Tomb Raider King
I'm sorry, I picked the wrong guy.
“That's amazing. Twenty artifacts! Twenty artifacts! ”
Joo-heon was excited and laughed as he watched the bouncing talent.
When I said, 'Stealing what little children collect, is that what adults do?', I was dying better now.
Zhou Zhen asked for him.
“What's the status of the artifact? ”
The talented artifacts smiled and replied, whether they were cute or not.
“I think we need to restore it to the kids, but it's still useful. ”
“Good. Then we'll just have to sell a few of them to Edward. ”
“Ex, you're selling? ”
“They don't help much except one or two. ”
I had to look at the peculiar dedication of being talented by it. No, he was only going to take a look at the artifact that was swept away by the cord.
He gave me a suspicious look because he was talented.
“I don't doubt you, but is that really okay with you? ”
“No, you haven't. But how can it not help...”
“I know I don't have to use that. ”
Huh, what? That guy?
At the same time, I listened to an artifact with a talented laugh.
“Well, what does she do? ”
“Venus' clam. He's good for laundry because he's foamy. ”
“What about this one? ”
“Brother's Sweet Potato. Kill me in chronic constipation. ”
“W-what? Well, what about him? ”
“Queen of China's petals. I'll make you a princess. ”
“……… What about this one? ”
“Younger water. An hour a sip, five years a bottle. ”
“And this one! ”
“Good for bad breath. ”
What? Talented people were really crazy. Or is he making up whatever he can, or is he really figuring out all these artifacts?
The former is a great con man, and the latter must be following the monster.
However, it was not a hard feeling of relics for Ju Heon. It was nice to meet you because you've seen it in the artifact market together.
‘Anyway, if I sell it to Edward, I'll still make some money. ’
Eventually, I gave up analyzing the talented contribution. It was true that the artifact seemed to have a high level of dedication.
“Are you sure you're okay? I like that you took the artifact, but it was a kid hired by the U.S. government. You're picking on America, aren't you? ”
Then Ju, who wanted to say something, smiled.
“Well? Well, technically, it's self-defense. You're the one who stole my artifact first. And...”
“That way, they're CIA thugs. ”
Zhou Zhen laughed.
Yes, it is.
He led a cult that was considered the strongest and worst of many excavations at the time. The CIA realized the dangers of the main cultivators and sought to dismantle the cultivators in many ways. But it was a waste of time.
In the beginning, Ju Heon was only able to spread his wings because he had a weakness for Chairman Kwon, but he didn't have the skills to become royalty. It was impossible for the CIA to destroy their own burial plot.
‘Of course, the king of war may be a bit tricky. ’
Despite its strong military prowess, it also created various conflicts with artifacts such as money wars, religious wars, medical wars, and racial wars.
What was clear was that she and the President of Kwon and others promoted inequality and dissension in the world.
Furthermore, as Gear broke through the World War III abbreviation, the artifacts of the world were so good that they tried to die.
Thanks to this, the artifacts have gained power and have been told to control Humans by spreading a deadly disease that will destroy humanity. The dictators ate with it.
So many have been sacrificed. Even the people she loves.
‘Bitches. ’
But it was impossible to destroy the artifact and its users anyway. I didn't intend to destroy it.
So, he takes his place, and at the same time, he stops the artifacts from trying to rule over humans. It's good to be crowned king, but it means nothing if humanity is destroyed.
‘Then they will also live happily this time. ’
Blood relatives who don't know the existence of Jupiter in the United States now, and detective Kim's family who has taken care of themselves since childhood.
Jooheon wanted to escape from Chairman Kwon and regain his own happiness, but he also wanted his loved ones and saviors to be happy somewhere.
It's an artifact war for it.
Artifacts are like disasters, but they are rigorous tools, so they can be converted into blessings as much as they want.
It was time.
“Uh, boss. Excuse me."
Yu Jae-ha pointed to the cloudy fog area. Even during the day, the fog made my vision difficult.
“I think we're almost there. ”
Yes, they were heading to the coast of Taipei on a big boat with other people.
What's the matter with you?
The entrance to the tomb in Macau was that island. Normally, you could have crossed the bridge, but you could only get to your stomach once you got highly differentiated.
‘No, the entire high-density zone was turned into sea in the first place. ’
So, in other words, this terrestrial grave could not be moved to land.
The land is divided and we must travel only by ship. China has already been in and out a few times, but they must have all gone missing to recruit ordinary diggers.
This was it.
Yu Jae-ha, who was looking at the land through the telescope, screamed loudly.
“Wow, that's amazing. Look at snakes and bugs on land. They look just like RPG game monsters! You're not gonna die if you get bit. ”
Seeing that, he laughed.
‘I heard it's a map artifact, but this time it's a Relic from the War Age. ’
So the tomb itself looks like this. The conditions for entering were 60 ships.
Well, one thing's for sure.
‘It's not Columbus. ’
It's already in the hands of the king of war.
When I walked into the entrance like that, I remembered the message.
[Attention. Creatures with deadly poison threaten you.]
[The artifact is teasing you.]
At the same time, the ship sways and the passengers start screaming.
People quickly got confused because it was happening in the unseen sea.
