Tomb Raider King
00175 The Curse of Seoju Constitution
< 175.The Curse of Seoju Constitution (1) >
“Why? You signed with the U.S. military. I will find the American artifact and return it to you. Didn't we just get the Da Vinci artifact? I have to return the rest……. ”
He snorted.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
“Why us? No, why would I? ”
Julian was a complete idiot for a well-deserved duckling.
“Why? You signed with the U.S. military. If I find an artifact of the Pentagon swallowed by the highly differentiated, I'll give it back. ”
At Julian's words, he laughed vigorously.
“What a waste to give it back. After you died like that, you still don't know my personality? ”
No, you don't.
Rather, I know too well to make my teeth tremble. That's why I fought with Zhou Yu every time.
“Listen up. Half the crime drivers in a day would have gone down if you hadn't been such a smartass. ”
“What am I? How good have I been? ”
“Huh! Do you have a conscience? You don't remember any of the accidents you caused, the ones I worked so hard to fix? ”
“What were you doing hiding from me? ”
“Oh my…… my blood pressure! ”
Julian grabs the back bone.
“Oh no! What the hell were you thinking? You weren't always in business to scam. ”
“Who is that? ”
Yulian whispered in Yu Jae-ha's ballmen.
“Rather, he cheated and was low in credit.... ”
However, he looked at Yu Jae-Ha, who is now king of Hogu, and said,
“Isn't contract fraud dangerous? ”
“What are you talking about? At that time, it was only the old man who gained money that he didn't do it. Why would I? ”
“Seo Ju-heon!”
“Got it? Once you find the artifact, it's all mine, unless there's a good reason." Of course, there's no reason to return this artifact. And... ”
Jooheon handed over a piece of paper to Julian.
“This... ”
It was data from an artifact that had been photographed, claiming that the U.S. military was their artifact.
But there was a memorandum of dedication.
[2030, used in the Middle East War]
[2033, used in the Korean Peninsula War]
It was a sort of memo. And when Julian saw the memo, he glanced at the dedication.
“Do you remember writing that? ”
Yeah, I don't know.
‘They are all things to be used in the future. ’
It was not for nothing that there was a warlord's key in America.
Maybe that's why he laughed.
“They're good for war, even if I get them back. It would be 10 million times more useful for me to use. You don't want a man to die in war, do you? So cooperate.”
You're a good talker.
“Isn't it just an artifact you're after? ”
“So, no? ”
“... Oh, right. Fine, but what about the contract? You obviously signed a contract with the U.S. Army! How are you gonna handle that? ”
He was a contract-sensitive Julian because he didn't know who was in law enforcement.
He said that with his hands on Julian's shoulders.
“Of course I had a contract. But where the hell are the American artifacts? ”
Where are you?
“What's all that stuff over there! ”
Julian points to the bottle. It was an angled gourd bottle that drained relics from the grave earlier.
“The American artifacts were all in that jar! I saw it with my own eyes!”
Yes, it is.
The artifact that Yu Jae-ha had taken was definitely mixed with that of the U.S. military.
First, TKBM who came to the grave found and collected American artifacts.
And that's what his friends stole from him.
However, Ju Heon looked at Yu Jae-ha as he drove away.
“Jae-Ha. Do you have any American artifacts in this jar? ”
“No? I took the artifact from Chairman Kwon. ”
Julian opens his mouth.
These things!
Zhu Zhen patted Julian on the back.
“You see? For some reason, the jar contains the same artifact as the one commissioned by the U.S. military, but it's a coincidence. Incredible coincidence. ”
“Wait...! ”
Even when I said that, I naturally intervened.
“Oh my God, where are the American artifacts? ”
“I don't know, maybe he drowned in the ocean. ”
Ultimately, Julian shouted.
“If we investigate, we'll find out! ”
“I can't hear you. ”
“If you keep your mouth shut. ”
Zhu Heon smiled.
Ultimately, Julian was confused and unable to speak. However, this was not the case.
“I cannot tolerate fraud. I'll expose you even if you try. ”
“Investigate the jar...”
“Oh, by the way, you're the owner of this bottle, right? ”
“ …………?! ”
“Since you're so devoted, you must have reported your ownership to Pandora as well. If the United States investigates, everything will come out, right? ”
“ ………! ”
“So the thief is going to confess on his own? Am I wrong? ”
Julian opens his mouth as if he had been beaten.
Seo Ju-heon.
The quality is much worse than in the past!
Where is that?
Originally, there was something that was greedy about the artifact. It was a very natural phenomenon, as if humans were greedy for money.
But it wasn't like this in the old days! ’
I'm not a crow who loves shiny things!
"Not only has he upgraded his skills, but he's upgraded to something weird! ’
Julian had a headache.
At this time, she asked around.
“But I've been wondering. What happened to Chairman Kwon? ”
“What the fuck do you know? ”
Chairman Kwon replied on behalf of Julian to the explanation of the main dedication that does not treat people.
“You escaped. The crown that holds Chairman Kwon is a tomb trap. Unfortunately, if the grave disappears, the structure disappears with it. ”
“Is that so?"
“Yes. Now that I've got the artifact, the grave's gone, maybe I should evacuate with TKBM by now.“ ”
“No, that's what I thought... ”
Talented continued to look around and said.
“This tomb hasn't disappeared yet. ”
Strange things were happening.
* * *
Meanwhile, around that time,
The TKBM excavations were roaming through the grave, scouring the gutter.
“Chairman Nee! Where are you?! Chairman!"
“If you can hear us, please respond! ”
In a tomb where all the relics of Pharaoh and Tot were buried by the Founding Fathers.
Nothing had ever happened in the grave.
