Tomb Raider King
00113 41. The largest colored artifact on the face of the earth?
< 41. The largest colored artifact on the face of the earth? >
“Shit, what the hell! Oh, come on, they're right! ”
Yes, it is.
This was definitely weird.
They must have been attacked by the artifact and had to fall in one piece.
Thanks to this, they realize that Juheon's party may have used the defensive artifact, but it won't soon be.
“No, the artifact stopped attacking before it got hit! ”
“What?! ”
“The artifact has suddenly gone mad! ”
They use the artifact again, but it never reacts again. Even the other artifacts were the same.
So it's kind of embarrassing.
“What the hell is wrong with you?! ”
“Is it broken? ”
But the artifacts weren't broken. The artifacts were just protesting the drainage of the S grade artifacts.
[# ($* # ($!]
What are you doing, you damn humans!
[# $* (#!]
He's more than our cultural treasure. Cultural Candidates!
[# $* (# $* (!]
It's an insult to us that you want to touch our cultural treasures!
[# ($* # ($!]
Are you trying to challenge our authority on human subjects? Are you blaspheming me?
[# $# * ($*!]
At this rate, we're not going to work, we're not going to work!
They couldn't even protest, so they had to strike. He watched it and laughed as he sighed.
The fishing grounds saved the men's lives, but these relics are clearly insane.
Or is that it?
You hear screams from the other side.
“Huh? Nothing! The artifacts in the bag must be gone! ”
“What?! ”
“It was only supposed to be half an hour ago! ”
It seemed to have concealed its longevity, even the well-known artifacts. However, their lost relics are very close by.
[# * $# * &!]
Hey, over here! Master!
[# # * (!]
Go, I'm sorry I ran away! Please get us out of here!
[# ($* (#]
Why can't you hear me? Why can't you hear me?
It was in a net that was wrapped in baribaries.
Looks like a group of Nero Flowers (?) and then experienced a bitter taste.
At this point, the heavenly host couldn't help but laugh and set off the fire.
Even Ju Ju, who has been to many artifacts, has never seen anything like this before, so it was quite fresh.
"This is a masterpiece, masterpiece! ’
Other people, including the chairman of Kwon & '92; s, thought he was crazy, but he couldn &' 92; t help but laugh as he was the only person who could hear the rumbling of the artifact.
[# & # * $& # * & *!]
[# & $* # $& *!]
And what he heard at that time, when Ju-heon detonated the fire again, his men trembled.
You don't think this is some kind of sick joke, do you?
'I'm sure. It was him.'
It was clear when I saw him smiling alone.
Is that it?
'That's the predator Pandora warned us about.'
They must have made the artifacts into food and cleared even the seven tombs, which are impregnable.
'I can handle it if I know the identity.'
Then the headmasters shouted.
“Don't come any closer, it's dangerous! But take a closer look!"
“They must be hiding the artifacts that make the artifacts into food! Just identify yourself! Report to Pandora and be wanted! ”
However, he laughed.
‘Idiots, it wasn't an artifact. ’
So there's no point in trying anything.
Then Ju-heon yelled at somewhere.
“Hey, Jae-Ha, how are you doing? ”
“Yep, it's all over! ”
What? I'm sorry.
Suddenly, the gaze of Kwon and Yang returned in a hurry. The voice was between the palm trees in the corner. There, she hid, like she was peeing.
Chairman Kwon saw it and frowned.
I thought I'd lost him. Was he there?
But this was the time.
Chairman Kwon made an impression that he realized that he was drawing something.
Son of a bitch! ’
It must have been.
The fountain pen!
Chairman Kwon shouted at his men.
“Stop them from drawing! Hurry up!"
“Escape artifact! ”
“! ”
Surprised by this, the men tried to catch him, but the speed at which he fled was incredible.
“Master! You're all set! Come on, come on, come on! ”
The horrified horror of the fall of the horse drives the group to the location of the talented one.
