This Kryptonian is too stable

Chapter 97 The Wind and Clouds Rising [Recommendation Ticket Seeking Collection]


When Cyber ​​rushed into the car, what he saw was the intersecting scene of Hope and Ava.

He didn't say much, activated a fifty-fold acceleration, and slashed towards Ava's neck.

The energy of the Blazing Sun Battle Armor is less than 20%, so he must save a bit of it.

'Empty again?'

The sharp blade passed through the opponent's neck without resistance, causing Cyber ​​to frown.

Finding that Hope had handed over with each other, he thought that Ava had already withdrawn from that quantum superposition state.

Seeing Cyber's return without success, Hope forced Ava back with a punch, came to Cyber, and whispered: "Brother, grab my hand."

The two who had lived together for more than ten years had a tacit understanding, and Cyber ​​immediately understood Hope's meaning and reached out and took her palm.

But Ava seemed to have seen through the thoughts of the two brothers and sisters. Before the cyber action, she decisively retracted the dagger in her hand, took two steps back, walked out of the extended Lincoln, and then her figure was blurred, and she entered a hidden state and disappeared in place.

It's too late if you don't leave!

Now that the other party can touch her, it means that her greatest reliance is gone.

No matter what punishment the mission fails, it's better than losing my life here.

'what happened?'

But before she ran far, Ava suddenly felt that the entire space had begun to repel her, squeezing her bones to chuckle.

As a last resort, he had to withdraw from the hidden state.

"It's over..."

Realizing that her body is gradually returning to normal from the quantum superposition state, Ava knows that she is planted this time.

The lightning flashed, and a black figure was blocked in front of her: "Where do you want to run?"

Listening to this cold and solemn voice, Ava consciously raised her hands: "I surrender."


Cyber ​​sneered, and walked behind Ava in threes or twos. A hand knife slashed on the back of her neck and knocked her out.

This is a good experimental material, and Cyber ​​is not willing to kill her so easily.

At the same time, four tetrahedral black devices flew in the sky, scattered on both sides of Ava's head and feet, forming a light blue light curtain with a strong coffin, enclosing her.

This is the quantum stabilization instrument he just asked Alita to make temporarily. As long as Ava is within the special force field created by the device, she cannot enter the quantum superposition state again.

It is a cell specially built for her by Cyberspace.

"Brother, why do you keep her?"

Hope came to the side, puzzled.

Based on what she knows about her brother, isn't he always cruel and ruthless toward the enemy?

Cyber ​​replied casually: "It's still useful to keep her."

Although Ava's combat effectiveness is not very good, but her ability makes Cyber ​​eager.

And she acquired this ability through technological means.

If you can crack the mystery in her body, and then apply this technology to the Sun Armor or the Ring of Guardian, you can greatly enhance the means of protecting yourself and your family.

A few minutes later.

Danny arrived with the members of the Gamma team.

Glancing at the bumpy road, Denise's eyes revealed a dangerous light, and her tone was cold: "Boss, who did it?"


After asking Danny to transfer Georges and Hope to a secret base, Cyber ​​returned to East Hampton Villa and sent Lorna there.

The secret base under the continental shelf of the Atlantic Ocean was built by Cyberspace in two years to deal with this unexpected situation.

The facilities are complete, and the food reserves are enough for a hundred people to eat for ten years. After being completely closed, the defense is even more amazing. Unless it is an attack of the level of the Star Destroyer, don't want to break its defense.

Cybernet took the Obsidian alone and came to the sky over Washington DC.

"Alita, what is happening on SHIELD?"

He didn't want to care about these nasty things like Hydra.

Cyber ​​has always closed one eye to this kind of orderly and evil organization, as long as they don't touch their red line, they don't bother to pay attention to them.

Because cyberspace is not a superhero who is overflowing with the heart of the Virgin, nor does it have the will to dominate the world and become the leader of the earth.

As a DC fan who has seen many comics, he knows that in the two superhero-themed worlds of DC and Marvel, none of the guys who want to dominate the earth will end well.

What if it succeeds temporarily?

See you, the unrighteous superman exhausted all his hard work and defeated all the superheroes who opposed him in his world. After he successfully ruled the world, he was not beaten down by the "enthusiastic crowd" driven by the main universe and imprisoned in the red sun prison. , Did you face the wall?

Who does he talk to to reason?

Who knows that after Cyber ​​has successfully controlled the power of the earth, will there be a parallel universe or a substitute for the future boss who can't see it, and rushes to beat him?

Besides, the evolution of life and the meaning of existence pursued by cyberspace are not dispensable things like power.

A certain master in the previous life said,'Beasts always walk alone, cattle and sheep are in groups.'

As long as his plan is successful, a mere hydra is nothing.

But why do you have to push your nose to your face and force him?

"S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury has been confirmed dead at 1:03 this morning."

Taking back the thoughts of running away in his mind, Cyber's heart condensed.

'This is the beginning of Captain America 2?No wonder the other party dared to act so blatantly on Dad this morning.'

"Where is Captain America now?"

"The surveillance showed that the other party entered the office of the director of SHIELD five minutes ago."

After replacing the battery for the War Armor of the Sun, Cyb said in a deep voice, "Always pay attention to his movements. In addition, I will screen out the list of suspected Hydras with all possibilities in S.H.I.E.L.D. that are above 60%. I will be useful then. ."

Now that he has torn his face with the other party, as long as he throws out this list at a critical moment, it will definitely cause a devastating blow to the Hydra of Alexander Pierce.

As for the Hydras of the European factions...the cyber is still useful, so I won't move them for the time being.

"Master, Captain America just broke through the ambush of Hydra and rushed out of the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., driving a motorcycle to the east."

Alita's tone changed suddenly: "No, a man whose left hand was replaced with a metal arm led a special team to stop Captain America."

'How can the Winter Soldier appear here?'

After a quick review of the memory in his mind, Cyber ​​confirmed that Steve Rogers should have escaped from the Sanquyi headquarters smoothly, and there was no Winter Soldier to block the way.

"Natasha Romanov also joined the fight, but the two are still at a disadvantage."

Hearing the information reported by Alita, Cyber ​​frowned: "Go and help them."