To middle age

Chapter 274 You are a ‘tangled’ person!

"How old is your brother?" I turned around.

I remember that Wu Lili’s brother was in college, and she had to make money for her brother to study. The burden of the family is on her. If life pressure is concerned, Wu Lili is much harder than Xiao Tingyu, and Wu Lili is also single.

"Sophomore, why did you ask this suddenly?" Wu Lili asked.

"It's not easy for you." I put on my slippers, walked a few steps to the sofa in the living room, and sat down.

"What can I do? My parents don’t make much money in my hometown. They provide me for college, hoping that I can graduate and share it with my family. Now my brother is in college, and he’s trained. Wait for him. Joining work makes me relaxed." Wu Lili said while pouring water.

"Xiao Tingyu just broke up and is in a bad mood, why don't you find someone?" I asked.

"I'm going, old classmate, why don't you open which pot and not mention which pot?" Wu Lili smiled.

"Just curious, you look pretty and work hard," I said.

Although Wu Lili is not tall, her tolerance is great, and her appearance is extremely high. There is certainly no shortage of suitors. I believe that if she is really looking for it, she can definitely find it.

"Chen Nan, women in their early thirties are no longer competitive. I sometimes regret that when I was in my twenties, I didn’t have a good grasp of a relationship. Now it’s too difficult to find someone, especially one. It’s even harder to get married in a steadfast way.” Wu Lili said, putting the water glass on the coffee table in front of me, and then continued: “I’ve talked about it all these years. Many boyfriends are willing to talk to me. Getting married, but their family members do not agree, they think I have a younger brother, which will increase the burden, and then my parents won’t get married and don’t need a gift from others."

Speaking of bride price, I'm interested.

"How much dowry do your parents want?" I asked.

"180,000." Wu Lili said.

"Well, 180,000 is a lot." I nodded.

It's much cheaper than Li Meifeng's family. Wu Lili's parents asked for a gift of 180,000 yuan, and Wu Lili had never been married, and she was still a car dealer and had a high degree of education.

I can’t help but take a good look at Wu Lili. I know that I have found a second marriage. Li Meifeng is the second marriage, and I am also the second marriage. This is quite a good match, but Li Meifeng’s parents have a million gifts.

No, secretly it was 580,000, but the next day suddenly changed and became 1 million. I really witnessed the face of this family asking me for money.

"Why don't you get married? Didn't you talk about one?" Wu Lili looked at me.

"I just got divorced, how can I think about getting married so quickly?" I smiled awkwardly.

"How are you and that Li Meifeng? You can't play, right? It's not easy for people to follow you out of the mountains." Wu Lili laughed.

Hearing Wu Lili's words, I pursed my mouth. To be honest, I also know that Li Meifeng is good. She takes care of me in such a way that ordinary women can't compare with them, especially Zhang Dan. In terms of private life, it is really similar to Li Meifeng. It's a big difference, but now, I am very disgusted with Li Meifeng's family, which makes me have a gap in my heart, and the main cause of the problem is the bride price.

"I originally planned to take her back to show my parents after the house was settled, and then get the marriage certificate." I said.

"Go on, why hesitate to talk halfway?" Wu Lili became curious.

"A few days ago, I went to her hometown and had a fight with their parents because of the bride price." I continued.

"How much is the bride price, you quarrel for the bride price, isn't it? You should be very generous, right?" Wu Lili smiled.

"One million gifts." I said.

"One, one million?" Wu Lili's smile quickly faded, and she looked at me in surprise: "Old classmates, don't you really want to give it? This family is too big to speak?"

"I can't understand their customs. Women who eat are not allowed to serve the table. The bride price is taken out to buy a house and a car for the younger brother and sister-in-law. It's like a sister who gets married. You have to consider the younger brother, otherwise you won't be able to get married." After holding back for a long time, I poured out the bitter water.

"You drive such a good car, people won't kill you." Wu Lili teased.

"This is not a reason, but the conditions there are really bad." I said.

"Chen Nan, we are all from the countryside. In fact, we all know that the poorer the place, the more fierce the gift will be. In many villages, they still have food. How can they have any income? Many families married their sons and married their daughters. Only then can you free up your hands to marry your son and marry a wife. If you marry someone else’s daughter, they ask you for a gift of one million. After the money is paid, the son wants a daughter-in-law. If the gift is 100,000, then the rest is earned. This can be used to buy a house and a car for his son, and the conditions should follow. In the final analysis, the daughter is originally an outsider, and the son is inherited from the family." Wu Lili said every word.

"Of course I understand the great principles, but her brother has long been married and had children." I smiled bitterly.

"People get married and have children, and the conditions are bad. My sister has a good brother-in-law when we get married. I definitely want to make some money. This is the best gift before marriage. When you get married, where does their family have a chance?" Wu Lili continued.

"This--" I was speechless.

"This kind of gift is different from person to person. The so-called one party nurtures one person, the gift is a matter of custom, it depends on more or less." Wu Lili said, she looked at me: "But one million is really a wild asking price, no wonder you are upset."

"I'm sorry today, I vomit so much bitterness in your place." I got up busy, always feeling that it is not good to talk about these housework.

"Chen Nan, what are you going to do? I think you are quite tangled." Wu Lili continued.

I looked at Wu Lili with some doubts. She said that I was'very tangled.' I felt a little bit disagree. Is that how she sees me?

"Between these classmates, it is normal to talk about trivial matters at home. One million gifts are a lot, but many women don't think so. They think that as long as this man loves her enough, they are willing to give as many gifts." Wu Lili said .

"Really?" I asked.

"Of course it is true." Wu Lili smiled.

Wu Lili’s words reminded me of the scene when Zhang Dan’s mother asked me for a dowry before I married Zhang Dan. At that time, I was young and vigorous, thinking that as long as Zhang Dan could marry me, there was no bargaining. I thought that afterwards I encountered the Demon of Helping Brother, and I paid so much for that family, and in the end it was nothing.

Time has changed, and now I encounter the bride price again, I am beginning to be cautious, and I even feel that I am taking the same old path.

"Chen Nan, I think you hesitated. You don't really like Li Meifeng, you just want to find someone to live with." Wu Lili continued.