Tomb Raider King
Have you ever stolen your fiancée? (Julian side)
Have you ever stolen a fiancée?
“Oh, that Cisco! ”
He was giving Julian a talented twinkling that almost made him a toaster.
“And still, why would you want to throw a high-pressure current at a co-worker? ”
No, to be honest, I could get angry. Resonant, confident, and in the past 10 years, how many archaeologists (?).
Maybe I see more faces in court than I see in the office.
After the regression, we were able to unite because we had the same betrayal wounds from Chairman Kwon.
I wouldn't even be able to eat in the same seat.
“Yes, in the past I acknowledged rubbish. Even an eight-year-old sister who you raised like a daughter would be pissed that I got taken away by a thief. ”
But he also had a lot to say.
“But he wasn't easy on himself either. Ninety percent of all the mail flying into my house was your lawsuit! I don't want to be your big brother either. ”
Talented cried nervously. But what can I do?
No, Julian is Nina's brother. Maybe your father-in-law... Or your wife can be your brother.
Of course, it was true that until a few months ago, she hated Nina and was afraid.
I thought killing myself was the purpose. However, some events brought Jae-Ha and Nina closer together.
It was probably two months ago.
“Ha, this is crazy and crazy! ”
I was still suffering from Nina. And for a while, I thought he was filming a really scary movie.
See a beautiful woman like you.), and I was sipping drinks....
“Oh my, aren't you the king of fags? ”
“Really? Really?"
I don't know if I've become a celebrity for no reason, but here come the Ur women.
He smiled brightly. Oh, be happy. This is a day for me, too.
“Oh, his popularity. ”
But this guy's popular.
“Don't you have Seo Ju-heon here if you have King Hogu? ”
“Ugh! Really? ”
“You're not there? Do you have Seo Ju-heon?”
The women came screaming in fear.
“Is there no Lord Joo-heon? What?”
“If you have Jae-Ha, you should have Joo-heon too! Why is it only the king of the fags? ”
The pretty women were clinging to whether they thought he was hiding his contribution.
“Where is Joo-heon, huh? Aren't you going to tell me? ”
These women?
“Oh my God, am I his secretary? Are you a servant? ”
Eventually, she was about to say something about him who was surrounded by women and sad.
A power outage in the club came out of nowhere.
‘! ’
Screams echo through the dark.
“Ugh! What the hell! ”
She wanted to get angry because she thought it was another nina.
But it wasn't Nina.
“Seo Ju-heon's restorer. Of course you have his artifacts, right? ”
“ ……! ”
They were the real assassins who were after their artifacts. I was saved by talented Dory Nina. Well, Nina almost died for him.
However, the misunderstanding was solved by a series of incidents, and I was very close to Nina now.
But that fucking brother of yours!
“Come out, Jae-Ha! ”
I screamed at the lightning that fries again. I thought I'd lost them, but I didn't think anyone would notice.
Different from that, I was flinched by the lightning that felt next to me.
You fly away with the sound of an explosion. Along with him, a portion of the pillar of the main convention resort, the Castle of Valhalla, collapsed in a frenzy.
Thanks to this, I had no choice but to bite the bubble.
“Hey! Who do you think is fixing all this?! ”
Eventually, I took out my vengeful relic.
“That's not a big deal. ”
One of the members is already in charge. They were not pushed by each other, not just each other's abilities.
Once we have the combat section, we have other abilities to cover it.
So resonance has a trick skill called Lightning Insight...
‘It's worth a try if not for the Overflow Master in the first place. ’
Oh, I'm scared of the dagger. Pass it a little.
Anyway, I was trying to screw Julian, like I did before the regression.
"Then why isn't this guy coming? ’
He's the strongest balancer in the world, and he's on fire!
But it was then.
“Master, are you going to keep interrupting me?! ”
“! ”
* * *
You hear Jujubilee and Julian's voice not far away.
I wanted to resonate and attack slowly, but I guess I was interrupted by Zhou Yuen. On the other hand, Julian was angry at Ju-heon for not doing this.
“Yes, I honestly don't like Jae-Ha. Remember when you hired the same assassin to kill Nina a a few months ago? ”
“Whoa, whoa. That was a mistake. But it's in the past. You hang in there."
Joo-heon was smiling heavily. Siscom's brother-in-law, taking sides with Yu Jae-hae.), but I don't know.
“You know you're dying because you're funny, right? ”
“Oh, you noticed? ”
“ # $* # & $*! ”
Juheon only wants to harass Julian.
‘Well, I'll give you a vacation after all the trouble you've been through. ’
“Anyway, resonance. You don't have time to follow her right now. Take care of this right now. Stay out of Europe for a year. ”
“ ……?! ”
Long live Yulian! Long live Yulian! Long live Yu!
‘We can't do this. ’
The most powerful king card in the world.
There was no way he could win, if he was willing to lend his side openly. At the end of the day, if Ju Heon gave him a business trip order, he would be very talented that day.
Is that all?
As long as he was willing, he might want to actively pursue the marriage of Nina and Jae-Ha.
I might be rich enough to throw a big reception. Even if I'm not confident in it, I can't stand it.
Maybe that's why.
‘Oh, I can't. I have no choice but to make Ju Heon my side...! ’
Ultimately, Julian, who was furious, shouted out in a loud voice of despair.
“You! Would you do this if you brought a man to marry you?! ”
“! ”
It is the same for those who grew up without parents from Jujubilee or Julian or as a child. Then he wanted to say that he would understand his own mind.
