Tomb Raider King

00260 Choose Me

260Us.Choose Me (3)

[Walk this way and good things will happen.]

[I think I'm going to be very lucky.]

[I think I'll get a very useful artifact.]

The importance of seeing the message was actually absurd.

This crow.

I should say it's obvious. So I tried to ignore him and go to find Vibo. But then I suddenly wondered.

‘Would it really benefit me? ’

The man who restored his dying self to the past. And the guy who was always following me around like a stalker. The reason he gave himself so much power is because he wants to get himself out of the tomb.

‘Can I get him out of the grave? ’

A suspicious artifact I've never seen before in my life.

All artifacts are cursed crows who are reluctant.

‘Is he really going to help me? ’

In the end, Ju Heon chose to enter through the gateway.

There were other visuals in front of me, but I was curious. And to be honest, I wondered how useful it was to talk that way.

So he stepped into the path. As I entered the path a little further, there was a dead end, but it didn't matter.


It's probably a beacon made of artifacts.

There were many difficult texts that humans could never read. However, Juheon read it out in a small way.

The funny thing is, every time he touched the text, the glowing Thumbglyph started flashing.

And that was the moment.

[A part of the tomb is opened.]


A huge flash erupts as the wall collapses. That's how the fierce aura of the king's tomb began to rise.

And the same perspective.

“X.O., that's it! ”

Juheon's party is bewildered by the raging aura.

It must have been.

‘That Aura. ’

The fearsome coma they felt in the grave where they died.

It's the crow.

Of course, they didn't meet the crows. I've only ever met a crow.

But I could be sure.

This is the grave when they died. It wasn't entirely similar, but it was almost similar.

At the same time, they began to panic.

What's the matter with you?

“What about you, Director? ”

Yes, it is.

I don't know what happened, but it was definitely because there was a consensus there.

Just like the grave where they died.

‘Surely the tomb did not reappear at that time. ’

And as soon as I saw him cut off his leg again, Seohya couldn't wait to run away.



Of course, I heard from Juheon that the crows had sent Juheon back to the past.

I helped him.

But then what?

‘The artifact. ’

The Master of the Grave who killed them. For those who didn't know about the tomb, the crow was an enemy to the dedication.

I thought it was time for crazy Seohya to overcome this.

“! ”

Julian notices something and shouts.

“No, not that way! ”

Giant fireballs flying out of the sky!

Irene flicks her head and pushes away.


Thanks to you, the blow missed him, but I don't know.

“You can't go that way. ”

The enemies begin to reveal themselves one by one.

An orange jacket. It looks like Austin Rockefeller's Excavation Team. Other excavations associated with him were also seen one by one. Not up to the top five like TKBM, but those who matched showed up.

Julian frowns.

“What the hell is this? ”

Enemies laugh at Julian's question.

“What the hell. The commanders ordered us to stop the interruptions. ”

“Excuse me?”

“I hear there's one of the most powerful men in Vivo. What did you say, crow? ”

“Maybe that's the raven that's the ugly Aura. ”

“I don't know what the artifact is, but it belongs to our master anyway. ”

“At this rate, it's better to choose the strongest among the Vivos. ”

Apparently, they believed in the prophecy of the king of clumsy words.

[Aim for the raven among the beacons. It is the most powerful artifact.]

I'm sure most of the monks have heard the rumors.

However, the group laughs.

What's the matter with you?


Is that what you're after?

‘Everyone will die. ’

It was an experience.

That's why Ju-heon's party is worried about Ju-heon, looking over the rocky mountain, which is giving off a bad aura.

‘Master, you'll be fine. ’

Never greedy.

It's a monster.

Julian thought so.

* * *

And the same perspective.


Suddenly Shaking Grave! The wind makes everyone in the tomb scream. And Ilya trembles at the terrifying aura that spreads throughout the grave.

‘Crazy, this. ’

Iliya almost sickens herself sitting on that dreadful aura.

Just as Julian, Snow, and Chloe felt the same time, Iliya also remembered what happened when she died.

He was embarrassed.

“Hey, Peep. What's the matter with you? ”

Iliya shudders and mutters.

“At that time, when we die... the grave. ”

“ ………! ”

A tomb I haven't felt since I sent a talented identity.

But the smart one quickly noticed.

"I heard the Fate King has a Crow Grave in this grave. Are you sure?" ’

At that time, the excavators who were sweeping their hearts were shocked when the tremor swept away.

“Hey, what was that huge thing? ”

“Who already has Vibo? ”

Julian, the chief official restoration, was also confused.

The sensitive Iliya doesn't seem to have noticed the crows, though.

And this woman, too.

“Well, don't you have Seo Ju-heon? ”

In her words, Jae-Ha and Iliya frowned.

He would have done the same...

‘The Wandering King's Quartermaster. ’

‘The owner of China's collective artifact. ’

Why is she even here?

I was so unlucky. That's what happened to the other kings. They are also a nuisance in their current situation...

‘But it's not that bad! ’

Ilya throws a double curse.

“Crazy, the status quo doesn't have to appear in front of the director... Hehe! ”

When Iliya said that, she was beaten by Jae-Ha. Iliya tries to shoot him as if he's crazy.

“Why! Am I wrong? ”

“No, I just wanted to hit him. ”

When I said that, I breathed out talented breath.

I was embarrassed when I met him, but it was okay.

‘The garden of the pearls must have been taken away as they came to this grave. ’

I would have gotten another useless artifact.