But that was the moment.
I felt like I was going to go to Yoo Jae-ha, so I threw one thing at the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
The chairman accepted the confusion, but Zhou Zhen's men were troubled.
“Tongue, brother! ”
“Why are you giving him that? ”
The prestigious Chairman also stared at Ju Ju in a dazzling manner. Of course. It was Nero's relic, the Cretaceous Coffin, that he handed to himself.
It was in the news and in the newspapers!
It was Nero's artifact!
‘Definitely authentic. ’
But why tell yourself this?
‘No, that's not important right now. ’
The embarrassed Gwon pointed and sharpened his teeth toward Ju Heon.
“That bastard, did you take it too, Seo Ju-heon! ”
If I think about scratching Monaco's princess with this, I will!
However, the contribution to Nero's relic was naturally shaking and whispering aloud.
“I did everything you said! ”
“With this, our deal is done! Don't say anything else later! ”
A deal?
At that moment, Chairman Kwon heard a deafening voice, asking if it sounded like something fat.
“! ”
It was a terribly sharp shout.
“What kind of deal are we talking about here? ”
“Princess Sophie, the cow! ”
As I turned my head, I saw a beauty staring at Chairman Kwon like a virgin ghost. However, even though there was clearly quite a distance, the anger could feel even more than a few decades away.
“Chairman Kwon, did you make a back deal with Seo Ju-heon from the beginning? ”
The chairman of Kwon & '92; s white, dull eyes, who seemed to be emitting a beam, was deeply insulted.
Seo Ju-heon, you bastard.
"Why did I ask you to throw me the artifact? ’
“It's not like that... Hey Seo Ju-heon! Aren't you telling me the truth?! ”
Chairman Kwon grudgingly quickly turned his head to find Zhuon.
“This bird X. ”
Zhou Zhen was already gone.
* * *
[There was an explosion on the beach in Hawaii that appears to have been the work of an artifact.]
[But the culprit is still……]
“Hahaha, excellent, excellent. ”
On the other hand, Juheon's group, who escaped from the villa site of Chairman Kwon, arrived at the Holton house.
Chairman Kwon and others may think he was far away, but in fact, he was right next door.
“Haha, they're searching the wrong place. It's dark under the lamp. ”
“Well, how come there was a Holton Mansion right around the corner? ”
“There's nothing wrong with the rejection villa. ”
The world is a disaster in Hawaii. It's a lucky rope. There's a lot of news, but this is probably the most noisy news right now.
[Do you remember the auction that just made the whole world go crazy? And there was a disappearance three days after the auction of the Julius Caesar relic that had been won by the Monaco royal court.]
[And this artifact was found in the villa of Chairman Kwon Tae-jun of TKBM....]
[Chairman Kwon Tae-Joon is behind this incident...]
However, he laughed lightly while watching the news.
“Well, it doesn't matter now. ”
I even handled no one and turned the channel on TV cool.
It was his men who kicked out their tongues. It's not sympathy, but sometimes it reminds me of a more pitiful movie or drama.
Maybe that's why. Yoo Jae-ha and Oh Seung Woo glanced at each other.
‘I will never be the enemy of the captain. ’
"Yes, the moment I become the enemy, I'll just die of poison." ’
They tremble.
After a while, South Korea's news channel was breaking news.
The content was simple.
[Breaking news: The country is in shock as senator Shin Han-su of Party A, who visited the North Korean Voice Force, is missing. As a result, the total number of missing MPs...]
The news story surprised the subordinates.
“Huh? What's going on here? ”
And the Holtons and Irene, who had welcomed him, were astonished.
“Isn't that happening in Ju-heon's country? ”
However, he did not panic.
“What are you trying to pull? It's highly differentiated.”
“I told you. There will be a second seven graves. Well, I'm starting to get a sign. ”
June 24.
Joo-heon accepted it by looking at the date on the phone.
