"Huh - don't be ridiculous! My ancestors are dead! That can't be right! If it was my ancestors who were manipulating me, he couldn't be dead!

"This vessel was designed to seal the original ancestors and at the same time cause them to decay in this. At the time, it was considered impossible to kill with absolute power, and our ancestors couldn't beat us for years."

"Give me that vessel."

He stretches out the peeled arm of his nails and tries to snatch and open the silver vessel from the boy's arm.

But the vessel doesn't even tickle.

Lucas becomes skeptical about whether such a light vessel contains the ancestors of legendary existence, but desperately tries to open it. Blood dyes the vessel red, but keeps going without worrying. But it still won't open.

"Why, why can't I unseal it!

"If you want to unseal your original ancestors, you need royal blood. I am not the royal family of the Kingdom of Weather. I need the blood of the royal family of the Rastad kingdom that you have betrayed and destroyed."

"Then the seal must have been unsealed by now. I'm drawing royal blood too! That's why I'm the one who draws the blood of the descendants of my ancestors, and that's why I tried to do my duty!

"... what's that?

Rasmus gave a strange look on his face that he didn't know the bottom of his heart and tilted his neck.

At least the boy doesn't know that the old man in front of him is as royal as he is.

"I am a royal person. You were born a civilian, but you're drawing royal blood! So I just did the natural thing. I have the right to be king and to have everything!

"I don't know what you're mistaken about, but you don't have a drop of blood from your original ancestors. I know all the people who draw royal blood, past and present. [M] I don't have your name in it."

"What, you say?

"You haven't unsealed the evidence. Funny, why did you make such a mistake? - Who did you blow such lies to?

"Then, silly, silly. Awwwwwwww! Something like this happens, I'm, I'm going to be king, king of a new world. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Rasmus stared at Lucas screaming with his painful eyes.

The end of an old man who spent five hundred years was too terrible. He was given false information and made to mistake himself for being part of the royal family. Instead he went for the king, and tried to resurrect his fathers, who had already perished.

At least it could have been saved if the original ancestors had lived. But it didn't.

Lucas Gallagher, over the years, failed to achieve his purpose as one.

"Open it, open it. Yeah, yeah, to prove me royal, descendant of my original ancestors, open it. Yeah, please... open it, give it to me"

But the vessel that sealed the original ancestors never reacted to the old man's blood.

The poor old man dropped the vessel to the ground and started whimpering.

"... pathetic. I'll make it easier for you now."

Almeida boosted her magic and tried to turn down Lucas' life, who had lost everything already.

The old man is an enemy to the girl who destroyed the country. This old man is also involved in the fact that he has lived for many years. If it weren't for him, we could have had a different future. I just think so and I'm willing to kill you.

That's not all. This guy broke into the mansion while Almeida was away and grabbed a cute apprentice and his fiancée. I harmed those in my care. That alone deserves to die.

"I don't even need you to put your hands down."

It was Rasmus who created the blade of repudiation and stopped the girl who tried to snap the old man's neck.

"Mr. Rasmus?

"Look at that."

What he pointed at with his jaw was the old man's leg. Almeida opens her eyes.

Lucas' toes were petrified.

"No way, Jared's petrified magic?

"Sounds like it. It seems that what he unleashed in the middle of the battle has now become effective."

Paki, and the old man's feet turn to stone by making noises.

As Rasmus speculated, the petrified magic that Jared shot during his battle with Lucas was now eroding the body of the old man.

The old man also had magic, and with years of training he had gained incomparable strength such as court magicians of this era. He was therefore also resistant to witchcraft.

But I used up my strength in battle, and now I'm losing my temper and everything. The magic that was still alive struck such an old man's body again. Attacks unleashed by the Operator with the will to defeat the enemy are still trying to help.

"Why, why, why should I be seen like this?

"You have made many sacrifices in the past. The sin is too great. But thank you. You will defeat the magicians of this age and die in peace. [M] I never dream that it won't come true again."

"... right, because of the one. Hey, hey, hey, Jared Murphy! Without you, I would have gained my ancestors and become king."

Holding his bloody hand and making his fist, he punched the ground. My fingers break and I keep beating the ground over and over again, without having to bend over.

It is regret that we are moving the old man. And it was an abhorrence for a young court magician who was not here.

Lucas' lower body was completely stoned and crushed. The old man, who had only his upper body, could not remain conscious, but nevertheless continued to raise the roar of resentment.

"I will not forgive you, Jared Murphy. I'll curse you. I'll kill you with a curse. Without you, I..."

Finally everything turned to stone and stopped moving.

"I envy you. Lucas, I can't die because I still have things to do."


"You've said boring things. Come on, there's nothing more we can do here. Sorry, Almeida. I let you hang out with this. You should go home, too."

"Master Rasmus, are you sure the original ancestors are dead?

Almeida asks. I told Lucas my ancestors were dead, but she doesn't know if that's true. Even though you know the horrors of a sealed existence, you are not sure that your original ancestors have decayed.

"You can rest assured. A long time ago, the death of our ancestors was confirmed. Just..."

Rasmus stopped the words. When I did a trick to wonder if I should say the continuation slightly, I continued as I had given up.

"The witch of the original ancestors is alive and well. And the power that the witch took away when she sealed the original ancestors is also handed down to the bloodline"

"I didn't know there was blood left in the modern age,"

"Historical witches have been hiding from the power of their original ancestors. In modern times, a few people are divided, so the power to inherit is not so much a threat. Sooner or later, the overlapping of blood will destroy the power of our ancestors."

"What is the power of the original ancestors?

"Basically, a witch can't handle the power of her ancestors, but she does a lot of favors to her host. For example, I get deviations that I don't think are normal people, such as non-standard magic and physical abilities. That is the bounty that resides in power. No, a curse."

Some may envy having the ability to transcend ordinary people simply by sealing their power in them. But power is not everything. There's also something in Almeida that I wish I hadn't had the power to do.

"No way Jared..."

"Yeah. No. He's a natural. It's not the power someone gave me. No, Wahash-kun's grandson, Liz's son, may have inherited it, but that's all."

The girl is relieved that her cute disciple has nothing to do with her original ancestors. I don't want my beloved apprentice to carry any more burdens when it comes to fighting all the time.

"The witch of our ancestors is almost unconscious, and we only think about our fate to the extent of fairytales. It was over 500 years ago."


"Well, you've spoken in vain. I think it's time to go."

"Rasmus, what are you going to do now?

"It's sad, I still have something to do. Maybe someday we'll see each other like this again."

I look forward to that time, and Rasmus will leave the Royal Catacombs.

Almeida, who dropped off his back, glances at the old man, who dropped his gaze and became a stone. At that moment, the old man whose long ambitions had been smashed to pieces.

"... you're not going to beat Jared anymore. I'm proud to be your master."

The girl, smiling at the growth of her loving apprentice, when she erased the sandy Lucas from her head, proceeded to return to the mansion inhabited by a family so attached that it could be called "home".

- I have to apologize first.

Boys and fiancées in crisis because of themselves will surely still forgive you.

I was happy and tickled about that, and more than anything else, I'm sorry.