Tower of Karma

Upon Awakening: Awakening

"William Lewis" stood in a world smelling of dim sewage. I can't help it, the bottom layer, I can't help it, de bottom. This is the beginning of the world, this is the end of the world.

I've been rinsing muddy water. I grabbed just one bread of moldy bread and thought that was happiness. An unhygienic environment that dies first if the disease is endemic. People's deaths are a common routine. I used to peck dead meat at hungry people to get past the winter. I did anything to live.

If that's what you call a beast, then you can say so.

If you call that inhuman, you can say so.

But the world. Be careful.

Change the world because people are always off the road.

'Al' was crying. 'Alretto' gently embraces it. The surrounding deceased circled around its perimeter, continuing to raise the same resentment as' always'. Unlike "always"...

"... can you move, huh?

That 'William' can move. The sight of "always", a dream that could not be microscopic, but only had a view, had transformed "William" into a world in which he could move actively. "William", who in a way had only a divine perspective, entered the world for the first time on his feet.

"... wearing a mask, or"

"William" touches a foreign body when he tries to look at his face. I had informed 'William' that the familiar irregularities were the masks I usually wear it on.

"Fair enough."

One step.


It is Norman and his wife, the imported bookstore owner who used to take care of them, who clung to their feet. The appearance is tremendously distorted. There is an abyss in the orbit that doesn't show anything. He snaps at 'William' 's feet in the form of an ugly deceased mixed with white bones and skin.

"Why did you betray me? I trusted you so much. I thought you were like my son. Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!?"

"What, back off! I'm in the way! You have to kill the one who knows' Al 'to kill me. Exactly. You wouldn't forget me, even though you were diminishing the shadows. That's why I killed him! If you find out, get lost!

"William" wields his legs and blows the Normans away.

Two steps.

"You are not William. William is me. You are not Norman either. [M] Not even Al. Then who are you? What are you? Bok Hanan Darrow? Nazebok Hasina Nevana Rana Cutta?

Hanging crawling on William's right arm is a red-haired deceased.

"Ha! You dumb, pathetic William! Anyway, in Temeer, you're going to die a wild bastard around there. I'd rather you thanked me. That my name will be used against me!

"William" pays his right arm and blows up the deceased.

Three steps.


Four steps.


Five steps.

"Kazokunia Thailand"

Six steps.


Seven steps...

Shake it all off. 'William' moves on. I don't even put it on my teeth, like the deceased I killed myself. I don't care. No matter what happens on the outside. Isn't there a kiri when you're looking to such a thing?

"... I knew you wouldn't be upset"

There was Al, a brunette boy with tears holding his knees, and Alrett, a brunette maiden comforting it, ahead of him through the herd of the deceased.

"You look pathetic in my face."

Like throwing up, 'William' throws words at 'Al'. You reacted perfectly to that, 'Al' looked up. The face distorts uncomfortably when you see 'William'.

"What's that side?

"William" reaches for his lower back sword. Bitter 'Al', but in the meantime one shadow broke in. "William" frowns.

"Ha, more importantly, do you stand in my way? Sister Alretto!"

"William," who raised his voice mightily, but his hand on the sword of his hips, he does not move.

"You're not me. I am your knight. [M] Not a monster like you."

Clear rejection. That irritates' William '.

"... don't be ridiculous. I guess you wanted me to be who I am now! I'm your knight, so I'm sure I'll clear up your carelessness! That's what we hoped for! That's why I'm here!

"No! Your wish is for me to live well. Even if you take revenge, what are you now? Kill a lot of unrelated people, commit meaningless sins, and I don't even know the face of your enemies yet. Is that your knight? Hey, it doesn't matter!

"Well, that's because it's a necessary step. You're all I have. That's why I have to take more than I've been deprived of."

"Even if the lady wants it, that's just killing Count Vlad. Nothing more or less."

'William' is overstated by 'himself', far smaller and weaker than himself.

"We should have turned back just like Kyle said. You are distorted. Too distorted. I forget my initial wish, I'm just using you as an excuse to do something wrong. There's nothing in it about taking revenge. Even you don't really love me. You can't love people."

