This is definitely not Dragon Ball

This Is Definitely Not Dragon Ball Chapter 211

"Since Vidili made such a request, let her experience it."

"But just release a little breath, but don't scare others."


Ye Chen said with a light smile, and Wu Kong nodded, and then several people released their own breath at the same time.

"This, this is..."

Only feeling a rush of oppression rushing towards him, Bidili couldn't help but stepped back with a pale face.

Although she had guessed that they might be very strong overnight, she never expected to be so strong!

What a terrifying breath, those so-called martial arts masters are probably not worth mentioning in front of them!

"Who are you, Cyrus."

Trying to calm his mind, Vidili's complex color on her face.

"These are not important, are they? We are just students here now, and also your friend of Bidili."

Ye Chen said with a smile.

"You were the one who saved me last time, Theros, I can't remember that breath."

"Not bad."

Vidili asked again, but Ye Chen didn't deny it either.

"Then why don't you tell me?"

"We were just getting ready to go to school that day and just met. The reason why we shot was just because we couldn't bear to have a kind and beautiful girl being hurt by bad guys and withered."

"I don't want Vidili to be grateful to me just because I saved you. On the contrary, the relationship between our friends now makes me feel better, don't you think Vidili?"

Ye Chen explained to Vidili, and Vidili's expression became more complicated.

"I know, Celos, you may not care about my gratitude, but it's a fact that you saved me."

"Theros, thank you."

Biting her lip, Bidili bent down deeply.

She wasn't the kind of girl who didn't know what was good or bad. Others could not care about her gratitude, but she could not help but know the gratitude. If it wasn't for Cyrus that day, she might really have died.

"Well, I have received your thoughts."

"Now that you know what you want to know, are you satisfied now, Vidili?"

Helping Bidili up, Ye Chen asked with a smile.

Her cheeks blushed, and Bidili looked a little hesitant, but in the end she said:

"There is one more thing I want to ask you, Theros."

"Go ahead, I'll listen."

"I want to ask you to guide my practice, I want to have a stronger power!"

With an awe-inspiring expression, Vidili said.

After hearing Bidili's so-called request, Ye Chen couldn't help but wonder:

"Bidelli, your strength is pretty good now, why do you still desire strength so much?"

"Not enough, my current strength is far from enough, I must become stronger and stronger!"

"I heard Eliza say that you want to become a red silk warrior who serves the gods. Is this true?"

"Ah, it's true."

"I'm Mr. Satan's daughter. Everyone laughed at me for bullying me since I was a kid. My father only knew that drinking alcohol was like a waste person. My life was terrible."

"So I must become a red silk warrior, and I must change everything!"

"Theros, please help me, please!"

When she talked about her own affairs, Bidili couldn't help but tears in her eyes, but she was still stubborn, and then bent down again and begged Ye Chen very sincerely.

Obviously, her father had also fought against Sharu, and other martial artists were regarded as heroes, but her father was called the arrogant Satan.

She has never done anything bad, but she is often ridiculed and squeezed by other people, and she is treated unfairly.

Not reconciled, she is not reconciled!

So she must become a red silk warrior, let those who once laughed and bullied their father and daughter have a look!


Even Wu Kong was a little bit unbearable to be infected by Vidili, pulling the corner of La Yechen's clothes seemed to hope to help Vidili.

Signaling Wu Kong not to worry, Ye Chen also said:

"Vidilly, I can help you, but I also have one condition."

"You said, I can do anything I can do!"

If she wanted others to guide her practice, Bidi Li had naturally prepared to pay some price.

"You don't need to be so serious, and it's not an excessive requirement. You just need to help me with my homework in the future."

"Help you with your homework?"

Ye Chen said with a smile, and not surprisingly, Bidili's face was stunned.

"Ah, it's really annoying to do this kind of homework every day, Bidili, your grades are pretty good, it would be best if you could help me with my daily homework."

"Celos, you are also a student here anyway, don't worry if you don't take classes seriously every day, even if I have to do your homework, is it really okay?"

A little speechless, Bidili said.

"No problem, no problem, I told you last time, we just come to school to experience life, and we don't want to be a great person like a schoolmaster."

"If you help me with my homework, Bidili, I will guide your practice in the future."

