Tower of Karma

True Giant Star vs. Nova: Farewell Hero

A man named Strakles was born as a warrior. Twist with force the discrimination that you are from a annexed defeated country and push through your own dialect as well. I ran up a country called Ostberg. By the time the Great General of Time laid eyes on him, educated him, and fought as a flank, everyone had admitted he was special. Strakles, whose predecessors were discussed and whose grief was further grown to feed. So much so that there was no one else to blame for him becoming a grand general.

flesh blessed with 'second' on this earth. Sense for rare martial arts. And the environment prepared by the great predecessors elevated Strakles to a giant star. The Great General of Ostberg, with his weight, Strakles has lived.

It doesn't matter whether the king is a fool or not. You can push yourself through even if you want to be shown the wrong way. I tried to be a grand general by the time I was foolish. I imitated it to my predecessors and tried to be the perfect Grand General. I didn't have time to marry my wife and have children. The end of the north, the end of the south, has been swamped with battles to the west and east.

"My mother of this is dead. Let one crack go wild, and I'll do this to you."

The turning point came suddenly. He was a king with no major flaws in politics, but his personal life was a darkness itself. The king made many sons. The reason for this is distorted. I enjoyed watching the seeds of political strife. When I grew tired of the play, I was brought to the king by two children conceived by a woman whose name I did not remember.

The king saw the two of them and came up with a play. I thought I'd push you to a grand general without children. A man named Strakles who was admired by the people more than he was, had thick letters from the soldiers, and was above all the strongest. For a king with a twisted personality, that was unforgivable, and he was always harassing me. This is also part of it.

For the record, I didn't need another one so I was dumped in the mountains. It is later Eving.

"What am I supposed to do now?

He took the baby from him, who could not even walk alone because of his royal decree. Strakless that puts the baby over your head and stops you on your way.

"Berger, how did you grow up at your place?

"My lord, men parents don't raise children in the first place. It's a woman's job."

"I don't have a wife. And I am not willing to entrust the king's blood to anyone who knows no horsebone. Well, what should we do? Let's just get some advice from a woman at Ohnshin's Mansion."

"Or are you going to grow it at His Excellency's hands!?

"That's the king's life, then. I don't want to be different!

Not speaking to politics as a general, the king's life is absolutely abided by. It is the duty of the Grand General to fulfill it, even if it was wrong, and to let him know that his royal life was on the right path. Obviously the wrong royal life, Strakles stupidly tried to do it.

"Can't he do shit himself? Discipline yourself, why?"

"My lord, that's what a baby is all about"

Strapless with a chastisement.

"You don't have the guts to stand up! I stood six months old!

"My lord, it's just that your lord is a monster"

Strakles scolding the standing and the baby.

"Hot. Bright red. What's happening, Berger!

"My lord, it would just be a cold. If you stay calm, you'll be cured."

"What's a cold, then?

"... No way, my lord, I've caught a cold"

Strakles to the right and left to an unknown disease.

Strakles was raising a baby in discipline. Sometimes I even took him to the battlefield and put him on my back and ran around the battlefield. Strakles at the time speaks. I couldn't find anything safer than my own back, he said.

Clumsily, but politely, Strakles carries out his royal life with all his body and spirit. Years later, when I had wisdom such as depositing it in a trustworthy subordinate's house (Gunter). Parenting, which would be roughly the furthest from a monster named Strakless, was sprouting what was in Strakless.

"No, Kimon can't help me. No."

"Kimowoon! Fix it there, he slaps me!

"My lord, do not stir up my son! Don't even laugh at the lieutenant general!

Relationships like parents and children. But Strakles hardly defined the prince as his own family. By the time the heart was in place and the ego had sprouted, so much so that we had kept our distance little by little. As time went on, the number of days I kept it in another person's house grew more numerous.

Still, Ernst smiles with the brightest smile in the world when Strakles shows his face. Look at that. Something in the strakless shakes. I can't tell if it's something I can or shouldn't shake.

Strakles was afraid. Feel like you're not who you are anymore. Finally brought him closer to the ideal general. Because I felt like I was far from that ideal. Because I somehow perceived the danger of letting myself down to that thought.

Strakles didn't notice. That it was too late.

"Isn't Djuji my father?

"... Your Highness, Your Highness's father is the king of this country. I'm just gonna take care of you."

"Better than a king I've never met."


