To Be a Power in the Shadows!

Something really important.

The fire in the distance was dying thin through the vice school dean's office at night.

People's shadows are moving in that dim room.

The shadow threw it on the floor and set fire to it as it pulled several books out of the bookshelf.

A small fire gradually erodes the book, illuminating the room brightly.

The shadow that emerged was a skinny, black-squeezed man.

"What are you doing in such a good mood...... Deputy Director of Ruslan School"

The shadow of a skinny man trembled. There was another boy in the room who was alone, sometime.

The boy is sitting on the couch with legs and reading books.

He was a boy who looked like he was anywhere with dark hair. However, the boy is not blind to the shadow of a man, nor to the flame that spreads, and is directed at a thick book. The sound of scrolling the page sounded slightly louder.

"Well, I've noticed"

Said the black-clad man. And when I took the mask that was hiding my face, an old man's face appeared. All-backed with mixed gray hair, he was Deputy Dean of Ruslan School.

Ruslan throws his mask into the fire and also takes off his black-clad outfit and burns it.

The interior adds a little more brightness.

"For your information, may I ask why you found out, Mr. Sid Cagheno?"

Ruslan sat across from Sid and listened.

"You'll see"

Sid glanced at Ruslan and immediately glanced back at the book.

"You can see that, can't you? Walking or posturing... either way, you have good eyes."

Ruslan looked at Sid and Sid was looking at the book.

Two shadows were shaking indoors lit by flames.

"May I ask for your information, too?"

Sid said as he looked at the book.

Ruslan silently urged ahead.

"Why did you do this? I didn't seem interested in this sort of thing."

"Why, it's... it's gonna be a little bit of an old story"

Ruslan put his arms together and grumbled.

"Once I was at the apex. It was before you were born."

"I've heard you won the Busin Festival"

"We are far from the apex, such as the Busin Festival. The real culmination is one that lies a long way ahead. I wouldn't know if I told you."

Ruslan laughed. There was no color of mockery there, it was some tired laugh.

"I got sick as soon as I stood at the top, and I left the line. My glory ended in an instant when I struggled to climb up. Then I looked for a cure for the disease, and I found that possibility in a researcher at an artifact called Lucreía."

"Is it going to be long?

"A little. Lucreia is Shelley's mother. She's an unfortunate woman who was too smart and hated by academia. But as a researcher, I had the highest level of knowledge and her position was convenient for me. I supported her research and gathered numerous artifacts.

Lucreia concentrates on research and I use her research. She wasn't interested in wealth or honor, so it was a good relationship. And I met The Eyes of Greed. It's the artifact I sought.

But Lucreya... that stupid woman tried to file an application to get the state to control her by saying 'eyes of greed' was dangerous. That's why I killed him. I poked him from the tip of his body to the center, and at the end of the day, he stabbed and twisted his heart. "

Sid was listening with his eyes closed with the book open.

"The eyes of greed remained in my hands, but the study was still in the process. But I soon met a convenient researcher. It's Shelley, Lucreia's daughter. She knew nothing, suspected nothing, and gave it all to me. Don't even know I'm an enemy. Pretty cute, stupid daughter.

The eyes of greed were completed thanks to the two mothers and daughters. All you have to do is set the stage for collecting magic and prepare just the right hiding place. Today was… the best day for my wishes to come true "

Kutsukutsu and Ruslan mocked.

"I don't know, it was helpful."

To Ruslan's inquiry, Sid opened his eyes.

"I think I got it roughly. Just... one thing bothered me."

Say it.

"Is it true that you killed Shelly's mother and used her?

Sid took his eyes off the book and looked at Ruslan.

"Of course it's true. Are you mad, Sid?"

"What do you think...... I distinguish clearly between what's important to me and what's not."

Sid lay his eyes down a little.

"Why, even if I ask?

"Because you don't shake your side, right? I really wanted to accomplish something, and it was so far away. That's why I scraped it."

"Did you scrape it?

