Tomb Raider King
00255 Odd Cohabitants
255.Strange Companion (1)
And around that time,
Zhen groaned, realizing that the artifacts had disappeared. And what remains of his artifact......
[$# * & $# *!]
I'm staying, I'm staying!
It was a leash.
No, I don't think the cord was actually my partner.
What's the matter with you?
[# $* & # *!]
Huff-puff! Sir! Sir! I have... Cough!
Because there was one more.
Panties were being trampled on by a rope without cause.
And it wasn't intentional, but panties, or even metal artifacts, had to be buried alive in the sand because of the braided band above the panties.
[$* & $# *!]
Cough, cough!
And of course, I don't think I see my underwear dying underneath me.
[$# * (! @]
You sent for me?
No, I didn't.
Joo-heon replied that way with his eyes.
I felt like the rope was asking me that. That much glare (?) and liked it very much. After all the artifacts disappeared, he thought he was the only one left.
Because he made his own choice!
[# $* & # *!]
My master chose me! I did it!
So I'm happy to run like a leash! However, I looked at him as if he was confused.
‘It's not even my choice. ’
The artifact that was left for him in the first place was definitely an ironic artifact, not a braided cord.
The message was proof of that.
[A Transform Artifact has been selected by the Grave Master.]
[We must survive on this island with this artifact.]
Looks like Bibo was trying to mess with them. They will give you the most useless artifact to watch you suffer and fall. Well, the chosen one suddenly showed up at the store.) but I was being beaten.
[My Lord! I, Jegaaaa...!]
Ultimately, the band of panties recognized the existence of an anomaly.
And the cord seemed to have just realized a shocking fact.
‘Me, I wasn't elected. ’
It seemed like he was abnormally staying here.
About that time, the rope quickly caught my attention.
What do we do? What do we do?
I want to be with my master. If you do that, you'll be scolded for breaking the rules.
Then panties popped out of the sand.
[My Lord! It's me! I... Cough!]
The strap quickly grabbed onto my panties. Then he shouted urgently.
[# $# *!]
Two! Two down! It's out!
However, he wanted to appeal to the fact that shorts were soon to die and were drawn alone.
[No! Sir! I'm with you!]
He sighed tiredly.
“Well, it's better than picking up artifacts you can't use. ”
Such as the Da Vinci relic of the talented.
If you have such an artifact as Amity Zero, you cannot use it. The Sweeting Artifact may be useful, but the Sweeting Artifact is quite clever, so he will try to attack himself with that condition.
“All right, let's go. ”
The Aberration is chased by excitement, and the rope sniffs and hops up from behind.
"Can't you take me with you?" I felt like appealing to myself.
He was using all sorts of personal skills to prove it.
From tying trees to jumping, to throwing stones, to dancing. However, the deformation was relentless.
[If you haven't been elected, go away! I will take you!]
But it was time.
“Hey, get out of here! Come here.”
The irregularities cling to the bridges of Jujuon, as if grabbing the crotch. It was even more disgusting because it was a man's boxer shorts.
[Sir! Where do you not like me?]
“Everything you look like. ”
When he heard that, he was shocked and said,
[Sire! You should have told me!]
“? ”
The deformation has changed itself. I was surprised by it.
[Do you like it now?]
I pretended to be a sexy woman's underwear.
He jumps up and down as if to say, "How's the setback?"
[Here, my lord. Now... Cough!]
The Aberration was destroyed without pity.
“I like the shape. But your existence is abhorrent. ”
What am I supposed to use this Energy Artifact for on an island that has nothing but relics?
It won't help you get Vivo.
“So get the hell out of here. ”
[Sire! You definitely don't need me! If I look like this, I'll be treated like a prize anywhere else! Especially for men...!]
“Get lost. I'm good without you. ”
At this point, the rope that flew from one step was wrapped around the neckline of Jujubilee.
‘Better a rope than a deformation. ’
Well, it looks like the owners of this tomb ate the nerf.
[The master of the tomb is too strong for the rope to use up all his strength.]
‘Well, I don't expect much. ’
And the rope is stuck to the floor and has a sniffling iron. It would mean going with them.
But he cut like a knife.
“Don't pick him up. ”
Jooheon looks at the rocks in the center of the island.
‘Vibo is that way. ’
I don't know whose artifact I dare steal.
He stepped forward with a fierce face.
I thought the other members would be okay.
* * *
But I don't give a shit.
“Why should he stay? ”
[Oh, yeah, boy. You picked me. I'm impressed.]
“I didn't make a choice, you bastard! ”
He doesn't understand Salieri. But it was thanks to Sally's writing on the floor.
I wrote it in Korean kindly, but I didn't think it would be better if I didn't.
[We're finally two, boy.]
What's wrong with this artifact?
