This Kryptonian is too stable

Chapter 177 Rolling Combat

"The hull is 39% damaged!"

Seeing the alert posted on the screen, the adjutant was sweating profusely: "We can't hold it anymore, Commander,"

For some reason, no matter whether it is DC or the Marvel universe, few interstellar warships are equipped with energy shields, and they are on the road to thicken armor and find higher-strength materials.

Therefore, the scrap rate of interstellar warships in Marvel World is extremely high, and the arms business of Cyberspace is also unexpectedly good.

Kolas stabilized his body, looked at the sparks and electric arcs around him, and said in despair, "Abandon the ship!"

Of course he understood that even if he boarded the escape pod in this situation, it would be difficult to survive an attack of this intensity.

However, there is only one who can escape, at least to bring this news back to Ronan.

"Kerry, win!"

After all the men on the bridge left, Kolas was stunned for a while and suddenly woke up. He walked quickly to the control position of the weapon system and let out the last roar in his life: "Give me to death, bastard!"

Even if the Necromancer is not the latest generation of the Dreadnought cruiser of the Kerry Empire, it is still much stronger than the ordinary goods sold by these cyberspaces, so it can persist for dozens of seconds under the siege of thousands of warships.

Unfortunately, that's it.

Having not participated in the siege before, the main muzzles of the three Dreadnought cruisers of the same level as the Necromancer finally lit up.


Three thick beams of red light burst out from the muzzle directly 20 meters away, like a comet running lonely in the universe, bringing a long wake and galloping away at a speed close to light.


The three beams of light arrived at almost the same time, relentlessly pierced through the body of the Necromancer, and caused a series of explosions, causing the nearly two-kilometer-long starship to completely disintegrate and turn it into dust in the universe.

It seems that everything is happening between electric light and flint, but in fact it is not. Our universe is too big, and these attacks are only the speed of light.

From launch to hit, it took a total of nearly three minutes. Under normal circumstances, the Necromancer would completely evade these three attacks by its ability.

Unfortunately, there is no if on the battlefield.

Before the Necromancer's power engine was destroyed, the three Dreadnought-class cruisers had no plans to shoot.

Allow it to blast against the rest of the warships, and only after its engines were destroyed by the intensive attack, did the three cruisers take a decisive action and kill them in one blow.

"How about this firework is not bad?"

Looking at the stunned Galaxy Guards group with a smile, Delia's eyes were full of excitement.

"Juli! Shet!!"

Looking at the Necromancer that exploded like a new superstar explosion outside the window, although the explosion could not be heard, Xingjue had automatically made up their brains: "These fleets are enough to fight a medium-sized interstellar battle, you guys What do you want to do?"

Delia was satisfied with the shocked expressions of the three of them, and said indifferently, "Just in case."

"Do you sell those three cruisers?"

Looking at the three Dreadnought-class cruise ships outside the window, a strong desire appeared in the rocket's eyes.

According to his estimation, after the Cosmic Spirit Orb is released, he should be able to allocate about 1 billion stars. Shouldn't it be a problem to buy such a battleship?

"Friendly price, 20 billion stars."

"Why don't you grab it!"

The Rockets were furious: "An ordinary resource planet is worth 100 billion stars."

"With the Dreadnought-class cruiser, are you afraid that there will be no resource planet?"

Looking at the little raccoon with the eyes of the soil buns, Lydia curled her lips in disdain: "Besides, you don't buy some people want to buy."

Many civilizations that have just entered the interstellar may not necessarily have a cruiser, and cruisers that reach the Dreadnought class are even rarer. Only some intermediate and advanced interstellar civilizations can make them, and may not sell them.

Only the ten or so top interstellar civilizations in this galaxy group can use this level of starship as the standard configuration of the regular fleet.

As for the higher-level starships...Of course, Cyber ​​has them, but they don't usually sell them.

'Grab, yes, the universe spirit ball!'

Reminded by the little raccoon, Xingjue hurried to Camora, guarding the cosmic spiritual ball in her hand, and looked at the golden woman on the opposite side vigilantly: "You will not rely on your own power. Grab the cosmic spiritual ball in our hands?"

According to his logical (strong) compilation (pirate) thinking, if he has such a huge interstellar fleet in his hand, after the cosmic spiritual ball is in his hand, the five billion yuan will be changed to fifty-one, and he will use it to kill the hapless seller.

"It's only five billion, sell a few ships and come back."

As if she couldn't understand the other party's brain circuits, Lydia froze for a moment, and said silently: "The boss said, as a peace-loving interstellar businessman, what he values ​​is a spirit of contract that is willing and committed , The most annoying thing is to grab this kind of thing."

Looking at the various battleships outside the window, Rocket's heart became more and more fierce, and he couldn't wait to say: "When will your boss be back?"



"who am I?"

With a big smile on his face, Cyber ​​showed his big white teeth: "Ossetas, owner of the Peace Lovers Club-Cyber ​​Zod, welcome to order."

After experiencing the initial shock, Ronan quickly regained his senses, turned his eyes and ran away.

Facing the metamorphosis of being able to crush the universal warhammer with his bare hands, he didn't have the idea of ​​going head-on with the opponent.

Where there is life, there is hope!

This is one of the most profound truths he has understood in the power field of the Kerry Empire for so many years.

However, what Ronan didn't know was that his "Green Mountain" had become scraps like his hammer, and was being recovered from the universe by the fleet of people behind him.


After ploughing the ground into two long ravines and stopping, Ronan swallowed hard, feeling that today is a lot of bad luck.

A dashing body blocked the other side's road, and Cyber ​​looked playfully: "Where do you want to go?"

Although the Cree’s speed is very fast, it has not yet reached the speed of sound, so naturally it is far inferior to him.

Raising his hands to indicate that he has no intention of resisting, Luo Nanxu said to Wei She: "Mr. Cyber, it was a misunderstanding just now, we can talk about it."

"Ha, wasn't it just a bite of an inferior creature?"

Thinking of the famous scene in a certain Westward Journey movie in the previous life, Cyber ​​couldn't help but laugh: "Why is the hammer broken now, and he started calling me husband?"

Knowing that the other party did not intend to negotiate, Ronan simply broke the jar: "Then what do you want?"

"Tell me all the information you know about the Kerry Empire."

Ronan's life and death are not worth mentioning. Cyber ​​values ​​are the various intelligence in his mind.

Others were once the highest accusers of the Kerry Empire, and they must have a lot of important information, which has a great effect on his layout in the interstellar.