Tomb Raider King
00252 King's Grave
What should I do?
After talking to him, he seemed to be unconscious, and they didn't know yet. that he had completely regained his memory.
Yes, it is.
Just like all the other members, I recovered all my memories. Unlike the rest of the team, he recovered his memory without the crow's tears.
Of course, it wasn't magnetically retrieved.
There was a trigger.
Just a few days ago.
* * *
“Yes, welcome... Ah! Joo-heon!”
The heart of relaxing churning found a butcher's shop. It was Sua who first welcomed such dedication.
“Hello, Joo-heon! ”
Sua, who looks pretty, ran to Ju-heon first and hugged him.
At first, I shoved my face out from behind my father, whether he was afraid of Zhou Yu or not, but now I wasn't.
I must have stopped by a few times to lecture on the artifacts for Dan for a few days, and he looked familiar.
It was time.
“Isn't Zhou Zhen the only one here? ”
With lots of toys, Jae-Ha followed him. Sooa, who saw the toy, brightened her face. Yu Hae said as he heard the reaction.
“Suya, thank you ~ and kiss! ”
I gave out my cheeks skillfully. But what the hell.
“Thank you!”
Sua kisses the cheek of Jujubilee. I was frustrated when I saw it.
“What the hell! ”
I'm the one with the presents!
Eventually, Jae-Ha persistently reached out the ball, but Sooa hung on Juheon, bursting into tears, whether she was afraid.
Joo-heon kicked, asking why the child was crying.
“You are forbidden to approach Sua. Fly a present."
Talented, who became a sleepy porter, delivered toys by going back and forth to his car several times.
There were even some of the same toys.
Why did you buy so many of the same things? His mouth was in trouble.
‘Oh, Master, I can't feel anything. Are you picking pink for a girl's gift? ’
‘Why, is there a problem? ’
"Maybe you like blue! What if Sooa doesn't like it? Come on, pick one! ’
He was grumpy to see her in her own way, but I don't know.
‘Then buy all the colors. ’
‘Yes, yes?! ’
‘For your information. ’
‘ # $& # *! ’
Eventually, Jae-Ha dug up my grave like that and stopped all deliveries.
After dinner, he took out the camera of the King of Destiny.
“I'd like to give you more space in the future, but you won't have time for that. ”
There was no way that the solemn proponents who were aiming for the dedication could just leave the altar.
Well, I'll continue to protect Dan in my own way, but I'm going to beat the dictators.
“But there are times when it is. ”
A camera relic of the King of Destiny used to learn that feeling. Dan also had a peculiar experience of being drawn to photographs.
Strange graves, and older faces.
[Master! I'll take care of this. Everybody out of the way!]
[However, no! It's dangerous! Thousands of them!]
I was able to experience a future that I would not experience in the future, namely previous life experiences.
Of course, I didn't let him have any experience.
Joo-heon carefully selected a picture, and he took a few of them, but he didn't tell me about it.
It's just...
“Everything you're about to see is fake. It's like the virtual reality of an artifact. ”
I just said it so decisively.
However, seeing the memories of the past life made Dan feel strange.
That's a really strong feeling, too.
I didn't have my memory back, but I felt sorry for Ju Heon and his colleagues.
I feel like I'm seeing people I can't see again.
It was strange, so I asked if you were a team in the past.
“Master, then the members and Master...! ”
I was very concerned about the response.
“It's not the boss. ”
He insisted on telling Dan.
“I don't know what you saw about me, but it's a brain mistake. I'm too immersed in it. We're not related. ”
It was like a wedge.
So, Jujuheon only showed me how to use the artifact and went back.
However, Dan, who was disturbed by the expression on his face, tried to trigger the photo he left behind.
How many times, how many times.
After I put Sua to sleep, I continued to activate her.
Dozens of times, hundreds of times.
Nothing came to mind then, but I thought I had to keep thinking about Dan for some reason.
It was because he desperately protected his constituents and colleagues.
It was too vivid to be just a video I made.
I felt like I was missing something important.
I didn't think I'd have a chance to think about it again if I gave up here.
And how long has it been?
But then something strange happened.
* * *
“This is what happened. ”
I think it was when I rotated those pictures a hundred times.
[Cut it out, mortal.]
There is a distinct phenomenon different from what we have seen so far. Usually, you have to see them wandering around the jungle.
[Any more and your mind will collapse.]
Suddenly a crow appeared in the jungle.
A crow sits on a standing tree, staring at itself with red eyes.
Terrible Aura.
There was only one sitting, and I felt a tremendous amount of pressure and lethargy.
In the meantime, I've come across several artifacts, but they're not nearly as powerful as I'd like to think. It is even more formidable and powerful than the energy of the artifacts called royalty.
To be afraid.
But there was no murder on the subject of such a terrifying aura.
Rather, I was worried about Dan.
[Are you going to waste the life that man has saved?]
It seemed like he was referring to the constitution.
[So stop it. There's nothing more you can do to find out.]
If you continue, you will not be able to distinguish between reality and reality.
[Son of a bitch, your brain is broken.]
But Dan shakes his head.
“No. Just a little more and I think I'll find something you're forgetting. ”
[It's a brain mistake.]
Dan shakes his head desperately.