"We all get more important things as we live. We make friends, we make lovers, we make jobs... that's how it grows. But I cut the other way. [M] I don't want that either, he said he doesn't want this either. That's how I threw away all sorts of things, and there was something left that I couldn't really throw away. I live for just a few things, so I don't care what else happens."

Sid closed the book. Then stand up and throw the book into the fire.

"You mean you don't care what happens to your stupid mother and daughter"

"No. I said I don't care for it, but it doesn't matter at all. It's a little... uncomfortable now."

And Sid pulled out his lower back sword and said:

"Is it time to get started? If you're too relaxed, you're going to get in the way."

"Right. Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye."

Ruslan also stood up and pulled out his sword.

With two white blades illuminated by flames, the settlement was instant.

Ruslan's sword tore Sid's chest open, and blood broke out.

Sid's body broke the door intact and was thrown out into the burning hallway. The Red Lotus Flame instantly wraps the boy's body around him and hides his appearance.

"Farewell, boy"

Ruslan put his sword away. The flames in the hallway also enter the room, increasing its momentum. The moment Ruslan tried to turn his heel back and walk away.

"Where are you going"


A low voice echoed from the abyss from behind. When Ruslan looked back, there was a pitch-black man there.

He hid his face with the mask of an odd magician, wearing a hood deep and wrapped around a long coat of lacquered black, but the coat was burning red. But the man cared about it. He doesn't even show a bare gesture, and pulls out a pitch-black knife.

"Are you...!

Ruslan put up his sword.

"My name is Shadow. He who lurks in the shadows and hunts in the shadows..."

"You're Shadow..."

Luslan, with a white blade, and Shadow, with his pitch-black sword sluggishly lowered, remained relative.

They stayed together for a while and Ruslan took off between them first.

"I see, you're strong"


"I'm also a living person on the sword. I know the whole thing if we turn to each other. Sometimes I have a bad minute right now. Let me do everything I can."

Ruslan took the red tablet out of his nose and swallowed it. Further remove the eyes of greed and their controls.

"The true value of the eyes of greed is something that is demonstrated in combination. Like this."

Kachiri, and the sound combined the two artifacts.

As soon as possible, the two artifacts emit a dazzling light, and ancient letters of white light spread around the artifact.

Inside the room was a spiral of ancient letters, and Ruslan pressed the artifact against his chest as he shrugged.

"Here and now, I will be reborn"

Artifacts bury in Ruslan's chest.

It's like falling into the water, but the clothes and skin go through.


Ruslan lifted his chest and growled.

Ancient letters of light gather in Ruslan and are engraved into its body.

A dazzling light dyed the room white.


The light subsided. There was a luslan on one knee.

Ruslan slowly rises as he raises the white smoke. On that face, facing forward, the fine letters of light were engraved like tattoos.

"Excellent... Excellent... strength returns, disease heals...!

The magic that blows around Ruslan rocks the flame.

If you look closely, it's not just his face, it's also engraved with letters of light on his neck and hands.

"You see, this wild power! Magic far beyond human limits!

And Ruslan snorted.

"Let's try it with you first"

Ruslan disappeared.

At the next moment, Ruslan appeared behind Shadow and shouted his sword.

A tall sound sounded and the atmosphere shook around the two of them.

"Better, well prevented"

When he saw it, Shadow turned around and stopped Ruslan's sword with a pitch-black knife.

Ruslan tries to push the sword in, but the pitch-black knife doesn't make it faint.

"You seemed a little underestimated. How about this?"

Even then, Ruslan disappeared.

Now it sounds tall in a row.

One, two, three.

Whenever a sound sounds, Shadow's knife moves small. Just a little, minimal movement.

And when the fourth sound rang, Ruslan appeared before the shadow.

"I didn't expect to prevent this either. Admit it, you're strong."

And look at Shadow with an extra grin.

"In honor of its strength, let me be serious too"

Ruslan's structure changed.

