Other Maid College presidents, Mary Ann, and the head glasses officer of the development department met each other face-to-face, but I continued to deal with noble and national guests almost extensively after that, until the coffin ceremony.

Dusk comes, and burial fire lights all over the king's capital. The fire was flown from the great river to the sea on a canoe in a lantern, turned into a small balloon and unleashed into the sky.

The light descends down the river and ascends to heaven in mourning the death of the king not only in the king's capital, but also in the nations of the world.

From the cathedral the coffin is transported and the special carriage slowly begins to advance towards the immense roots of the great god tree, which extends like a casket in the king's capital, so as to be surrounded by the royal people.

Some of its funerals included the appearance of Claudia and Prince Idiot Margot. From here on out, it is a drop off only for royalty, where nobility is not even tolerated.

That's all I have to do. And then over there, the Pope's Holiness will take care of everything.

The wave of condolences also slowly pulled off, and in the cathedral where the tranquillity was restored, a young cleric, who had finished his task of line organizing, was questioning a senior-like middle-aged cleric.

"Dear royalty, you have remained calm for a long time."

"That must be perseverance as a royal human being."

"What will happen to the kingdom beyond this?"

"Successor selection will begin"

"Oh, yeah. You must decide the next king."

It's never a eavesdropper because the conversation between the two sounds natural. To a slightly hurried young cleric, the middle-aged cleric returned him with a calm waist.

"The rest is the Lord of Light."

"Um, what does that mean?

"Oh, was this something only some had been informed of? Well, any time you get promoted, you'll know, and I'll tell you what. The next king has already decided."

"Then you still mean that the First Prince Sands will inherit the throne."

As relieved, the young cleric bows his chest.

"No, not necessarily. And... oh, Lord Grand Priest, were you there?"

White words flew this way.

Stop caring about mixing me up in conversation.

"Thank you both for your hard work today"

From the standpoint, I gave the priests a nasty word.

The two praise each other deeply, side by side. It is also the duty of the high priest to be honored, whether formally or not.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

A middle-aged cleric raised her voice as she tried to return with metastatic magic.

"Please wait, Grand Priest Temple. Could you please tell this young cleric about his succession to the throne?"

Even young clerics are about thirty years old. I'm younger.

Yeah, I should have gone straight home to the "last church” without blurring if this was going to happen.

A youth cleric stared at me with her eyes shining.

"Tell me about it, Grand Priest!

I can't tell my neighbor to ask, I told the young man.

"The next story on the day of the funeral may lack consideration, because it's about where the country is going. As for succession to the throne, it is customary for the king's will to decide. It will also be common for the eldest son to succeed the governor. But King Harlem left no will."

The youth cleric tilted his neck small.

"So what happens? There's no way this is going to be like a royal race between people, is there? We survived the Norntanian accident."

When a middle-aged cleric pinches a small cough, he says, "Excuse me, Grand Priest. His hometown is a Norntanian thing," he adds.

"That was tough."

Even though the entire national territory disappeared, not many people happened to be out of the country. Such people tend to carry with them sin the very fact that they have been able to survive.

"No, I don't think so... because I can serve God of Light in this way"

Not only in Norntania, there are many people around the world who feel the same hard and pathetic feelings in cities and villages, and the prosperity and stability of a kingdom that embraces people who have lost their place to return to is important. “A second homeland that will not be lost." There must be no such thing as a king's capital crumbling in a successor dispute.

The young man's eyes, I felt, told that. Half of it is my fault.

I continue to be a young cleric.

"When King Harlem's coffin rests and falls asleep in the presence of the Great Divine Tree, a mark (sign) appears in the next king's qualities, among those who draw the royal blood within a few days."

I guess that's why the middle-aged cleric said it. with the thought of the God of Light.

It seems that King Harlem once did the same, and he was not elected king of his predecessors.

The young man said, "So the chosen one of God will be king?" and stuck it up to me to make sure.

"Yeah, so there's nothing to worry about."

The young man was deeply touched by my words, and a neat look like some anxious possession had fallen, "That's the Great Cleric Hall. I have been saved by that word," he drips his head again.

Yes, it's up to you, so it's almost impossible to have a successor fight.

I also hear him nominate a brilliant brother prince as his successor more than a dozen years ago to tell him that since the bloody battle was fought with his brother prince and that mankind was put in crisis by being put there by demons, he no longer nominates any other than his eldest son.

Because he was chosen by God, the Church is also chosen to support a new king, and if even those who are not firstborn are elected by the glory and will of God, the other royalties have nothing more to offer than obedience.

Even those who are at the last seat of the royal family, those without any back shield by then, man will be king by the presence of the transcendent knowledge of the Great Divine Tree.

A thankful young man looks up and asks me.

"By what standards will God choose a new king?"

"It's terrible to know what that will be, but King Halem once said that when he was chosen, his purity was spoiled by God."

"Pure royalty. New King...... Oh, this is Antai, isn't it? Wang Du will continue to prosper"

The youth's expression was full of hope. The middle-aged cleric said with a face like, "Well, excuse me for this, Grand Priest. Come on, the job's still piling up," he slapped the young cleric's ass lightly.

The two of them leave the cathedral and head to the papal administration building, where I stand as if I were left alone.

I forgot to mention one thing.

There's also a problem with this "don't pick a successor” approach.

Is it the whim of God of Light, or is it by some will again?

Sometimes more than one royal name is listed as a candidate in Shi.

It will not be a dispute of the whole royalty, but nonetheless there is no waiting for the opposite of the chosen ones.

Waiting was a battle in which the winner took all of the losers, risking his life.

Throne Inheritance Death Match - King Diction opens.