
It's very dull. I'm always confused in church. When Nina sings her songs, she's a good organ.


Nina's wannabe. Sai, it's about you. Ishiki. Join us for tea.


Sometimes it's a little frightening, Nina's other lady. He said he likes alcohol. Sei, you and I have a lot of fights. Pump!

- Aco

Ako is full of Nina's adventurers. He's super strong, but he said he's building up his strength. Really?

- Cannon

Kanon is Ako's daughter-in-law. You two are always friends together. Sai Ouchan, what are you saying? Will Kanon be a "daikon" too?


Nina's dancer. I'm sooo queasy, and I'm as quick as a cat. Sai Ooh - I like you (?) I wonder if it is.

- Luruna

She's a twin sister, so you're familiar with Nina! I'm good at fortune telling and punch with crystal balls. Divination? I wonder if it is. I come to church every once in a while.


She's Nina's sister. Ahhh, that's cute. Uncle, I'd like to see you chat, but the maid's golem (?) What. Looks like you're working far away now.

- Mary Ann

The most erm teacher in your maid's school. Nina dressed me in made-up clothes. Perhaps it would be a good idea to be a maid of honor when you're done. It's a lot of things I want to be and I'm in trouble.

- Pope John

Sei, hey, hey! Besides, if it's a church, it's great. He's a super cool Nina admirer of song and dance! Yep...... I wonder if Nina will be able to sparkle like that one day.

- Iceburn

Wow, Mr. Snake. Looks like he's good at cold attacks.

- Pigmy

Wow, Boo. The power is amazing.

- Laksha

Wow, Mr. Blue Ghost. commune (?) What.

- Nina

She's the sister of the Demon King. I dream of growing up fast and being a wonderful adventurous maid of honor Sister Maid who can sing and dance! Ah! But maybe a confectionery shop would be nice. I'd love to try some fashionable cafes.