Ultimately, Julian smiled in repentance as he opened his eyes.
“Who's gonna take that ugly piece of shit? ”
“I'd rather bow down than take you with me. ”
“What, what?! ”
“Who cares who the twins marry in the first place? ”
He seemed to be thinking of taking away the prize money.
“So let's just leave it at that. This Cisco.”
“Huh... Hey! Can you say that even if the master measures you?! ”
“! ”
Then Joo-heon's face became a shit face.
“No, that's pretty intense. ”
“Right? Now you know how I feel?! ”
Julian smiles widely and cries for a stunned talent.
"No, why would I? What's wrong with me? ’
He was baffled by how the director could say that to himself.
But whether he did or not, Julian convinced him that it was a great chance.
“Master, listen to me. When Jae-Ha starts dating, she won't even restore it properly. ”
“?! ”
“When you're in love, your mind flies away and you lose focus on your work. Reconstruction's a bitch. She'll go around dating whenever she gets a chance. ”
He became more serious and talented.
What the hell is he talking about?
Still, it's against the rules to say that to the director!
Eventually, I was embarrassed and tried to crawl out.
‘I can't. We have to stop him...! ’
But it was that moment.
Majestic Energy Explodes Suddenly!
“?! ”
[Summons a powerful artifact.]
[Converts shape to pistol.]
He glanced at the disastrous relic, turning it into a gun.
“I'm going into the hunt for faggots. ”
“?! ”
Valhalla Castle explodes in fear of falling horses!
“Come out, you son of a bitch. No dating.”
What's wrong with you?
* * *
It was absurd to be talented. Even Julian has a different level of destruction than when lightning strikes!
Boom, Guava.
Valhalla Castle, or the Luxury Resort, was destroyed with a great sound.
The fear of restoring the resort was nothing. The scary thing was that Mazzesti, that monster, was trying to hunt himself down.
“You got three seconds. Come on out. Three, two,”
“Hey, hey! It's not even 3 seconds yet! ”
He ran away blaming himself for bombing a talented commander. And Julian was very pleased with that.
“That's it! That's it! Excellent!”
Then lightning strikes down with the sound of bombing in Valhalla Castle. And the paparazzi around the castle were frightened, not at the time.
“What, what is this! ”
The collaboration between Julian and Juheon was fantastic.
“Come out quickly! Yu Jae Ha, I'm against this romance! ”
“Yes. Come on out, boy. I'm against this relationship, too! ”
God damn it, why did you join the director?
“Oh, this is how it's going to go down! ”
The two of them quickly became close and went to look for Jae-Ha while holding a visit.
Bang, bang.
But there are plenty of rooms in Valhalla Castle.
A gifted man who had been avoiding me like a rat came to the Hall of Dedication.
"No matter how hard I try, I'm not going to smash your room!" ’
I flashed a talented eye hiding under my desk.
First we have to dismantle that damn combination! ’
However, this side was too disadvantageous if the boss joined us.
In that thought, he maliciously rummaged through the dedicated desk drawer. The drawer was locked, but he wasn't a fraud for no reason.
He makes a key out of the Da Vinci artifact in an instant, scouring through its contents.
‘First of all, it's good to use as a Master's weakness...... ’
But it was time.
“! ”
I found something unexpected at a talented desk.
“Wait, what is this? ”
It was a photograph.
A picture of Joo-heon and a strange woman on the beach together.
It looked like a Mola to me. Photo of paparazzi.
“What, even when the director was diving! ”
So you went diving for six months, not because you were in chaos, but because you were making other women?
However, he tilted his head as he looked at the woman in the picture.
“Wait, isn't this Molly? ”
Immediately, his gaze was on the other thing in the drawer.
That's the ring case!
'This is the one I just saw...!'
And I was frightened to look inside. What was inside was an artifact ring...
“Diana? This is a gift ring! Why did you hide this here.... ”
She was embarrassed, but soon she laughed wickedly.
Whatever it is, it's a chance!
Then, two people came to the room where Jae-Ha was hiding.
“You got me, son. ”
“There's nowhere to run now. ”
[# * $# & *!]
There's nowhere to go! I don't have it!
Joo Heon and Julian showed up there in unity. Julian said to the wiggling bleached head under his desk.
“No matter how many runaways you have, you can't get away from this combination. ”
“If it doesn't rot.... ”
In accordance with the words of Juheon, the rope twitched and approached.
However, this was the time.
“Resonance! Azul! Look!”
“? ”
Yu Jae-ha flashed a picture and ring.
“Master, I'm getting married! That's resonance with your ex-fiancée! ”
“?! ”
Three at a time (?) was changed. Julian froze, his eyes widened, and his eyes glittered without a cord.
The first one to open his mouth there was also Jujuen.
From what I hear, that's him.
“Dude, what are you doing? And don't give me that crap... ”
Juheon tries to take the ring back without a big deal.
But it was then.
“What do you mean, my fiancée? Are you talking about Molly? My fiancé, the one you took from me before? No, were you two seeing each other before that? Secretly?”
A flesh that feels momentary.
Soon, he smiled as if he had noticed his plan.
“Hogu, give me my ring when you say something nice. ”
“Hey, here's a picture! Isn't this the famous wedding photo spot? Boss, I was meeting Molly! He won't tell us! ”
Julian's eyes flash.
And that was the moment.
“! ”
Zhou Yu's vision completely changed. My eyes twisted with the sensation of choking my body.
It's like you're wrapped up in a garment.
[# $& * #?]
What do you mean, "marriage"? What the hell are you talking about?
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