the abilities and strengths of all of them, and then it has too much self-will to betray them, then who else on this earth can overcome it?

Thinking of that possible picture, even Bulma shuddered!

"I understand. I will let people collect Wukong and Qiqi's cells, but I won't incorporate Yechen's cells into it."

Taking a deep breath, Bulma said.

Seeing Bulma's serious face seemed to be a little frightened by her own words, Ye Chen couldn't help but secretly amused, patted Bulma on the shoulder and soothed her:

"Well, don't be too nervous."

"It's not that the cells of Sharu are better than anyone else. Even if that kind of situation does occur, I will find a solution."

What Ye Chen said is also the truth. How can they easily surpass by fusing a few cells to their level? More still, they need continuous training and continuous self-breakthrough.

The creation of New Sharu was decided, and with Ye Chen's permission, Bulma immediately ordered people to collect the cells of Wu Kong and Qiqi's daughters to start the experiment.

According to the calculation of the computer, with enough materials, the new Sharu will be the strongest complete body directly after it is manufactured, and because it is incorporated into human female cells, the new Sharu should also be a human female after it matures. form.

In this case, it seems a little inappropriate to call her Sharu, because her form and ability are already very different from the Sharu created by Dr. Gro.

So Ye Chen decided with a big wave of his hand, and gave this new robot weapon the name Shalulu!

After preparing materials, integrating them into cells, and after a series of extremely complex adjustments, under the efforts of Bulma and a group of researchers, Shalulu’s embryos were quickly produced, and the next step is to wait for her self-development Up.

Just like the Sharu made by Dr. Gro, Sharu's development period is also very long. It takes decades from embryo to adult, and Ye Chen doesn't want to wait that long.

For others, this may be an unsolvable problem, but for Ye Chen and the others, it is a very simple matter. Just move Shalulu's embryo to the Spiritual Time Room.

After Ye Chen used the power of Dragon Ball to perfect various defects, the Spiritual Time House can be said to have completely become a time accelerator in the hands of Ye Chen.It takes decades for Shaluru to develop into a body outside, but only a few dozen days in the Spiritual Time House are enough!

Shalulu's problems are all resolved, and then she only needs to wait for her to grow up inside and then come out.

By the way, during this period, Ye Chen also asked the temple's monitoring room to thoroughly search the entire earth several times to see if there were other time machines and other time and space Sharu sneaking into their world.

In the original "Dragon Ball", several Sharu appeared in total. The Sharu of Monkey King and their world was destroyed by Klin and Trunks. The Sharu of the future time and space was destroyed by Trunks, but there is another one. Sharu in the future time and space killed Trunks and came to Monkey King's world with his time machine.

Although Sharu in the initial stage is not worth mentioning, once he absorbs the 17th and the 18th and becomes a complete body, it is very dangerous. Ye Chen didn't want that situation to happen in his own world.

The monitoring room of the temple has explored the entire earth inside and outside for several times, and finally did not find any other traces of time machine and Sharu. It seems that no other time and space Sharu has sneaked into the world on their side.

I want to come too, they are a real world here, not everything is the same as the original [Dragon Ball], it seems that he is really a little worried.

Since there is no other time and space for Sharu to sneak in, there is no problem, even if Sharu sneaks in later, it will not be able to overcome any storms.

Ye Chen still remembered that Sharu from another time and space in the future degenerated into a pupa and then took the time machine to travel to Monkey King's world. If there were Sharu from other time and space that also crossed into their world, it would be nothing more than no resistance. The little bugs of force provide them with an extra precious material.

But what left Ye Chen speechless was that he soon knew he was wrong, and he accidentally made an empirical error this time...

To be continued...

Chapter 257 Another Sharu

A piece of wilderness somewhere on the earth, there was a sudden fluctuation in the void, and then an octopus-shaped aircraft flashed out.

It is Trunks' time machine!

The time machine slowly landed on the ground, the door opened with a click, and then a figure jumped out of the time machine.

But this figure is not Trunks, but Sharu who should have died!

"The magical time machine actually brought me to the past world~."

"Feel it, I feel it, the 17th and 18th in this world are still alive -"

Closing his eyes, Sharu, who had traveled from another time and space, looked happy.