And what did he say at this time? The best part of me had changed a long time ago. I know and I turned a blind eye. That is for both. Either way, you have to live as one of the royalty. With that kind of excuse...

But when the previous king lay down sick and the issue of succession arose, Strakles moved faster than anyone else. It used the absolute pillar of a giant star, the symbol of Ostberg's force, and all its titles. Ernst. I also have personal talent. It was no other strakless that held back the bouncing royals with force.

Who can prevent it? That the royal family of the giant stars will stand.

"Excuse me, General. I have invaded the warrior's territory. General, you must be disqualified."

Strakles laughs bitterly. History tells nothing. Just staring at Strakless. That was the heavy pressure. I was proud of myself for the heavy pressure. I wanted to be hailed alongside them in the history of Ostberg, where I would also line up.

"Still, I've got something I want to protect. Thank you for being so busy, such a thug, such a big general, and for letting me carry you. But that's number two..."

Strakles opens his eyes. See the bloodstained scenery. Enemies in front of you, arms sealed, wind holes in your chest. Still don't feel like losing. I am the Grand General, my father, and I am Ji-Ji. Protect the best. Protect number two. What's so arrogant about it?

"I don't have to be a general."

William perceives the atmosphere and takes a distance. Instantly starting out plans for swords, bows and pursuits. They were crushed by the pressure emanating from the man.

"I will protect my beloved son, not because he is a king, but as a single parent!

Strakless pressure wrapped William.

"As a result, this country is protected. I get the best and the second. What's the complaint? I am Struckles, Laurencia's strongest general!

Huge black gold was unleashed that crushed everything. I am no longer lost. Let the man in front of you screw everything up, such as the little worker rolling out. You just have to hope with that temper. I've got everything I wanted on the battlefield. I'll get it again this time. Everything.

"... I see"

The atmosphere of the intercepting white knight


A cold grin distorted his appearance.

The penetration of the Strakless, its power was still a powerful hit, making one arm incapable. As soon as William showed the structure of stepping from the front, a vast wall of intent to kill stuck in front of him. William changes direction immediately and takes evasive action, not an attack. The instant judgment, even for a moment, was delayed, but at the end of the day...

"Give it back with one arm."

"Smart little man!

He was desperate with a blow through the place where his torso was. Both destructive, instantaneous, and reaction speeds were untouchable by even one arm. Unbelievable trajectory wielding huge chunks of iron. A roar runs through the sky.

"Ha, I envy you. I wanted that power, too."

William watched the power with envy. See, scratch. See, distract. Awesome sound and shock. Even in the distance, my skin is so wary that it trembles. Jumping into that, that is, death. Yet what comes to William's attention is jealousy and giving up. Exceptional, cold eyes.

"You're just gonna die!

There is no fear. No fine dust. With death so close, it should be noted that there was no single retrograde reflex that emerged from fear. Bones snap, meat chops a thousand. It should be possible to create a gap from pain, a full-blown creation. And yet they're walking flat. Many times, to the dead.

"I still want it. That much body and martial arts talent, how easy my path would have been if I had held it together. I'm scared. Ha, really, it's good to have 'none'"

Cold. Too cold a void.

"I want it but I don't need it. You know what I mean? I learned from scratch because I didn't. I was able to build it up carefully and carefully. What did you do? So I can't see."

"Crap. On the battlefield, the strong win, that's all!

"Exactly. I think so too."

Strakless dripping blood from his chest, but still continuing to rush. He understands, too. It is the same for me to die of a moment of alarm. If you cower, you die, if you shake, if you retreat, you die.

"But that's not all. Don't you think?

William releases his sword aiming at Strakles' left arm in the vicinity of the dead. This was also the last line as a strakless, I couldn't go and avoid it just a little bit excessively. William fills that moment. Struckles glanced at William's arm and sealed his sword. William, let's go. Now we've sealed each other up. Hands with swords.

"The greedy... can't win. It's not limited to the battlefield."

William grabs the arrow he left from his back. I stuck that in Strakless's neck. Small moves, early work, strapless don't happen to take the distance. So...

"Oh, I've craved my life."

William struck a blow all over his body. Black gold is cut off into a single letter, and the bloodbath dances.


Heavy armor, thick meat to support it. William's blow did not extend to turning down Strakles. Strakless's payback is - a right arm that shouldn't be available. He erased the great step distance and slammed his clenched iron fist into William's face.

