Tower of Karma

King's Conference: Prelude

Galias is a relatively new country among the Seven Kingdoms. That came to be said of the superpower, when the earlier king, the "Wu Wang", left Aquitania, Ostberg, which was then luxurious, and later the "Innovation King" created the superpower's catachy. We've only been here for two generations in the last hundred years or so. The present king has been on the throne for more than half a century. It continues to reign as an absolute being now.

It is the presence of Wolterior, the king's capital, which must not be forgotten in decorating its garias. The reason why the superpowers are superpowers is that it was in the grandeur of Ulterior, which is regarded as the best city in the world.

"This is Garias Ulterior... too different"

Once every four years, the King's Council is held around the Seven Kingdoms. Its participants are accustomed to seeing it if it is the king's capital in line. Even cities that are developing out of step over their own countries are not a big surprise to them with fat eyes. But Ulterior outdid them entirely. 'Maximum' if it stands for that city in a nutshell, it runs out of this.

Huge buildings, including the Royal Palace Tulane, the largest building in the world. They emit a presence, even from a distance, as if that's what you see in the mountains. As for this era, the architecture, which is not standard size, large but not flavorful and built in, is just spectacular. The Royal Palace of White Asia, Tulane, was the largest work of art in the world.

"... Gallias has no enemies. Twenty-eight years ago."

For the first time in twenty-eight years, the King's Council returned to Gallias. It will be a festival showing national authority and will celebrate the two weeks in which the King's Council will take place by naming the country. And let them know who's the best.

The outsiders who walk in the king's capital, Ulterior, constrict and walk round their backs. The city itself pushes our own dwarf. The heavy pressures unleashed by the city, that was just what I had to say about beauty.

There were many royal nobles gathered in the city of Ulterior. Some were overwhelmed by Ulterior; others walked majestically through Ulterior, tried to devour its beauty, and overwhelmed all of them.

They are also marches on their backs. I can't show you anything to be ashamed of, and sometimes it's too much of a problem.

And if the bloodthirsty meet each other...

"This is the passage of our country, you may retreat!

"You are the ones who stand back! Who do you think we are?

This is what happens. Immediate, armed forces will storm easily out of the heavy responsibility of bearing the nation. War is not allowed, but we can do it if we fight.

Rather, it is so much so that there is even a culture that glorifies it.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's Master Lydiane you scheduled. I move things deliberately. Look, there's a lot of fuss over there and here."

Yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya. The people of Galias also like festivals without leaking into examples. The biggest festival in the world, its prelude, was the opening of the best.

"Ooh, isn't that the former superpower Nedeluxe? I wonder if we can clear the way."

"Don't be ridiculous! There's a national style! Point the blade at the Seven Kingdoms!

The blue country, Nedeluxe, and I had a bowl full of...

"There will be a place in the Seven Kingdoms... but you guys in" Now "are very different from that one."

Aquitania, a nation of Gallias and, until half a century ago, second as the Seven Kingdoms. Ostberg, owned by Strakles, Garias, put together by the King of Wu Wang for vandalism and innovation, and in a position surrounded by the barbarians of the East, had to become a dependent country, but even now, if only for national power, it is not the ratio of Saint Bart or Saint Lawrence. It was one of the nations called the Quasi-Seven Kingdoms.

"Oh, my God. It's so noisy. - That's why I don't like it anymore. Hey, it's the King's Council. It's painful, it's getting hot for nothing... don't you think it's stupid? Hmm?"

It was Rudolph Les Hersburg, "Blue Guido," the successor to the House of Hersburg, proud of Nederks, who snuck his face out of the carriage. Next door also follows his usual offering, the 'Reaper' line berka.

"The character of the country is better that way. Woohoo, wonderful...... uh, what a country is that?

"How rude of you, Aoyagi. Shall I carve you some manners?"

The Aquitanian side pulls out the sword. Seeing that, the Nederks side also pulled out their swords.

"Which is disrespectful, Aquitanian general!

"I don't know his name, but he says it's rude, Lord Rheinberga of Reaper."