"Wait for my arrival to become one with us, number 17 and number 18!"


A Qigong bomb blew up the time machine, and Shalu flew into the sky, then chose a direction and flew away...


The wind is sunny and the sun is shining.

On the vibrant island, the animals start a new day of life.


At a certain moment, the cabins built on No. 16 and No. 17 suddenly exploded, and the entire island trembled a few times, and some small animals nearby were even scared and fled.


"No. 16, No. 17, you guys don't want to control me anymore!"

Holding a controller in his hand, Dark 17 smiled grimly.

Life these days is simply unbearable to look back, every time I think of Dark 17 I feel endless shame and anger.

He is the 17th of Darkness. What he likes is destroying the earth and slaughtering mankind. He is a super evil villain big boss!

But what do these two bastards make him do these days?

Carry water!Cut wood!Cook!Take care of the little animals on the island!

He is the android Dark 17, not an Obasan like a housewife!

It doesn't matter if this is the case, the bastard on the 17th still finds ballast to bully him, and asks him to do this and that all day long. If he doesn't do it well, he just waits on him with an old fist, and he just calls him like a slave!

What a shame!shame!!shame!!!

But now that everything is over, he has finally regained his freedom, and he will never be controlled by these two bastards again!

"Dark 17, return the controller to us."

Looking at the darkness on the opposite side of No. 17, No. 16 spoke.

"Don't even think about it, without this damn controller, I see how you can control me!"

The controller was smashed into pieces at once, and Darkness No.17 said viciously.

Finally regained his freedom, these two guys never want to control him.

He wants revenge now!To vent!To destroy the whole world!

That bastard on the 17th is absolutely going to kill him, bullying and oppressing himself every day, even if he kills him 10,000 times, it is difficult to understand his hatred.

The guy on the 16th can't let it go. He looks like a good man all day, so he can change his mind and be a good man. What else does he need to love the world, peace and nature.

Dark 17 doubts whether this guy is a man!

Even if it is definitely a failure of personal creation, their artificial humans should be domineering, cruel and cold-blooded, and such heretical failures should be cleaned up!

"Go to death for me, number 16 and number 17!"

With a bloodthirsty and hideous look, Dark 17 clenched his fists and rushed towards 16 and 17.

But at this moment, No.17 took out another controller from his pocket, and then pressed the button on it.

With a scream, the Dark 17 fell to the ground at once, and then yelled in disbelief:

"Impossible, why do you have other controllers!"

"Idiot, if you want to kill us, wait one hundred and eight thousand years."

"This bastard god gave us this. In order to prevent you from stealing the controller and getting out of control, he gave us many such controllers."

With a look of playfulness, No. 17 replied.


"Damn! Damn!!! Damn!!!"

Almost crazy with anger, Dark 17 kept roaring and roaring.

"It's annoying to roar and yell!"

"If you broke the house, you have to build it up."

"But now I'm hungry, go find us some food and come back."

"Today I want to change my taste. Go and catch a few sharks in the sea."

With an expression of impatience, No.17 kicked Dark No.17 out with one kick.Darkness 17 screamed and flew for several kilometers in the air, and then fell into the distant sea with a crash.

"No. 17, you shouldn't be so harsh on him."

Said the 16th.

"That guy is already rotten to the bones, don't even try to save him if you don't be strict with him."

"Okay, No. 16, leave him alone, let's do our thing too."

With his shotgun on his shoulder, No.17 walked into the forest first.

Although it feels a bit bad like this, No. 16 also knows that No. 17 makes sense, shook his head and finally didn't say anything.

Poor Darkness No. 17, his days of oppression and discipline seem to continue indefinitely.

I hope he can regain his freedom and dignity one day, and hope he can redeem his soul here one day, Amen...


Kaiserrante is a remote city located in the west of the 36th district of the earth. It was only a poor small market town more than a decade ago. However, with the continuous development over the years, it has now become a city with nearly 100 A metropolis with a population of 10,000.

At the same time, in a dark alley somewhere in Kaiserrante—

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

"Monster! Monster!!!"

Seeing the boss of himself and others being absorbed and swallowed by the humanoid insect-like monster, a group of punks with colorful hair were sitting on the ground with bloodless faces, all of them were about to be frightened crazy.