The tomb was still intact, even though all the artifacts that were forming the tomb had disappeared. Even the traps were activating normally.
If it's normal, the moment Jujuheon pulls out all the artifacts, the tomb must collapse.
So the TKBM excavation team, who believed the tomb had not yet been cleared, was desperately looking for Chairman Kwon.
“Chairman's Needle!”
“Oh my, where did that heavy golden coffin go! ”
You said it was Pharaoh's coffin! Why can't you find it?! ”
Yoon Si-woo slapped his chest as if it were stuffy.
Chairman Kwon had disappeared everywhere he went.
Chairman Kwon may have used the teleportation artifact to escape, but it didn't seem like it.
“The search artifact is pointing around! It must be around here...! ”
“Damn, we've been all over this place! Where the hell are you? ”
Where is it?
Boom, boom!
“I'm here, you guys! ”
Kwon was slamming his gaze at the frustration.
It's been hours since I've been trapped in this narrow coffin.
Chairman Kwon's insides were bursting.
“Can't you hear me? ”
Yes, it is.
Chairman Kwon was near a search team looking for him.
Right underneath it!
When Juheon took the artifacts away, they were buried on the ground in a big earthquake.
But it's not buried that deep, so the voices of the excavation team are heard enough.
By the way.
“Chairman Nee! Where are you?! ”
I can't hear these!
“You idiots! ”
The relic doesn't work. It doesn't work. It doesn't work.
“Seo Ju-heon, I won't let you go! ”
At the same time, the dominance of Kwon exploded.
That way, the tomb begins to shake with the dominance of Kwon.
Thump, thump!
The coffin was not scratched, but the tomb was enough to react to the reign of royalty.
Maybe that's why.
“Ahhh! Earthquake! ”
“Dammit, is this a tomb trap?! ”
The excavation team panicked and began to leave. They began to flee instinctively to survive.
“Run! Evacuate! ”
Without finding the chairman of the Kwon buried directly below, the excavation team ran away.
Later, newspapers around the world published a special edition.
[Kim Tae-jun, 'Conqueror King' of TKBM, disappears in the Valley of the Royal Family.]
[Missing for two weeks.]
[The debate of Kwon's successor. Who's running TKBM?]
[Yoon Si-woo, Submit resolution to shareholders' meeting “You can no longer leave the presidency. ”]
[New presidential candidates...]
Chairman Kwon had a funeral for him.
* * *
And it was only 72 hours since Chairman Kwon was locked up in the tomb.
The world was buzzing to a different story.
[The search results of the royal family valley excavation team “There were no artifacts in the graves. ”]
[But the Valley of the Royal Family is still not gone.]
[Pandora] "I've never seen anything like this before in my life. ”]
[Was it just an artifact taken away or an unusual grave?]
[MI6, Central Excavation Team, CIA Cooperative Investigation.]
[Pandora's Inside Survey Announces "Traces of escape after grave destruction. This is only Seo Ju-heon's doing. ”]
[“How could you just take the artifact? ”]
“Kee, that's great. That's great. It feels like the villain of darkness. ”
She seemed to be attracted to the talents who were watching the newspapers and news.
And Louie, the trickster kid next to him, shoots him.
“Hey! Stop watching the news and watch the stock broadcast! I haven't had a chance to check out all the recommended events this month! ”
However, Yu Jae-ha tried to shoot the horse scared to death.
The kid's a piece of shit.
“Can you do multiplication? Do you know what a club is? Kids are like kids! There's no way a little kid is watching TV! ”
“Ow! Don't hit me! ”
“Shut up and restore yourself quickly! ”
Louie, the swindler, was Yu Jae-Ha's assistant. Thanks to him, I was shed tears of emotion.
Hurrah, I can finally go to bed early today! Knife! Knife! ’
But he cut his fucking head off early.
I'm just running late to work due to the evil work of the people who anticipated this situation.
Then Louis asked.
“Wow, but how did you get the artifact out of there and it's still there? Why didn't the grave collapse? ”
Why? Why?
‘Cause I'm restoring the grave. ’
Zhou Zhen grinned fiercely.
Yes, there is only one way for a human to come out of his grave.
‘I'm just completing the task of the grave. ’
However, the situation in this grave was completely different.
‘It's a tomb where the relics never went overboard. ’
That is, a grave to kill itself.
I mean, what's the best way to get out? Just shut up and go through the hole.
But when I tried to leave, I suddenly had an idea.
What happens if the grave doesn't break? ’
I didn't care before. But what if I could use a grave repair skill to do this?
So I just tried restoring skills towards the tomb that was about to collapse.
And then something amazing happened!
‘The tomb did not disappear, even after all the artifacts had been removed. ’
Even the traps worked!
In other words, it's open and blinding!
And this was an enormous benefit to Ju-heon.
What's the matter with you?
[Excavations continue to swarm despite the robbery of the royal family valley and artifacts.]
[I don't know that the artifact has already been robbed because there's a grave left.]
[Successor Austin Rockefeller. Blow hundreds of millions of dollars in the rubble.]
With the tomb still there, the rivals were continuing to flock without even realizing there was no artifact.
This was the case when it was said to hit the ditch and catch the crayfish.
Maybe that's why.
I think I'll be able to use this. ’
He smiled like a demon. This is all because of this grave!
A grave with no challenges.
The artifacts changed their minds for no reason, so they turned their minds to common sense.
It was that moment.
- Tarneung
The phone rang.
[Hello? Stop?]
The walk of a real grave robber begins.
= = = = = = = = = = Reviews of artwork = = = = = = = =
It turned out just like the introduction in 175 million......
+ My conversation with the publisher changed my cycle from monthly water to monthly cotton. [incomprehensible]
Best regards,