Tomb Raider King
00192 Give it to me.
< Don't be silly, give it to me (4) >
[Okay, okay!]
A trembling, agonizing worm pulls something out.
That was paper.
When she saw the paper, she glanced brightly and asked.
[# * $& # *!]
Is this it or is this it?
This is what it means to be human!
The band spread out the paper with a fluffy face.
Soon, however, the rope hardened.
He would have done the same...
[The use of humanized artifacts of artifacts is prohibited. I won't let you do anything if you break it. Neither the user nor the seller nor the distributor will stand idly by.]
It was not an artifact that could become human, but a public document. And when he saw it, the worm smiled bitterly at the stiff band.
[What do I do? This is the kind of public record that came down!]
[Because I've been busy living. I should have told you I'd sell you the artifact if I didn't know it came down.]
[Oh, I can't give you back $100 million. That's what I already got. Sorry.]
[I wanted to get you something, too, but what should I do? Orders are orders. Don't I have to live? Oh, you want a chocolate bar instead? That's delicious......]
At the same time, the fury of the rope bursts out.
[# $* # & *!]
Give it to me! You know what?
The dreaded rope grabbed the worm's collar and shook it.
No matter how naive he was, he knew that the worm was trying to cheat.
[# * $& $# *!]
Give it to me!
Then, Knng, Knng, the worm who was about to die of thirst cried out.
What do you want me to do? If I get caught selling that relic to you, it's over for me and for you!]
The rope flickered.
I don't care if I end up like him, but I didn't want him to get even with the worms.
[& * & * #]
…… but I can't help it.
The rope grows dull, and the worm grins maliciously, looking at this naive fellow.
[Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. Oh, I'll give you something else for coming here. How about a drink?]
[# & & *! $]
I don't need a drink...
[Give it to Seo Ju-heon! You like spirits!]
The rope sparkled. Suddenly, the bridal cord brightened his face because he said he liked it.
And I smiled as the worm smiled in the shape of my favorite dong line.
I can't believe you sold $100,000 worth of whiskey for $100 million. What a thrilling business! ’
But it was then.
[You have to earn as much as possible.]
It was Set who showed up. And the worm latched onto the appearance of the set.
[I'm the commander of the army!]
[And you've never been in a public document like this.]
As Set shreds the blank document, the worm howls.
[Senior Chief! This is strictly disruptive...!]
At this time, the worm looked back, shivering to see if his back was fighting.
It's different.
The rope was furious. Even looking at the stone in his tail, he was wrong to just walk away.
[Oh, no…… that's not it.]
At that moment, the furious rope tried to rush in, and the worm surrendered.
[Okay, here we go! Take it. You brat!]
The worm throws something at the rope.
[Worm and garlic from Huang (SS - urgent/consumable artifacts)]
- Immediacy
It was nothing but bitterness and garlic!
I've seen Irene use it to cook for Ju-heon.
Soon the worm said.
[If you eat it, you'll become human.]
Then the eyes of the rope became dazzled. I thought I had heard it clearly.
The bear that ate this for 100 days became human!
[# $& # &!]
So we can eat this for 100 days?
[No? It still looks like a new artifact! You just have to eat it once. Immediacy.]
The line of thought brightened my face.
One bite of this and you're human!
The band that rose to expectation jumped forward with a box, excited.
I was so happy.
Even though it doesn't look delicious, all you have to do is hold on to it once!
‘Finally...! ’
A human likeness of Zhou Yuen.
And I could stand by Zhou Yuen's side!
I could not be ignored by sweetness!
I might not have to be jealous of Snow and Irene!
Soon, the rope tried to eat worms and garlic with colorful eyes.
However, this was the time.
The cord realizes a shocking fact and drops the object.
[What's the matter?]
Seth tilts his head and looks at the rope.
However, whether Seth was suspicious or shocked, the cord fell apart.
When I think about it, I wasn't there!
A mouthful to eat worms and garlic!
* * *
“What's wrong with her? ”
I looked at the rope as if it was strange that he had entered a nearby hotel.
A comrade who's been saving up for something weird lately. You still don't have work to do, but it's normal to snoop around.
“Well, you look depressed. ”
After a long chase of Jooheon, the rope stops on its way, stops on its way, and reflects on the transparent wall.
Then the rope sniffed.
[# $* $# & *!]
Why don't I have a mouth? I don't!
It's weird to ask, "Why not?"
Anyway, here's the thing.
‘This is why I can't be with my master. ’
Eventually, when the cord was stretched out and he was feeling discouraged, he called the cord. Then, like a puppy, the twenty-five leash rubs its face against Juheon's leg.
“You don't look so energetic. ”
I liked it because he stroked me, but I was sad to look up.
But it was time.
Someone stabs you in the brooch.
[Hey, take this.]
It was Seth who stabbed the rope. The set that was poking you in the mouth is biting something.
You look like a pebble.
[If you use this, you will be able to transform into a human.]
Set drops something cool onto the floor and goes back. It must have been torn by the worm.
Of course, I fell asleep and stole the artifact from Seth.) The worm said it was expensive, but now he's crying his eyes out.
Anyway, it was definitely a new artifact, not garlic.
Be human.
I was very happy to know that.
[# $* # & *!]
Thank you! Thank you!
Maybe they're looking cute with a string of chicken treats.