‘Looks like a real knife to me. ’
Then, a group of startled men asked me, "The second tomb."
“Do you know what grave it is, then? ”
“Color lust.”
The men shouted.
“A feminine artifact, perhaps? ”
“Beauty, beauty! ”
I can clearly see their insides, but I'm not denying it.
“Well, it's an artifact, but it's definitely borderline. ”
“Yes?! A semi-seeming... No, no, no! Do you know what the artifact is?! ”
“What you don't know is medicine. ”
“Aigoo, you're so lethal...”
“Anyway, let's check this out and go to Korea in a long time. ”
“Yes? Are you going to check? ”
Instead of answering, Ju-heon tapped the earphone on one ear.
“I'm wiretapping. ”
“Oh, yes. Eavesdropping... What? A wire?! With who?! ”
“TKBM's old. I got it from old man Ed and put it on your relic. I spent some money, so I should ask you something nice. ”
That said, she finally put her tongue on to see if she had any reason.
“Somehow I told you he wouldn't retrieve the artifact after giving it to you! ”
I found out that Joo gave Nero's artifact to mess with Chairman Kwon. However, his personality must have accomplished his goal as well. By now, he had summoned the artifact and recovered it, but I was strangely surprised that he didn't.
Turns out you gave it to him for wiretapping?
“But why all of a sudden...! ”
“Why? Why? ”
In fact, Joo-heon had one thing on his mind about the auction that was held this time.
I didn't say anything, but it was about the Chairman of the Board.
The old man, greedy for the artifact, doesn't show up for auction? ’
No matter how much I thought about it, it was strange.
Even if he didn't want to swing at himself, the old man couldn't have sent a man. Not even Yulius Caesar.
He felt strangely strange and fell into a trap. I thought maybe if I forced her to take the rap and got her involved, she might confess something.
Ninety-nine percent, of course, was just selfish.
I didn't mind, but I had to check my doubts. And if it's Nero's artifact, they won't throw it away either, so it's a good place to bug.
And beyond the earphones I was listening to, Gwon & '92; s cry rang out.
[I really have nothing to do with Seo Ju-heon! I'm starting to get nervous just hearing your name!]
It seemed that Kwon was still claiming innocence. He said that he had been doing this for three hours and kicked his tongue.
‘You just gave up because you didn't want to swing at me. ’
It was a moment when Ju-heon was about to hand the earphones over to Seung Woo. I heard an unexpected story on my earphones.
[Okay, Chairman. So let me ask you one more question.]
[Then why didn't you show up at the auction house?]
“! ”
She has asked about Joon Heon's curiosity at a good time. Of course it can't be a coincidence. It was a strange thing that the Gwon was not interested in the artifacts of the Seven Graves.
[It's a relic of Julius Caesar. Even though it's a relic that other countries are after, the greedy Chairman didn't do anything about it. Thought you'd want to see it.]
The chairman seemed to be embarrassed.
[No, that's...!]
[What? If you don't answer, I'll assume you conspired with Seo Ju-heon beforehand.]
Then, Chairman Kwon replied with a cut.
[No more simulations. The reason for intercourse is simple. because I knew that the artifact he was giving me was fake.]
He narrowed his eyes.
Even the Jegal Resonance Julian knew it was fake after he saw it.
'We couldn't even find the artifact for a minute, because Number One didn't make it rough.'
Otherwise, Sophie was confused.
[Artifacts cannot be distinguished unless they are real. But how can it be fake...!]
However, Kwon said decisively.
[It was never an artifact of Julius Caesar. I can assure you of that. That's why I didn't know I was trying to cheat. I think you'll understand by now.]
A voice so strangely sure.
"Never the relics of Julius Caesar?" ’
I could finger you for a second, but I laughed fiercely at the tentacle of thought.
Don't tell me you're old.
Then Joo-heon smiled.
'Now I get it.'
What kind of artifact does this guy have?
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