Tomb Raider King
Work, slave.
Damn it, if only!
I almost regretted going under the pilgrimage at the moment of my talent. Irene Holton is the only one who can do that!
I'm running away from that family. What the hell?
Thanks to this, the talented speedster was forced to hold the main contribution while frying the spit.
“Hey! No, boss! How did you end up with Holton? I don't! ”
I was so embarrassed, his words were twisting properly. However, seeing Irene coming this way, he only snorted.
How do you know?
“She came after me. ”
“What is it?! ”
What's wrong with that poor girl? Why would you do that to a punk like you?
However, he let out a talented groan that he could not even say.
However, if he tries to deny it, he is not wrong. You said you wanted to lift the curse, so you followed me. And as much as it needed to be talented, Ju Heon's strong arm did not put his neck into it.
And it was a really crazy and crazy thing to be talented and not be able to escape because I couldn't beat Jujubilee by force.
Irene was there because she might have found out about her survival. That's how he reminds himself of the fraudulent face of George Holton.
"Shit, if he finds out, he could get himself killed!" ’
If the Holtons were a regular rejection family, they wouldn't have had this reaction. But what kind of family is this?
I love my youngest, Irene Holton. If I do any harm, I will destroy three generations and follow them to the ends of the earth.
Rumor has it that some lies are mixed up, but it's definitely a family of one nature.
And in his own case, he even thought of deceiving their eyes because of the power of the artifact.
"Damn, I made a corpse out of an artifact and fooled it! ’
The problem was not only that.
For some reason, Irene suddenly felt a stomachache. Of course I'm around. 'Huh? I heard a rumbling sound,' My wallet! 'but I didn't care.
I just thought about it casually.
'You won't die next to the bankrupt king, because he's the future king of my family.'
Well, he may have crashed his stock, but that's none of my business. And even if the artifact is destroyed, he will restore it.
And as the gear gets closer, the fluent gear begins to glow.
“Let go, boss. Please let go!”
“Why should I? ”
While Yu Jae-Ha desperately pinched the hand of Ju-heon who grabbed her, her footsteps were colourless and she arrived in front of him.
That's how the Future Fraud King and the Bankrupt King met.
Soon after seeing Irene, he lightly greeted her.
“Yes, because you said you could break my curse! ”
She seemed very happy. Her eyes were delicately folded like a half moon, but she was a goddess of potential disasters.
However, I remembered something that I was good at.
‘No, wait. It was George Holton I cheated on. It's not her, is it? ’
So I actually went to the house and cheated, but I didn't see her.
‘If I do well, she may not know me. ’
Moreover, the faces of the Asians are not there, even in the eyes of the Westerners, just as the faces of the Westerners are not well distinguished. You might not know it.
So I naturally reached out my hands to be talented with such expectations.
“Ah, it's good to see you. I'm the Leonardo River. ”
But as soon as I saw him, Irene said,
“Ah, that swindler. ”
Damn it.
I thought it was too much to fool.
* * *
The talented head was crouching.
For some reason, I felt a tremendous heartache and headache, but he endured it. I didn't know to bow my head and lift my head as if I was begging you to save me.
There was only one demand.
“Please keep it a secret from your brother. ”
He laughed.
You idiot.
So I won't cheat.
“How many times have you cheated? ”
“$70 million. ”
I stole a lot.
“Then why don't you just give me back the fraudulent money? ”
Then the talented girl closed her eyes.
If I had that money, I wouldn't do this!
He laughed at him for not being able to answer.
I was able to bet my entire fortune that I would have blown it all up by gambling.
“How much money do you have left? ”
“Five... five hundred. ”
I smiled as if the dedication to that was extraordinary.
“Five billion? Oh, but I've still got plenty left for you. ”
“No, 5 million won...”
Of course it is.
A great underling who never fails to meet his expectations.
I don't know how to use something that's going to turn 80 billion won into 50 million won.
‘It's not that I don't understand. He doesn't gamble. ’
He sniffed without lifting his head.
“Please spare my life. ”
The future Trickster knelt before the Bankrupt King and bowed his head. He laughed in his heart how funny it was.
But seeing such talent, Irene smiled bitterly. Irene seemed to know what had happened before and after Ju-heon.