Place your sword on the upper level and gather vast amounts of magic there. The sword shines white, creating a swirl of magic.

"I hope you're proud in the afterlife that you made me mean it"

The blow struck Shadow with tremendous power and speed.


The pitch-black knife even took it easy.


A pitch-black knife and a sword of light scatter sparks.

"Do you even take this? Huh!

"No way...... to this extent?

At close range, they stared at each other.

"Guh... not yet, it's coming!

Ruslan's sword accelerates.

White remnants leave a beautiful trajectory in the universe to dance.

"Wow, wow, wow!

The white sword strike, carried out with the roar, but all of it was played by the blade of pitch black.


White slaughter and pitch-black blades collide, and the sound of the sword rings out many times.

The sound, as if it were one song, added color to this burning night.

But it also comes to an end.

A pitch-black blade was swung through and Ruslan was bounced off. His body snapped down his desk and rolled to the floor.

"Guh...... then, stupid......!

Ruslan stands up holding down his painful body. The wound recovers quickly, but the light of the ancient letters also appears to be diminishing.

"I didn't expect it to be this hard. Kuck, that's a big deal. But no matter how strong you are, you're done."

"Over, what...?

"Hmm, the series of incidents are all supposed to be the work of Shadow Gardens. I have all the evidence, all the testimony. No matter how strong you fight, there's nothing you can do."

Ruslan snorted. Look at the shadow with its warped face.

But Shadow was there again. The throat rings in the back of the mask, and a low, lowly voice leaks.

"What's wrong?"

"You're the funny one who thinks it's over with Shikiki."

"You're a loser."

Ruslan turned off his grin and said.

Shadow shook the shadow. I don't know anything, but like I said.

"In the beginning we are neither those who go on the path of righteousness, nor those who go on the path of evil. We are just those who go our way."

And the shadow blinks a burning coat of lacquered black.

"If you can, bring me sins from all over the world. Let's take on all of that. But nothing will change. Still, we do what we have to do."

"Do you mean to make the world your enemy and not be afraid? That's arrogant, Shadow!

"Then try to break my arrogance."

Ruslan ran with the roar.

And a white sword swung down from the upper section strikes the shadow.

That deviated just before breaking Shadow's head.


Blood broke out.

On Ruslan's right wrist, a pitch-black blade was piercing him.

Ruslan immediately switches his sword to his left hand and retreats.



Now a pitch-black blade pierces my left wrist.

Shadow's spike hits the retreating Ruslan.

"Guh... guh...!

Ruslan defiles himself with blood without even being able to fight back into a high-speed spike that is not even hostile to pursuing with his eyes.

Countless spikes pierce Ruslan on his wrists, toes, arms and thighs.

It gradually came to the center of my body.

"Poking from the tip of your body to the center..."

Shadow's low voice echoes between spikes.

"At the end of the day, he punctures and twists his heart... Was it?

At the same time as that voice, a pitch-black blade pierced Ruslan's chest.


Ruslan spits blood from his mouth, yet grabs a pitch-black blade that pierces his chest to fight it.

Ruslan's gaze and that of the boy behind the mask bumped.

"You, no way shi......!

The moment Ruslan tried to say something, the black blade was twisted.

"Gah, agh... agh...!

And when you pull out the pitch-black knife, a lot of blood runs off. Both the light of Ruslan's eyes and the light of the ancient letters disappear.

The last thing left was the corpse of a slender old man.

At that time.

A small footstep sounded.


The return-blooded shadow looked back, ahead...... there was a girl with peachy hair.


The peach-haired girl runs through the side of the shadow and leans against Ruslan's body.

"I don't like it... Father-in-law, why... why...!!

I wept over the corpse, but my father-in-law's body stopped moving.

The girl's tears wet Ruslan's face.

Looking down at the Shizukuishi, Shadow turned his back.

"You don't have to know anything..."

And he disappeared into the back of the Red Lotus Flame as he heard the girl's unceasing cry.