“Ow! What, what's going on?! ”
“Ouch! The snake has flown! ”
“Shoot! Shoot! ”
Bang, bang!
“Ouch! The gun exploded! ”
Suddenly, the boat turns into a rubble. The situation seemed to be the same for other boats, as well as the boats on which he was on.
“Kill! Kill! ”
Those who were bitten by the white snake fall unconscious, or become ferocious, and attack the humans in the ship.
There were heavily armed Chinese soldiers inside. Thanks to this, a gun was fired and a terrible situation occurred as a result of a gun accident. And that threat soon struck the group.
“Give me the artifact! ”
The one who screamed first was talented. When Yu Jae-ha was threatened with the sword, he kicked the soldier away as if he was annoying. A white snake crawls out of the collapsed soldier's body.
The talented snake screams as it creeps toward itself.
“Master! Snake, snake! ”
“Don't get cocky. ”
Joo-heon frowned as he stepped on the snake with his foot.
“The artifact..."
But the amusement didn't stop there.
“Die, die, all mortals! ”
“Kill all the humans! Kekeke!”
Bang, bang!
A group of hypnotized boats appeared. The excavation was nominal for 80% of Chinese soldiers on board the ship.
Soon, when the gun was unleashed viciously from a distance, he made a tearful cry with a talented scream. You can't use a weapon inside the tomb, but an artifact must have created this situation on purpose.
Eventually, he shouted.
“Hey, boss! ”
There are so many dirty numbers because of China.
Eventually, Ju-heon reached out his hand.
“Number one. Give me the pen. ”
“Yes? It's still being restored...”
“Shut up and give it to me. ”
Zhou Yu, who received Shakespeare's pen from Jae-Ha, used the words on the bottom of the boat.
[All fools controlled by the artifact grovel at their foolishness.]
At the same time, I heard a thump from all over as it flashed and glowed.
Surprisingly, there were no human voices everywhere.
They all just fainted.
When I saw it, I choked my tongue.
“They're all idiots. ”
It was time.
[Nice work, human.]
Suddenly, he turned his head to the voice echoing in the fog, and he was surprised again.
“What, what, what! ”
He may not be the first person to hear the artifact's voice since he had never been in the tomb. But the artifact said,
[But a human being...]
“Shut up. You're making fun of the subject. ”
Then the owner of this tomb seemed to be confused. Ordinary Humans were quite amused when they heard their voices.
However, he was really not interested in what the artifact said. That way, they never said anything useful.
[Clearly, that crow is the one who's trying to make his choice.]
This was an exception.
* * *
Joo-heon frowned. In fact, I was concerned about the story of the raven during the Great Differentiation. He gave himself regression and a grave robber ability.If he doesn't use 1% of his nerves, he's lying. I was just trying not to care.
But most of all, it was for another reason that he was concerned.
"How do you know about the crows if they weren't Egyptian? ’
The three Egyptians who caused the Great Diversity witnessed the ravens themselves. But the man in this grave had nothing to do with what happened back then.
That's why I was concerned.
“Hey, how do you know about crows? ”
But the artifact smiles as if it was waiting.
[Human! You finally care what I say!]
“Shut up and answer the question. ”
[Haha! Rumors about you have already spread among the relics!]
“My rumors have spread? ”
[Yes! The damn crow started to move, and you chose him!]
It seems something has happened between the artifacts since the Great Diversification. And unlike that, the artifact cheerfully laughed and shouted.
[That's why everyone's looking for you with the lights on, and soon you'll be eaten by the artifacts. Now howl with your pretty face, you arrogant human!]
The artifact smiled beautifully, saying, "Come on, be afraid." However, he smiled gladly, instead of being afraid.
“So tell me more. ”
[What, what?]
“Why is there a problem? ”
The artifact was baffled.
[Oh, no, why aren't you scared? I'm trying to find you. I'm trying to eat it? I'm going to cut the sprouts early......]
Yu Jae-ha, who was listening to what he said, lost her. I don't know what you're talking about, crow.
That's what he said after all.
“You mean to tell the Master that the artifacts will roll themselves in? ”
“Yes, that's right. ”
At the same time, the artifact that appears to have been hit by one head of household could not be connected to whether it was too embarrassing.
Maybe that's the part they didn't think of.
No, that's it.
Joo-heon laughed at Pic.
“Are you stupid? If you were aiming at me in the first place, you'd have to sneak up on me quietly.I don't want you blowing up alcoholic information. ”
“I see. That's a kind warning. ”
Eventually, the artifact panicked and said nothing. And he smiled, saying that this time it's his business not to show mercy to such artifacts.
“Well, then, you worthless relic. I want you to tell me one more thing while I'm at it. ”
Then he opened his eyes and asked.
“Why don't you tell me what that crow is? ”
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Hi, I'm Sanji Jimsong.
I've already posted it on the notice, but I think you've written it down. Again with the review. T Notice.
The King of graves will be converted to Premium on or about 10 a.m. on July 11 (Monday).
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We will also announce the outcome of the voucher event from June 24 to July 8 on Monday (the 11th), which will be a paid conversion. When will I finish reading it? T_huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh It may take a little longer, but thank you for your patience. (Sobbing)
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Premium transition will be 10: 00, but tomorrow's series will be after 12: 00 lunch!
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