Tomb Raider King
00120 42. Jeong is thicker than blood (Crystal)
< 42. Jing is thicker than blood >
120.00. Jeong is thicker than blood (1)
At first glance, she was a young woman about the same age as Juheon.
“What do you think? You look just like him, don't you? ”
And a talented woman who was interested in Irene's words began to crawl.
“Why, why. Who does he look like? ”
“Oh, I'm an interviewer...”
It seemed like news about the Middle East.
It was an interview video from an NGO sent to help people at a refugee camp.
And in the news, I clapped my seals when I saw a woman doing a talented interview.
“Wow, that's amazing. My taste, even pure beauty! ”
However, for a moment, I looked at the talented contribution.
“But he certainly resembles the boss. Are you a member of the medical team at the NGO? ”
He said, "Maybe. But there was a problem with the interview. ”
“I heard it's one of the seven graves, the Grave of Arrogance...”
He was frightened by what he said, so he looked at him.
“Master, I heard there are seven graves. ”
However, he didn't even care.
No, it was the woman who was interviewing him who had his eye on him.
[Tell me something. What was the situation?]
[Er... It was different from the usual headaches on the news. There was no foresight at all, and we got caught up in something...]
Jae-ha and Irene were curiously staring at him.
When he didn't have an answer, he even waved his hands in front of his eyes.
“Hey, boss. ”
“ ……. ”
“Hey, boss? ”
“ ……. ”
“Heh heh, you stupid piece of shit... Cough! ”
“I can hear you, asshole. ”
“ # * $& # *! ”
Eventually, I screamed without the sound of being hit hard.
“Ugh, I was just wondering if you knew anyone there?" ”
He replied unequivocally.
“I don't know. ”
“Looks a lot like that. ”
“There are so many people who resemble the world. I'm a regular face. ”
Huh, what did he say?
‘Let's just say Irene is common. ’
But he was going to do it soon.
"It's not you, anyway. ’
Everyone didn't think it was that obvious, but in fact, Ju-heon knew the woman in the video too well.
No, it can't be.
‘Seo Joo-won.’
She was nothing but a blood relative.
And why do they look so much alike?
It was natural. Seo Joo-won was the blood of Joo-heon.
Twins, too.
But then what?
‘He doesn't know I'm alive. ’
I didn't even want to tell her.
‘Anyway, if you're living well somewhere now, that's it. ’
It wasn't time yet.
It's just...
‘I hope you win the Nobel Prize for witting that Chinese maniac this time. ’
“Anyway, I told that NGO not to go into the grave for nothing. ”
“Oh, yes. ”
“And don't mind that grave. Humans can't clear that thing. ”
“Yes? No one can clear it? ”
How so?
What kind of grave is this?
But it was time.
“Ahhhh! Who are you?! ”
You hear a scream coming from the front door.
It was the roommate who opened the door naturally.
* * *
“Wow, this is crazy. ”
Pandora's staff sighed as they carried the materials to the meeting room.
“Two graves have already been cleared for seven golden eggs...! ”
“North Tradamus says it's a dangerous tomb that can be cleared at least a year later...”
But that was not the point.
“The problem is that two of those graves were cleared out by one person! What the users of the artifacts in Pandora are doing! ”
The staff who were taking the data stopped talking.
Because there was an Austin Rockefeller of Pandora's Water Juice right around the corner.
Austin frowned as he shot at his staff.
“Don't talk to me like that. Do you understand?”
“Oh, oh, sorry! ”
After saying that, Austin went inside the meeting room.
Inside, after the last party, Austin and the Gwon Chairman attracted high-ranking artifact users.
“You're the one who's the slowest when you call someone who's busy. ”
They are the owners of the past and the future.
“What the hell is Seo Ju-heon anyway? ”
“Last time we had a fight, I thought it was a bummer to stick to Pandora. ”
That said, Pandora staff raised the PPT.
“Yes, that's the problem with Seo Ju-heon. Especially in Pandora, they are wary of Seo Ju-heon. ”
“Why? Because you're the number one hidden user who warned Pandora's detection artifact? ”
Pandora's staff was perplexed by the death of the dictators.
“How did you...! ”
“Do you think we don't know what you have? What do you see us as? ”
“Y-yes. That's right. However, Seo Ju-heon has a talent for extortion, so it's quite dangerous. ”
“Obviously, the head of the Gwon in the underworld also drank water. ”
“Since you seem to have a talent for grave robbery, does that mean it's easy to clear the grave among us? ”
“Then you'll sweep away the rest of the graves? ”
Other users who were overconfident with it felt pretty bad about it.
“Anyway, did you call me to stop Seo Ju-heon? ”
Then Pandora said.
“Oh, and there's actually a bill that we're preparing in Pandora. With this bill, we can definitely stop Seo Ju Heon. ”
“Oh, what bill? ”
“Let's take a look. It's already being piloted in some countries like Korea. I'm going to zoom in all over the world. ”
Immediately, they laughed as they looked at the bill that was floating on the screen.