The moment the man leading Aquitania pulled out a very long sword, the enthusiasm of everyone on the spot awakened at once. Lineberka's eyes narrow.

"I see this temper as Lord Garonne of The Dragon Killer."

"I mean, a dragon. He was a big lizard. Hey. I don't even throw up fire. Oriental. So they're kept as livestock, right?

A fighting spirit that sprays clouds with a glance. It's just a little bit of a battle posture. A man of the martial arts who has long fought on the front lines as a breakwater against the barbarians of the East. I have also participated in battles against Ostberg and have exchanged blades with Strakles on several occasions.

"So, are you going to retreat? Aren't you going to leave?

Nedeluxe side under barometric pressure by Garonne's fighting temper.

"Rheinberga, helm!

Rudolph's voice runs. It's the Nederks side that amazes me. Above all, Rheinberga was surprised. On this occasion, I ask you to fight as Reaper.

"Is it good?

"Of course. You could have left if you wanted, but you couldn't have left without being intimidated. Little fight, just one old man dying."

"... ok"

Rheinberga decided to take the black helm that was handed to his men.

"It will ravage."

Wearing a helm, his sight enveloped in darkness...

"That's it! Retreat both blades."

A vivid voice controlled the place. Rheinberga also stomps at the falling critical. Garonne also laid down her blade again and knelt down to the voice.

"Garonne, play as much as you want. Don't let the festival fever overtake anyone else."

I don't see the sun or the face of the man who suddenly showed up. Should I say that the rear light is shining?

"Well, you sound like someone who understands the story. Name, shall I ask you?

Rheinberga looked surprised at Rudolph's reaction. Because it is rare for Rudolph to be interested in others. I showed a low profile of asking others names, etc., which was only enough to count even in Rheinberga's memory.

"Galerius, Galerius de Aquitania. Their leader."

Rudolph meets lightly. Seeing that, Galerius also bowed his head again. The boldness of being king of Aquitania but easily lowering his head.

"It's Rudolph Les Hersburg. Nice to meet you."

If you act short here, that's what scratches the name of the country. Aside from whether Rudolph thought that far, a man named Galerius was definitely not in line.

"Then excuse me first, Galerius of Aquitania and... uncle"

"It's Garonne. You're rude, but you're not."

The Nedeluxe carriage takes precedence. Aquitanian faces took the form of dropping it off. Though the form of stopping the fight, some of my men will not be able to accept this. Still, I think Galerius and Gallonne were right about this.

"Is that the Reaper? Hey... that's dangerous."

"Right. The moment the abyss swept, the cold sweat couldn't stop."

If Reaper had appeared, that would have made this place a sea of blood. Even if we eventually did, that shouldn't have fallen within the scope of the fight. As for Garonne, I wanted to take a peek at Reaper, but the late provocation, a man named Aoyagi, who was about to suck it up and cause irrevocable things...

"Fool or wise...... a man named Rudolph can't see the bottom again"

"So, there is."

As a result of the attempt to determine the product, it was more difficult to define the product.

the predecessor Nederks side,

"No, that's quite a tingle. Glad Rheinberga didn't run wild."

"I even tried to ramble you, boy!

"I don't care about that."

Rudolph peeks out the window frame without glorifying Rheinberga's scratches.

"They were a masterpiece. The general who's above those two in the sense of total strength probably isn't in Nederks, is he? And now, that's what they're doing in this country. Don't you dare think about Marslan or Jacqueline, the meaning that brought you together."

At the end of Rudolph's gaze are lined young men of red, white and black.

"You can't just be chasing Sangu's back. You have to understand that the result of continuing to follow my ancestor's back is now Nedeluxe. Look for intentions to exceed and ways to exceed them during this meeting. That would be a good inspiration. Especially this time."

Rudolph haunts. Now this Ulterior is filled with monsters from all over the country. Rudolph dared bring under it, not the Three Nobles, to see what he could absorb from it and what he could draw from it. We need to see what that means now.

In front of the Queen of the Red Lotus there was a line of inflexible men.

"I understood we were guests, too?