‘The conditions are the same. ’

If so, the knowledge of the Grave would be much more advantageous to others.

But what the hell.

“Hey. Hogu. Is that...! ”

They are frightened by the beads that the mill holds.

A ball of lightning exploding beads.

That can't be...!

"Resonance is his Lightning Artifact? ’

I was both surprised and talented with Iliya.

It was clear.

That must have been one of Julian's Indra relics!

At the same time, they get angry.

“Did you guys hurt that guy Miller? ”

Then Julian, who seems to be holding hands with the garden, laughs.

“What nonsense. I never met Julian Miller. The artifact that was originally assigned to Professor Gin Garden was an artifact. ”

That said, I vomited a talented fire with Iliya.

What the hell?

"We got this weird piece of skull mule! ’

Someone's been assigned a new artifact!

“You little buggers! ”

It must have been.

I heard that the candidates were already assigned to the royal candidates and it seemed right.

That's why the users of the artifacts who didn't care about Vivo received a crap artifact and gave a good one to their desired royal family.

‘Well, there's no way I wouldn't treat a woman who handles the relics of a gun as well. ’

But then, more fainting things happened.

What's the matter with you?

“You know what this is, don't you? ”

It was the stuff that Shin Seung-hee and his subordinates brought out.

It's the relic of Leonardo da Vinci!

Yes, it is.

The relic of Leonardo da Vinci! Ilya was frightened to see it, and she bit a particularly talented bubble.

“Oh, crazy! Why is my artifact there? ”

In that case, Shin Seung Hee was like a pearl on a pig's neck that lacked the ability to trigger it.

And seeing that, Julian smiled.

“Seung Hee left it here because she couldn't transfer ownership, but only go out from the grave. That Da Vinci relic is mine, too. Yu Jae-ha.”

I caught the back of a talented head.

By that time, I knew why the caveman had teamed up with those restorers at once.

The reason was simple.

‘They said if I got Vivo, I'd be a full Chinese restoration. ’

It was true.

At this rate, Julian is the Chief of Staff.

He was the best restorative man in the world, even though it was broken by Jae-Ha. And Pandora scratched all the precious restorations, so the restoration was precious in China.

I was working hard, but it took time.

And if you want to restore a new artifact or a total number, you'll need an artifact of Da Vinci grade to restore it.

However, the chief restorators who showed up to be the sole restorative restorators if only they could get their hands on Vibo.

Even with the Da Vinci artifact?

In China, it must be a coveted proposition.

However, the situation became a problem.

‘At this rate, Vibo will be taken away. ’

A garden with an artifact of Indra will break through the trap and bring Vibo to you.

Immediately, Iliya tapped and asked.

“Hey. Hogu. What are you gonna do? We don't have any relics to use right now. ”

At this rate, I had no face to face with Ju Heon.

But it was time.


Another earthquake.

“Ahh! Again! This earthquake!”

Then came the fearsome roar of the crows. This time it was more intense and clear than before.

To the point that other people would notice.

“Hey, is this... what the Fate King prophesied? ”

“Could it be that crow relic? ”

And this time, whether he felt that intense reaction, the quarterback raises his mouth.

“This……. ”

Very greedy expression.

She quickly turns toward the distraction. They must be trying to take the Crow Artifacts.

Yoo Jae-ha, who was in a hurry, cried.

“Wait, Maaaan!”

I don't know, but I thought she shouldn't go where the director is.

Maybe that's why.

“Hey, Professor. Will you join me in ignoring these bastards? ”


We need to tie her legs.

At the same time, you should also get your own personal information. Even Da Vinci's relics had to be recovered.

And King Hogu remembered the way of the trillion.

“Professor, I'm interested in you. Right.”

The garden stopped on its way and saw the talents.

“What does that have to do with you? ”

Then Jae-Ha smiled.

You're stuck.

“It doesn't matter. I'm trying to give you something very precious and good. ”

* * *

And the same perspective.

Vivos are in a commotion. Suddenly, it was because of the crow's energy that started spreading to the King's Grave.

[Crazy, what the hell!]

[It's the smell of the crow!]

They were really embarrassed.

Suddenly, Zeus' eagle flew in and said, "Look at the grave. I can feel the crow's energy. ’and gave me some advice.

But they ignored it.

I know it can't be.

[There are 15 king Bibos in this tomb.]

Only 15 special artifacts to choose a king.

Yes, it is.

Fifteen Demibeast and Plain Water.

In other words, there would be nothing but relics.

Those who will choose men to deal with them, and those who will empower the king. But at this moment, the smell of the raven they had betrayed began to spread all over the world.

[What's going on? Why is he here?]

And then someone said,

[Sa, it's not weird at all, is it?]


[That crow was one of the original royal conscripts.]

I was just disqualified and filled in another artifact.

Does that mean there are 16 Vivos in this grave?]

[No, why is he here?]

Vivos are in a hurry.

Maybe they hadn't noticed until now. There's a crow hiding in this grave.

And it was around that time.

After unsealing the tomb, he swallowed a saliva without his knowledge.

‘You damn crow. ’

What's in it for you?

He was rarely cold sweating.

Because the moment I broke through the wall, I was afraid.

When they die, the sense of the grave comes back to life.

It's like going into a tiger's den.

In fact, the deformation has been stunned for a long time. The rope was fine, but he was looking around, taped to the shoulders of Juheon.

And it was time.

A wide section of the cave emerges through the passageway.

A subtle light leaking from the ceiling.

And there was something sitting there.

[There you are, human.]

The guy with the black wings spread.