* * *
Kim Dong-hyun's roommate, meanwhile, was surprised to see Irene coming toward the front door. He even slapped the Idols on the cheeks a thousand times.
“I-I-I don't know who that is, but if I'm wrong...”
“No, you came to the right place. ”
“Joo, Joo-heon?! ”
A friend was frightened when he saw the jubilee waving on the couch dressed in churning.
“You haven't contacted me about whether he's dead or alive! Who are these beauties...! Water?”
“No, my friends. ”
“Wow, give me the number! ”
It was invisible to the talented eye.
“Forget it. I just need to sit down for a second. I don't care if I get a house, but I'm not staying in Korea that long. ”
“……… you're not in Korea, have you been abroad so far? ”
That said, the roommate was quite disappointed.
“Wow, he's out of the country, and he's unreachable, and he's ruthless. And instead of presents for that, I put a bunch of weirdos on it. ”
He said that it was unfair to be talented when he took out the sausage from the refrigerator.
“Hey! Why am I a beggar! ”
Why? Why?
The roommate who was looking for such a good talent suddenly said as if he suddenly remembered.
“Oh, I don't know what would have happened to Gun Woo if you were in a foreign country. ”
“What? Gun Woo? What about you?”
Kim Gun Woo was a young detective and was the only family he had ever had to raise as an orphan.
As an acquaintance of his parents, he pulled himself out of the police station as soon as he returned to the past.
And a Silver Man who paid my tuition, paid my living expenses, and taught me all about how to derail.
So while I was in a foreign country, I also contacted him with a lot of money.
So, what happened?
“That's weird. I haven't said anything to my brother all the time. ”
“Huh, didn't you just call me? Traitor. Go to Gun Woo's house now. This is bad. This is bad. ”
What the hell is going on?
* * *
What's going on?
After a few months, Detective Kim was involved in graves and artifacts.
There was no major damage due to the low level of highly differentiation.
It's just...
“No, why should we be criminals? We're grave-ridden victims! ”
“I'm sorry, but according to the standards, you are not a victim, but rather a person who has to pay a fine and an artifact income tax. ”
“Huh, you're crazy. We didn't get rid of the grave because we liked it! I almost got my kid killed. Don't do anything. ”
“Well? There's no evidence. That's your argument. Pandora's data shows that a level one tomb does no harm to humans. ”
“I beg your pardon?”
He frowned at it.
“Brother-in-law, what's going on? ”
“Oh, my God, Joo-heon! ”
Detective Kim's wife Eun Ji Yun was patient, but she was sighing with a crying face.
‘Something doesn't feel right. ’
“Were you caught in a grave? He didn't say anything. ”
“Y-you probably didn't tell me on purpose. It's been nothing. ”
Joo tried to shoot a Hillclear official.
“What is it?”
“What? There was an upheaval in this house, and the head of this house freely cleared it without a report. ”
“Yes? What do you mean? ”
The Pandora officials stared at him as if it were absurd.
“Now it's illegal to destroy and exhume ordinary people's graves in Korea! Excavations, relics, everything. ”
In the meantime, there seems to be a bad law in Korea.
Then the government official entered the house and opened the faucet in the kitchen.
Then, it was not ordinary water that was poured out.
“Th-that's not gold? Forbidden?!"
When Yu Jae-ha was surprised, the person in the Korean branch laughed at Pic.
“You must be very happy to be out of the water. I heard you recently opened a shop. What did you open with that? ”
“W...! I don't even touch that water because it's disgusting! The store took the savings and loans...! ”
“In any case, we're imposing a fine or imprisonment on the public to prevent them from digging indiscreet graves. ”
“Hey, wait a minute. ”
“You've warned the country several times already. Artifacts are that dangerous. ”
“But……! ”
“The excavation of unauthorized people in the country is subject to regulation, and furthermore, those who use artifacts have to pay an artifact tax. Kim Gun Woo is both applicable, so you should pay. ”
“Uh, how much? ”
When Jae-Ha asked a few questions, the government officials began to flip through the documents.
“Gun Woo Kim is ignoring warnings regularly. I went to work and came to see my wife. ”
“No, we were trying to save her, too. Do you want me to impose a fine?! Who the hell set this up? ”
But I only said it on purpose or as if the staff didn't hear me.
“The fine is 50 million won for illegal grave excavations. The artifact was also fined KRW 50 million for not reporting it after acquiring it. And also 50 million won for illegal use. You can choose between a fine of KRW 150 million or under 10 years in prison. ”
“It's full of debts, but there's no money like that now! ”
“You broke it anyway. We hope you understand that this was done by the state and Pandora to protect its citizens. ”
He laughed fiercely.
Oh, my God, these guys are crazy.
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You guys want to ask me about fines? ^ ^
+ Thank you very much!
(11.7 Partial amendments)