Soon behind 'Al' was a pile of dead people made. Boom your grudges and swallow "William," or wait for it to move now or now.

"Bad. You're dead. We will change Vlad. That's it. Then you'll live as well as you wish. to the qualities, cautiously, in three people, Kyle and Favela. Oh, let's be friends with Carl and Rutgard, too. If you die, it's all..."

In the midst of "Al" talking, "William" s thrown sword stabs "Al" s stomach. Stop talking and see 'Al' for 'William'.

"I see. I see. I'm sure you're right. I'm crazy. I'm your knight disqualified.... but what's wrong with that?

My eyes shake just behind the mask. Ruby shines like blood from the neck.

"When I ate your lady, I was born. I thought you were dead then. But you were alive, weren't you? Thus, holding my knees in me and crying... he lay low trying to eat me the other way! Kuha, I can't save you from making it!

"Alretto" stands silently up to protect "Al". "William" smiled.

"Alrett, lady. You always protected me. He's dead... he's got my heart. But I don't need babysitting anymore!

"William" strangles "Alrett". With both arms, like a gentle hug,

"I loved you. I loved you more than everything else in the world. I still love you. Still, that's why I don't use you as an excuse anymore. You shouldn't. My path, even if it was the beginning, is no longer vengeance."

I couldn't help but get distorted. At the beginning, I cut the distortion. I don't feel a minute guilty about taking it away from others. Rather, I even feel joyful. There's no way you can call this business revenge.

"I'll use you as an excuse, lie to you that it's a vendetta, and stop justifying myself. You're me. An excuse in the name of vengeance I slept somewhere in my heart...... but I'm fine now. I'm stronger. I don't care if you're not here anymore."

"Alretto" doesn't break his smile while being strangled. It's a fantasy in the memory of 'William'. Dreams out of reach forever. I want to drown in my dreams. I want to jump into a sweet dream (Alretto). But I can't tolerate William.

"Alrett, are you going to kill the lady!?

The anger of 'Al' strikes' William 'in the ear. I gazed at it, distorting my face.

"Come on, you're willing to kill me and nothing. You're already dead. What's in this hand is a pure dream we had conveniently and only seen the beautiful side. Have you been smiling? Did you love me? No one knows that!

'Al' rocks.

"We don't know, a lady who's a 'florist'. We don't know why you wanted to leave that shack without your money. Have you tried to get to know your face? I was satisfied with only one aspect of the given and turned away from the hard truth. That's me. That's you."

"No! You loved me, and I loved you, too. There was a world for just the two of us! That's why revenge makes sense!

"The art of making sure of it is nowhere else. Hey, you're dead. Before I heard the real word, before I saw the dirty side that maybe existed, the lady died. Of course I'm confident I'll still love you after I find out about it. Even if they don't really love me, I'm confident I'll love them out. But there's no way to know that. The only thing in this hand is a convenient dream!

Without any hesitation, 'William' broke his beloved phantom neck by hand. Making a stiff thirsty noise, 'Alretto' collapses. The scream of 'Al' echoed into this world.

"I don't use you as an excuse. Of course I will inflict the corresponding pain on Vlad who took you. But even then, I do it because I want to. Hate, take. Anger, snatch. Want, take. I'll go crazy as I want."

"William" handfolded the "Alretto" called Revenge.

"You're next. Little boy."

"William" gazed at "Al".

"You're crazy"

"Al" pulled out the sword that stabbed him in the belly and plugged it as far as he could into "William" 's belly. 'William' embraces it unwavering.

"Oh, it's crazy. Keep going...... keep going crazy"

"William" slapped on the side of "Al". Blowing 'Al'.

"You've always been in me. Every time I killed a man, every time I built up my business, you whispered to me. Wrong, shouldn't be. It sometimes gave rise to pain, hesitation. Once upon a time, kindness, love, morality and ethics, that is, conscience, that is you."

'Al' keeps staring at 'William' as he falls and falls.

"You're wrong!

"Maybe. But I'm not gonna stop moving on."

"William" stepped on 'Al' 's head as best he could with his right foot.