Why is this one still here?
“Some restored artifacts, some Da Vinci artifacts, and the Harem artifacts would have been better off! ”
No, of course, Sally's artifact is an artifact from seven graves. I also heard that the condition is not normal.
In fact, the artifacts that know Sally well said that Sally was not the type of gay she would normally look like.
‘You said you were converted by the general manager. ’
Thanks to you, we can only use about 50 percent of our original abilities.
It was an artifact that he had only left behind for a long time. It's an artifact from seven graves, so I asked for advice on how to turn it around.
“Isn't it worth it right now? She looks good on you. ”
Joo-heon spoke nonsense and said that this was the first time in Chloe's life.
I liked it.
“We have to get Vibo first. ”
Everyone would gather at the center of the rock anyway. Of course, I didn't promise. But even without doing that, the direction was obvious.
‘That Artistic Master is going somewhere. ’
If we follow Vivo, we'll meet the Master.
The direction was easily set.
However, he had to get his Bibbo as he had done before. That way, you can get paid too.
[Ooh, boy!]
How am I supposed to get a bibo with that guy?
“This is crazy.”
Usually, I could ask the Master for help, but this time it was different. Most of all, he said to himself,
"Don't be careless. I don't know what the Bibo artifact is. ’
He laughed at that.
‘Oh, don't worry. I assure you, there's nothing to be afraid of. ’
"Oh, you're on your own. ’
"You may not have been on the payroll, but I'm already a seasoned man. At least in this grave, I'll outrank you. ’
If it's not the right time, when are you going to be a smartass?), he said.
That's great. Then you won't have to back me up. ’
"Yes, yes? ’
‘I was trying to help you out as a non-combatant. ’
‘Now, Zakkaaan! ’
Yes, it is.
The mouth was the problem, and he really needed to get his own bibo.
“Oh, that's fucked up. ”
With the DaVinci artifact, there's nothing we can do!
“Ha, aren't you standing around? ”
The safest thing to do is stay next to the captain and Dan.
But there is no dagger, and we cannot ask the Master for help in obtaining the Bibbo. Chloe and Julian are too knife-like.
Ilya will be ridiculed.
He's a good boy, though. He'll help.
And reliable!
That thought, crazy talent called out to her loudly.
Then something even crazier happened.
[Humans! Catch them!]
Whether he reacted to Yu Jae-Ha's voice or the artifact's trap triggered him.
[Kill! Kill!]
[Get it! Get it and bake it!]
You scream horribly at the herd of cannibals.
I never thought I'd be the first person to die on this island.
* * *
“Damn, that's a lot of traps. ”
The road to central Stony Mountain. He was cursing because of the traps that kept coming.
[Please change direction. There are traps in this area.]
Shit. Again.
"How many are there? ’
I don't think I walked 50 meters, but there are only five traps that have already emerged.
Of course, it's a special experience and body play. There was also the support of the rope, so it was not difficult to avoid.
Above all, the jungle made Jujubilee feel pretty bad.
What's the matter with you?
‘That's when I think about it. ’
The Amazon with the last tomb. Maybe other members are thinking about it now.
In fact, there were similar auras, and there were that many traps. However, he shakes his head firmly.
“No, it's not like that. ”
The energy of the artifacts is completely different and the smell of graves is completely different.
‘I can smell the smell of crows... ’
Well, in the prophecy of the king, there was information that he would appear here.
It was time.
“! ”
[# * $$& * #!]
Not you, not you!
The rope grabs Jooheon's arm. At the same time, he stops, and the direction he was trying to go fades away.
I thought it was an ordinary floor, but a faint cliff unfolds.
Another trap opened.
I almost lost my heart.
A trap that even a seasoned core contribution could not be detected. It was a fairly high-yield trap.
It wasn't a casual grave.
Sir, are you okay?]
Given the current irregularities,
[# * $& *!]
Are you okay?
The rope creaks and lifts the main body up the cliff. Clearly, all the useless artifacts left in battle and even the precious artifacts have been taken from us.
It was hard even for an ordinary human to walk through this grave.
‘It will be difficult for other royalties to get to the center. ’
No, how many can survive?
If I didn't have a leash, I had a dangerous moment.
‘Glad to see you have some rope left. ’
It was at this time that he was relieved.
Uh, excuse me? ’
I didn't give it to you much, but it was a little weird to think about.
The other artifacts were blown away by the Grave Master, Vivo. Why is he here?
Vivo was an artifact of such great power that even the newest artifacts were abducted.
Minimum contingency. ’
But the sudden abduction...), and the line remained here.
‘It wasn't the Vivos. ’
There's no way we can leave anything behind that will help Humans.
‘That's strange, considering. ’
Joo-heon stared at the brother-in-law.
Who the hell is this guy?
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Best regards,