People have said so, what can Bidili say, and if they really want to talk about it, her side has taken a huge advantage.

So after thinking about it, Vidili also made a decision:

"Okay, then we are settled!"

To be continued...

Chapter 337: Monsters and Thugs

On the other side of the distant universe, the Earth Expeditionary Force is confronting the Babidi Legion who is catching up.

"Damn Lan Qi, I won't let you run away this time!"

"Hmph, it was just a strategic retreat before, now ~ no longer needed."

"Wash your neck well and wait, disgusting bugs, we'll get rid of you right away!"

"How dare I call my great magister Babidi a bug, ah, what a damn woman!"

"Kill you, I must kill you!"

Looking at Babidi, who was snarling at the big screen with anger, Lan Qi sneered, and then directly interrupted the communication with the other party.

"Begeta, it's time for you to shoot."

"Kill all those guys, is it okay?"

Lan Qi asked the people of Beckita who looked to the side.

"Go to work, Seleba, Shalulu."

Not too lazy to talk nonsense, Becketta called Seleba and Shalulu, and then the three flew out of the Frieza together.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I am pissed off! I am pissed off! That damn woman!"

"Master Babidi, please calm down your anger. That woman named Lanqi is deliberately irritating you."

"Yes, Lord Babidi, you can't remember to be angry with women of that lower race."

"Alert! Alert! Three huge energy bodies have appeared on the enemy!"

In the spaceship on the other side, a group of Babidi's men were still persuading the furious Babidi to calm down. Suddenly, there was another alarm sound in the spaceship.

The operator hurriedly called up the screen, just to see three strange women flying out of the battleship opposite, and the detector showed that the energy values ​​of these three women were very scary.

"Interestingly, it seems that the reason the woman named Lan Qi ran away was to find a helper. The energy in the three women is indeed very powerful."

Looking at the women of Beckita in the picture, Dapla, the King of the Demon Realm, who was controlled and subdued by Babidi, said.

"Woman, woman, what I hate most is women now!"

"Dapla, Ye Ge, Pu Yi, you all go out with me, I will kill them with the cruelest means!"

Gritting his teeth, Babidi said viciously.

"Master Babidi, you need to take action personally to deal with a few women, just let Master Dapla and Master Ye Ge take their actions."

"Yes, yes, Lord Babidi, it's too dangerous for you to go to battle yourself."

There are two subordinates who want to persuade Babidi, but Babidi just looks at them incomparably cold.

I saw two evil rays of light suddenly flashed in Babidi's eyes, and then the bodies of the two men who persuaded him began to swell, and finally exploded into pieces in the mournful screams.

"Does anyone else have any comments on my decision?"

After scanning the surroundings, Babidi said coldly.

The scalp was numb due to the cruelty of Babidi, and the rest of the people were silent about where they dare to have any comments, and Babidi finally nodded in satisfaction:

"It's fine if you have no opinion."

"Dapra, Ye Ge, Pu Yi, you guys go out with me."

"Follow your will, Lord Babidi."

Babidi said, and the named Dapra and the others all landed on one knee to show compliance.

Called another group of soldiers, and then Babidi walked out of the spaceship with a group of his men.

"Is that Babidi? It really is a small and ugly guy."

"I haven't seen magic yet, and I don't know if it's interesting."

"What kind of magic, it's just something evil and not worth mentioning!"

Watching Babidi and the others come out, Becketta said.

"Are you all the helpers that Lan Qi invited?"

"Report your name, woman."

Stopped opposite Vegeta and the others, Babidi said.

"Saiyan, Beckita."

"Saiyan, Seliba."

"Robot, Shalulu."

Although these so-called opponents were not in the eyes, the women still reported their names.

"Saiyan, cyborg?"

Babidi frowned.

The Saiyans knew that what was known as the strongest fighting nation in the universe was actually a group of self-righteous guys. I heard that it had been annihilated long ago, but I didn't expect some people to survive.

As for the artificial person, he had never heard of it.

But all of these are good, Babidi is not interested, he just wants to kill these guys who dare to be enemies to vent his anger!

"These are really stupid women who dare to be an enemy of my great Magister Babidi."

"Enlightenment, even if it is useless now to beg for mercy, I will kill you with the cruelest means!"

With a cruel look, Babidi said.