Tower of Karma

King's Conference: Various Perspectives

"... it was harder to get rid of those guys than they did"

"You're close, aren't you?"

"Please don't. And the language."

"Nobility, what is it?"

"Oh. But that's the power I got later. Blood, it's the same red as yours, and your hair is white, but it's the same black as yours. Nothing's gonna change."

".................. Yes"

An attitude that is hard to soften when you say it with your mouth. I don't have a choice, but William thinks he wants the kind of momentum he had when he was hit. It was his name to get rid of the enemy, and he wasn't even willing to intimidate them.

Everybody, please.

"It's part of what you're asked. You can do as you've always done with that money. People decrease, but they increase again. Less, more, that's the deal. You don't have to. [M] I'm free."

William had decided to pick up some children at the cost of a breakdown. Sister can say, "You know what the market is, kid?" He says, "I'll decide what the value is. Build me a split. What do you want me to do, make it cheap?" It was just then that I cut back and made you even more frightened.

"... Freedom. Ah. I don't know what to do. No."

"Whatever you want. No more heavy loads. I can do whatever I want with my profession."

William was looking at the world with a distant eye. A red sunset, I saw my sister's phantom ahead. Just because she got her freedom doesn't mean her sister will be saved. It would be rude to obsess with those who are no longer there and see her through it. Still, he...

"I've never thought of those kids as a burden, Because it's an important 'family'. And I don't hate my job right now."


Misha laughs bitterly when she sees William staring with a heartfelt surprised eye.

"Guys look pathetic, but I'm going to be using my weapon to fight with all my might. Look, you're quite beautiful, me. Whatever you say yourself...... so I'm not going to stop. Such a good job, there's nothing else."

"... a weapon, or"

"Yes, a woman's weapon. Well, there's a pathetic story inside. Lots of hard stuff too. But I'm sure that, with any profession, this job isn't the only one that's particularly hard. Well, I know I can see it with weird eyes. Because I have pride in my work. It's still number one, I'm..."

Seeing Misha stretching her chest more and more, the statue of Alrett in William sways. Maybe my sister was fighting the same way. Weren't you trying to crawl up using a weapon you could hold? I have nothing to know. There is no way to know.

But today, William found out. The strength of women, their sagginess.

"Right. Thank you, Misha. I was saved a little, just a little, knowing that there was a way of saying that in your presence. Thanks to you."

"... it's this way to thank you"

"Really. Kuck, you still have a better tone over there. It feels pretty good to be crushed."

"Shit! Guests will never waver, me."

"Because it's number one?


William sees the face of his late sister in Misha. People have many sides. This woman also uses different faces. I guess it's arrogant to try to find out all about them.

"And with the money I earned, I thought I'd, uh, study, do it. Now, though."

"... if you're not tired, after noon. But shall I teach you? I was just free, and I was going to teach the kids to some extent. I'd like to see some aptitude. The first generation, so you'll want to leave a good example."

"Really!?... then sweeten to your words"

"Then. Never mind."

"Yeah, then I don't care"

Or two laughing at each other.

"I'll go check on Claude and the others someday."

"You're always welcome if you don't spoil it"

Take me to a delicious diner in Arkas.

"I'll take you to the store that serves the worst stew in Arkas."

"What's that?"

"Really. Wonder why it didn't crumble."

The distance between them is close. So we illuminate each other. A man who sees his sister's phantom in a girl. A maiden who sees a close generation of boys who have saved me from a situation I can't help. Close but far away. Besides, it's not that far into the future that one side realizes. And the day the other one realizes...

"- In this way the letters in Arcadia and the letters of Ostberg, in the letters of Gaglias, are very different even if they are arranged with letters of the same meaning. But there are parts that are similar, so if you master two, three and letters and it's just in Laurencia, you'll know the approximate meaning"

Until earlier, I was doing a simple arithmetic, and now I was doing a class on the intention of arranging various letters and making them familiar with the letters first. The kids originally had a mixed class with Misha. For some reason, Wolfe was in it, too, saying "Hmm."

"I have various theories about the composition of the letters in the first place, but let me share something that I personally found interesting. It's a little out of line."

When I say study, I mean dots, lines, shapes.

"I'm talking about Mukashimaki. He said that there was a technological system in this world called witchcraft, which had to be done in the business of men. So much so that even the words were going through it."


Wolf students also ignore making tea.

"They said that simple sorcery was something anyone could use, but difficult sorcery, military or research, and that sort of thing had an inherent technique in various countries, a form that had piled up, and it was completely separate. They said if the country was different, the roots would be different."

"I want to use majutsu"

"I wonder if we could have had a fire or something."

"Oh, hey, put it on, brother!

Say chat. Study. William slaps his unconcentrated Claude in the head.

"People who lost their witchcraft because of all sorts of things even lost their conversation. Existing letters and words were only giving meaning via witchcraft, and if they lost it, they were so fragmented, just graffiti, and not systematized. So what people looked at was the symbol used in the sorcery ceremony. It was regular and there was also a common perception. If we alter this, we can acquire the art of communicating intentions, even to a certain level of knowledge, not least in that country. That's how it was born: characters specific to each country. At first, words were as unique to each country as letters. Even now, there are still countries that say that so that words do not make sense in my homeland, Lucitania, and in the other seven kingdoms. Any one of them will be united. Same as that, and I think the letters will eventually be unified"


"Wouldn't it be inconvenient if the words didn't make sense?


"Same thing. It's also inconvenient that the letters don't go through. Then let's all use the same thing, be. It takes a lot of work to unify, but if it's going to be convenient beyond that, it's people who do it."

"Well, I never thought about it."

Wolf, you're really retarded.

"I'll kill you, Cass."

"Try it, bokeh."

Two people who instantly transform it into a one-touch atmosphere. Misha holds her head, the unfamiliar children are surprised, and Claude looks at the two with sparkling eyes.

"Okay. That was just a theory, but I think I'm the most powerful. The reason for this is that the fire, water, wind, soil, thunder in each country, line these come to mind"

"Oh, you're almost there!

"The Five Elements of Magic, the Basic Ki, are. The fact that it is about the same, that the real roots are the same, is why I support the theory that sounds like a blitzed story, and considering this as fundamental, we can also see the common denominator in the letters of each country, which are their derivatives. That's what holding down the roots means. Any thing, yes, the fact that you can't see just the tip, becomes apparent when you look at the roots. Again and again, I can't see it now even if I only look at the roots"

Wolfe was listening to William with a serious face. So much so that I don't think of myself as a man who had made tea earlier.

"Is that the root of Temeer?"

"That's the thing. It's only a matter of remembering the letters of Garias. Applying it in other countries will require a variety of perspectives. The points that correspond to different angles, if you hold down the main points, they'll also link you to nature and other points, right? That's the root."

Basics of thinking. This is how William has thought and perceived things, not just in his studies. Collecting dots is important, but collecting the same dots, the same angles, and all the same lines can only be lines. New things are born for the first time, gathering and connecting different points in another field, another angle, another direction.

"Everyone is free to make this today just a chat or not. Well, at the end of the day, let's finish the class so we can write the Garias letters of the five elements."

"" Yes ""

What a lonely thing to say that the two adults replied most energetically, but William went into the closing of the class.