"Mr. Berial is really sweet. Besides, I'm a hard worker."

"What's the sudden matter!? You're so nice to me... Oh, that's suspicious!

"Ha... it's a candid feeling..."

Belial gets up after shaking his long hair.

"All right! Wow, I serve the Demon King. I'm just doing that duty! You're sweet, but you're not a hard worker!

Could it be illuminating?

"You're adorable, Mr. Belial."

"Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit! Knock..."

"I won't kill you, I won't let you kill me, I won't let you die."

"Gummy! What the hell, from earlier! What are you planning to praise me for?

Plump the tears with your arms. Berial barks.

"There's nothing to illuminate. Your cancer is passed on to Stella and Nina... because I am familiar with it."

Belial can hold his body.


It is also a compliment that you will be so happy to raise your voice like cow mode.

"Berial, who has always watched over and protected Stella and Ako, is a fine man"

"Chi, no! This is... a duty! Ever and ever... ever and ever... I serve only the Demon King"

It's like you're no longer the Demon King. But you keep saying you don't serve Stella.

"So if Stella doesn't have a blood connection and she doesn't deport Nina... what would you do if you tried to kill her?

Don't mess with me. I have a sense that it's a question.

"That can't happen...... it should"


Belial couldn't be sure. I guess there's still something “something” that I can tell by because she's been serving by Stella for a long time.

There's a realization that I don't know or anyone else.

"It's supposed to be! Nothing can happen that will make Stella sad or suffer! After all, you're a bad cleric! Enemy! You're going to flatten out these questions!

Without omitting anything about herself, Belial thinks of the Demon King sisters.

Belial is so much more of a priestly character than I am to be able to live for someone else.

"Yeah, because I'm a very bad cleric"

"Even worse if you're conscious!

I took a serious look at Belial, who was about to burst out with a spear in his hand again.

Should we take another step?

Might just hurt Belial for mischief.

But we need to take her heart out.

Because Belial's words "but" and "should" are words that doubt the Demon King, to whom she vows allegiance.

"This can't really happen, but still, if... Stella or Nina, if only one of us could protect you, what would happen to your“ duty ”?

"Well, if it's... Stella's... obeying the life of the Demon King... stop... telling me to put Nina in this hand, etc., then I... haha!

What can't possibly happen. Belial is afraid of it. The usual girlfriend would say, "Bullshit," and what made her laugh so realistic?

The female knight's eyes were not anger or hatred, but pity everywhere.

"I have no choice. If I were more severe than the Demon King... I would die of this life myself"

I caught a glimpse of readiness in pity. Put your hands gently on your heart and Belial nods.

Belial couldn't have put two precious sisters on the balance or anything.

I'm a really bad person for pressing for a choice.

"Tell me what you care about Stella"

"You're going to hunt me down, torment me, and spit me out even more!

"Have you been drinking too much wine and throwing up a lot?"

"Yes, don't be with me! I'm more or less suspicious of the Demon King.

I lifted my hips off the bench. Return at equal gaze height.

"I'm asking Berial, Stella and Nina's sister. You don't have absolute loyalty to your family, do you? Isn't it natural to worry and talk if you're worried? I told one of my dear sisters what you, as a sister, feel… I should have told her directly. That's what you're afraid of, and you're here to talk to me about it once, right?

"Damn... you read my mind!?

"I've just been hit by you, too, so now it's each other."

Now as two human beings a little more adult than the Demon King sisters and the Demon Nation, I want to be equal as guardian.

"If you don't have any other adults you can count on, talk to me. I don't carry you around all the time. Humans are weak creatures in flocks, so that's how we've lived helping each other."

"I'm a demon."

"Use your human wisdom"

Again, the power fell out of Belial's stiff whole body and expression.

"Sending salt to enemies is incomprehensible to humans"

"The feeling of thinking of a family can also be sympathetic to humans. If your suffering is to protect what is important, I will do whatever it takes to help you."

"That's a word like an ally..."

After squealing, Berial opened his eyes haha.

"Oh well... all this time I have... kept you from being recognized. As loyal minister of the Demon King, I confronted you and was about to confront you. That was“ duty "..."

When Belial approached me flutterly, he brought the weight to my chest to keep it from the front.

"Enemy enemies may be allies, but allies are not enemies... comrades"

"I've been meaning to."

Berial nods faintly.

"Okay. As a comrade who thinks of Stella and Nina... let's talk about the anxiety I feel from Stella"

The grin returned.

It's a soft look, like she's never shown before.

She is the Tundele sister who finally became honest with me.

Even when I was swallowed by alcohol, I showed a single scale, but the time came to speak my heart while remaining rational.