This Kryptonian is too stable

Chapter 73 Back Hand [Recommendation Ticket Seeking Collection]

at the same time.

New York Mengmeng Nursing Home, a white-haired, white-bearded old man sitting in a rocking chair nap suddenly opened his one-eyed, tight body, and looked at the ground solemnly.

In a temple in Kathmandu, west of the Himalayas, a bald woman in a yellow robe held up a tea cup on the table and was about to drink it.

Suddenly, there was a sudden stature, and a drop of tea flew out of the cup, wet the clothes.

Gu Yi frowned and looked at the east, muttering: "Site?! It shouldn't be."

According to the record of the last Supreme Master, billions of years ago, in a certain universe, the natural vitality of the earth's biosphere gave birth to a group of ElderGods.

Later, Seth swallowed other old gods in order to gain power, brought the first death to this world, and made him fall from the true god to the devil.

The other old gods followed his example, causing chaos and death to sweep the entire planet.

In order to end this fate, the earth goddess Gaea (Gaea) and the god of life (Demiurge) gave birth to Atum.

Yatum continued to destroy the demonized ancient gods, and later became the incomparably powerful Demogorge (Demogorge), and the combination of Set and the underworld Sithorn couldn't compete with it.

In the end, Seth was forced to exile to other dimensions in order to avoid the devouring of God Eater.

Set's loyal followers call him by seven different names, each of which can be linked to the image of a snake or dragon in myths and legends.

It is very likely that Seth has appeared or will appear in the story of snakes circulating in almost every culture.

The most important thing is that Set is more troublesome than her old enemy-Domam. It is a real multiverse entity with its body entangled in multiple worlds.

How could it suddenly come to the main universe this time?

The Eye of Agomoto that hung on his chest began to rotate, emitting a little green light.

After a blur of his figure, Gu Yi's face was pale, a trail of blood was left on the corner of his mouth, and a scarlet mark appeared on his forehead.

Even if there is time for the help of gems, the multiverse-level powerhouse is not something she can spy at will.

Because the other party's existence itself has surpassed time, and usually will not appear in the future she observes at all. If you want to forcibly snoop, it is likely to cause the other party's body to be alert and cause backlash, just like this time.

Although she was hurt a bit, but fortunately, she had figured out the cause and effect of this incident.


A few minutes ago.

Logan and Xuexu rode their motorcycles and hurriedly rushed to the station of the black samurai.

Turning over and getting out of the car, Xuexu reminded him to look at the extremely quiet village: "Be careful, this is the hometown of Lord Shilang, the residence of the black-clothed warriors, and there are many traps inside."

Not long after they left, a ninja corpse in black appeared in front of them.

Some fell on the bloody ground, some fell on the roof, and some hung on the tree.

"What is going on here? Why are all the black samurai..."

Suddenly, on the cliff where the ancient castle was built, a giant snake of two to three hundred meters long and five to sixty meters high rose from the ground, waving its body and roaring towards the sky under the night.

The aura of tyranny, chaos, and madness hit her face, and blocked all the rest of her words.

"Eight... Yaqi Orochi?!!!"

After recovering from the initial shock, Xuexu's lips trembled, unable to talk.

She just came to save her own hair, how could she be so unlucky to run into this legendary creature?

"No, he only has seven heads."

Logan's eyes were better, and he quickly counted the number of each other's heads.

Xuexu rolled his eyes and said helplessly, "Is there any difference?"


Logan's expression was solemn, and Edman alloy steel claws pierced out of his metacarpal bones unconsciously, and looked at the castle with concern.

Following Logan's gaze, Xuexu immediately understood his thoughts.

But now they are hard to protect themselves, and they are saving a fart.

But I can only think about these words in my heart. After I force myself to calm down, I asked: "What should we do now? These black warriors were probably killed by this big snake."

"This place is too dangerous for you, you leave first."

Logan turned to look at Xuexu and said, "I can save Mariko by myself."

Even the power of the phoenix couldn't kill him, he didn't believe that this slightly bigger seven-headed snake could do to his immortal body.

After speaking, no matter what Xuexu answered, he strode towards the castle.


But before he ran a few steps away, a black shadow flew from the cliff, smashed through a row of houses, and finally plowed a gully in the snow and stopped him on the road ahead.

Looking at the black figure lying on the ground, Logan stopped and said vigilantly: "Who are you?"

Propping his body from the ground, Cyb glanced at the damage report on the battle armor on the screen, and said solemnly: "A superhero who is interested."

Hearing this, Logan's mind flashed, and he thought of the image of the mysterious person that Mariko had painted for himself: "You saved me the night before."


Cyber ​​nodded: "No thanks."

"Then do you know what's going on?"

Logan pointed to the seven-headed giant snake on the cliff.

Taking a look at Sete, who was swimming here quickly, Saibo calmly said: "This is the trouble I caused, and I will solve it myself."

Although he is relatively stable and doesn't like to put himself in'danger', he still has the basic responsibility.

Looking at the two of Logan and Xuexu, cyber kindly reminded: "You better leave here first, this guy is not something you two can deal with."

"Is Mariko still in the castle?"

I kindly remind you to pay attention to safety, but you are full of girls?

Cyber ​​curled his lips and said speechlessly: "I saw that she was still in the castle, but I don't know now."

Upon receiving this news, Logan lost interest in continuing to communicate, and rushed towards the castle at full speed.

Before Set's transformation, Cyber ​​still had something to fight with him.

But after the transformation, he only wanted to report the other party's open hook, not only did not slow down much, but in terms of strength, he completely crushed the Sun Armor.

Due to lack of energy, after actively reducing the power of the speed mode, Cyber ​​was just accidentally wiped by the opponent with a snake's tail, and it was directly hit from the cliff to the bottom of the cliff, and even the Sun armor was lost by percent. More than a dozen nano materials.

But fortunately, he was prepared for enemies of this kind of'monster' class size.

"Alita, how long will the Titan Warframe reach the battlefield?"

"Master, expect 9.25 seconds."

Cyber ​​looked up.

In the starry sky, there are falling meteors, competing to come.