Ako has a magical talent. The Sacred Mark of the Brave allowed her to use both white and black magic.

Normally I tend to be biased towards those who are either good at it. I specialize in white magic myself.

In this sense, the brave man who could use both equally could be said to be the owner of a rare power.

However, the growth curve drawn is moderate so far. As far as current levels and abilities are concerned, the acorn is sure to be heavily late-formed.

When we dawned overnight from our special training by the lake, we came to the abandoned mining village, which is a transfer magic.

It's a lonely place where we dug up the ore and the villagers left and abandoned it. There are no priests. Only the buds of the Great Divine Tree remain on the site of the Church, emitting a fine and magical light.

I guided Ako and Kanon to the mine entrance, which opened flat north of town.

Soon a demon will dwell in the pit, and it's a complete dungeon inside.

"Mr. Ako is level 19, so he should have been able to use around elementary flames, thunderbolts and explosion magic... but for now, yesterday's special training allowed you to put out elementary flame magic"

I could only get it out. Acco's flame magic range is about five meters, but the power attenuation is severe, with a limit of two meters at most in the sense of an “effective range” that exerts sufficient power. Besides, it's a no-control no-hit that if Ako doesn't mind at all, he'll suck in a direction where there's no magic.

The brave man looked around with the kyorokyoro and finally gazed at the entrance to the darkness that spreads behind me.

"... maybe all of a sudden in action?

"Naturally. I can't teach you a sword, so be experienced and grind."

Aco lowered his chest with relief.

"Nah, you can use your sword. Good. Then we can fight a little."

After this, a tragedy strikes the brave.

When I illuminated the pit with light magic, the signs of the little demons fled to the back of the pit in fear of the light.

It would be too dazzling a light for the inhabitants of the dark world who prefer the bottom of the earth.

It was a natural stream for a strong demon to strike to get rid of this.

Stone spouse - with eyes like a narrowed pupil of a cat. It had a chest like the body of a deformed woman and was a creased earthen mass.

Detailed tattoos (patterns) are engraved throughout the body.

"Prepare yourselves for battle."

I said, I backed off. The girls jump forward together.

Ako held a sword in his right hand and a small metal shield in his left.

Cannon grips the rod of a cleric apprentice to prepare his breath.

When Stone Spouse's eyes emitted red, he floated and stormed his cock.

A cleric apprentice activates magic in the first place.

"It's wallproof magic!

On the verge of a direct strike by the body of a stone spouse, a wall of light was created at the present time of Aco.

but not thick enough. Breaking through the walls of the clergyman's apprenticeship, the spouse hits him straight from his head to his cock...

On the verge, Ako skewed the shield to distract the orbit of the spouse.

"Wow, that's not nice. Thank you, Canon! Thanks to your weakened momentum, I was able to prevent it."

"Lord Ako was a nice shield."

You're a little surprised. I would have been blown backwards if I'd taken it straight, but I can't believe I let it distract me. Aco's sense as a swordsman is inside.

Acorns are slaughtered by stone spores who plunge into the lateral walls of the pit and stop moving.

"Chanstar im!"

Active brave limbs. Flashing steel sword. The blow of a waved brave man was blocked by the shimmering wall at the moment of Stone Earth Puppet.

"Hey! Canon! Don't fend off your enemies!

"You didn't!

A tattoo engraved all over the body of the stone spouse was lit up.

Let's explain here.

"Mr. Aco, I'm sorry to hear that. In response to a physical attack, Stone Earth spouses in this pit immediately deploy light attribute wall magic to themselves. The main unit is also cut-cut."

For a moment, Kanon built his magic to unleash light bullet magic.

When I send my gaze, I realize and weigh myself down.

"Yes, it was. Light Magic is forbidden."

Acco removes the pattern of the champion's thunder sword from the tool bag.

"If the sword is no good, even this one!

Primary lightning strike magic was unleashed on stone dolls from balls (orbs) fitted into the pattern of thunder swords.

but too bad. Brother of commentary, I hunt down even more brave men.

"The stone spouse in this pit will not pass because he is resistant to lightning strikes. What works is an explosion or a flame."

Souvenirs seem to be resistant to flames because they are baked goods, but apparently they have put their properties into other defensive abilities, and this actually burns well.