Men with a slight grin. The man who stood at the center of it twitched his luxurious fur and advanced a step forward. An affront stuck on its face, blue muscles rush to Baylin's face, who sees it and refrains from flanking it.

"Guests have taste, princess of the island country."

Men laughing. Big laughter was also contagious to the citizens of Ulterior.

"I see, you don't think we have enough character to take on the Seven Kingdoms?

"I don't know about San Baltic. Attached to Garias, it's just the hub of the deal. To the point of destroying such a country, don't think it's the same as us rooting in our great land of Laurencia, little girl, it's not the same history you've been walking in!

Yan Yan Yan A man who takes a drink. To that upset face...

"I learned. Thank you, a man whose name I don't even know.... Baylin, Medraut, give him a thank you"

"Oui!" "Yes, sir."

Two knights moving forward by decree of the Queen of the Red Lotus. Baylin is short of Medraut anyway. Something that erupted when I saw that appearance, something that would blow a finger whistle and tear it up, a whirlpool of mockery was born.

"Sir Baylin. I know you're pretty. On top of that, please.... All of these guys come to me!

"... don't get wet. Be the man in the center. You're used to fighting."

"If you want to be big and strong, I can't be a knight."

What Medraut most loathes is a mockery of himself. Apollonia, the Lord, doesn't move emotions much no matter what they say, except when it comes to herself. Especially when it comes to shaping.

"You have to kill me, you can do anything!

It will require a corresponding consideration.

"This is too much, Master Lydiane... you can't just have this bowl full of whatever it takes."

Three giant stars tread together. The out-of-digit heat swells the perimeter.

Strakles of Ostberg's Grand General 'Black Gold', El Sid of Estado's Leading General 'Heavy Sun', and Welkingetrics, the King 'King of Heroes' proud of Saint Lawrence. The talent that solidifies their sides is also extravagant. All the delicacies that each person can culminate in in in a normal country. The presence of the three of them is so blurred.

"Long time no see, muscular idiots are too young to make"

"You've aged a while, Strakless. Isn't it time to die of aging?

"Don't line up your angry faces. You want me to kill you?

Only this occasion was beyond the air of the festival. Everyone hesitates to open their mouths, and the space to stick around silently is heterogeneous. Their men kept their mouths shut uniformly, enduring the feeling that they were about to be crushed. How desperate would this pressure be just in front of you, before you on the battlefield as an enemy?

"Let's just go. Welkingetrics. It's time to get some rest."

A man who walked gently through the air and broke in between the three of them. Strakles and El Sid face changes. Strakles is interested, and El Sid is...

"That's all they did, and you're still standing in front of me, weak boy."

intent to kill. Elvira and Dino, his men, who were genuinely intent on killing, and Strakles also had their surprise gaze on them. The urge to kill while on the battlefield, the beginning and end of something shivering and bluishing even what you're looking at far away, or even leaking your piss. The man who asks how it goes also

"This is awesome. If I get hit directly with that one, I'm gonna faint."

I felt pity for a man who was being bathed directly. Not even a hundred generals of Garias would be able to kill with all that strength and concentration. Even the great army would shrug their legs if it were on the battlefield, that kind of gravity was in them.

"Thank you for that verse. I studied. Seriously, I even appreciate it"

Take all the intent to kill, and still the man moves on. In front of El Sid's eyes, within reach of the blade, the man stopped. El Sid doesn't even make his inner moves in the yawn. He hands on his own gain. When I cut him off at any time, it was outrageous.

"Thank you on the battlefield. I still can't win right now... well watch, I'll catch up soon"

And you pass next to El Sid. El Sid narrowed his eyes and untied the hand that held his own gain. Look at that, Dino and Elvira pass the man too.

"I see. Desiderio and Selfimo can't win. This is..."

A black man broke into the dominated space of the three great stars. And left a presence. El Sid, who was so full of killing intentions, stops the blade. Few things can understand that anomaly. Now, the walk, the attitude, definitely to the man...

"Is this Wolf from Black Wolf?"