Good artifacts (?), I was so excited that I twisted my neck.
[# $& *!]
I'll be out in a minute! I'll be right out!
Then he ran somewhere.
It's a good thing I feel energetic all of a sudden.
“What's wrong with him? ”
“I don't know.”
It was when they opened a hotel visit and entered the room.
“Oh my gosh, Chairman Kwon has fallen! ”
Jae-Ha, who was searching for something on his phone, laughed.
President Kwon, who knows the current situation in the world, collapsed.
“The doctors are sticking to this... because of the sequelae and the risk of artifacts being trapped. ”
I looked at the news articles, even if I did.
[Chairman Kwon Tae-jun endured for about three weeks without water or food.]
[Extreme hunger. “Mira Level”]
[It is recovering from the hospital but cannot be treated due to the risk of artifacts. “Extreme”]
[“Uneaten shock or erosion"]
[However, as an artifact risk, it does not provide nutrients and moisture to the body, but rather discharges.]
[Modern medicine is difficult to fix.]
[TKBM “artifact.]
[TKBM “I need to find a user with at least Class S medical artifacts……. ”]
Something more difficult happened to Chairman Kwon than I thought. And in that article, Jae-Ha smiled maliciously.
“You can't fix this forever? ”
It is an opportunity to deal with the fruits of eternity.
“It's a different area. Cases that require surgery, not drug treatment. ”
“Huatta, Hippocrates, Asclepios, Hujun, Nightingale. Only users who use medical artifacts like that can fix it. ”
But I said that and didn't think about it much.
“But this old man, he won't be able to fix it easily anyway. ”
“Yes? Why? ”
“Medical artifacts are rare. Killing Humans is an artifact of nature, so many artifacts can save Humans. And medical artifacts are less man-made. ”
“Then……. ”
“Let me tell you, the next 15 years, No more than Class S medical artifact users in the world. ”
“Keek, it's rarer than a restorer! ”
That was the truth.
‘Above all, there are no users of medical artifacts of Class S or higher at this time. ’
At least a few years after they show up.
Most medical artifacts, with the exception of immortality, came out in the middle of the age of artifacts. These medical artifacts appear to be simply surgical treatments. Numbers are also very rare.
“Anyway, you don't have to worry... …. ”
It was time.
“No, there could be trouble. ”
His expression narrowed his eyebrows.
“By the way, you saw Chloe. Is that really Chloe? ”
I interrupted because I was excited about her name.
Who's Chloe? Is she pretty? ”
“That's the Chloe I know, right? ”
“Yes, that's right. ”
“Oh, my God, who is she? Is she pretty?”
“I've been looking all over for someone, and it must be him. ”
“I'm sorry…… I thought I was mistaken…”
“No. So you had the Nightingale artifact? ”
“That's good... but I knew you could use a medical artifact. ”
Jooheon stroked Snow's head, which had become cloudy. Then he immediately hits Julian on the phone.
And Julian picks up the phone and starts screaming.
Seo Ju-heon! What the hell are you doing? Manny died in a plane crash. I can't reach him. People are worried...!]
“Never mind. You need to find someone, too. ”
[When people talk... What? Who?]
What about Chloe?]
“Did you see the news on Chairman Kwon? ”
[Ah... You don't have to worry about that. Clearly, Chloe will fix the Gwon's bottle, but Chloe will be using the artifact in the future. Now…]
“But I think he's wearing it. ”
He frowned.
The chairman couldn't have seen that kind of talent. I'll use the artifact to enslave them.
‘Just like before. ’
“So find it quickly. If Chairman Kwon finds out first and falls into his hands, he'll be in trouble. ”
Julian was convinced.
* * *
And the same time.
“Chloe? By the way, you're a Class S medical artifact user?! ”
Yang opened her eyes wide to hear his words.
“I'm sure. You must be using a Class S medical artifact, right? ”
“Yes, I think we were on the plane together. ”
“Damn it.”
“By the way, one problem... ”
“Rumor has it that she is part of a rumored NGO……. ”
“! ”
There was a suspicious NGO group that has been going around a lot lately.
An organization that at first glance saves and heals civilians who are trapped in graves and research.
But their reality is…….
‘Artifact deniers. ’
Twenty-two so-called 'antitese' have begun to appear since the recent damage caused by the use of artifacts by the users of the artifacts who abuse them.
In other words, they thought they had to get rid of all the artifacts and users of the artifact.
In fact, the TKBM excavation team was attacked by them.
The artifact was destroyed, and several users of the artifact were arrested or killed.
But now is the time to question that.
“We need to treat you. Find me a woman named Chloe. Now!”
It was the infamous TKBM excavation team. Finding one person was not difficult.
“If she was in the plane crash, she'd be on the north pole of Canada by now. ”
He urgently called a TKBM employee who was among the passengers.
* * *
And it was around that time.
[# $* & $# *!]
The rope that went out with the artifact from Set looked around with a rattling face.
I didn't know what would happen, but I was going to try to use the artifact of becoming a human being in a place without constituents.
And it was time to try the artifact.
[# * $& *!]
No, no, no!
I missed the artifact Set saved.
[# $& *!]
Outside! Outside!
That's because the stone ran away.
It was time for the rope to whip and chase.
“Is this yours? ”
There was a beauty who gave the artifact to the sniffing rope quite nicely.
It was Chloe.
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