"Gu, ha ha ha!

William dares to take it forward. My mouth is cut all over, and my nose is broken. Blood erupts from both. Strakles was stunned by William's advance. Even though he was injured, his fist is not sane enough to take it forward.

"Don't be afraid of death!

"Death is salvation. You're not happy enough to think you're scared of death."

William says no to one more sword, this time hanging. Deep this time, it even reached the meat at the end of the armor. Extreme state, standing in the abyss of death, Strakles finally saw the true nature of a man named William. Vain like swallowing everything is not desire. Something is there to swallow even such cheap values. That's the same feeling I felt when I first met that man long ago.

"What scares me is stopping. Compromise, it's against our path. You said you'd conquer two paths. Really greedy. From what I've thrown away everything, you're too arrogant, giant."

William, let's go. Standing in the abyss of death, dealing with giants, distorting their appearance cold.

"The path that protects Ernst and pierces the Grand General. The two do not overlap. I shouldn't have made Ernst king if I'd defended him best. We should have abandoned the Grand General, kept protecting him from the royal family, from Ostberg, far from the turmoil, and searched for a place of peace. That's the best part. If we were to take the Grand General, it would have been best to abandon Ernst, the source of the sway. Your compromise, Struckles. Did you think you could do it by compromising? It's sweet."

William attacks with a motion in which he completely ignores the screams of his flesh. The movement, almost equivalent to the initial perfection, has not really reached its end, but it appears so in the eyes of Strakless in the extreme. There was heat on the battlefield. It was me who had that fever more than anyone else. Hence the giant star. General Henno. Yet this man has no fever. On the contrary, they eat fever.

Only means. No martial arts, no battlefield, not even this battle, are only means to grasp heaven.

"I threw everything away! My best friend, my love, my happiness, I slashed everything away! All I have left is the road. Purely, that's all I live for"

"I don't understand! So what are you fighting for?


The phantom of that champion flickers in Strakles' eyes. And not in a tough young age, but a mature, complete monster back then as a king. I believe it is my responsibility to look to heaven that we do not understand and guide people.

Innovation King Gaius and this man are to be worn.

"The beginning was my greed. It was a runoff from loss. You must have seen it too, that beast was my true nature, that weak self couldn't stand the void, that crazy, rampant dwarf, greedy, fool was me. I have sinned. I slashed many of them. Many fell into it. I let him kill many, I let him kill many. I remember everything. I remember everything since I first started stealing it. Because I'm weak, I don't even have the strength to forget."

Since when, that king of desire filled with greed, began to walk down the road with an enlightened face. When was it that we were grasping something enough to give up heaven? Being held hostage by a giant star and reigning as an absolute on the battlefield, we were always the losers of that man. Welkingetrics admitted it and El Sid didn't want to admit it but stopped moving. I gave up the pinnacle, I compromised.

"You won't see it. Such as the appearance of an unknown miscellaneous soldier who died in this battle. The path you have taken so far, the numerous losses behind which you will never be known the name of a coalition. Each of them has a story to tell, and the loss can be despair for someone. I don't even understand! For you who have always lived in heaven and have only that perspective!

Strakles felt his body getting cold. Unlike the concerns I felt during the King's Council, the same certainty invades my mind as then. You can't win, you misjudged the size of your opponent. I wasn't a good opponent by weighing just what was on the battlefield.

"I'm the only one! There is enough to know the earth and grasp the heavens. It is none other than me who can unite the heavens and the earth and lift the history of men to higher order! Who else can look over besides me!? Poor, muddy, inhumans who are bursting with insects at the bottom of the earth. You've even looked me in the eye!

A void that swallows everything. There was a small light at its end. That's still a small thing, something that's going to disappear now. Blink and the glowing light may disappear. But it was definitely there. Eat strakless heat, little by little, like a cow's walk. That grows.

"What, you pigsty! You're too arrogant, kid! Born in abundant Lucitania, with some difficulty in the exotic world, the subsequent birth is a story grass in our country. The view of the lad is no different than that of a straw. You who live in glory don't beat the crap out of William Lewis! Same as us."

"I've never been to Lucitania."

"What, then?

In the midst of a fierce offense, William speaks in a voice that can only be heard by Strakless.

"I was born in Arcadia and was born a slave to Arcas. I don't know my father's face or my mother's. Moldy bread and mud water, that's the world I've lived in."

