I smiled when I grabbed Pom Pom's collar and made him stand.

"Come on, let's put our hands together and sing. So that the contentious world can regain just a little bit of kindness. Everyone can burn and live that life for themselves and for someone important. Let's hope it becomes that world."

Try to tilt gently and let the neck muscles expose.

"Then, monsters... come, your holy power... and take it from me"

A wide open red mouth grabbed my neck.

Kickin '!

And, along with the hard sound, Pom Pom's sharp canine teeth crumble. I developed wallproof magic around my neck to prevent sacred behavior. Ask him out and drop it. This is also a technique that works well for evil spirits.

"The injuries are broken!

"Where has the proud advanced demonic appearance gone to earlier? It's a hundred years early, like naming evil spirits."

When it came to evil spirits, letting the mind take damage was the most effective means.

If you break the other person's heart, that physical body also breaks. And vice versa.

Once I freed Pom Pom's body, I tried to bind the slaughter sword of light placed in my hands and transformed it into a round tooth of light.

"I think you've fully understood the beauty of life, so it's time for you to break it"

"Hey, what, so what are we gonna do?

When I gently bared my round-tailed light sword with a boom, I turned the belly of a pom pom who could not escape with a black church wall on his back, swinging full swing.


Responsive. It is the feeling of taking several ribs of the heart of the evil spirit.

"- Huh!?

Scream without a voice and bend your knees to the ground into the pom pom's bodily wrinkle.

If this breaks my heart, it will be an evil spirit dispersal.

Pom Pom, who nodded, looked up slowly.

My face, which was painted black, regained my skin tone. The same blue-purple eyes reveal as my daughter's, as if the black membrane that had covered her body had melted away.

Her hair was also pink, and the shadow man regained his lifetime appearance while she watched.

The air buzzing caused by the explosive magic shooting that continued around also subsided, and Aco and Kanon also safely protected the rimrim rim.

The gaze of those girls, for some reason, stares at me like I'm scared.

"What is it, gentlemen?

Stella told me on my behalf.

"Um, Seiklid... I know that evil spirits are bad guys, and more than I said they would take our lives, they would fight within self-defense. But... what about hurting so much that evil spirits become normal spirits? What about you as a person?

"No, I've never had a reaction like this before. Normally, evil spirits don't come back to normal..."

Let your body be called Mississippi while evil spirits (?) The pom pom that was stood up.

"Oh Rim Rim...... it's been a while. It's great to be alive."

Has the hymn of my life struck Pom Pom's heart?

Rimrim said, "My dad's back to normal! He's an old sweet dad!" He raised his voice happily.

Rimrim rushes to his father as he slams his tail, letting his pink hair loose from his cocks.

"Wait, Rimrim! Look at his face!

Not on the surface, but in the mind eye of Aco, who captures the appearance of his soul, it seems that the appearance of Pom Pom, which at first glance only looks undone, looks different from ours.

"Please calm down, Mr. Rimrim"

I just reached out to stop the rimrim rim, but the toddler jumped into her father's chest and hugged her as she moved my restraint through her little body agile.

Unprecedented concentration was the result of Rimrim's genuine admiration for his father, but the late one.

"I'm glad my dad came home."

"Thanks Limrim. Well done. You're back in my chest."


The shock wave ran, and I blew it off so I could lift it high from under my feet. Position yourself in the air to soothe and land the impact of the fall with the magic of the wind attribute.

A black church tower sounded a creepy tone with a gorn...... gorn......

Let the sky burn to the colour of blood and the pom pom hold the neck of the rim rim with his right arm.

"Finally, we've got a special holy power. Just like the sage of the journey said...... come on Rimrim. Kill them with this father."

The work of the wise again? Final answer because all the trouble in the world is his fault.

"Shit, it's painful... Ugh, stop... my dad... he's back to normal..."

Stella and Cannon were taken hostage by Rimrim, making their expressions pressing all at once.

Magically stop Stella from looking at the sniper. Rim rims are also dangerous if you shoot them. Of course, if it's in my hands, it's all healed up unless I die.

"It's a rim rim. My daughter. I didn't get it back. This is how the Demons do it. Now, give me the holy power I've taken in."

"Ugh... I can't breathe... I can't... of..."

Aco reversed his dark hair to a pom pom that tightened my child's neck further.

"Come on... let Rim Rim go free. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

It is the duty of the brave to bring everything back at the end. Wonder and I felt I could leave it to my current cock. All I do is support her in such a direct manner with grandeur.