Finally, Aco turned to me when he looked up.

Gently keep your hands on your knees and open your mouth as you stare straight at this one.

"What should I do!? Seiklid!?"

Did you finally look me in the eye and ask for advice?

"If you don't get up yourself, I can't support you either. If you return the back, as long as you ask for it this way, I'm on your side. Nevertheless, doesn't Ako know what to do?

"Ugh," cock groaned small. Then I felt up for it and went back to my former weak cock.

"Well... I'd like to go help Cannon. But I'm not a brave man anymore..."

"Shouldn't you help your fellow in need if you're not a brave man?

"Huh? Are you sure? Oh, yeah... well... right. I'm an idiot. You said you didn't want to be a brave man, but I can't believe you're so obsessed with brave men. It doesn't matter."

The girl's black eyes turned round. There is no such thing as slow (...) gi (...).

You're finally getting your cocky positivity back.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be able to be away from church much myself, but this time I'll be with you for the rescue of my adorable junior. Well, more importantly, as it is now, it can also interfere with life in the church, and we are being held hostage to two things, junior and private, so this is a situation we have to move to restore peace."

Cannon, of course, staying crushed in the closet in his private room doesn't feel good to me.

I get the authenticity of dressing in the diocese: dressing in a costume box I put in the diocese.

So exciting...... no, if you can get dressed in a private room, I've never been over it.

Rage returns to the look on Aco's face so that the buds of emotion he was closing slowly unwind.

"What!? If Seiklid will come with me, it's a hundred manpower... oh, yeah, it's not"

The girl rose momentously from the chair on the slot table.

"I... am not a brave man or anything anymore... but I will help Kanon."

Sounds like you finally opened your eyes. On several occasions before, Ako had one of the scales of the brave hidden from view.

but every time the eye that opened up (and not least) has been gently closed by Ako's soft mentality, which distracts him from the heavy responsibility of being a brave man.

She also finally realized that it was not a big deal, such as the presence or absence of that title, thanks to being freed from the burden of bravery.

I get my hips up slowly, too.

"Mr. Aco. Let's rescue Mr. Cannon together. I'm sure Mr. Kirsch will help, and if you persuade him, Mr. Stella will help."

Ako finally, faintly but smiled.

"Oh well... Mr. Stella is sweet"

"Am I sweet, too?

"Seiklid is um, I wonder if he's sweet. I don't think a really sweet person would appeal to you to be nice about yourself."

Is it also a tendency to revive the discourse?

But, because, he's more of an asshole than he is depressed.

The girl tilted her neck as she rocked her dark hair.

"But why do you think Mr. Stella would cooperate? Because Stella..."

Say it. Aco holds his mouth with his left hand.

"What's wrong?

"Uh... nothing"

Squeeze your knees and squirm your cock. I'll say in a slow tone.

"For Stella, both Ako and Kanon are dear friends. Naturally, I want to save my friend."

Well, guess what, you skipped Kirsch's name.

Acco narrowed his eyes to my words, "Well... I'm glad you think so," he smiled with a heartfelt mouthfeel.

"Mr. Cannon isn't the only one who can get it back."

"Huh? Was there something else?

"If you could strip the holy mark of the brave, you could even paste it again."

Aco rounded his eyes again.

"Huh? But I don't have to be a brave man anymore..."

"That's it. This is this. I am also at the mercy of the Great Cleric, so if I can get it back, it's up to me to think of the Holy Mark as the original place to be."

The brunette girl said, "Ugh... I knew you were Spartan. Zero tenderness," he sighed deeply.

"All medals offered by Aco today will be redeemed and donated for needy people around the world."

When I call a casino employee, I ask them to collect the medals that made Oyama on the floor.

"Hey, hey, hey! That's my medal! It's a gigantic fortune! Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Tighten your panicking cock with wings, I tell you. In the meantime, the employees' black clothes cleaned up Ako's medal hill.

Whispers in her ear from behind.

"Didn't Ako say he was going to donate earlier?

"No, wait! Gear! Replace your medals with gear for Operation Canon Recapture!

"Prepare weapons and protective equipment just for your level and skill."

In fact, Aco is often wielded to performance without the use of powerful weapons.

Okay, here's one serious problem.

Where the hell are we supposed to go if Ako also got back on his feet and persuaded Stella to add Kirsch to his crew?

Rimrim's castle-free base should be somewhere in this wider world.

The search range was too wide for the whole world, and the rescue and recapture operation was taking up the reef at the same time as it was planned.

It is at a time like this that the Great Divine Tree Administration: Equipment Development Department comes in handy. Or get up. In the role.