To middle age

The ninth hundred eighty-eight chapters of a strange duck hat man!

"Husband, what are you doing? What do you touch?" Zhou Ruoyun took a shower and she looked at me.

"If the cloud, where is this flower? Do you don't seem to have this flower before home?" I asked.

When I heard me, Zhou Ruoyun said: "What happened, this is the last month, I bought it home. I said that the flowers are not long, so I put this flower, you also know, I am pregnant, there is a little pollen allergy Fang said that there is a bunch of flowers at home, and the mood will be a little better, and you can take a long time. "

"We were eavesdropped!" I took the eavesdropper.

"Ah, ah?" Zhou Ruoyun looked at the eavesdropper in my hand, then took it.

"This is a bug, so, I have to pass it." I can't carefully.

"Say it? Husband you mean to leave, related to this?" Zhou Ruoyun was shocked.

"Yes, I still don't know how long we were eavesdress, but I was not at home for a month, you said that this is bought last month, then this time." I said.

"Strange, who will hear us? Husband, I am basically not chatting with you at night?" Zhou Ruoyun asked.

"If the cloud, I will go home before, every day, I will talk to you, even some of my opinions, such as the first two days, I will talk to you and Jiang Zhijie, you said this person can listen If you understand our words, you know what we know, that should be more terrible, if we talk about some commercial confidential, what will it be? "I opened it.

"This, this will be very serious. If your husband, you are talking about something prepared on some projects, then some competitors, or some kind of people will step by step, and it is expected that things will happen. We make some initiatives. Zhou Ruoyun is tight.

"Dad is coming to your room?" I asked.

"How do my dad come, in addition to me and you, I will chat with me, then I will call the ice ornah or Momo chat, but this should be nothing?" Zhou Ruoyuan thought, then said.

"That is just a few days in recent days, there is some information, knowing that I will be magic, then I know that I have treated in recent days." I said.

"Husband, what should I do, do you want to call the police?" Zhou Ruoyun asked.

I don't think I will be eavesdropped, but I still have to be related to Fang, this is a thousand anti-defense, the thief is difficult, if I don't guess the wrong, Fang Yan should receive a good fee, so I installed the dripper in my house.

"Go to other rooms to see, the living room also look at it, Fang Aunt bought a few bouquet of flowers?" I asked.

"Three bouquets, the living room is also, then the mother's room is also there." Zhou Ruoyun was busy opening.

When I heard Zhou Ruoyun, I was busy out of the room, I saw a bunch of flowers in the living room, I found a bug, and then in my mother's room, I found a bug, although my mother felt strange, what, And I didn't say anything, that is, spending good, avoiding elderly.

Three bouquet of flowers, three eavesdroppers, I will turn it off, I can determine that this is through the network, directly transferred, at least there is anyone in my family, the other party will know in the first time.

Take the chin in one hand, I think about the seriousness of this matter, and I will say that Zhou Ruoyun stayed at home and went out.

Come to the security room of the community.

"You, are you?" The security guard in the community looked at me.

"I am living here, I live ..., my family is not in the first two days, there are a few things in my family, I can check the monitoring?" I opened it.

"Yes, Mr. You said the specific time." Security is busy open.

"May 1st, May 2, nine points to 8:00 in the morning, you will see the corridor of my door!" I said.

"Okay, you will wait, we will monitor it now." The security guard nodded.

I used to get off work every day, I have driven into and out of the community, so there are several security guards to recognize me. I know that my car is a Bentley car, which is the household here.

Soon, the monitoring did not adjust, I saw a man wearing a duck hat on May 1, appearing in my door.

"Well?" I frowned.

To know the May 1 and May 2, we are in Zhou Yaosen at home. The first day is a group of two people reunion, as for the second day, Wang Futire and Shen Jin two people come together, gather together .

In addition to these two days, our family has people.

"Mr. Chen, do you know this person?" Asked the security guard.

"Don't know, can the lens take a look?" I asked.

"Yes, but this is very strict, your home is a double lock of your fingerprint, he doesn't seem to go, you see, he seems to be unlocked, he returns." Security refers to the screen, then said.

"Okay, look back later." I nodded.

"Well." Security promised.

Soon, the first day of the past, the second day, this duck hat man appeared again.

"What's going on, I said why you can put this person twice, how did he enter the community, how to enter our building, this is going in to have an access control, strangers want to register! "My face is ugly.

"Mr. You don't worry, we will definitely check it out, do you see if he doesn't want to enter your house? He is called." The security guard smiled, and this time, another security suddenly opened: "Xiao Li, You go to monitoring the table to check the table, this time, see how he enters the building, how can I go to Mr. Chen's floor, this household needs the floor to protect the elevator, one ladder and One house, what is going on? "

"Okay!" Another person promised.

I died in my eyes and stared at the screen. I watched this person in the password, but I can't do it several times, then he left.

My family's password and fingerprint lock, only my parents and Zhou Ruoyun, there is me, even if I bought the dishes, or in, I have to press the doorbell, but the square will go up and down the elevator, and there is a community. The access card is, my mother is given to Fang, and Fang Huan has an access card, and this access card, I can do it before I call us.

"Mr. Chen, this is the picture in the elevator. This person has an access card, then this building is going to go, he also has the door to open the door, then the door of the community is also the access control card!" Security talented monitor, three pictures gave me.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to call the police, let the police check?" Another security guard said.

"You pass these surveillance pictures, I will report it." I am deep.

"Mr. Chen, you have to report it, can you let the police change clothes, you also know that our community is a rich person, if you go out, strangers can come in, no matter what reason, we here Security work will definitely suffer, then our work may be lost, we are afraid of resilings, a complaint, it will be. "The security is as if it is a head, he is bitterly open.

"Mr. Chen, I will give you a monitoring, but if you call, you can consider our side? Really we are all foreign people, this work is not easy, we are a third-party security company. "Another security guard also said.