The audience was overwhelmed. to its vibrant atmosphere. Only for a moment, just for a moment, three giant stars disappeared from their sight. I don't know how awesome that is.

"A new era, huh? You're strangling yourself, Welkingetriksu."

"I want you to thank me. It must be the best gift for you. Crazy warrior."

El Sid smiling at the garlic. The lad who escaped himself extended his strength greatly over one winter. Good fortune that the escaped destination was the territory of the Hero King. The vitality that attracted it. There is no longer room for doubt. El Sid thanks heaven.

"It's going to be a good time, old man."

"I don't know if you're getting old... but what are you doing, young man?"

"No, it's nothing. I'll let you go first. We have to eat each other somehow."

"Keep your head down. I'm still in full swing, but now I'm at my peak."

"You can yell at a guy who's twitched to the point of words. I'm always the strongest."

"I don't like this way of talking from the time of the kid!

Some giants make their minds jump at the onslaught of the new era, while others have fears of the new era. Their horror is that they can be the driving force behind all emotional movements, positive or negative. They are strong. Still unquestionably strong. And we will continue to be strong. A new era that is half-breed would be easily swallowed.

"You're gonna twist me!

The strongest are still these three. Those who rocked their castle still have zero.

Apollonia's gaze was neither in the place where the three great stars gathered nor in his own men. Young newcomers fully representing the strength of Garnian knights. A coalition state of pirates north of Nederks ravaged and exclaimed by one of his. Apollonia's interest is not there either.

"Don't tremble. You'll see on this occasion. My beloved enemy."

Apollonia's eyes were in heat. Baylin knew the color of those eyes. Apollonia's eyes as she looked at the continent, her hunches getting stronger every day, and Ark's news lit Apollonia's hunch. I have the culprit of that hunch. That's not a giant star.

"I want to see you now. Hurry up, Baylin! Medraut should be there by then. Free time is over!

Medraut, who is stepping on the man who is the head of the scene, walks towards Apollonia with it in his foot. No one had an audience to tear them up already. Garnian knights, they showed their strength in many ways. Above all, it's horrible how much power you have in an anonymous medlaut.

Arkland walks. To those with a hunch.

"Shit, don't make it look so good."

Wolf was also turning his gaze to those who Apollonia was watching. The breadth of the dominant area that Wolfe doesn't even have. The atmosphere is likely to overshadow the ulterior.

"Damn, you're not losing. Hello."

I don't think strength is losing. But I don't even think I'm standing up there. Strong but weak, strong but unbeatable. Now the Black Wolf was convinced that the defeat that had existed in the past, the difference that had existed at that time, had not narrowed.

This one stretched its power. That man...

"Boy, what's this chill?

Rudolph had a distorted grin.

"As of when I had a hunch, it was real. At that point, I could have killed him just by bumping Rheinberga. It would have been a bad idea to take a sword rider and a sword ghost without it."

I had a hunch. I bumped Wolf for that. But Rudolph thinks even those hands were hand wet. The root that now releases enough atmosphere to cover Ulterior is the man who should have been able to kill then. I couldn't have killed him then, that's the kind of man I was.

"My bad luck. Nedeluxe has raised so many monsters next door."

The first hand, if you don't even screw it up...

"Did you brush it all winter?"

Strakles makes a difficult face. Being a samurai, I am full of joy. Sexual roots are better than El Sid. Still, the heaviest thing for me now was screaming.

"Hey twitch...... strakless. Actually, Lester just bought me some Garias treats. Eving ate half of it, don't you think?

Strakles smiles with a rugged face.

"Let's have it"

A giant star that is being born just above Ostberg. The more we compare to ourselves if only in scope anymore. And the intensity I feel is rising again. (i) I was no longer the opponent I could handle with a machete. Everything was higher than it was a winter ago during the war.

"Well, is this the White Knight? No, it's more than a rumor."

Identify the man whose hero king would be the flag bearer of the new era.

"Don't worry about it. Large but shallow. Not my taste."

The fierce sun trumps the glow of the nova.

Be good, be bad, the world will scratch.