"I kept rejecting you guys. I didn't want to see it. There are things in me that keep using you as an excuse, like a normal, normal conscience potential me, like just an old man. I didn't want to admit it."

"William" stomped on Guru and 'Al' 's head. I hear groans. A sense of conquest comes from the toe. Pleasure. Joy (Karma).

"But I will accept you. It's me in the clouds. And I'm the one who stepped on both Qing and Turbidity. The swelling deceased, you stare at me if you don't admit it, and even the excuse, it's all part of me."

Till "William" shifted his gaze, "Allet" with a broken neck was smiling and pointing this way. Look at that. 'William' laughs bitterly and continues.

"Try stopping me if you want to. I'm gonna swell up more. I can't help but be thirsty and thirsty. I can't help but want it. I want that too. I want this too. There's not enough money, there's not enough status, there's nothing I can do but take away the art of filling it."

"William" turns his foot to the herd of the dead. The deceased are bewildered by the unusual.

"Taking away means being filled"

"William" steps on the big favor, Mr. and Mrs. Norman.

"Being filled means winning"

Step on William with red hair.

"What's going on with the view in front of me, where I kept winning, where I was filled? Is that brilliant? Is that warm? Is it black? Are you cold? Is there anything I can be filled with in the first place?

Step on and ascend the numerous deceased. There is no longer any hesitation in its place. Without staring at your steps, your gaze looks straight 'up'. I prove absolute confidence, firm pride, proof that I am who I am, step by step.

"You are... wrong!

The cry of 'Al' is heard from 'below'.

"Come on, scream. Scream. The grudges are blessings, the scratches are applause, the sounding gospel of thunder!

The cries of the deceased ring out. A resentful voice full of hate or a heartbeat that crawls and scratches to avoid being crushed is transmitted from the toe. They all turn into joy and power.

"Whenever I show you a gap, take possession and kill me. If I show weakness, you can go down at any time."

Of course, 'William' is unwilling to show any gaps or weaknesses. But I do. The business I've built up is halfway down the road, and it's only just beginning, and it's so tall. I can't even imagine "William" himself how tall he would be and how many lives he would tread at the dawn when he reached "up" to fill himself.

Therefore this is a commandment. Ask yourself whether or not you can proceed without hesitation by omitting the evil deeds you have committed. The answer, of course...

"It starts here. The world, are you ready? I made it. I'm prepared to devour you of my will. We're starving. We're thirsty. It can only be healed by taking it away, that's 'me'. Born usurper. Come on, my way!

On the tower of the dead, the king reigns. Now the tower is still small, and the king is weak. But this tower will stand far high and wide before it has taken its life and continues to take it. The King's authority to reign on it will be increased indefinitely.

All of them will be the strength of kings.

"I'm not giving up! Stop you one day...... I am!

"Well, I think it's too late, but good luck with that."

More than I've recognized, even 'Al' is no longer only part of the deceased.

"... do whatever you want. Your way, on your feet."

Is the word 'Alretto' or...

"I'm going to. Thanks for your help so far."

"William" thanks. to the presence of 'Alretto' and 'Al'. It took so long to get here that 'William' gained the power to reign over this deceased. Without them, they would have become just beasts once swallowed up.

"Well, come on."

The masked king reigns alone in the tower of the dead.


William slowly opened his eyes. I glance at my face as if to confirm my existence. The irregularities in the mask conveyed the inorganic coolness of the mask to his fingertips.

William checks the status quo. The candle lights are long gone, and outside the tent the sound of the banquet that should have been taking place is gone. On the contrary, almost all sounds disappear, and all you hear is the twitching of the trees.

"... Late at night, huh"

William slipped out of the tent.

A dark night with little vision. star glitter and other distant and fine.

"... visible"

William walks out slowly. Walk out of the formations that set up in the mountains and walk alone on nights when even the beast sleeps. The walk is not that of the dark night. The feet stepped out without hesitation step firmly on the earth. Walk on uneven ground as if it were a flat ground.

"... I can hear you"

William plays like a dancer. The music is an orchestra of night breezes and trees.