Moreover, I heard that it would be helpful for him to release his curse. So Irene had no intention of harming him.
I don't know about the scam, but it's about 80 billion dollars, which you might consider to be the price of lifting the curse.
‘Besides, I think I'm Joo Heon's employee now. ’
You may be trustworthy.
I'm sure George Holton, his brother, would be able to lift the curse from his shoulders. You were the brother who tried so hard to break his curse. If he knew he was still alive, he'd come after him to put a hole in his head.
That's why Irene lifts her head and tries to say something.
But at this point, Ju-on was keeping her mouth shut.
“? ”
When Irene looks at you curiously, she shushes and raises her index finger. He knew exactly what she was going to say.
‘I'm going to forgive you because you're the one to break the curse anyway. ’
However, he thought it was a good whip to educate him. I wasn't so sincere, but I wasn't sure if I was going to get the speed right.
So, even if you lock them up and put them to work, it might take a year to restore an artifact.
Irene was just a good whip.
That's why Joo-heon whispered to Irene. Irene said to him, accepting as if she knew.
“If my brother finds out about this, I'm sure he won't be okay. ”
“Oh, I know. I don't know. ”
“If Jae-Ha is alive, I'll keep it a secret from my brother. Instead.”
“Against? ”
“Listen to what I'm asking you. ”
“Do me a favor?"
Irene looked at the constitution and said,
“This is my valuable business partner. I asked him to do something for me, but in order for him to solve it, we need to restore the artifact quickly. ”
That's why I ask you not to smoke too late, but to finish restoring the artifact.
“I'll give you ten deadlines and three days. ”
“Yes, yes?! ”
Three days for 10?
This is insane!
This was absurd. Because restoration work should be time-consuming. It was that delicate a task.
It took me years to restore the Temple or the architecture. Of course, it can't be compared to a building. Although it depends on the degree of damage to the artifact, it can take a week, no matter how fast each one is.
Three days for 10 of them?
It's not like you have to develop an MMORPG game in three days!
In the end, I begged Juheon for help because I was a crybaby.
“Ms. Grant, three days is really hard. You have to give me one week per dog! ”
So 10 means two months?
He smiled as if he was petty.
“Yes, I did. Ten for a week. No more than that. ”
She closed her eyes tightly. No, we have to give each of them a week. What, 10?
“That's why we have to catch the bastard for a week! Even the boss.....! ”
“Not the boss, boss. ”
I don't know why he asked me to call him that, but he said it again.
“That's why all the artifacts you brought are ruined and ready to be destroyed! Even if you take a few weeks off each one of them, it's on the board! ”
I even busted my heart because I was so frustrated. I couldn't say that I shouldn't go out like this, so I only took a deep breath of talent.
‘This is why I really don't know anything. ’
“Hey, boss. I know you don't know much about restoration, but the real 10 a week is too long. ”
I smiled as if it was the same.
What don't you know about restoration?
There was indeed an ancient art, physics, and chemical knowledge of reconstruction. That's how the Archaeologist restored the artifact with the ability to restore it.
“With the knowledge of restoring artifacts, I am one step ahead of you. Idiot. Ten artifacts a week will break bread. ”
At that moment, Yu Jae-Ha, who was hurt by his pride, felt cold and stared at him.
“You have better knowledge of restoring artifacts than I do? ”
I'm sorry, but it's true.
I know he's talented, but he's a sunchick now.
Therefore, it was no wonder that the artifact has a deep contribution.
However, I felt like eating glutinous rice cake without any talented water that I didn't know.
"Oops, says anyone can restore it!" ’
That's why I shouted in a loud voice.
“Then Master! If you're so confident, then explain your restoration knowledge to me! Let's hear how much you know! ”
He laughed ferociously looking at this guy.
“Okay, but if we can convince them, we'll reduce the period from a week to a day. No objections?”
After a moment of flinching talent for a tremendous bet that would be hell to lose, you say yes with confidence.
So that he can't explain it, and he can't convince himself to do it.
“Yes! Go ahead! ”
He laughed.
Yu Jae Ha, you trickster.
You're dead.
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I'm stuck. Give me some. ^
+ Is the title of the Goblin King an anti-Anti?
+ Thank you very much!