This Kryptonian is too stable

Chapter 123 Scarlet Witch

Glancing at Hope next to him, Lorna stroked the green hair in her ear and smiled and said: "The last time Hope came back, I saw her playing this game, so I tried to play it. It's quite interesting to think of."

"Moreover, it can also exercise my ability to do two things with one mind."

As he said, he pointed to the miniature model of the solar system suspended above his head.

"Well, it's okay to relax appropriately."

Cyber ​​nodded a little, tacitly accepting her statement.

After several actions, Cyber ​​did not take her with her because of her lack of strength. Lorna's self-esteem was deeply shocked, and she turned pressure into motivation and became more diligent.

Not only did her daily study time be increased by an hour and a half, she also asked Alita to build a solar system model for her using various metals.

Hang them above your head and control them with power.

And speed up the rotation cycle of the stars in the solar system thousands of times, imitating this law, and let them keep moving overhead.

After exercising like this for more than a month, she was still not satisfied, again increasing the complexity of the model.

Now in this miniature model of the solar system.Not only the eight planets and Pluto, which was expelled from planetary status (Note 1), but also various moons including the moon were joined by Lorna.

And according to Alita's report, Lorna has asked her to create comets and asteroids in the solar system, and plan to add them in the near future.

"Brother, Laurie said she was going to bed."

Seeing that Lorna was not trained, but was comforted, Hope felt a little unhappy, and said in a daze, "We are missing one in black and four, so come and play with us for a while.

Don't worry, I will assist you and promise to make you super god!"

"it is good."

With a smile, Cybernetic agreed without thinking.

It's been a long time, just to have fun.

By the way, let the two see the level of the Ionian Black Iron King.

Besides, in the previous life, he used to play black with four big guys.

It's like now, there are four girls willing to take him.

It seems that the girl named Laurie has a high EQ. After knowing that he is coming, she took the initiative to give way.

But things failed.

"Master, an unknown signal has been received, and its spectral characteristics are in line with the frequency of the second-level emergency signal."

As soon as I turned on the computer next to him, Alita received an emergency alert.

Cyber ​​frowned and said unhappy: "What information?"

"When compiled, 1-f-6-qfg-1..."


With his eyes condensed, Cyber ​​looked apologetically at the two women beside him: "Lorna, Hope, I'm afraid I won't be able to play with you this time, I have an urgent matter to deal with."

"Huh? Isn't it?"

Hope is like a concubine.

It's a rare opportunity to play games with my brother, who messed up her good deeds?

Don't let her Hope catch it!

"Do you need my help?"

Lorna is much more empathetic.

"No, don't play for too long, go to bed early, otherwise staying up late is bad for your skin."

After instructing the two of them, Cyber ​​left the game room and went to the beach outside the house, then boarded his luxury yacht and sailed deep into the Atlantic Ocean.

At 30 kilometers from the coastline, the yacht finally stopped.

Looking at the full moon reflected on the sea, Cyber ​​took off the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and ordered: "Alita, turn off all monitoring methods for this yacht, and enter a silent state, waiting for my wake-up."

"I want to fish all night and I don't want anyone to disturb."

He casually ridiculed a reason that the child didn't believe it, and Cyber's tone was serious.

'You lie to the ghost, there is not even a fishing rod on this yacht!'

This yacht is maintained all year round by the steward who controls the machine, and he knows everything stored on it.

But Alita knew that this was something her master did not want to let it know, so she had to delete the doubts in her'heart' and replied in a voice without fluctuations: "Yes."

After turning on Super Sight and confirming that Alita had completely followed his orders, Cyber ​​swiped a few times on the black watch on his left wrist, and then tapped the dial.

The t-shirt and sweatpants on the body dissolve instantly, turning into a continuously flowing black liquid, covering the body surface, and then following the pre-set trajectory, crawling all over the body of the cyber, and finally forming a cloak Black tights.

Coming to the deck, Saibo's figure slowly floated up.


In the next instant, a sonic boom was brought out and shot towards the west.


Eastern Europe, in an ancient fort in Sokovia covered by an energy shield.


A scream came from the laboratory inside.

"Wanda, do we really want to participate in this experiment?"

Hearing this scream, Pietro's body couldn't stop trembling. He pulled the sleeve of the woman in front of him and attached it to her ear and muttered: "I heard that this is already the 460th. There are nine, but I haven't seen one who can come out of this room alive."

Looking back at his younger brother, Wanda had an abnormally pale face and a hoarse voice: "Have you forgotten the missile that landed in our house when you were a child? Pietro.

If we don't participate in this experiment, what will we take to avenge Tony Stark who has become Iron Man?"


"I know what you want to say, but the higher the risk, the greater the reward. Only through this experiment can you gain enough power to match the group of Avengers."

Pulling away the blond hair blocking his forehead, Wanda stared at Pietro's eyes seriously.

But the heartbeat, which was slightly faster than usual, indicated that she was not as calm as she appeared.

"What if he lied to us?"

Pietro was full of worries.

Although he also hates Tony Stark, his revenge is not as strong as his twin sister.

In fact, he refused to participate in this experiment at the beginning.

But Wanda insisted, he couldn't stop it, so he had to follow.

"I have searched for the trail of magic, followed the legend of vampires, and even tried to summon demons, but in the end I found that the legend is always a legend.

And this is my only chance!"

Glancing at the heavily armed guards next to him, Wanda's tone became more and more stern: "Besides, do you think it is too late to withdraw now?"


"No. 512, No. 513, here you are, come here soon!"

An experimenter in a white coat walked over, interrupted the communication between the two, and led them straight to the laboratory.


Being fixed on the white test bench, looking at the metal scepter glowing with blue light on the opposite side, Wanda slowly closed his eyes.

Immediately, turbulent energy gathered from the device and poured into the scepter.


Then, a bright yellow beam was excited from the blue'jewel' on the top of the fist and hit the decisive girl opposite it.