To middle age

Chapter 52 News and Concerns

After leaving Liu Yun's house, I realized that there was a chill on my body. It was fine during the day, but it was still colder at night, not to mention that I had just been poured a chill in the shower room of Liu Yun's house.

After taking a car home, I quickly changed into my pajamas and slept well.

In my sleep, I dreamed of divorcing Zhang Dan, making a quarrel for the custody of the child, which woke me up, and then I fell asleep again in a daze.

I slept until noon the next day, if I hadn't heard a violent knock on the door, I would have to sleep.

When I walked to the living room, I opened the anti-theft door and saw Zhang Lei and Lin Qiang.

"Brother Chen, what time is it, why are you still asleep?" Lin Qiang went into the living room and looked back and forth, then said.

"I didn't sleep well, I went to bed early in the morning." I said.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?" Zhang Lei looked at me with concern.

"It's okay." I shook my head.

"There are a few things to do today. Brother Chen, take your ID card and go to the mobile business hall. After the number is cancelled, you can apply for the original number and buy a mobile phone. Then the second mobile phone number I gave you before It's exposed, so it can't be used." Lin Qiang seemed to have planned it a long time ago.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Then I will pass the photos and videos to you again, but this time you must be careful." Lin Qiang continued.

"Got it." I nodded and agreed.

Seeing my promise, Lin Qiang hurriedly let me wear clothes and get in Lin Qiang's car. The three of us rushed over to the nearby mobile business hall.

Soon, the new mobile phone and number were all set up. Lin Qiangsai gave me a second mobile phone and said that the number was newly applied for. When the money was received, he threw the second mobile phone away.

The three of us ordered a few dishes in a nearby restaurant. Zhang Lei ordered a bottle of beer. After a few sips, he frowned and shouted, "I'm the one" with the phone.

"Leizi, what's the matter with you, shocked?" I frowned.

"I'm going, Brother Chen, you are too awesome, right? You are in this video? Your news has been liked by tens of thousands of people!" Zhang Lei was talking, and the phone screen shook at me busy.

After receiving the mobile phone, I saw a riot in a carriage of the train, and then the gangster was knocked down by me with a fire extinguisher, and my lower abdomen was injured.

Lin Qiang also looked closer, and he suddenly patted the table.

"Aqiang, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Lei asked hurriedly.

"That's it!" Lin Qiang looked ugly, took out a little cigarette, and took a sharp breath.

"Why?" I was a little confused.

"Brother Chen, you exposed. Didn't you say that Li Jiahao hired to kill you? He also said that in order to get 500,000 yuan and sell organs, the ghost-faced tiger'Sun Yao' sent the photos of your suspended animation to Li Jiahao, but you Now alive, what would happen if Li Jiahao discovered it?" Lin Qiang said in a deep voice.

"Aqiang, this matter is not that serious, is it?" Zhang Lei asked hurriedly.

"There will be the first time there will be a second time. This matter can't be delayed. Li Jiahao doesn't see the news. If he sees it, and then the media publicizes it, then the trouble will be big." Lin Qiang continued.

"This--" I was shocked.

Lin Qiang really loves money, but he is calm-headed and understands the analysis, but I am a little bit obsessed with the parties these days, and his remarks woke me up.

"What should I do?" Zhang Lei asked.

"Brother Chen, listen to me, you go to the police station now." Lin Qiang said hurriedly.

"Go to the police station, don't need this money?" I wondered.

"No, the money is of course necessary. I suggest you go to the police station and talk to the police about your concerns. You just say that someone posts a video of you catching the gangster on the Internet, and you say that you are afraid that the gangster will have a party and life If there is danger, they will definitely be registered. Of course, if something really happens, the police will investigate it as soon as possible.” Lin Qiang continued.

"This sudden trip to the police station will make the police feel that Chen Gelang is a fake name and too courageous. Now he is a great hero online." Zhang Lei said.

"As the saying goes, heroes are short of breath. You say that face is important or life is important. What is courage? Once Li Jiahao discovers Brother Chen or, or the ghost face tiger, they will definitely come to the door." Lin Qiang continued.

"Yes, you are right." I nodded.

After eating, Lin Qiang drove me to Binjiang City Public Security Bureau.

As soon as I walked into the Public Security Bureau, I saw a familiar figure.

"Huh? Mr. Chen."

Ling Na, the gangster she subdued with me on the train, I still remember her.

Today Ling Na is wearing a brand new police uniform. She has never thought that she has already reported to the Public Security Bureau, but she does not know what position she is.

"Officer Ling." I smiled.

"Captain Wang, this is Mr. Chen Nan I was talking about. He was brave yesterday." Ling Na hurriedly introduced.

Next to Ling Na, there are two police officers chatting, and now they are all looking at me, especially one of the burly policemen.

"Hahahaha, great hero." Captain Wang laughed and took the initiative to reach out and shake my hand.

"Hello Captain Wang." I also stretched out my hand.

"Mr. Chen, is your injury okay?" Captain Wang smiled.

"No, nothing." I smiled reluctantly.

At this moment, Zhang Lei and Lin Qiang were a little surprised. Lin Qiang said he was waiting for me outside, and then walked away with Zhang Lei a few steps.

"Mr. Chen, what are you doing today?" Ling Na turned around.

Today's Ling Naying is stunned. Even though she is wearing a police uniform, her front-curved figure can't be concealed. I can say that Ling Na is completely called a police flower in the police world, and she has good skills, honestly. , I quite admire her.

"I just watched the news, and there is a video of me and the gangster." I scratched the back of my head, embarrassed.

"Hahahaha, you're a big celebrity now, all the vibrato and fast hands are you." Captain Wang laughed.

"Mr. Chen, our captain said just now that we plan to reward you, but you just didn't leave contact information." Ling Na smiled.

"Mr. Chen, you can't do good things without leaving a name, then the uncle insists on finding you, thank you very much." Captain Wang continued.

This Captain Wang and Lin Na say something to you, especially the sound of a "big hero" that made me laugh bitterly.

"This, this Officer Ling, Captain Wang, is like this." I paused, and my breathing began to become unstable.

"You said." Captain Wang put away his smile and looked at me expectantly.

"With this sky full of news, I, I'm afraid that the gangsters will have accomplices. It is not easy for me to drag my family to Binjiang. I am afraid that the gangs of the gangsters will retaliate against me. On this Internet, my face is not mosaic, I am a little worried." I squeezed my fist and spoke with some worry.

"So?" Captain Wang frowned, and he looked at me up and down.

"Captain, Mr. Chen's worries are not unreasonable. What if someone really wants to retaliate against Mr. Chen? Are we going to protect Mr. Chen?" Ling Na thought for a while, then said.

"There is no need for protection, Mr. Chen, come with me." Captain Wang patted me on the shoulder, and then walked over to the front report hall.