"Smell standing"

The mountains are full of smell. The smell of earth, the incense of trees, the smell of man and iron in the distance, and the scent of dotted blood. Full of fragrance, the world is full of smell.

"So much, so much!?

Everything you see is new. Everything you listen to is vivid. Everything you smell is vibrant. What you touch and probably feel with your tongue has been refreshed. The world was so degenerate. The more the scenery just burned my eyes, the more I danced with just a sound, the more I was about to ascend with just a fragrance, the sharper everything was.

"Ku, ku ha. That's terrible, Kyle! You've been watching this view. You felt the world like this. That's sloppy, you guys!

The world is so beautiful.


The world is so fragrant.

"This is the world you were looking at... beautiful..."

Massive numbers of deceased overflow from masked men. Herd of bodies. King of the deceased surrounded and reigned by it.

"- You're cruel and shit! Ugly, annoying, stinking! But good, that's good, that's good! I'll smear this beautiful world with a fucking miso. I have all this beautiful, glowing, ugly, rotten stuff in my hands, and I will leave you with nothing. It's all mine!

William Lewius reigns.

"Come on, world. Let's get started! I'll eat or be eaten, let's fight!

Take everything away, things, births.

"- What? What now?

"Change the operation. I'm doing great today."

William wants to pound his head on Carl with a blushing look on his face.

"Trust me."

Carl was anxious that William's atmosphere was different from that of yesterday. Still, Carl just has to believe in William. I just have to snort.

"Thank you. I'll live up to your trust."

Carl's anxiety is, how does it fall?

"... just kidding, right?

There was an incredible sight in front of Ignaz.

Arcadia's flag hits the top of the mountain. On the map it is the territory of Tyre, a land that Arcadia has never invaded before. Now, that may be temporary but it was falling into Arcadia's hands.

Just one base, just one mountain. But if it was only a team of ten that took it, the story would be different.

"Sure, I didn't pack it that far, but still, can a team of just ten do this far?

It was not to everyone's knowledge that they could not afford the power of war by making it small. Still no one thinks the base can be dropped. It may not be impossible with the total power of the Hundreds, but when the risk was too great, he was on two feet.

"I don't mind. We're at war. There's nothing wrong with winning."

Frontline with enemy countries. I don't know what's inside of it. I don't know exactly how many troops there are. That's why, normally, we can't take this risk. Even the Hundreds are difficult. It's not a sanity shack in the Ten.

"Looking at the placement over the last few days, the troop strength, I can see the roughly packed number of people. I haven't been pushed so far to a disadvantage, and I didn't increase my defense, I couldn't increase it. Because there wasn't a soldier to break."

At William's feet, his body rolls.

"This guy misbehaved. We should have abandoned the shame and the outside world and concentrated all our forces on the base. That's how I couldn't drop it. It's stuffy not to do that. Pride and this guy's wrong pride."

William gazes at his neck, which is lined up. That was the neck of a hundred captains who had withdrawn William the day before. The others in line were the ten captains who were protecting their strongholds.

"He stepped on me that he could beat me, so he was just like yesterday, forming a party and welcoming his enemies in the middle of the battlefield. You misjudged us."

William took his gaze off seemingly uninterested. William's interest is no longer there.

"So I lost"

William was right. In roughly the same place as yesterday, formations were formed just like yesterday, and unlike yesterday, they were ambushed by the Williams. And lost.

(It was a moment. For a moment until Mr. William's sword scratches the throat of that hundred captains. Something is different. Honestly, Mr. William is scary today. It's beautiful.)

Is this in a special condition just for today? Or will it continue? No one knows that. There's only one thing I know.

"Dear Carl. Let's win, for the Taylor family. I'll do my best, too."

"Ugh, yeah."

William reaches for the sky.

"Let's keep winning"

That one base of tires was dropped by just ten troops. That a hundred captains were debated. It means Arcadia won.

Prior to this, the name of the undefeated Karl Ten will vanish the meaning of the contempt that has been in it, and will be named Arcadia's strongest Ten. The battlefield with the addition of the Karl Ten wins. That's what they say.