To middle age

Chapter 403: Life and death speed!

"Boy, as long as you put out one hundred thousand yuan, this matter is fine, otherwise you don't want to leave here!" Tiger Eye looked at me angrily.

"Hurry up and get the money!" The tall and thin man also said.

This tiger-eyed man and the tall and thin man made me furious a long time ago, especially this woman named Xiaoya, I never thought she was the culprit!

"Want to pit me?" I gritted my teeth.

"Go!" The tiger-eyed man waved his hand.

Following the tiger-eyed man’s movements, the tall and thin man swung his stick and rushed towards me. Behind the tall and thin man, there were two shirtless big men. I have seen these two men, they are behind the gas station. In the bungalow.

A nest of snakes and rats, all of this tonight is premeditated, the most important thing is that this fairy jumps and wants to make a fortune on me.

A cat waist, I took advantage of the trend to avoid the tall and thin man's swing stick, one right fist, and a punch.


This punch directly hit the tall and thin man's side face. He staggered back and his center of gravity was unstable. You must know that my physique is not bad. I am 1.83 meters tall and have all muscle lines.

"Cao Nima!" The tall and thin man had bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and he swung his stick. As for the tiger-eyed man, he punched me.

There is not much room in the room, and it is difficult for the two big guys behind to enclose it, but now I am hard to beat with four hands with two fists, and I block with one arm at 90 degrees!


The fist of the tiger-eyed man hit my arm, and the tall and thin man hit my head with a stick.


I screamed, and as my head buzzed, I took the swinging stick that had taken the tall and thin man back, and flew a kick.

This kick hit the tiger-eye man's abdomen directly, and my body fell on the bed.

"Kill him!" the tiger-eyed man yelled.

Brush it!

All of a sudden, the three tall and thin men gathered around. As for the woman named Xiaoya, watching this scene in horror, she hid in the corner.

"You slut!" I threw the stick out of my anger and smashed it directly at Xiaoya.


At this moment, she threw the stick directly to Zhong Xiaoya's head, and saw her screaming to the ground, her chest swaying for a while, as for me, I got out of bed and turned out to the window.

"not good!"

"Where to go!"

The crowd yelled loudly, some of them stepped on the bed to chase, and some went around the bed to grab my hair.

Under the night, I took a look at my feet, saw a canopy, and hurriedly jumped!



I jumped on the canopy, which was made of cloth, and tore it apart, and then I fell to the ground.

"Catch him!" The middle-aged woman in the inn saw me suddenly appear. She strode to the stars, picked up a wicker chair, and slammed it at me.

Sweeping back and forth, I saw seven or eight big guys rushing out of the gas station. The first one was the bearded boss at the gas station. The red-faced guy was among them, all of them holding wrenches and iron bars.

Just when the wicker chair in the middle-aged woman's hand was about to hit me, I kicked a rabbit while the other swept the middle-aged woman's calf.



With a dull sound, the middle-aged woman took a chair and ate a dog on the ground. Her front teeth were overturned and her mouth was full of blood.

Climbing up from the ground, I rushed towards my car in the parking lot.

"Beard, you must stop him!" The tiger-eyed man shouted from the second floor window.

"Boy, where are you going to escape!"


"My mother killed you!"

Brush it!

A wrench was thrown at me. I took out the car key and pressed it. As soon as I opened the door, the back was hit by two wrenches.

The piercing pain made me grin. I found out that there was blood flowing out of my forehead. It was estimated that I had just been hit by a tall and thin man with a swing stick and broke my head.

The car started suddenly, and I rushed toward the entrance of the inn with a kick of the accelerator.

"No, this kid is killing him!" The tiger-eyed man and the other four rushed to the door. Seeing my behavior, they scattered all around.

At this moment, I braked, the steering wheel rotated 360 degrees and turned at a right angle, bringing a burst of sand and the harsh sound of wheels rubbing against the ground.

I believe many people know how hard the Highlander's accelerator pedal is. When the car hits straight, it sprints and drove out to the gas station outside the inn.

"Where are you going, kid!"

The bearded man and the red-faced man were afraid of being hit by a car, so they threw out a broken tire one by one. There are not many other things here, but many broken tires.

Turning the steering wheel back and forth, I dodged in succession, ditching everyone at once, drove out of the gas station outside the inn, and came to the main road.

"Quickly chase, quickly chase!"

Someone yelled from behind.

At this time, where would I delay any more, step on the accelerator to the end, turn on the headlights, and move forward.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The tires continuously rubbed the ground, bringing up a cloud of dust.

Sixty, eighty, one hundred, one hundred and three...

The speed is getting faster and faster, straight and straight. I hold the steering wheel tightly with both hands. I know that once I am caught up, there will be a dead end. This place is so deserted that no one will know if I have been killed.

As long as the relative distance is thrown away, I can escape!

After driving for more than ten minutes, I looked at the rearview mirror. These guys didn't even see my taillights, but at this time, I suddenly felt that the car was a little bumpy.


The sky was suddenly overcast with clouds, and then there was a torrent of rain.

The car slowed down, I turned on the headlights, swept the road, and then hurriedly drove into the grassland by the roadside.

The speed of the car is getting slower and slower. The grassland is a slope, and it goes down more and more. In the end, the road outside is invisible.

Turning the car off, I panted for breath. It is estimated that it is extremely difficult for these guys to find me now.

It was still raining outside. I touched my forehead, with the blood on one hand, and hurriedly took off the sweatshirt, tore it into strips, and simply bandaged the wound.

A big bag was already swollen on the forehead, and the tall and thin man made an extremely heavy move. If I were hit in the back of the head, then it would be more fortunate.

One hour, two hours, three hours!

The longer I waited, the more relieved I was. I set the alarm clock at four o'clock in the morning, and when I fell the seat back, I fell asleep.

I'm really tired, my spirit has been tight, and I was lucky to be able to escape.

Although I was not lightly pitted tonight, Xiaoya was hit by me with a stick. It must be a shame. As for the middle-aged woman in the inn, her dog eating shit was not a joke. She had her front teeth broken and her mouth full of blood. It's so pleasant.

The night passed quickly, and when I heard the alarm, it was four o'clock in the morning.

The rain outside is no longer falling. I opened the car door and came to a river downhill here. I untied the straps tied at the beginning and touched it. I felt that the wound no longer bleeds. I must be in the river. Side, washed his face.

I checked the four tires and found that there was no problem. I exhaled heavily.

As long as the car is fine!

With a certain sound in my heart, the car reversed and drove towards the main road near the grassland.