William's sword increases sharpness. My whole body plays an unpleasant sound. I'm screaming that it's the limit.

"I was deprived of the only love I had, and I fell for Shura. Used others, wisdom, strength. When I stockpiled enough, I abandoned my existence. Eat your name, eat your blood, sin, forsake your love, here I am! You know what I mean? You can't possibly understand! I'm the only one who understands! There's a world I can only see! Heaven and earth together, my point of view is the best!

Ernst smiles on Strakless's head. I decided I would definitely protect it. I've never failed to do what I've decided. I've never been in a battlefield before. Next time, it was bound to come true. Because I am an absolute man, and I stand on the peak of black steel.

I'm a giant star.

"You and your loved ones seem like a lot of other people to me. A bunch of sheep I lead, that's part of it. You're a little bit of a big sheep, nothing special. I lead the herd in a better direction. I don't discriminate. Even love, if you get in the way of the road, slash and throw away. So die, a distortion that beguiles the flock and creates a temporal rule. Here, disappear!

A screaming body. Seek further acceleration without hesitation. To advance to your purpose. The pain taken away, the pain taken away, the sorrow, the hatred, the despair take everything and take the last step. The ground can be decided. Blood bleeds from the back of my leg. My ankle screams.

"I'll protect you!

Strakles also entrusted everything to the last blow again. A blow that hung everything a giant star had.

"It's too late"

William lifted his stepping stone. And half-step, retreat. Struckles' blow touched him in the middle of that work. Armor crushed like thin skin, flesh exploded, blood danced, bones glistened. But that's not fatal.

Fatal Step A piece of paper ahead of you. Let me kill the meat.

"Because this was not the best place for you."

Exhaust bones.

Soon the sword that had been laid out was brilliant. Ahead of perfection, the counter's abode, which even took advantage of the opponent's stepping in, cut thick black gold like butter. A blow that cuts off meat, bones, and lives. The beautiful sword flashes were a combination of pungent sharpness.

"Even monsters like you, if you greed, will die if you don't take the best. Just figured that out. This place was worth it. Thank you, giant strakless"

William laid down his sword in a beautiful work.

Strakles falls and falls with the bloodshed.


William turned his back on the monster's wreckage, wearing a cloak that turned out to be broken. No enemies or allies have been able to grasp the situation yet. Only William walks with certainty in response to the special attack. The walk is that of the king.

William picked up the bow loosely. In silence,

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

The last penetration was made by a monster with his fangs scattered through his organs.

"Right. You're not that cheap. The guy who loves you... I know."

William looked back as if he knew, slamming the bow and arrow into his brain. My distance, just a few centimeters. A few centimeters divided life and death. It seems thin and its walls are very thick.

"Ah, ah, uh, Ernst, Waj, ha"


William furthermore released an arrow nearby. With all due respect.

"O great hero Strakles. I'll take care of the times ahead."

Now it's blood. The monster sank. Neither Pickle moves. Seeing it, both factions perceive.

A scream, a cheer, despair, a drink boiled down. The Arcadia soldiers learned here what it meant to take away the absolute and spiritual pillars that were one of the aims of this one-strike. Everyone kneels in despair. I can't raise my voice of condemnation to a settlement that I can't complain about.

Nova won on the mound of a giant star. Times have changed.

"Congratulations. It was a brilliant victory. Now, before you fall, what do you want?

"... invade as much as you can. That hand over there, it reaches out, before -"

Shrevia and Gregor supported him as he ran in, not Jan, who was right in front of William, who would fall in. Cold body you know the moment you touch it. A body that was hurt so much that there was no such thing as not injured. It's not strange when you die.

Gustav, the general of this battle wants further aggression.

"Yes, I'm going to ram you."

"William, leave you to the others. Attack you too. This is an order."

The stopped battlefield moves out one by one. Both factions that lost pillars. There was a big opening in the way I lost it. Either way, Mount Tennoyama has come to an end. All that remains after this is unilateral ravages on the winning side.

"I've got a good doctor for you. Not me, William. It's okay, the stars have just risen. Come on, I'll leave the command to you, Mr. Angelum. Let's get to work, too."

Jan caressed and lifted William's head. Sleeping faces are really similar.

"Beautiful victory. A new era is coming."

Battlefield set in motion. It is a move ahead of the end, for the future.