This Kryptonian is too stable

Chapter 286 for this beautiful world

"Amount, I was originally not intended to sell alone, but I would like to provide you with one hundred Moore (Note 1) for you monthly.

With the cost price, you will be sold to you each Mold for one million dollars. "

It is actually this, and Claus has a moment, then it is difficult to have a color, make a car pain: "After all, the company's production capacity is limited, and only one thousand three hundred mols per month can be produced."

"too expensive."

Shake your head, Saoto out a regret, but the heart was a little laugh.

There is no truth in this bald mouth.

According to the intelligence collected by Alita, the MuM Technology has at least 50,000 mollers.

The cost is much pitiful, and only less than 10,000 US dollars per mole need.

Moreover, he asked this problem, which means that the temptation is much greater than the true intentive transaction.

Don't say one hundred Moore, even if you provide Claus to all the peppets produced by each month, it is also a drop in the bucket for Saibo.

Ask this question, more is to try this guy's attitude towards the attitude of Claus, and it is good to treat him in the future.

It seems that the other party is in the search for death.

"This is not expensive, Sai Bo."

I don't know that my destiny has been fixed, and the Claus reached out and swayed. Before going to the showst, "this' Claus Particle" I didn't plan to sell alone, but a match This team is sold together, and each set is $ 5 million.

Seeing that you are the second largest shareholder of our company, I deliberately divide these share for you. "

After listening to official quotation, many people in the field showed the color of the heart, especially the representatives of the nine-head snake.

Of course, in addition to a skelist, no one knows the identity of their nine snakes, only thinking that they are representatives of a secret official of the US.

"One billion dollars, provide 10 machines that make this magical particles, how?"

Sai Bo opens is a billion order order.

"Sorry, we can only build two such machines each year, and even the company is not used."

In the face of this proposal, Claus did not hesitate to refuse.

He is not stupid, how can you share your wealth password to others.

Relying on the technology strength of the Cotet Group, if you get prototypes, you will absolutely successfully imitate, becoming his biggest competitor.

What is the most business in the world?

Of course, it is monopoly!

Don't say it is billion, even if it is a hundred billions, he really considers it seriously.

Unfortunately, Claus did not know that Phim particles are uncertain.

If it is so easy to imitate, a sneeway has been doing it, and it will be idle and he will pull him.

I heard the words, Dr. Pum took a breath, a Claus had trouble, but he also had confidence.

If the production technology of Phm particles falls into the Tott Group, it is big, and it may even change the pattern of this world.

"Is it? That is really regret."

The disappointment shook his head, Sai Bo no longer speaking, began to develop its subsequent action plans in your heart.

Prepare to see him from Zhu Building, see his banquet guests, look at ... No, as a good person, he has to help the other side.


"Fourth test, success."

Browsing the experimental data in the light screen, I nodded satisfied with the test. I took a lollipop size from the inside, and the surface of four elongated spikes were white metal ball.

After a few days ago, he gave up the budget of relying on the transaction from the other.

This device is his temporary design to prepare a gift for the black heart head.

"Master, are you ready to use this thinking controller to change Claus?"

With a smile, Alita suddenly came in from the gate of the laboratory, and the people said in the mouth.

"Alilta, I am actually this image in your eyes?"

The dissatisfaction has a little girl, and the face is not red, the heart does not jump, and the great righteousness. "Due to the evil magic of Claus, don't talk to him."


Light 'Well', quietly staring at the brunette man in front, Alitta reveals a pair of 'you continue to edit, I will not believe in a punctuation.

Although his own owner fell as a bright and bright, Fang Zhengxiang, hate, happy, but as a close-fitting housekeeper, this world understands the existence of each other.

She certainly knows that the other party is not as good as the surface, but it is a foot (yīn) wisdom (Xiǎn) (jiǎo) (zhà), not (bù) (zéu) (duàn) The old cloud ratio of the SHēNG) Dimension (Duō) Di (Yí).

"Don't use this expression to see me, I do this is not for my own lust.

The guy of Claus actually sells the yellow arthorn andum particles to the nine snake. Doesn't he know how much the aesthetic will bring this beautiful world? "

Extending your brother's head, pressing the head of the young girl until the beautiful short hair is getting messy, Sai Bo is satisfied with nod, stopping the action.

Then both the palm pinned the opponent's cheek, slowly stared to pull it out, staring at the big eyes of the other party, positive color: "In order to let the other person's lost, save thousands of innocent people, I specifically prepared this gift for him. "

"Hey ~ It turns out! The owner is really paying too much for this world! Claus should thank the master."

The appearance of the installs, Alitta's voice has become a bit embarrassing because of the drums of the bag.

"This is right."

Take a small head of the other person, Sai Bo smiled and turned: "Right, how is the situation of Skot Langna guy?"

"Two hours ago, he just sneaked into the new Avengee base established in Northern New York, and took the signal interception device developed by Dr. Pim Dr.

"Hey, Tony's new base is this? Even a small ants are blocked, and they will ridicule him next time."

After smashing, Sai Bo said, then it was gang: "Let Dani bring the gamma queue over and prepare for action."


Note 1: Moore is a unit of material, each molar material contains Avogadro, and about 6.02 × 10 ^ 23) particles (such as molecules, atoms, etc.), such as 1 liter of water containing 55.56 moles of water molecules.