Because adventurers don't choose flame magic from the start just because the exterior is the exterior, it was generally thought that only explosive magic would work.

"Oh no! Hey, Seiklid, suddenly you can't."

A stone spouse buried in the wall crawled out of his pants and rose again.

Cannon screams.

"Lord Aco! You should put up a wall as many times as you want, dozens or hundreds of times until the flame magic hits you. If you get hurt, you will recover!

Ako threw down the pattern of the thunder sword. The brave are not alone anymore.

"I'll do it... I'll do it. Ooh!

The flame magic unleashed by the brave was bullshit by control (control), flying all over in the direction of not being there, and it was on the twelfth challenge to count that he hit the stone spouse directly.

Continuous use of wallproof magic causes the canon to sit in a state of lack of magic power. Let them bring their backs to the pit walls and they look more exhausted (hirokon) than the cock they were fighting for.

Ako also exhaled heavily and prepared his rough breath.

"That's all I did and finally what the hell..."

I smile nicely at the brave as I apply restorative magic to both of them.

"That was a bad hit."

"Or winning is winning!

"But Ako is a terrible piece of shit even though he has a magical talent"

"Don't say hurting in a gentle tone!

"Truth is what hurts people. but on the other hand, I have great judgment and reflex nerves."

Ako strained his chest with opium. Big wobble wave high today.

"I worked out in a slot, so I'm confident I'm here."

"Waste of talent. Is there such a thing as being superb here? If you want to use it in battle, try to stay focused when attacking."

The brave man only stands his index finger on both hands, pointing his mouth as he tries to make him kiss a tung and fingertips on his chest.

"Seiklid demands too much from me."

"Naturally. Because you are a brave man with swords and magic... well, I feel a little sorry for you as it is, so let me give you a hint."

Aco's face smiled as soon as possible. Hold him in my arms and cheek like a cat. My chest is swollen.

"Sasa but Seiklid! What! Like a fun, winning slot must-have?

"Leave the joke at that, will you? Mr. Ako's magical range is two meters at best. If you get any further, the magic doesn't go straight and you fly somewhere."

"My free heart will unleash even magic."

I'm in the mood to lock you in the penance room and make you write the Bible as well. Increasingly, the cock is getting tighter and tighter.

In a way, maybe the way she fills her time is by instinct acting as if Aco's own weaknesses were to be filled.

Yeah, it's not a possible story... no. Skinny is a matter of coco preference.

I tell.

"Why don't you just think of your magic range as zero meters?

"Huh? What do you mean?"

I almost meant to tell you the answer, but Aco is making me squeeze my eyes out.

Canon finally recovered his magical powers and lifted his hips and pulled his cock away from me.

"I'm flattered from earlier... it's not. Lord Aco, I mean..."

It's nothing like asking anyone else, but Kanon whispered to Ako.

"Ooh! Oh, I see."

Lightly other HR-like mouthfeel, but I think I finally get it.

If you can't hit the target, pack the distance to the limit and fire. You just have to be intent on letting your fists pound the flames together.

If this is also incorrectly controlled, it will burn itself with its own unleashed magic, but there is something Canon can do to recover and support it.

After hearing from the cleric apprentice, Aco somehow pulled out his sword.

"I mean, here's the thing, right? Snuggle the magic...... all the time!

A steel sword's body is engulfed in flames.

Like the unstable, behaving suspiciously flaming magic that Acco had unleashed earlier was a lie, the fierce fire that had been wrapped (together) in the sword was intense and then sufficiently stable.

That's who was chosen as the Holy Mark of the Brave. You can do it if you want.

Ako destroyed them one after the other with a "flame slash”, as if the stone spouse in his eyes were lying. I'm not an expert, but proper guidance is important. Yeah.

~ Back then, in the last church ~

"Ouch. Is your husband here?

"This is Dear Nina. Is your husband away all day today? And you look great in made-up clothes."

"Nina will also be a maid like Pi. So, I'm going to set an example for my sister Pi."

"That's, uh... you're in trouble. Am I supposed to be an example, or am I supposed to serve as a maid of honor, using Lady Nina as an example?"

"Pi, what's wrong? You got a straight face, huh?

"but... I have a rash, a rash, a rash..."

"Pi! Pi, hold on! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

"Rest assured, Shishiri Riri Riri Riri, if you are comfortable with it."