It is not a mistake.
“I'm sure now. I know the director. ”
It was clear.
They call it a brain illusion, but they know the importance.
In the past.
And his colleagues.
But it was strange.
I couldn't figure out how they were friends and why I cried when I saw them.
So he was frustrated, shouting.
“Joo-heon is a lifesaver for me and my daughter. If there's anything I don't know, I can't just walk away! ”
[Even though you might regret it?]
“It doesn't matter! It's my choice, too. If it wasn't for you, we'd all be dead! ”
Whatever it was, it shouldn't have happened.
I wanted to unravel this frustration, and at the same time I wanted to repay Ju-on's favor.
‘I don't know if this will help. ’
That was when Dan was about to launch another picture.
[Humans are foolish creatures.]
The crow sighed.
But in that sigh, the crow seemed to be smiling.
And the light that bursts with him.
Dan screams in the light.
At that time, Dan looked straight at me. All the memories of a past life that couldn't be seen by a photo artifact alone. I lost my daughter, I met Zhuo when I was in prison as a death row.
And he saved his own ass.
It gave him a reason to live with himself who had no reason to lose his daughter.
At the same time, he shed tears.
Eventually, my daughter was surprised when she fell asleep, and she shook her father's hand.
“Daddy, Daddy? ”
Dan groans in agony.
Surprised, Sua was restless and quickly tried to call 911.
But Dan wept, holding her like that. Dan recovered all his memories and just cried. The sadness I once lost, but the joy that I never lost my daughter again.
Thank you for saving my daughter who almost lost her again.
Thanks for not letting me lose my reason to come back to life.
“Thank God, thank God. ”
So Dan grabbed his daughter and murmured to the crows and to Zhou Yuen, thanking her for her elongation.
I almost forgot.
The grace of the past that I wore to Juheon.
Things you should never forget.
* * *
And now.
‘Hmm, what should I do? I already have my memory back. ’
Dan is troubled.
No, he went through some confusion at night, but soon he came to his senses.
Of course, I wanted to go back to where the monument was.
[I'm not answering my phone…….]
“Damn it, boss, you broke my phone again. ”
Dan continued to say to Juheon, “He has regained his memory! I want you back in the Grave! ”
I was going to say that.
But in the meantime, the timing continues to be off.
I tried to contact my old colleagues....
“Hey... Jae-Ha? ”
[Oh, I'm so glad you're so friendly! Can I call you sir? Oh, wait, I have an emergency!]
“Hey, Chloe……. ”
[Oh, Mr. Sunjin. Did you call about Sooa? Don't worry, Sooa is great.]
“Oh, yeah? No, I called you today.... ”
[I'm going to tell Suya about a healthy tea and a kind of food. I need you to write something down right now.
“Oh, no, that's not it... Oh, yeah. Yes. Ginger... ”
“Hey, deputy director. ”
[Oh, that was a great call. The statement documents that should be filled out by Haejin....]
“Oh, you know, I texted him, but he found my memory. So the admission document... ”
[Oh, my God. Mr. Sunjin. I know your heart, but you can't lie to me like that.]
“ …………. ”
Oh, why these guys.
Of course, I know that when I go back to the Burial Grounds, I'll have to be the one to face the monopoly again.
In the past, there was no reason to get involved with the artifact users now.
Well, the artifact won't be anyone else's business in the future, but there was no reason to join the Founding Fathers' Excavation Team.
There is also a more comfortable way.
I told him to live happily with his daughter.
[The world has turned upside down by the prophecy of the current king.]
[Whether it is a joke of Seo Ju Heon or the prophecy of the king of destiny, the truth is controversial... ….]
[It shocked Pandora's announcement that even a royal salary would not follow the new artifact....]
[The United States formed an excavation team in the Middle East…… the Japanese Self-Defense Forces…… China began its movement around the Pyramid.]
[The world excavations are on the move as soon as I suspect Seo Ju-heon will take the King's Grave....]
[More and more forces are searching for Seo Ju Heon...]
The world was noisy.
All the dictators were aiming for the dedication.
‘We must rejoin the Master's Excavation Team. ’
Rather, after regaining my memory, I felt like I knew how Ju-on let himself go.
But it shouldn't have.
The power of the monopoly was immense.
Well, the contribution has grown overwhelmingly, and the main members are all together, so it should be okay....
‘Without a hunter. ’
And most of all,
[If you don't regret your choice, protect it.]
Yes, it is.
I remembered the last thing the crow said.
[They will covet him again.]
I don't know who's after Jujubilee, but it's proof that Jujubilee is dangerous.
The crow continued.
[Please don't make me cry.]
I don't know what you're talking about...
“Master! I'm here! ”
In the end, Dan came to meet Ju Heon in person. Because I know it's fast to talk in person!
But then what?
“Uh, do you know the people who used to live here? ”
The house keeper showed Dan his bag.
“I left something behind. Give this to him. ”
“…… Who was here? ”
“Oh, I checked out at dawn. I think they're rushing into the grave... Did they say they were going to Korea? ”
Oh, shit!
Dan has a forehead.
About two days before the King's Grave.
It's worth a trip to Burinake...!
“You relic faggots! ”
Dan makes a phone call of anger.
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